Becoming Smarter

What are the best ways for developing higher intellect and making sure that your brain is used to it’s potential? Sometimes I think my parents minds are deteriorating with age and it makes me sad and scared.

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  1. 6 months ago

    Lion's Mane

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        what is it used for?

        • 6 months ago

          it's a (dangerous) nootropic. Cognition booster.

          • 6 months ago

            That's just histrionic redditors. It's a fricking mushroom.

    • 6 months ago

      Never do this. It gave me peripheral neuropathy, permanently.

      • 6 months ago

        how high was your dose?

        • 6 months ago

          2 capsules per day as recommended on the packaging, 5g of Host Defense brand.

          • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        2 capsules per day as recommended on the packaging, 5g of Host Defense brand.

        Cool a supplement that actually does something

  2. 6 months ago

    you need to sleep well

    • 6 months ago

      >Cigar/pipe and coffee
      >Fish oil
      >Beet juice
      >Blue berries
      >tons of water
      >Reading 15 pages of a philosophy/political and-or economic philosophy/ or religious text a day.
      >Doing math, real math, not just sudoko puzzles, though that can substitute sudoko if you don't have time to do math.
      >Playing chess or go.

      yeah and
      >sleep 7-10 hours a night based on how much work you did during the day

  3. 6 months ago

    >Cigar/pipe and coffee
    >Fish oil
    >Beet juice
    >Blue berries
    >tons of water
    >Reading 15 pages of a philosophy/political and-or economic philosophy/ or religious text a day.
    >Doing math, real math, not just sudoko puzzles, though that can substitute sudoko if you don't have time to do math.
    >Playing chess or go.

  4. 6 months ago

    Unironically be more social, you'd be surprised at how dull you get when you're isolated

    • 6 months ago

      True, but who you interact with too matters. Spending time around druggies and drifters will do you no good. Academics and ambitious people are the ones you need

  5. 6 months ago

    Reading books and doing new things.
    Like learning chess to a level above novice.
    Learning about aome topic, like bookkeeping and trying it.
    Even learning to juggle etc.

    All are genuine methods, you just need to do.

  6. 6 months ago

    pic related
    find a local or online doctor that prescribes peptides, get them for chronic brain fog, reconsitite, nasal spray

    • 6 months ago

      Holy Shit

    • 6 months ago

      interesting pic I'll check those nootropics out

      Fixing my diet and then supplementing with all the conditionally essential nutrients helped me a lot with alcoholic brain fog.

      conditionally essential nutrients:
      alpha lipoic acid
      nucleotides, NMN
      NAD / NADH
      phosphatidyl serine

      Essential fats: Eggs, Fish Oil, Flax seed oil
      Omega 3: ALA, DHA, EPA
      Omega 6: LA, AA

      Thiamine (b1), big problem for alcoholics:
      pork, vegetables
      3 synthetic formulations (one or other often doesn't work for people): benfotiamine, thiamine mononitrate, thiamine hydrochloride

      • 6 months ago

        >seed oil
        doubt it

        • 6 months ago

          Look at the constituent molecules

    • 6 months ago

      Is this the cure for Black person?

    • 6 months ago

      Holy Shit

      interesting pic I'll check those nootropics out

      Fixing my diet and then supplementing with all the conditionally essential nutrients helped me a lot with alcoholic brain fog.

      conditionally essential nutrients:
      alpha lipoic acid
      nucleotides, NMN
      NAD / NADH
      phosphatidyl serine

      Essential fats: Eggs, Fish Oil, Flax seed oil
      Omega 3: ALA, DHA, EPA
      Omega 6: LA, AA

      Thiamine (b1), big problem for alcoholics:
      pork, vegetables
      3 synthetic formulations (one or other often doesn't work for people): benfotiamine, thiamine mononitrate, thiamine hydrochloride

      Is this the cure for Black person?

      You probably shouldn't stack the GH secretagogues and BPC 157 with Dihexa since theres a cancer risk with Dihexa according to the person who created it, and if you get cancer then all those drugs are going to speed up its growth
      Although if you do decide to take Dihexa and stack it with those, you should take it with some of these drugs so you dont get cancer:

      Another drug you should look into that wasn't mentioned in that post is GDF11

      • 6 months ago

        Also forgot to mention Fenbendazole for curing cancer

        Skip to 1:34 to hear about it

      • 6 months ago

        Post an archive of that thread, reddit sucks ass

    • 6 months ago

      As someone who's been biohacking for years, this is legit as frick

  7. 6 months ago

    It's a meme. You should realize that everything in life is just utilizing and regurgitating information. You don't actually need to increase your intelligence, you need to increase your knowledge. Everyone is a fraud. No one is walking around with IQ badges, they just bullshit. You assume certain people are intelligent due to their profession. If you read a book on a subject, you can appear intelligent to normies who don't know anything about the subject easily, if you read a more advanced book, you can mystify the entery level at the subject. Just study. If you have difficulty understanding, get an easier book, go on youtube, ask here, reddit etc. Consider this, if you were a total moron with a photographic memory, you could pass almost any exam out there.

    • 6 months ago

      >kim peek pls go

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah I always had a good memory and remember most things I read so people always thought I was smart, but I'm not. I'm kind of an idiot, I can't even drive

    • 6 months ago

      That's not strictly useful, but you do have an element of intelligence in your post: the impression you have on others can be quite useful in advancing your social status, which is one path towards general resource acquisition. However, there are other things to consider. I'd tell you, but I'm sure you know, and frankly I don't need toasterbrains to try copying useful strategies.

