Bench stuck at almost 2 pl8

I'm 5'11 90kg. I’ve been trying to break 100kgx5 for a month now and it wont move no matter what I do. I’m eating 3000-3500 kcal everyday with 155g of Protein and 185g on training days. I’m doing 3x5 bench on Monday and Friday and 3x12-9 on Wednesday. I do 3x5 OHP for shoulders and dips for Triceps.
I don’t know where I’m lacking. It can’t be the eating part because I keep getting fatter without anything improving. I got over my last plateau at 90kg when I started to include the 3x12-9 bench so my guess would be that I’m probably missing something in my routine again.
Please help me out this is incredible frustrating to me since I’m refusing to start my cut before I conquered 2pl8 and it keeps dragging on

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  1. 4 months ago

    you absolute fricking fat moron. i benched 2pl8 for 8 at 64kg eating 2000kcal a day.

    just do 4x10 once a week fricking idiot. its genuinely unbelievable how bad routines morons have and how fat they are and how terrible lifts they have. its like every fricking possible variable is completely backwards.

    • 4 months ago

      >eating 2000kcal a day
      how big of a calorie surplus was that?

    • 4 months ago

      >I was born with the muscle mass and shoulder geometry to bench 2pl8
      >why can't everybody else do it?
      4x10 once a week does literally fricking nothing.

  2. 4 months ago

    do you really need to bench 3 times a week? how do you even recover in time? are you just training while sore?

    • 4 months ago

      I'm not sore at all. I used to bench only 2 times a week but I weren't progressing doing it like that as well. Lifting 3 times is what got me out of the first plateau

      • 4 months ago

        I bench one day a week, doing incline for 4 sets of 8-10, then bench 4 sets of 10 usually around 200 for each set. Then one extra day a month I push myself for a one rep max. I weigh less than you and benched 235 easily today.

        • 4 months ago

          So you
          >Go to failure consistently
          >Eat right
          >Train consistently
          Either you're lying about something or you have trash genetics idk dude maybe take a few days off benching and rest up

          I guess I must be overtraining then. I'm going to bench only 2 times a week from now on, heavy only 1 time

          Take a week off by deloading. You're hammering bench 3x a week while also doing ohp and dips. Depending on how long you've done this you may have accrued some long term fatigue. On the deload do your last warmup as your working weight, it's less about training and more about rest.

          deload on ohp and dips as well?

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah, deload on those too. Feels counterintuitive, but you’ll also become stronger training with one or two reps left in the tank. Deload to 90kg or 92,5kg and work your way back up. Let it be easy the first week(s).

          • 4 months ago

            -Original guy that said to deload
            Deload on everything and make it only for that week, you can go back to your regular intensity after that and you don't need to scale back volume, just hit a deload week every 5-8 weeks and you can keep training fairly intensely.
            Just remember a deload week is about rest. If you're hitting failure now, on your deload week make sure you're at least like 4-5 reps away from failure, nothing should feel remotely difficult.

    • 4 months ago

      If you bench three times a week you need different levels of intensity to manage fatigue, %of 1rm not HIT crap. You would have a light, medium, and heavy day basically. It's a good way to get good at benching from a technical aspect not just strength. When you can lay down and knock out good form heavy reps without much thought, that alone helps

  3. 4 months ago

    Just go to failure each set and rest more, you probably train like a pussy

    • 4 months ago

      This. I've gone to the gym with three of my friends and literally none of them go to failure. I don't understand why they're like this. They just decide on a random ass number and then stop there.

      • 4 months ago

        Just go to failure each set and rest more, you probably train like a pussy

        not trying to bicker with you but I really already do that. Just today I had to do roll of shame twice with 98kg.

        • 4 months ago

          So you
          >Go to failure consistently
          >Eat right
          >Train consistently
          Either you're lying about something or you have trash genetics idk dude maybe take a few days off benching and rest up

      • 4 months ago

        Going to failure on bench when you're alone and there's no safeties isn't generally a great idea, anon.

        • 4 months ago

          >here's no safeties
          Kind of on him for not having some safety mechanism if he's lifting alone.

        • 4 months ago

          Just don't put clips on the bar, moron. It's perfectly safe and controllable to dump to one side with babby weights like these.

      • 4 months ago

        Dropsets are the way to go while pushing near your max enough so resting 3 minutes each set actually gives you another 2 reps. What are we doing fricking push-ups for cardio?

  4. 4 months ago

    Take a week off by deloading. You're hammering bench 3x a week while also doing ohp and dips. Depending on how long you've done this you may have accrued some long term fatigue. On the deload do your last warmup as your working weight, it's less about training and more about rest.

  5. 4 months ago

    is that you jason?

  6. 4 months ago

    You're the one getting conquered by 2 plates if you keep bulking.

  7. 4 months ago

    >155g of Protein and 185g on training days
    You should eat 185g every day otherwise your rest days are being under-utilised.

  8. 4 months ago

    Bump it up to 4000kcal for a month
    Sleep more
    Bench only twice a week

  9. 4 months ago

    how are you eating 3000+ calories a day and only getting 155-185g of protein?

