Best advice on?

Post genuinely good advice that changed your life

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  1. 12 months ago

    >Redditfrog image
    Into the trash it goes

    • 12 months ago

      Frog website gayboy, dilate cope Sneed etc

  2. 12 months ago

    terrible advice. I once talked to a date about warcraft 3 and how I was homeschooled and afterwards she blocked me and then I saw before she unmatched me she literally modified her hinge profile to say like: no weirdos please

    • 12 months ago

      You're just a creep

      • 12 months ago

        terrible advice. I once talked to a date about warcraft 3 and how I was homeschooled and afterwards she blocked me and then I saw before she unmatched me she literally modified her hinge profile to say like: no weirdos please

        Post genuinely good advice that changed your life

        You live and learn. No venture no gain.

    • 12 months ago

      So this is a good signal, you wouldn't like her anyway.
      The reason why OP's strat works is it filters out people until you find someone you'd actually be a match with... because you're literally being yourself. Bad strat to frick random Stacy, good strat for a relationship.

      • 12 months ago

        >Bad strat to frick random Stacy, good strat for a relationship.

        That doesn't make sense, because relationships start from random fricks, mostly.

        • 12 months ago

          I guarantee non of your relationships work out

          • 12 months ago

            >you aren't with the prostitutes you fricked that gave you gifts, and showered you with sex, and you dumped, they didn't work out
            says the coping homosexual with the ugly fat girl hes stuck with

            • 12 months ago

              You cannont build a good long last relationship built on a foundation of a hookup. It very very rarely happens. Plenty of SHORT TERM relationships do come from these.

        • 12 months ago

          For normies, yea.

          OP is specifically talking to nonnormie.

        • 12 months ago

          >because relationships start from random fricks, mostly.
          HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA uh oh

        • 12 months ago

          This is moronic on so many levels I don't even know where to begin breaking it down.

        • 12 months ago

          Americans everybody.

          • 12 months ago

            yes, living rent free in your head

        • 12 months ago

          >because relationships start from random fricks,
          Do americans really

      • 12 months ago

        terrible advice. I once talked to a date about warcraft 3 and how I was homeschooled and afterwards she blocked me and then I saw before she unmatched me she literally modified her hinge profile to say like: no weirdos please

        Post genuinely good advice that changed your life

        yeah, this is massive survivorship bias on the part of ops single anecdote. dont do this please. most of you arent autistic you just rolled a nat 0 on social skills and have to basically build back up from scratch which is hard and sucks worse than the grindiest workout plan.

        • 12 months ago

          I remember my high school days when I allowed myself to be as autistic, meaning enjoy myself as much as possible, and I had a reputation for being the funny guy. Later in life I recognized a lot of issues that I had, and I started trying to be more "normal", but as a result I just started being boring, I felt anxiety being around people (can they figure out I'm not one of them?), that kind of stuff.

          So the OP resonates with me because I was never meant to be neurotypical. I was meant to be unhinged, creative, and charming in my own way. And that's true, some people are creepy when they are autistic. So, it either works or it doesn't.

          • 12 months ago

            lol i think you might actually be me. clearly its a somewhat uncommon phenomenon but i still dont think how op describes handling it will be productive. you just have to adapt normal boring normie social cue and dynamics to your own natural interests and you can thread the needle well. i basically went through the same steps. im at a really good place now where people find me engaging but i dont suffer boring mfers very well so im still not perfectly normie adpated. i still have to focus during social interactions to hit the right 'steps' though. a bit like formal dancing i imagine but im way better at it because than a lot of people because i actually have to practice a lot.

          • 12 months ago

            >I remember my high school days when I allowed myself to be as autistic, meaning enjoy myself as much as possible, and I had a reputation for being the funny guy

            That happened with me as well. All through my childhood I was just "the funny guy" but never developed any friendships and relationships. Was the same with anyone I met in college or in my 20s. Always making observational jokes and making people laugh but never developed any friendships or relationships, mainly because I was afraid to try to hang out with people

            When I hit 30 it was the milestone that made me realize my life was over. For the past few years, I barely even speak anymore. I hardly even engage with people. I just want it to be over.

