Been in a psych ward for just under a month Zero changes in diet or exercise but I got prescribed antipsychotics and antidepressants.

Been in a psych ward for just under a month Zero changes in diet or exercise but I got prescribed antipsychotics and antidepressants. I was in a psych ward for a month couldn't workout besides bodyweight exercises. I'm extremely depressed about this and don't want to take my meds but I got committed in the care of my parents and they force me to take them. I don't want to take anything. I'm watched like a hawk due to suicide attempts.

Can medication alone cause all this? As an example of what I eat I eat 1500 calories a day. Yesterday I didn't eat at all. I do 1 to 2 hours of cardio a day and lift every day. All I do is gain fat no matter what.

What the frick someone tell me what the frick to do besides blowing my fat brain out?

Bottom is before and top is now

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 8 months ago

    Americans are so weird. Throwing meds at every problem. You get some meds, you get some meds, you get some med, everyone gets some meds.

    • 8 months ago

      >just story being psychotic bro you can do it

  2. 8 months ago

    long ass torso having mother fricker

  3. 8 months ago

    >Bottom is before and top is now
    why would you do it that way round? no wonder you where in a psych ward...

    • 8 months ago

      long ass torso having mother fricker

      Americans are so weird. Throwing meds at every problem. You get some meds, you get some meds, you get some med, everyone gets some meds.

      Stfu and help

      • 8 months ago

        cut yourself deeper next time, you weak willed homosexual

    • 8 months ago


      Been in a psych ward for just under a month Zero changes in diet or exercise but I got prescribed antipsychotics and antidepressants. I was in a psych ward for a month couldn't workout besides bodyweight exercises. I'm extremely depressed about this and don't want to take my meds but I got committed in the care of my parents and they force me to take them. I don't want to take anything. I'm watched like a hawk due to suicide attempts.

      Can medication alone cause all this? As an example of what I eat I eat 1500 calories a day. Yesterday I didn't eat at all. I do 1 to 2 hours of cardio a day and lift every day. All I do is gain fat no matter what.

      What the frick someone tell me what the frick to do besides blowing my fat brain out?

      Bottom is before and top is now

      OP maybe, just maybe, you should possibly consider killing yourself? Think about it, itll solve all your problems

  4. 8 months ago

    Antipsychotics make you hungry, so you gain weight. On the plus side, you'll sleep a lot better because they also make you tired after you take them.

    I'm not a doctor, obviously. So listen to your doctor's advice etc and all that shit, but you might want to take the opportunity of if your appetite is increased by these drugs, to do a lot more weight training to gain muscle mass.

    If you actually have schizophrenia or something then I feel bad for you, but if this is a depressive episode, I feel bad for you still but at least its something you can get over, though it wont feel that way right now.

  5. 8 months ago

    you get released from a month in the psych ward and the first thing you do is log on to the vietnamese pencil sharpening board?

    Your parents doesn't need to waste all their money on pills when they could just take away your internet connection.

    • 8 months ago

      No, I’ve been in the psych ward for a almost a month
      Today is my gate pass I can use computers in the library for 30 min

  6. 8 months ago

    You need to get your thyroid checked out. Antipsychotics gave me hypothyroidism. If it did, you're probably on levothyroxine for life, but don't panic it costs me $20 every 90 days. The only issue I have is fasting for 4 hours after taking it because all my foods are dairy or meat.

    Also ask for metformin (aka glucophage) to counter the weight gain.

    Replace all PUFA rich fats with SFA rich fats. I cut all baked goods I eat 50/50 with food grade stearic acid. I also supplement iodine, selenium, and stearic acid. I eat raw organic eggs in my chokky milk shake every day.

    The hardest food to replace is dressing oils & mayo. I use sour cream instead, works well enough for a ranch dressing replacement.

    • 8 months ago

      Continued from

      Be aware that antipsychotics can increase suicidal ideation in young men and boys, and dramatically increase the odds of homicide. Pretty much every White mass shooter of the past 40 years was on antipsychotics or anti-depressants/anxiety-ants (?). If you feel like you're going to kill people, immediately stop using these drugs.

      Also you should address the underlying reason why you're suicidal. My advice is to get a couple trades at a community college or vocational school if you're worried about your prospects. Electrician/carpentry is solid, as is locksmithing.

      Tell me more about yourself so I can better improve your psychological fitness.

      • 8 months ago

        Continued from

        You need to get your thyroid checked out. Antipsychotics gave me hypothyroidism. If it did, you're probably on levothyroxine for life, but don't panic it costs me $20 every 90 days. The only issue I have is fasting for 4 hours after taking it because all my foods are dairy or meat.

        Also ask for metformin (aka glucophage) to counter the weight gain.

        Replace all PUFA rich fats with SFA rich fats. I cut all baked goods I eat 50/50 with food grade stearic acid. I also supplement iodine, selenium, and stearic acid. I eat raw organic eggs in my chokky milk shake every day.

        The hardest food to replace is dressing oils & mayo. I use sour cream instead, works well enough for a ranch dressing replacement.

        Fat gain and muscle loss in the psych ward is from inactivity and foods rich in PUFAs (Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acids, typically seed oils) and foods made largely of corn on which obesogenic pesticides/herbicides are sprayed. Your best choice is 1% or skim milk, beef, orange juice, and fruits.

        Much more important is working out.

        Do burpees for cardio and total body, planks for core, reverse table pose for posterior chain, hand leg lifts (gymnastics, very tough). Mountain climbers are good for legs, as are duck walks. Supermans for back. Push ups are goid.

        Drink water.

