Been suffering from anxiety and recently depression, would working out help me?

Been suffering from anxiety and recently depression, would working out help me? What exercise should I do at home and how long should I exercise for?

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  1. 10 months ago

    you should have sex, incel

    • 10 months ago

      Don't think that would help me

  2. 10 months ago

    depression isn't real and you'll realise that once you lift for a few months. Get on a 3 day full body for a few months before considering adding more days in. Just lift heavy bro

  3. 10 months ago

    >would working out help me?
    To some extent, yes
    What exercise should I do at home and how long should I exercise for?
    Choose an objective, if you're doing it as a chore you won't last, also grow up, nobody cares if you're sad or wathever, just do your thing like Khabib said

    • 10 months ago

      My objective is self improvement, I want to do exercises that will left me sweating and bearly able to move when I'm finished

      • 10 months ago

        you can achieve that with any exercise you cretin

        • 10 months ago

          I know, but I want to do exercises that will benefit my whole body without using any equipment (going to gym), I already tried squats and push ups but I need advice on what my exercise routine should look like

          • 10 months ago

            You should go to the gym. What you're trying to achieve requires effort and if you're not willing to make the minimum effort you don't deserve the results.

          • 10 months ago

            maybe going to the swimming pool would be good for you, it will get you tired and train to some extent your whole body

    • 10 months ago

      >Choose an objective, if you're doing it as a chore you won't last
      It's the opposite for me, i need it to be a core I have to because I am not a goal driven person. I do have fitness goals, but that's partly from making it into a chore. And there simple goals, like 'get my weight to here by end of month' or 'consistently do X pushups in a row'.

  4. 10 months ago

    you should find the reasons why you're feeling like that
    but yeah, also work out

  5. 10 months ago

    >would working out help me
    yes, also see a therapist if you can

    >What exercise should I do at home and how long should I exercise for
    pushups are a good start since you can do them anywhere. put two chairs back to back and try doing dips on them. if you can't, get stronger at pushups until you can do 10 diamond pushups without too much stress and you should be strong enough to do dips. you should also get a place to do rows. i won't go too far into detail since there's a million "places to do rows" articles online, but find something sturdy you can hang/lean under and do rows. get a doorframe pull-up bar when you get good at doing rows and start practicing those.

    something like:
    3x8 pushups, moving on to diamond pushups when regular pushups get too easy
    3x8 rows
    3x30s plank
    3x10 squat, find a pistol squat guide to progress towards that when you get good at squatting

    when you can do dips and pull-ups,
    3x8 dips
    3x8 pull-ups
    3x8 push-ups
    3x8 rows
    3x30s plank

    it's not perfect, but it should get you started and you want to ramp up to it over time (months) so you don't burn out after a couple weeks. good luck

    • 10 months ago

      When you say 3x8 pushups do you mean I should do 3 pushups take a brake and repeat 8 times?

      • 10 months ago

        3 sets
        8 reps

    • 10 months ago

      >see a therapist if you can
      and get him hooked on antidepressants ? genius idea

  6. 10 months ago

    Fix your sleep rhytm. Fix your diet. Exercise, but start slow so you dont burn yourself out. Stay away from alcohol and drugs, at least for a few weeks until you can pinpoint the cause of your depression.

    Get a blood panel done to check that you’re not deficient in any vitamins or minerals. Get your testosterone levels checked, if below 400ng/dl then your symptoms may be caused by low T.

    • 10 months ago

      >Get a blood panel done to check that you’re not deficient in any vitamins or minerals. Get your testosterone levels checked, if below 400ng/dl then your symptoms may be caused by low T.

      How the frick does every ISTizen except me have access to shit like this

      • 10 months ago

        dont worry to much about that.
        The meme of the IST incels is that mental illness isnt real and is magically fixed by taking some walmart supplement or doing "test boost" bullshit. Or advice like "idk bro, just stop being depressed. get a hobby or something lol"
        See a therapist and go to real gym with people.
        Staying home alone fricking around with cheap dumbbells isnt going to do much

        • 10 months ago

          not OP, unfortunately I live in bumfrick nowhere with no gym nearby so cheap dumbbells at home is the best I've got.
          It is what it is

  7. 10 months ago

    Frick a gym or a routine right now
    Buy some dumbbells, put them in your lounge room, do some curls every time you see them.
    Throw in pushups, crunches when you can.
    Pull up bar on your door frame eventually

    Once you do enough to see some slight gains, and feel endorphins from hitting a muscle hard, the motivation to go something proper will follow.

  8. 10 months ago

    get a job and some hobbies (that aren't videogames/IST)

    you're fricking bored and anxious and that mind of yours is getting obsessed with dumb shit ("am i too fat/skinny?")

  9. 10 months ago

    It will help temporarily (while you are working out and for a short time after) but it wont cure you. See a therapist.
    Try an actual gym instead of at home. Being out around people is much better for you.

  10. 10 months ago

    Yes, definitely.
    Start with whatever exercise you like and add more as you go on. But it should be something that leaves you feeling tired, you have to push yourself into some mild physical discomfort.
    Making a routine out of it is the important thing. Routine helps you on days when you wake up in a bad mood.
    You'll notice improvements within a few weeks.
    Read the sticky.

    • 10 months ago

      >on days when you wake up in a bad mood.
      what if that's every day doc

      • 10 months ago

        That's why you make it a routine. I have the same issue, i lift 6 days a week. You should take a rest day once a week, you can go for a long walk or do some low intensity exercise. I alternate between two different sets of exercises during the week, so i work different muscles on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays vs Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays. I do it first thing so I have to get it out of the way before doing anything else. I just drink water while I'm exercising. That also leaves me hungry and wanting some good food. Getting into a routine of eating/ drinking/ exercising well dramatically improved my general mood within months.

  11. 10 months ago

    workout until the bad thoughts go away.

    workout when the bad thoughts return. Repeat until there are better thoughts.

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