            • 12 months ago

              Except you don't want it to be over. If you do, send me all of your money and have a nice day in that order. But you won't, because you want to go on living. All you are doing now is ensuring your one (1) life on earth is as mediocre and unfulfilling as it can be. Enjoy - it is entirely your fault.

        • 12 months ago

          Sorry moron, posting in here to let you know it worked for me. Barring being severely ugly being confident and passionate is absolutely required. You will not be confident and passionate trying to talk about football or clubbing if you’re a 40k autist so just own it. Fix whatever you need to do to feel worthy and confident. For me it was fat so the moment I fixed that, I started getting attention even though I was DYEL, despite what IST says. Sperging to girls about the implications of the rise of Islam in North Africa at a dorm party may not be what a chad would do but it’s a lot better than awkwardly standing in the corner and being afraid to talk to women and coping by pretending it makes you “mysterious.”

    • 12 months ago

      Post genuinely good advice that changed your life

      my take on this is women are emotional parasites. they don't really have interests besides absorbing emotions.
      so if you're really fricking positive about nerd shit - within reason they don't care that you're talking about nerd shit. they're just feeding on your energy.

    • 12 months ago

      That is genuinely how I feel. Except if people don't realize it, they must be too dumb for me to interact with them.

      OPs advice is for finding somebody that fits you, not for getting every random hoe to like you

      my take on this is women are emotional parasites. they don't really have interests besides absorbing emotions.
      so if you're really fricking positive about nerd shit - within reason they don't care that you're talking about nerd shit. they're just feeding on your energy.

      >my take on this is women are emotional parasites. they don't really have interests besides absorbing emotions.
      It....its quite accurate. They crave "good vibes" and if you exude them, they will flow to you like bacteria flocks to the roots of plants that exude sugar.

      • 12 months ago

        youre describing a symbiotic relationship in your example.

        • 12 months ago

          >youre describing a symbiotic relationship in your example.
          Yeah, the plant one. Not the woman one.

        • 12 months ago

          It can be symbiotic though. If you find women who fit you and your personality then it works. Its easier said than done but it happens all the time.

        • 12 months ago

          A mutualistic relationship. Symbiotic just means close. Predation can be symbiotic. Mutualistic means mutually beneficial.

          • 12 months ago

            I think he's talking about one of the serious problems where everything is good when both benefit, but destabilizes when superficial things change.
            Call them symbiotic or mutualistic, they are traps because they aren't based on desires to build shared trajectories in life.

    • 12 months ago

      If they can't stand your hobby they aren't for you. My gf isn't into warhammer 40k and I'm not into microcontrollers, but they are both our hobbies we let the other enjoy.

      • 12 months ago

        Your gf sounds like a nerd homosexual and you sound worse

        • 12 months ago

          Look at what people are talking about in this thread and tell me with a straight face that ISTizens aren't nerds.

      • 12 months ago

        Is your gf troony? I've never heard about girl into microcontrollers.

    • 12 months ago

      This, it's bad advice.

      When your a stranger people don't care about your niche interests. However People love to talk about themselves, for a first date you should be 90% focused on the woman and learning about her life, goals, dreams, family, etc.

      • 12 months ago

        >However People love to talk about themselves, for a first date you should be 90% focused on the woman and learning about her life, goals, dreams, family, etc.

        As an actual autist who married a hot Russian, THIS was the advice that worked for me.

