Being sabotaged at home while getting?

Well bros, I got black pilled about my relatives, I just realized that they don't like me being /fit.

I noticed this a while ago but somehow I guess I was ignoring the truth just to cope with reality.

I started my /fit life some years ago, I noticed that when they saw me eating healthier they would buy soda and junk food and they would insist on me trying to have a snack. They would buy butter or chocolate snacks and put it on purpose in places on the kitchen for me to see them and eat them.

When I was about to go to the gym and go out to do cardio they would say that the weather was too cold or too hot, that the sunlights could hurt my skin.

I was uncounsiously reject this kind a behaviour, but a week ago when my sister saw that had bought clothes two sizes smaller, I could notice that her face was not that of a happy person glad because I was progressing on my goals, she was envious as f*ck. Her face made me realize all these years I was sabotaged by my own family.

Anyway, just wanted to throw this out here and see if something similar has happened to any of you, and how did you coped with that? Honestly I thought that if someone was to be happy for you when you progress at something it should be your family first but I've seen that is not the case for me.

Keep lifting and keep your gains up bros, we're gonna make it!

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  1. 1 year ago

    You love your parents as a kid but when you become an adult you realize how awful they are.
    They want to control you, they want you to be miserable like them.
    Few parents actually care about the success and we'll being of their adult children.

    • 1 year ago

      >You love your parents as a kid but when you become an adult you realize how awful they are.
      >They want to control you, they want you to be miserable like them.
      >Few parents actually care about the success and we'll being of their adult children.
      lmao don't project your experiences on everyone else

      • 1 year ago

        He aint alone. Worst part is i thought they did a good job. Then i thought they did the best they could. Now i realize they treated me like a burden the whole time and basically just fed and clothed me. With processed garbage and rags. And I'm fricking grateful for that lmfao.
        My kids play their sports in real cleats and eat actual steaks before they turned 20 and bought it themselves. AND i fricking love them and show it

    • 1 year ago

      opposite for me actually,as a kid I hated exercise,because I had bad asthma back then,then my father forced me into track and field in my first year of high school,once I realized I had gotten rid of it,I got addicted to exercise from that point onwards,still not as strong as my father in his prime though(he could overhead press 225 lbs and squat 600 lbs when he was my age and has friends who can back up his statements,they used to call him Rambo back then) but one day I will be.

    • 1 year ago

      That was the toughest pill to swallow. My dad is a total idiot. Guys with functional parents are the most entitled people ever too. They literally do not understand what it's like, as if it's a blank in their brain.

      It hurt me spiritually too because all the major religions place this supreme power on your parents yet I just have no experience of them actually coming through on their end of the deal.
      >"obey your father!"
      >okay he tried to scam me and wanted me to take out a loan for him to waste
      >"uhhh... you have to forgive them!"
      >fricking what?
      >"that's satan speaking through you!"

    • 1 year ago

      I don't think it is out of spite of my progress cause my mother will compliment me saying I look great. But she always tries to feed me a bunch of food when I visit her. And my brother that had lost a bunch of weight she would say he is too thin all the time and I would tell her no he is at a good weight.

      My parents wanted whats best for me. They were just mentally ill, too old and angry but they tried, I was gonna say their best but thats not true. I wasn't beaten too often or molested so it could have been worse.

  2. 1 year ago

    many such cases

  3. 1 year ago

    Not really fitness related, but I told my dad that I'm studying for my exams to start working into IT. He suggested I don't do that and insist that I just stick with what I know (retail). Don't listen to your parents.

    • 1 year ago

      Your dad is right in this case. At least choose a profession that won't get taken over by AI before you even manage to find a job.

      • 1 year ago

        So will retail tho. The future is Black person rigging machines.
        Dont laugh you know I'm right.

      • 1 year ago

        don't kid yourself—everything is getting taken over by AI. Tradies aren't safe either because the labor market will flood worse than at any other time in history, and all wages will crater.

        Only people who already own assets will survive, maybe. The rest will become brain slaves. Maybe everyone will just become brain slaves—that's a possibility, too.

      • 1 year ago

        What's ai doing to the IT role? Genuine question as someone looking to work on the Google it intro cert > to A+ > to Sec+ in the next 6 months or so

        • 1 year ago

          Just for reference I do fully know.i should just nut up on sec+ alone and skip everything else (shrug)

  4. 1 year ago

    People don't like reminders of their own weaknesses. Easier to drag you down instead. This is where you utilize spite to keep becoming sexy

  5. 1 year ago

    AI and it's consequences has been a disaster for online discourse

    • 1 year ago

      >AI and it's consequences has been a disaster for online discourse
      This isn't necessarily a negative. I can't wait until video evidence is inadmissible in court.

      • 1 year ago

        yeah you and everyone on the epstein tapes

  6. 1 year ago

    I worked with a bunch of fat women and had packed on about 50 lbs during covid. Buckled down on keto and was losing like crazy, these b***hes would literally shove donuts in my face. Are you suuuure you dont want one. Miserable people cant stand to see anyone succeed, but pay attention to the ones that support you

  7. 1 year ago

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