besides losing fat and mewing what else can improve my facial aesthetics?

besides losing fat and mewing what else can improve my facial aesthetics?

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  1. 7 months ago

    I've noticed lots of my friends who have shitty skin mentioned they rarely wash their own face, try to incorporate that habit for skin gains.

    • 7 months ago

      I never wash my face besides whatever soap/water happen to run across my face and I have had near perfect skin my entire adult my experience its women with elaborate skin care routines that seem to have the worst skin...

      Women logic be like:
      - "OMG my skin looks terrible"
      1. put on makeup
      2. use harsh chemicals to remove make up
      "OMG my skin is so oily"
      3. use harsh chemicals to strip away all natural oils
      4. replace natural oils with artificial oils
      "ugh! why is my skin so bad"

  2. 7 months ago

    nothing really, maybe accutane if you have acne, probably a good hairstyle also helps. Either way, face isn't everything, I am an autistic chinlet and I've had women hit on me, just work out and you will look better than 99% of people.

  3. 7 months ago

    if you use wide angle and put the camera close as frick to your face you too will look like the right

  4. 7 months ago

    Right one is like a lean sam hyde

  5. 7 months ago


  6. 7 months ago

    Grow a beard

    • 7 months ago

      This. Facelets main source of cope is covering their flaws with hair. Hide your shame

  7. 7 months ago

    >from 4 to ayyy

  8. 7 months ago

    Looked better when he was fat, grim.

  9. 7 months ago

    Hit yourself in the face with a hammer

    • 7 months ago

      It’s important to note this guy also blasted HGH

  10. 7 months ago

    Literally just have nice skin and teeth.
    Wash your face every day when you shower. Like with a washcloth to exfoliate. Then apply a moisturizer.
    I shower before bed, wash face, then use Skin-so-soft on my face. Thats it. Perfect skin, no acne, no wrinkles, no discoloration, no dry skin, no pock marks.
    Men can have ugly faces and get hot women, because "ugly" is a masculine trait. You can have a busted face and women will overlook it if you are in shape, well groomed, healthy, and working towards something better.
    Look at Casey Neistat as an example. That guy has a goblin tier 2/10 face. About as ugly as you can be outside of having a serious injury. But he dresses himself well enough, is sociable, confident, sucessful, etc. So he gets hot women interested in him.
    Women are way more willing to overlook looks in their partner than men are. A man can compensate with other traits and values. Women can't land a hot guy just because they have money or a good job or are funny, they just need to be thin and attractive and young. There are pros and cons to both, but you are focused on maxing out looks when maxing other things in your life would give you better odds with the women you want.

    • 7 months ago

      >ugly is a masculine trait
      it's the lack of sexually dimorphic traits homosexual, ugliness in men is universally recognized as the lack of facial bone structure categorically associated with men, you're a coping moron

  11. 7 months ago

    looks are primarily about coloring, contrast and harmony, bones are overrated, so:
    >skincare, including strong retinoids. you want smooth skin with red undertones. foundation boosts your looks by 1-3 points, trust me
    >dye your brows and hair black
    >get sub 10% bf
    >neck training

    • 7 months ago

      boneless cope, you'll never be good looking chud just give up already

      • 7 months ago

        >ugly is a masculine trait
        it's the lack of sexually dimorphic traits homosexual, ugliness in men is universally recognized as the lack of facial bone structure categorically associated with men, you're a coping moron

        Bone-cels seething. How does it feel knowing that a man with an entirely average jaw and browline, but nice skin, teeth, hair, and demeanour will pull infinitely more women than a grugmaxxed bonesmashing HGH chad

        • 7 months ago

          kek good one I'll give it to you
          >grugmaxxed bonesmashing hgh
          homie shut the frick up no one does this nonsense, they're just born with good facial features, accept your place in the hierarchy as a boneless man and move on with your life

      • 7 months ago

        i have good bones (and i think most people do to some extent), i always thought i was ogre but turns out i was just inflammed and bloated and +15% bf

        i literally cant even work out anymore without losing sex appeal because my face just puffs up from the lifestyle required to make gains but luckily i already have a pretty good physique

  12. 7 months ago

    Haircut goes a LONG way. It completely frames your face and changes how you look. Get a good haircut for your face. Too many dudes just go to like Menscuts and get it short without shaping it to their face. It's actually a huge one.
    >fat loss
    If you are fat, you should focus on nothing else but getting fit. You can't do anything with a fat face. Your facial transformation will be 100% the biggest changer.
    >keep up with your shit
    Shave daily/every other day. Don't let your 5'oclock shadow go beyond into shitty scraggly territory. Keep your sideburns in check. Getting a trim regularly >>> once or twice a year; it keeps your face looking neat because the hair is not all over.
    >skin routine
    Just get a facial cleanser and face lotion. Olay face wash and Cerave AM/Cerave PM if you don't want to think about it. That will make your face skin look really nice.
    BHA I do once every blue moon since I have giant nose pores and it tends to help, but I essentially never need anything else other than face cleanse, face lotion.
    Everything else is cope
    Also, no one likes those exaggerated weird giant jaws. They are essentially the Bimbo look of the guy works, its the equivalent of giant fake breasts, giant fake lips, and plastic surgery for dudes. No one is attracted to that shit.

  13. 7 months ago

    Dude looks like he went from normal to post stroke

  14. 7 months ago


  15. 7 months ago

    What does /misc/ have to say?

  16. 7 months ago

    Looks like he walked right out of morrowind.

  17. 7 months ago

    Pao facial exerciser, and jaw and face muscle exercisers you can find on chinese junk websites like temu or wish. You want to work out your face muscles, especially jaw, temporalis and zygomatic muscles.

  18. 7 months ago


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