        >Have problem with talking to people
        >Visiting Russia for work
        >Girl in club thinks I want to dance when I really wanted to get around her to go to the bar
        >It's loud so can't really talk, dance best I can
        >Turns out she's in the same office I am visiting
        >Go on date a few days later
        >Know enough Russian to ask questions about her and say things like "Yeah, alright, that's cool"
        >I don't even understand her
        >My Russian got better, her English got better, she already bonded with me before she found out I'm an autist
        >We're married and happy now

        • 12 months ago

          Based. The most common complaint girls give on dates is the guy isn't interested in them and just talked about himself the whole time. I swear asking questions and being interested in other people's lives is like a cheat code, I've always made friends easily in every environment I've ever been in because I'm good at taking interest in others.

          • 12 months ago

            >I swear asking questions and being interested in other people's lives is like a cheat code, I've always made friends easily in every environment I've ever been in because I'm good at taking interest in others.
            This piece of advice turned my life around in my mid-20s and now I have a great group of friends and I'm married to somebody that fits me. it really is that simple.

            • 12 months ago

              how to win friends and influence people

          • 12 months ago

            This. If you can get someone to speak passionately about something and you remember it the next time you see them they'll find it difficult not to like you.

    • 12 months ago

      his advice only works for 18 CHA

    • 12 months ago

      You see, the difference is the OP talks about legit interests, like history, not about toddler's game. Grow up

      • 12 months ago

        this is probably the easiest board to bait and you got no one :/

    • 12 months ago

      at least you had an impact on her, which is more than any npc on this shithole site can say. better to have someone understand you completely and immediately, even if they're repulsed, than be completely unable to form any opinion on your amorphous blob of a nonexistence.

    • 12 months ago

      this just proves OPs advice as fact.
      What were you going to do, pretend to be a normalgay for 3 days? Be honest with yourself, you'd eventually go insane from pretending to be someone you're not. Imagine you ended up marrying her and you have to wear a persona for the rest of your life. You'd probably an hero after 5 years.

      Just BEE yourself anon

      • 12 months ago

        This. Problem with you morons is you refuse to embrace who you really are and try to be something you arent and end ip miserable.

      • 12 months ago

        tried that, being myself, no woman wants me and I will die alone.

    • 12 months ago

      No advice will ever work on Blizzard fans

    • 12 months ago

      She was the wrong kind of woman. Not for you, but just in general. The right kind of woman for a long term relationship finds it very attractive when a man is squarely passionate about something, even if that thing is super weird or moronic.

      For example, I'm a falconer and my gf doesn't give a flying frick (pun intended) about falconry personally and never wants to own a raptor herself. It's not her thing. The blood and gore is too much for her. BUT she listens to me when I talk about it, hypes me up when good things happen with my bird, encourages me when bad things happen with my bird, and tells her friends and family about it because she knows I love it so much. She's even agreed to go hunting with me and my hawk this fall, so long as she doesn't have to touch blood or guts.

      • 12 months ago

        Fricking gigachad, how the frick do you get into falconry? Is it true you have to abduct a baby falcon from a nest and raise it yourself for it to be properly trained?

        • 12 months ago

          If you're in the US, look up "[your state] hawking club" or "[your state] falconry association" on facebook or google. That will get you in touch with local falconers. You have to take a test, buy gear, find a falconer to sponsor you, get an inspection, and a hunting licence. Once you do all this you get your license. It sounds like a lot but it really isn't too bad.

          When you first start out you don't take them from the nest (nestlings are called eyasses). That's a more niche and advanced thing. As an apprentice falconer, you do trap young birds from the wild that already left the nest and have been flying and hunting on their own for a few weeks (called passage raptors).

      • 12 months ago

        >Found a gf that gives a shit about you.
        Marry that b***h

        • 12 months ago

          You'll find one too man. Just don't compromise and stay true to yourself. Find a good fit for you.

    • 12 months ago

      it only works if you're chad

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      And was she a girl who likes fishing and dancing? Going to clubs amd taking drugs? Watching romance movies and doing crossfit? Etc etc? Why would you even bother attempting with someone who has completely differemt interests and then ne surprised when they are not interested?

    • 12 months ago

      This Black folk problem was that he was ashamed of his hobbies and past. When I went on a first date with my current gf I somehow ended up giving autistic +30 minute long summary on 40k lore. She reacted positively because I showed passion and was unashamed of manchild hobby.