    • 4 months ago

      I'm chugging a shit load of Mass Gainer

      • 4 months ago

        >Mass Gainer

      • 4 months ago

        What are you even eating all day? Replace the mass gainer with a shake consisting of 600ml low fat milk and 80g of peanut butter with a scoop of weigh
        That's over 800kcal and some 80g of protein and it doesn't come with heavy metals from China and other carcinogens

  10. 4 months ago

    Finally someone who is like me
    (Not stuck tho).
    Bro, my bench went up when i let it go for a week and instead did heavy compounds. Then returned to max bench in 2 weeks 1.week I did just sort of warmup, i.e. 12 reps 3 sets of 70kg
    And next week i did max, meaning few warmup reps with 40kg then threw 70 for max 3 reps then i do the thing that in my head grows strength - after doing 70 which still takes no effort as i am healed and do so few reps, i add 80 and do 4 reps, rest solid 2 minutes even if you feel fine, then 100 and do 5 reps, rest (and since this is your limit) 105 and try doing 4 reps, rest 110 1 rep. Repeat 1rep 110. Then thats it. Dont do finishers with lower weight, if strength is your goal.

    Summary - add reps as you add weight, rest heavily, hit old max, reduce reps as you rise weight a bit, dont lower weight and finish exercise when you feel like it

    • 4 months ago

      sounds like a solid plan I'll give it a plan. Are you still benching only 1 time a week? Also are you doing the deload part every other week or only once progress stops?

      • 4 months ago

        I'll give it a try I meant

      • 4 months ago

        Try it what works 4 u.
        My idea is to let body heal. So technically Id do this when i stop progressing. Which will be very soon after you get over 2pl8.
        I try to rest as efficiently as possible. Usually fsilure is due to overstrsined nerves or ligaments or just lack of e.g. oxygen.
        I have my whole workout built around 5 week cycles going harder and harder and harder and week 5 i do almost nothing. Just 2 days light cardio on 5th week or alike.

        It works well since you kind of do effort, have a breather, enjoy life and return well rested and excited and you dont lose strength durinf jus 1 week "rest"

        • 4 months ago

          -Original guy that said to deload
          Deload on everything and make it only for that week, you can go back to your regular intensity after that and you don't need to scale back volume, just hit a deload week every 5-8 weeks and you can keep training fairly intensely.
          Just remember a deload week is about rest. If you're hitting failure now, on your deload week make sure you're at least like 4-5 reps away from failure, nothing should feel remotely difficult.

          thanks a lot this will be the first time I'm trying deload.

        • 4 months ago

          Based. This anon knows. For me deload week is nice because it’s a break from training, and once I restart I’ll have a fresh healed body, and a healthy desire to get some good pumps in since I was abstaining for that week.

          • 4 months ago

            He's trying to buy time between his 2nd time this workout hitting some barbell lift and his intraworkout beer is starting to hit.

            Yeah I hopped on the cup of vodka and 6pack of beer program just like him, my progress has been steady ever since.

  11. 4 months ago

    Dude you look so fkn bulky compared to me. Im 60 and 90 kilos.

  12. 4 months ago

    im stuck at 4x reps on 225 lol. the barbell doesnt even touch my chest kek

  13. 4 months ago

    >tfw I'm at 120kgx5 bench with 78kg BW it only took 3 years of lifting
    Either way train dumbbell Bench and Incline bench anon. You need accessory movements to assist the lift.
    Fix your form too and hurry up and cut.

  14. 4 months ago

    >training to failure
    >training chest 3x a week
    >never sore
    If you can train chest 3x a week, you train like a pussy. If you aren’t sore after your first day of chest, you are training like a pussy

  15. 4 months ago

    >bench 3 times a week

    thats you're problem. get a better routine. should be twice a week.

  16. 4 months ago

    Time to switch to a big boy routine. 225x3x5 is not beginner weight for bench.

    Try some intermediate routines that incorporate periodization. For example, 5/3/1 or nsuns

  17. 4 months ago

    Eat more protein. Maybe deload and lower volume/frequency and slowly ramp it back up gradually bit by bit, you should be cycling your volume. More volume is better up to a point where you can't recover properly, if you stall out in high volume, deload and go back to low volume and work your way back up, rinse and repeat

  18. 4 months ago

    follow boring but big for chest. thats
    >5 reps, 3 reps, 1 rep, increasing in weight each time until the last set is almost your max
    >follow by 5 sets of 10
    thats 8 sets of benchpress. it may not be exciting but it will grow your chest and bench, and you only need to do it once or twice a week. using that routine I was able to bench 2pl8 as a 140lbs eighteen year old. y years on and I can do 2pl8 for reps and I think this year I might hit 3pl8 just following that.
    >you had four years to train thats shit
    covid plus alcoholism at college. my bench stayed at 80kg for almost two years due to lack of consistency. but after I graduated, cleaned up and started doing BBB consistency I was beating prs again within 3 months.

    • 4 months ago

      Thanks for explaining it so well. Are you eating at maintanance? Also how long do you rest between sets?

  19. 4 months ago

    imagine not knowing how to bench lmao2pl8 for multiple reps and sets in the first year of training at a low body weight lol

  20. 4 months ago

    You are overtraining, take one full rest week not lifting at all and try again, you will be amazed

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