  8. 6 months ago

    participating in a cambodian preening electronic mail delivery board

  9. 6 months ago

    Schopenhauer believed decline in physical abilities leads to decline mentally.

  10. 6 months ago

    Magnesium Supplementation. Take Magnesium Taurate 120 mg and Magnesum Glycinate 140 mg every night.
    In one study, subjects supplemented with magnesium increased memory quotient (using some type of memory test) from ~60 to ~80, whereas control group stayed the same. Not only this, there's A LOT (like A LOT) of research on how increased CSF magnesium levels give you much much better cognition, not only memory, but improves mood, and reduces mental illnesses (like ADHD, schizophrenia, alzheimers, dementia etc.), reduces addiction etc. Overall way better mental performance. Best thing you can do for your brain is take magnesium supplementation.

    • 6 months ago

      Most people are chronically deficient in magnesium; it's a simple solution to a systemic problem few people are aware of.

      An addendum: I suggest consuming plenty more "non-essential" amino acids from diverse whole foods sources as a general boost to protein and neurotransmitter synthesis. Plenty of nutritional science is dubious at best, and many recommendations are made based on what lobby has predominant influence at the time.

  11. 6 months ago

    If you dont want meme answers like the ones posted in this thread, here are some good ones:
    -Cerebrolysin (ampoules sold for injection but you can take it intranasally, there was a guide on redd*t that told you what to mix it with to prevent bacteria growing in it after you refrigerate it)
    -Tak 653
    -LSD microdose

    Places you can buy these (minus LSD):
    Cosmicnootropic & RUPharma for cerebrolysin
    Peptide Sciences

    Redd*t is gay but theres lots of good reviews on there for these drugs and the sites I listed

    • 6 months ago

      Take semax from cosmicnootropic, 1% if you can afford it. Supplements, like says, are a complete meme and do very little by themselves

      pic related
      find a local or online doctor that prescribes peptides, get them for chronic brain fog, reconsitite, nasal spray

      dihexa will give you cancer. If that guy actually rose his IQ by 75 points he had to have started out borderline clinically moronic.

  12. 6 months ago


  13. 6 months ago

    Sleep, exercise, nutrition, possibly brain training (if only for confidence)

  14. 6 months ago


  15. 6 months ago

    Do maths. Simple as. College level maths are amazing. Proving things is a challenge and it's fun and entertaining.

  16. 6 months ago

    I was in advanced classes learning math and reading at a high level in elementary school during my formative years

    Sorry your parents didnt love you man. You are fricked now

    • 6 months ago

      Not OP
      I was tested with a 160 IQ. My parents are malignant narcissists that masterfully sabotaged my mental/emotional development. My mother doesn't eat right and didn't feed me right so I know that 160 would have been even higher.

      • 6 months ago

        My parents fed me toaster strudels, pop tarts and cinnamon buns for breakfast as a kid so I am 5'9'' and all my cousins are 6'2'' chads that played quarterback in highschool and modeled and shit. It is what it is man no point in living in the past. At least they gave me a good face to work with but I really feel I had chad tier genetics but zero guidance in becoming a Chad. My dad was a musician and never home and my mom was a Stacy/Karen that tried her best but was kinda dumb about shit like not feeding her kids goyslop.

      • 6 months ago

        I grew up on trash and still managed to come out with a halfway decent IQ. The genetic component is strong, given minimal direct influence from substances.

    • 6 months ago

      Reading at a high level in your SPED class is still below the dumbest person in normal classes bud

  17. 6 months ago

    I'm smart enough

  18. 6 months ago

    Sleep well
    Eat well
    Analyze information for deeper patterns
    Synthesize data to form new conclusions
    Strategy games
    Microdose mushrooms
    Practicing new skills (especially cognitively demanding ones like new, unrelated languages or fields of mathematics)
    >t. measured 151

  19. 6 months ago

    in order of effectiveness:

    learn something challenging, math/music/programming/new language
    fish oil

  20. 6 months ago

    Cardio. Really.

  21. 6 months ago

    I felt a drastic improvement, specially on memory, shedding weight and working my circulation up with cardio and blood vessels dilators

    It is not like "woke up today and my mind is a computer"

    But I find myself less confused, memory jumps instantly to my conscious mind when I am developing an argument and it helps me at work

    I did mushrooms in the past and microdosing. Mushrooms helped me to relive in HD mode episodes of my childhood that I had 0% clue that I had lived. Mushrooms gave me a flash that light up a whole sequence of events that revived those memories in my mind. Very special memories of my grandmother placing me to sleep and fixing my pillow under my head. Was very powerful to me remember that and I am very grateful to the mushroom for this

  22. 6 months ago

    Consume more meat and less grain

  23. 6 months ago

    my mom likes to play sudoku to keep her mind sharp

  24. 6 months ago

    >nicotine (snus or pouches, don't smoke)
    >backgammon everyday
    >pray everyday
    >read for a half hour everyday
    >don't be stressed

    • 6 months ago

      >vasoconstrictor to reduce blood flow to brain
      nice one

  25. 6 months ago

    Probably the best thing would be to live a stimulating life. Lots of variety, creativity etc.. Lots of social time too

  26. 6 months ago

    find daily challenges, mental, physical and social
    name the israelite and infuse yourself with vril
    fight for the race and our better future

  27. 6 months ago

    constantly challenge yourself to learn new and harder concepts.

  28. 6 months ago

    Smoke a pipe and contemplate, relax a lot, eat balanced diet, read books, play memory games, solve puzzles, take piracetam, sleep well, have social life/don't isolate yourself.

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