      • 12 months ago

        This. I've talked IST stuff to lots of girls over time and although it wasn't anything they really understood they did perceive me as passionate and intelligent. One girl especially was interesting in my intelligence and would seek me out in high school to talk.

      • 12 months ago

        be honest... does this only work when you are handsome?

        • 12 months ago

          If you haven't taken the Lean/pill yet idk what to tell you

          most people are fat. Simply losing weight (male or female) makes you attractive.
          Unless you look like a greasy neck beard (facial hair + long hair) then you should be fine.

          No fatties

          • 12 months ago

            Some of us fatasses were born with fricked up hormones (the ones that were very fat as small children).

            Is not as bad as having born without legs or with dwarfism, but other than that it definitely is living in hard mode.

            • 12 months ago

              On the bright side,
              Imagine the squatz. Imagine just how much your legs can fricking push.

          • 12 months ago

            the lean pill is extremely real
            any time I have gone out of my way to really diet, avoid sweets, and even starve myself outright people have noticed, complimented me, girls paid attention et.c.

            >a girl at my work literally made me take my shirt off to "show that body off" at a recent after-work party
            >when I was doing martial arts (not lifting yet) as a teen, I overheard through an open door a girl who I had a hate-love friendship with talking about hot my abs were ("...b-but he's so annoying though!")

            not to mention that it defines your other muscles, makes you more vascular, and highlights your features like chin/jaw, cheekbones, et.c.
            the only downside is the mass you lose by having a lower bf%, your kinda chronic low energy (if you go really low bf%), and how (if you don't dress right) you can't tell you lift in normal clothes.

            • 12 months ago

              I guess it also kinda depends on your fat distribution and general composition. I've always had shitty fat genetics with it being stuck on my belly, love handles and face. Even at 15-18% bf I looked like shit shirtless. After years of lifting and being stuck at that barely not lean hell I finally managed a decent cut these last months and the difference is fricking insane. I look 10 times better and suddenly have a chiseled face. I think most guys know this and just cope because actually cutting down is incredibly difficult. But it's so worth it

            • 12 months ago

              >you can't tell you lift in normal clothes
              Thats why I always wear tanktops and wifebeaters in summer lmao

              • 12 months ago

                Alternatively, become a bloatlord and wear hawaiian shirts.

            • 12 months ago

              What body fat percentage makes you tired? Mine is 8% and I feel tired a lot. Was it all stemming from that?

            • 12 months ago

              12-10% is the sweet spot
              more shredded than 99% of the population especially over 25, low enough that jawline and abs are well defined (assuming you train them), high enough you keep intracellular fat/water to keep muscles pumped, and high enough for libido to keep up

    • 12 months ago

      >sperg dates a normie
      >surprised it doesnt work

    • 12 months ago

      Did that b***h not even buy diablo 4?

    • 12 months ago

      So how was it terrible advice? You and her obviously wouldn't have worked together, so it saved you both the trouble.
      Most of you guys hate yourselves and are natural simps who put women on a pedastal so apparently it never occurred to you that when on a date, it's just as much an audition for her as it is for you. You can screen women out too you know.

  3. 12 months ago

    Uhm, progressive overload, macros, programmes etc. Basic shit, nuthin weire or esoteric. It changed my life because it got me into lifting.

    • 12 months ago

      Scully is so fricking hot it is unbelievable.

  4. 12 months ago

    That’s true but I’m kind of fricked. I don’t have any real interest that I can talk on for hours on end like that. I develop many interests, learn a bit about them then onto the next one so all I have is a ton of surface level bullshit few sentences to spout.
    Lifting used to be my go to and it worked how he said but frick that’s moronic and I’m also so out of shape it would look ridiculous or like I’m lying.
    I never stick to anything king enough to learn a lot or develop any real skill. I hate this, I suck at staying focused and disciplined. Wasn’t always like this. Idk what happened. Haven’t even been able to read more than 3 pages of a book in nearly 10 years now and I once read cover to cover.

