Being a improoooover didnt get me any bitches

Being a improoooover didnt get me any b***hes

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  1. 2 years ago

    Because you based your life around meaningless memes

    You try and do things but you gave up when you realized it's a lot of hard work and there is no special magic trick or meme to get around it

    Getting laid is not hard, and it's not even that great, don't let women have this sort of power over your life. There are higher goals to reach.

    • 2 years ago

      >There are higher goals to reach.
      Like what

      • 2 years ago

        Getting stronger

      • 2 years ago

        Not getting the definition of said goals from anons on IST lmao bro I know you’re baiting but if not, log off. For all the good this place does it fricks with young and impressionable minds just as much

      • 2 years ago

        >zoomers unironically don't have a single higher goal than women come to their minds
        It's over for this generation

        • 2 years ago

          To be fair I also had no goals on my mind besides getting b***hes but then I achieved it when I was 16 or 17 when you were supposed to

      • 2 years ago

        You are the one that defines that anon
        Take some responsibility and choose what matters most to you

  2. 2 years ago

    If you're improving to get b***hes, then you don't have the mindset of an improover, NGMI like that

  3. 2 years ago

    I'll post here what I posted in the other thread
    Most people on this board are too afraid to talk to them, period. The standards are way lower than you think it is, but so many people get stuck at a level 1 normie filter (saying hello) that they try to overcompensate by looksmaxxing and becoming semi-professional bodybuilders before even thinking of approaching a mildly attractive woman

    • 2 years ago

      delete this

    • 2 years ago

      This is me how do I snap out of it

      • 2 years ago

        Social skills are like a muscle. Train them often and don't be afraid to fail. Remember
        >most people are nice or at the very least polite
        >nobody outside of close friends or family thinks about you very often so you won't be remembered as a fool by a complete stranger
        >most of the awkwardness of being in the presence of a girl who rejected you is all in your head, so don't be afraid to ask

    • 2 years ago

      >Most people on this board are too afraid to talk to them, period. The standards are way lower than you think it is, but so many people get stuck at a level 1 normie filter (saying hello) that they try to overcompensate by looksmaxxing and becoming semi-professional bodybuilders before even thinking of approaching a mildly attractive woman
      The words that destroyed IST

    • 2 years ago

      Building self confidence through exercise is all part of the journey.

      • 2 years ago

        Most people on this board never actually build self confidence. They just exercise and continue to be reclusive

        • 2 years ago

          The order of mastery is
          People can get through most of life without mastery of any but they haven't lived at all because their thoughts all came from somewhere else and were planted in them.
          IST is actually different from the rest of the population because it is overwhelmingly a bunch of anime and video game nerds who looked in the mirror, didn't like what they saw, and then decided to change it.
          Most peoplw really don't live their lives like that for even a moment.


          This post is wrong. I grew up in a wealthy community where everyone was a high achiever in high school who went on to high ranked universities and got high paying jobs. Most of them aren't active thinkers facing deep internal struggles, they are simply born of a higher caste and mimic the behaviors of those around them in that higher caste. While it is right that normies don't really exist, the reason the average person isn't paralyzed/mentally tortured as much as people on IST are is because most literally don't think about their actions at all.

          • 2 years ago

            Have you ever read Ouspensky? He (well, Gurdjieff, but he's basically writing down Gurdjieff's schizo ramblings) claimed that the ascetics of old focused on one of these - fakir, monk and yogi respectively - but one should strive to do all three simultaneously and unlock a fourth, deeper, mastery of life.

            >Most of them aren't active thinkers facing deep internal struggles, they are simply born of a higher caste and mimic the behaviors of those around them in that higher caste.
            Even they push themselves to get into good schools, get degrees and then climb the corporate ladder. What they will find or how consciously they want this is another question, but they are still certainly driven.

            • 2 years ago

              >Have you ever read Ouspensky? He (well, Gurdjieff, but he's basically writing down Gurdjieff's schizo ramblings) claimed that the ascetics of old focused on one of these - fakir, monk and yogi respectively - but one should strive to do all three simultaneously and unlock a fourth, deeper, mastery of life.
              No and I haven't heard of this. I would be interested in hearing what fakir, monk, and yogi are though.
              >Even they push themselves to get into good schools, get degrees and then climb the corporate ladder. What they will find or how consciously they want this is another question, but they are still certainly driven.
              You are thinking that because they study, or manicure a resume, or anything else that they must be driven, but they do things like this as naturally as they learned to walk or learned that crying for their mom brings them food. Some of them were driven certainly, but most are just copying a rubric they adapted from the society around them.
              I have met people who on paper seemed like they would be another Elon Musk, but then when they went off to make a startup their startup idea was so ridiculously inhuman that you would think skynet was actually running it. The startup failed shortly afterwards.
              The elite of society are so painfully average that dealing with them, when you are an actual thinking/present individual you are left wondering how anything has been maintained up to this point.