        • 8 months ago

          >Fat gain and muscle loss in the psych ward is from inactivity and foods rich in PUFAs (Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acids, typically seed oils) and foods made largely of corn on which obesogenic pesticides/herbicides are sprayed
          Or hes just eating more calories and not moving. ie, being stuck in a psych ward and eating hospital garbage

          • 8 months ago

            >Fat gain and muscle loss in the psych ward is from inactivity and foods rich in PUFAs (Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acids, typically seed oils) and foods made largely of corn on which obesogenic pesticides/herbicides are sprayed
            >Or hes just eating more calories and not moving. ie, being stuck in a psych ward and eating hospital garbage
            Yes, like I said:
            >foods rich in PUFAs ... on which obesogenic [chemicals] are sprayed.

            • 8 months ago

              Yeah no

  7. 8 months ago

    >You need to get your thyroid checked out. Antipsychotics gave me hypothyroidism. If it did, you're probably on levothyroxine for life, but don't panic it costs me $20 every 90 days. The only issue I have is fasting for 4 hours after taking it because all my foods are dairy or meat.
    >Also ask for metformin (aka glucophage) to counter the weight gain.
    >Replace all PUFA rich fats with SFA rich fats. I cut all baked goods I eat 50/50 with food grade stearic acid. I also supplement iodine, selenium, and stearic acid. I eat raw organic eggs in my chokky milk shake every day.
    >The hardest food to replace is dressing oils & mayo. I use sour cream instead, works well enough for a ranch dressing replacement.

    • 8 months ago

      Enjoy having all your industry outsourced to the USA, Eurogay.

  8. 8 months ago

    >Bottom is before and top is now
    Honestly fricking have a nice day just for this.
    How fricking moronic are you?
    Before. Then after. Is it that hard to get right?

  9. 8 months ago

    1st off sorry bro. Don't listen to the israelites trying to put you down. I was admitted as well to a psych ward for a month seven some odd years ago, not because of suicide though thats pretty cucked. How far apart are the pics? You'd be surprised how far a natty can go. Most natties can't look lean past a certain weight, that's why bulking is typically seen as a meme on this board that only roidies can do. It gets especially harder as you get older. Those wards are fricking hell. Do whatever you can to get out man, i know it can be hard to act like something you aren't, but the sooner you are out the sooner you can work on bettering yourself. You obviously don't feel like you belong in there. Honestly give up the Black person behavior like acting like you are hard and shit, it's just unwanted stress. Get out of the psych ward, get on ssi, and start working out hard. Find some hobbies to fill the time. Cut that medicine man, my mom also really wanted me to take it and I'll be honest i did for a bit until my weight shot up from 180 to 220 and had a pizza face, I was lucky and so are you, you know how good you can look man.

    • 8 months ago

      Been in a psych ward for just under a month Zero changes in diet or exercise but I got prescribed antipsychotics and antidepressants. I was in a psych ward for a month couldn't workout besides bodyweight exercises. I'm extremely depressed about this and don't want to take my meds but I got committed in the care of my parents and they force me to take them. I don't want to take anything. I'm watched like a hawk due to suicide attempts.

      Can medication alone cause all this? As an example of what I eat I eat 1500 calories a day. Yesterday I didn't eat at all. I do 1 to 2 hours of cardio a day and lift every day. All I do is gain fat no matter what.

      What the frick someone tell me what the frick to do besides blowing my fat brain out?

      Bottom is before and top is now

      Find a doctor that will try other meds other than the ones you're on, I was on seroquel and went from 86kg to 110kg it was fricked obviously I went off them and lost the weight but suffered mentally now I'm on neulactil, I sleep well, I don't have psychosis and I don't have excessive hunger.

      • 8 months ago

        Not OP but were you taking seroquel for sleep?
        I've been on it for years for insomnia (only take about 25-50mg) but I can't imagine not taking it, but yeah the appetite increase is hellish.

  10. 8 months ago

    Both antidepressants and antipsychotics can cause weight gain.

    Antidepressant-related weight gain is less common and primarily a result of increased appetite, if you count calories strictly then it should be relatively easy to control.

    Antipsychotic-induced weight gain is more problematic. It's a result of both increased appetite and changes to metabolism, particularly glucose metabolism. Calories in/calories out still holds true but you'll need to work significantly harder when it comes to diet and exercise than someone not on those meds. It's not just aesthetics either, antipsychotic-induced weight gain increases your risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.
    Its not all bad news though, some antipsychotics are much more strongly associated with weight gain than others. Talk to your treating team about this and see if you can be changed over to one of those alternatives. If not then it may be worth starting metformin, it can protect you from both weight gain and the risk of developing diabetes.

  11. 8 months ago

    homie you're flexing so hard to look ever so slightly muscular it looks like you're trying to hold a shit

  12. 8 months ago

    why are so many people here on meds and schizos/mentally ill? what the frick is wrong with you guys? just be normal. having a bad week/month is not the same as being suicidal, man up tards.

    • 8 months ago

      >why do so many people who attend concerts like music

    • 8 months ago

      Normies are literally brain dead. Can’t imagine an experience outside of their own

    • 8 months ago

      IST is for tards and autists, frick off normalgay

  13. 8 months ago

    >always thought psych wards are full of 13 year old emo girls
    >mfw met someone who works there
    >a lot of the patients are actually buildt like a brickwall and you need to employ equally huge men and pay them a lot of money in case one of the patients goes psychotic

    Guess the possible health benefits of lifting are only physical

  14. 8 months ago

    It sounds like you need a reset. my suggestion would be to act normal until they set you free. Once you get out; Get some money, start packing your shit and move far away somewhere less depressing. I guarantee you'll be happier, feel less controlled, and won't need synth drugs to keep you sane.

    If you don't believe that will work. Go get yourself some magic mushrooms and you'll find happiness for sure. They heal the trauma cells in your brain and make you come to realizations

  15. 8 months ago

    dumb thread with bad advice

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