    Oh yeah I know I’ll tell these b***hes about my doom scrolling and cooming habits since that's all I seem to do these days. THIS is why I actively avoid dating even when I have a woman I throw herself at me. I don’t got shit to say or talk about I’m a fricking loser.

    • 12 months ago

      >That’s true but I’m kind of fricked. I don’t have any real interest that I can talk on for hours on end like that. I develop many interests, learn a bit about them then onto the next one so all I have is a ton of surface level bullshit few sentences to spout
      congrats you are a normie

    • 12 months ago

      i'm somewhat like you. i think the most important thing is to never say to women something like
      >i am thinking about doing x and y
      they fricking hate that. they see it as you asking them for permission to like x and y, or something.
      and if you're doing x and y you probably can't talk about working for something. i don't think they like that either.

      eg. if you tell them you're working on getting one plate ohp that will dry their pussy. if you tell them that you did lift 20kg in ohp that is better.

      • 12 months ago

        Thank you for saying this, I used to be all about "I'm gonna do x" or "I'd like to try y", and that indeed is such a boring thing for everyone involved.

      • 12 months ago

        I realize that but that sort of my problem. I don’t really have any real skills.
        I’d LIKE to dive into and learn and become good at
        Drawing and all various art, tons of ideas
        Running (I want to do 5ks and 10ks competitively)
        Combat sport, boxing or kick boxing or Muay Thai or wrestling/some form of grappling
        Read more
        Learn to code, for projects I’d like to work on for myself
        Plants, both veggie gardens and bonsai/houseplants
        Fishing (used to do a ton, no longer brings joy just like with anything else)
        Bladesmithing (small scale shit like knives)
        Wood working

        The list goes on. There’s a lot of shit I WANT to do. But I can’t be fricked to try. When I have tried, see fishing above, I don’t really enjoy it that much. I don’t enjoy things at all anymore. I get bored of everything so quickly. Even video games I can only be fricked to play for 20 minutes at a time. I’ve gotten a therapist but nothings changed.

        • 12 months ago

          You probably have internet induced ADD or something. Information overload and infinite scrolling websites have made everything that takes more than 3 minutes of effort boring to you. You should try an internet fast and see if it brings back your interests again

          • 12 months ago

            >internet induced ADD

            Thank you guys.
            I’ll attempt this. Idk what else to do. I do think it’s screen induced ADD. Relatively easy for me to fall into having been neet the last two years. I’m going to start with fishing. It’s the easiest thing I can think of where I already have all necessary supplies. It should be easy enough to just walk, sit, be alone with my thoughts and not be as inclined to get distracted or go on my phone and scroll. Even if I begin to get bored.
            And I know it’s not ideal but if it rains I’ll read a manga.

            >screen induced ADD
            honestly how could someone develop ADHD without electronic media? Nothing analogue gives that much stimulation.

            • 12 months ago

              I think my problem isn’t solely screen induced. I had diagnosed ADD previously as a child, but if I exerted some willpower I could buckle down and focus and be fairly productive. Even easier to do if I was consistently exercising.
              I think in my 20s excessive caffeine + pot + nicotine + way too much porn + screens exacerbated it to the point of where I am now.
              I’ve quit pot, weaning down on nicotine and caffeine, cutting done on porn, but frick idk how long it’ll take to return to normal. I suspect if I can do what the others said and frick off from screen usage and also quit caffeine/porn it will speed up the process a lot.

              Like frick. I have to do laundry, go clean my car, buy some groceries, clean bathroom, shower, feed my snakes, and I’d like go fish for an hour… but look at me, I’m bed locked seemingly unable to get off my ass.No keep getting up and walking circles around my house for a bit, just to wind up doom scrolling without having realized it. It almost feels painful to start. Idk how I could have fallen so low. It’s like I’m quite literally unable to focus and just start something.
              I’m going to start something since I typed this and feel shame. But frick I don’t wanna have to force myself I just want to function like I used to.