              • 2 years ago

                >I would be interested in hearing what fakir, monk, and yogi are though.
                A fakir is a Sufi ascetic who strives to make his own life as physically punishing as possible and lives only on charity.
                A monk is the Christian kind, who lives in a monastery and dedicates himself to studying theology and understanding the word of God
                A yogi is someone who practices yoga, which here is a little more broad than than the white woman's understanding, but rather seeks to detach oneself from consciousness and the things that enter one's mind

                I agree on elite stupidity. I like to bully those people on my frog account on twitter, but I think part of what drew me to the politics I subscribe to is the envy that these people, and not people like me, have become the elite, and have closed the door to me. And that naturally I would do a better job of running the show than them. But I will admit that the people raised in that kind of society have been, consciously or unconsciously, trained to climb the totem pole and amass as much wealth/power/prestige as they are able to. Similar to a noble a thousand years ago who would have learned to fight from an early age, they've grown up in the communities that groom them for this kind of position.

  4. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      didnt read

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Very true. The guy you're replying to mentions 7 foot basketball players, but even they work insanely hard. There are plenty of guys who can jump as high as Michael Jordan if not higher, but not all of them are anywhere near as good as him. What made him the best was his insane drive

      • 2 years ago

        Based and true, these people fantasize about chad's wiener all day and want to get plastic surgery or some shit. Eternally online, they don't exist irl

    • 2 years ago

      What so you mean success depends on luck?
      No shit gayott. But people understand luck the wrong way.
      Luck is when opportunity meets preparation.
      That’s how you get successful in life

  5. 2 years ago

    Why are early 20s men obsessed their age? It's so immature

  6. 2 years ago

    motivation leads to disciplin.
    discipline does not beat motivation

    >takes cold showers sometimes
    wow... tough shit over there...inspirational

    >wondering about porn use...
    welcome to the wolrd of the weakminded

    actually 1/10 meme, WouldN#t reply again

  7. 2 years ago

    Do you remember how in the first Harry Pooter that the bad guy couldn't get the Stone because he wanted to use it for himself, but the mirror gave it to Pooter because he didn't want it for such reasons? Many things in life are like this, especially women. When you stop giving a damn about women, you'll find they start chasing you.

  8. 2 years ago

    Because OP you aren't entitled to anything. School teaches kids that if they work hard for any exam (maybe with math and science and english exceptions for some people) they are entitled to a high grade. "I worked hard, I did as you said, thanks for my A", you can't translate to "I worked hard, I paid attention to what you said and the advice for men, where's my pussy?" or don't you dare not give me a job. Real life doesn't work like that whether for employment, girls or social life. If you overdo "improoove"ing you will lose your general humanity and become an autist. You have to strike a balance. In the end you can't force people to do anything, you need to work hard and also a special something and maybe a bit of luck to see some good results.

  9. 2 years ago

    You are simply not aesthetic enough. I am insufferable to women, any woman that talks to me for more than a week hates me. However, this has not stopped me from having one night stands and such. People who say stuff like “women don’t care about muscles” or whatever simply haven’t gotten big/beautiful enough.

  10. 2 years ago

    >worshiping dead homosexual larp journals

  11. 2 years ago

    From the first time I've smoked pot I realized that chillin' is the most important. Therefore I've started three things which are all I need:
    -Sitting meditation with my eyes closed
    -Mindful breathing throughout the day
    -focusing on nothingness (keeping a thought-free mind for as long as I can

    Also, once I smoked with a little bit of a tolerance I realized I was always half stoned when I was a kid.

  12. 2 years ago

    I feel 10 x better if I lift and be productive. If i stay at home watching anime i just want to kill myself.

  13. 2 years ago

    Did you know that improving yourself and becoming a better version of yourself is actually bad?

    • 2 years ago

      based frowning friend

  14. 2 years ago

    What do you rate yourself out of 10? You might have a bad facial bone structure.

  15. 2 years ago

    You need to be more social and stop choking up when a gym girl tries to initiate conversation with you. Yea I’m projecting

  16. 2 years ago

    >doesn't improve his social skills
    Ergo not an improver

  17. 2 years ago

    >lifting for b***hes

  18. 2 years ago

    Go back to playing Vidya and hacking off all day then

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