        • 12 months ago

          This sounds 100% like me, and

          You probably have internet induced ADD or something. Information overload and infinite scrolling websites have made everything that takes more than 3 minutes of effort boring to you. You should try an internet fast and see if it brings back your interests again

          actually sounds like it could legit be the reason.

        • 12 months ago

          Fricking. Pick one thing and lean into it. NOW

          • 12 months ago

            This sounds 100% like me, and [...] actually sounds like it could legit be the reason.

            You probably have internet induced ADD or something. Information overload and infinite scrolling websites have made everything that takes more than 3 minutes of effort boring to you. You should try an internet fast and see if it brings back your interests again

            Thank you guys.
            I’ll attempt this. Idk what else to do. I do think it’s screen induced ADD. Relatively easy for me to fall into having been neet the last two years. I’m going to start with fishing. It’s the easiest thing I can think of where I already have all necessary supplies. It should be easy enough to just walk, sit, be alone with my thoughts and not be as inclined to get distracted or go on my phone and scroll. Even if I begin to get bored.
            And I know it’s not ideal but if it rains I’ll read a manga.

        • 12 months ago

          >I would LIKE to blah blah blah
          and you're not doing ANY of those, right? Look, I get it, I'm kind of the same. I put things off for various reasons. I'm tired, I'm busy, I don't wanna waste money. But at some point you have to live your life and stop being in standby mode. I WANT to scuba dive, bake bread, make wine, do muay thai, etc. But none of those matter since I don't do them.

          I do however fix old cameras and take photos, I go snorkeling, I cook a lot. I read, although that's not really an activity so I don't know why you listed it, you may as well say you watch TV. Also I paint a bit and play an instrument, not well, but at least I do it

          just get started anon

      • 12 months ago

        Very good advice. Show that you are a doer

    • 12 months ago

      >I don’t have any real interest that I can talk on for hours on end like that
      You're not an autist, you're an NPC. You don't belong here.

    • 12 months ago

      Do you like horse riding?
      >Uuh I have never really thought about that...
      What about crotcheting?
      >not really my hobby ...
      Do you at least maintain a wedding inspo pinterest?

      have a nice day. Get one iota of perspective. The hobbies I mentioned are as mainstream among women as deep interest about film and vidya is among men.

      • 12 months ago

        Actually meant for

        I don't even play videogames anymore, but it's just so hard to find common ground and interests with women (on account of them having none whatsoever), and i start grasping for straws
        "you like watching movies?" "Umm... no"
        uhh okay shit "what music do you like?" "Um.. i dunno... whatever's on the radio i guess... i dunno..."
        Frick frick "what about videogames?" "Erm... (ew) no... listen i have to go kbai"


    • 12 months ago

      >I’m also so out of shape it would look ridiculous or like I’m lying.
      welcome to IST

  5. 12 months ago

    You pic sounds like me except for the fact I just dont have the passion for anything that I could talk about like this.

    • 12 months ago

      Me too

      • 12 months ago
  6. 12 months ago

    i got set up on a date with a hot latina and was so clueless i didn't know it was a date, didn't realize it until years later

  7. 12 months ago

    Bro whenever i talk to a girl, if i so much as MENTION my autistic interest in classical music, or cinema, or gid forbid if i mention vidya, you can see the colour drain from jer face. They go from 😀 to D: in seconds flat. Crushing. NEVER open up about your non-socially-approved interests to a woman.

    • 12 months ago

      Black person, those aren't some outworldly interests, if they don't like it it's because you talk about it wrong

    • 12 months ago

      vidya i get because i'm sure they deal with gamer losers all the time, it's like admitting your hobby is watching porn

      • 12 months ago

        Black person, those aren't some outworldly interests, if they don't like it it's because you talk about it wrong

        I don't even play videogames anymore, but it's just so hard to find common ground and interests with women (on account of them having none whatsoever), and i start grasping for straws
        "you like watching movies?" "Umm... no"
        uhh okay shit "what music do you like?" "Um.. i dunno... whatever's on the radio i guess... i dunno..."
        Frick frick "what about videogames?" "Erm... (ew) no... listen i have to go kbai"


        • 12 months ago

          sounds like youre arrogant

          • 12 months ago

            How am i arrogant? Whenever i ask a woman about her interests, it boils down to "idk i just laze around and scroll instagram for 10 hours a day." How am i supposed to make small talk based on that? I don't like interacting with people who put no effort into anything.

            • 12 months ago

              I always see people say this. Who cares if a woman doesn't have interests? I'm not trying to defend them for being boring. But a woman not having interests, does it really affect you as a guy if you were her boyfriend or husband? I a woman doesn't have interests then you don't have to worry about them trying to get you to do them.

              • 12 months ago

                he told you why. he doesn't know how to talk to them if they have no interests.

              • 12 months ago

                The problem is this:
                1) i have never been approached by, or complimented by a woman, meaning i have to seek out and start any interaction with them myself
                2) i cannot establish a relationship from said interaction if i have nothing to build upon. i know she feels no attraction to me, i am supposed to advertise myself to her in the few moments she gives me
                This is why i have never touched a woman in my life. I have had no organic interactions with women because through bad luck i've never been around any women in school/work/hobbies and now i'm a 20-something who has to fight tooth and nail for any interaction with a woman to last for more than a few minutes. It is very hard.

              • 12 months ago

                >I know they are not attracted to me
                If you’re thinking this you already lost. This is what you need to overcome. You’re on IST, are you IST? How do you dress? How’s your grooming? It’s possible to be in good shape with well fitting clothes such that you walk into a room thinking, “who in their right mind wouldn’t want to go on a date with me.” But you have to earn that by being IST, taking care of yourself, etc such that you outcompete other guys

              • 12 months ago

                >i know she feels no attraction to me
                No you don't. Why do you think this?
                >This is why i have never touched a woman in my life.
                So since what you're doing obviously isn't working, maybe it's time to listen to those of us who actually get women then?

              • 12 months ago

                >i have never been approached by, or complimented by a woman, meaning i have to seek out and start any interaction with them myself
                You're not missing much. Once they drop a compliment, they will expect you to carry on the conversation regardless; and it's awkward.

              • 12 months ago

                The only interests that most women have are tv/movies/cellphone games. Ends up being quite hard to talk with them.

        • 12 months ago

          For me I START by asking women what their interests are. If they can't give me a coherent answer on what their hobbies are and what they do for fun. I do NOT SPEAK TO THEM!

          • 12 months ago

            Beggars can't be choosers. I don't want to end up as a 30 year old KHHV.

            • 12 months ago

              You think being alone is the worst ending?
              Bro, trust me it can be a LOT worse.

        • 12 months ago

          You dumb motherfricker, are you actually paying attention to the conversation?

          “I dunno”, if she keeps saying that, use it against her to garner a reaction. Be a smartass. “You seem to don’t know anything, what exactly DO you know?”. Hell, go further and be like “Damn, you sound boring as frick. Do you do anything interesting”.

          DO NOT BE AFRAID TO THROW SHOTS AT WOMEN. They love that shit. Think of it like verbal hair pulling. Ever frick a b***h and pull her hair? Same shit, different way.

          • 12 months ago

            >DO NOT BE AFRAID TO THROW SHOTS AT WOMEN. They love that shit
            absolutely can confirm that negative reinforcement is a magnet for women. I jokingly shit on women I have NO interest in and they practically throw themselves at me and come back for more, especially when I leave them alone and act like nothing they do bothers me

            god I hate women so much

            • 12 months ago

              You shouldnt resent them for it. Could you imagine having a squad of simps surrounding you who are never honest about their feelings and that you know will drop you and abuse you after youve had sex a couple times? They want sincerity and strength in their lives anon.

              • 12 months ago

                That's fair, I shouldn't hate a tiger for the stripes on its fur or a carrion bird for eating carcasses.

              • 12 months ago

                Who hurt you?

              • 12 months ago

                Nobody, I hate coomer addicted men too. I'm very particular about liking people because most have unagreeable character.

              • 12 months ago

                Life is as much about learning to forgive and appreciate those you dont immediately care for, anon. Youre getting a reek to you.

              • 12 months ago

                People who genuinely hate women should kill themselves, and it's coming from a guy who used to write long forum posts about how much he hates women

        • 12 months ago

          Damn man your attitude sucks ass it’s probably because they can smell your piss poor attitude. Also why would you ask girls about video games? Good lord

        • 12 months ago

          Most women are incredibly boring and you're expected to be the interesting one, anon, this is old news
          If a woman has no interests then don't talk to her, or just frick her and save your effort for the 1% that is into something (she will also probably be mentally fricked, like cinema hoes)

    • 12 months ago

      i bet you're pretentious and gatekeey about it. you need to make it accessible

    • 12 months ago

      "I see that the color is fading away from your face. Luckily for you I absolutely adore pale girls"

  8. 12 months ago

    Op picrel. I saved it becasue it’s good advice.

    • 12 months ago

      Love it.

  9. 12 months ago

    >enter thread
    >one image and its shit advice
    >turn 360 degrees and walk away

    • 12 months ago

      if you turn 360 degrees you will just walk backwards on a 90 degree angle perpendicular with the starting direction

      • 12 months ago

        360 is a full circle, you'd be going in the same direction

        Yeah no shit he is still in the thread.

      • 12 months ago

        360 is a full circle, you'd be going in the same direction


        • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        360 is a full circle, you'd be going in the same direction

        I see the rumors about a reddit blackout were true. Go be newbies somewhere else.

    • 12 months ago

      360 is a full circle, you'd be going in the same direction

    • 12 months ago

      It's always like this. And it's either anecdotal "prove" or just larping. The only good advice I got from IST is to taking no advice from it

  10. 12 months ago

    Women with no interests are more prevalent depending on the party. If you go to a party where people are just looking to hook up or dance you’ll have a lot less luck with OPs method vs going to a more laid back party location. You’re not gonna get hoes at the club (who you were either gonna ghost or eventually get divorce raped by anyways) talking about your nerdy passions but you will have great luck attracting someone you actually can stand being around if you do it at a house/dorm party with less than 2 dozen people.

    • 12 months ago

      haha oh yeah the women at the parties and clubs i go to lol

      • 12 months ago

        Actually the less party-like the environment the better chance you have so literally just mild socializing works even better. (For socialets on a discord call or whatever it will still improve your chances even if that’s a moronic way to socialize). If you’re trying to meet women through dating apps as an autist and you’re not fricking diced or rich then may God help you and get out of this thread.

    • 12 months ago

      Not sure how old are you, but anime and games are quite popular among zoomer college girls these days, even the party prostitutes.

      • 12 months ago

        Honestly this, I was the autismo kid for liking that shit and I went to a lot of parties ready to put my best normie mask and I was bamboozled. They even saw weird anime shit. If you are a zoomer you got nothing to lose talking about your weird shit

  11. 12 months ago

    tldr: male shyness is punished extremely

  12. 12 months ago

    The post I read that said to do leg curls/equivalent exercise before Squats has been a game changer. Added 50 lbs to my squat in like a month after that.

    • 12 months ago

      What kind of equivalents do you do? I kind of want an excuse to buy a reverse hyper.

  13. 12 months ago

    Maybe don’t talk about yourself the whole time. But the general principle here is sound. You can’t imagine how unfathomably insecure even gorgeous women are, it is a facade 100% of the time even when they ooze confidence. And, they can sniff out insecurity in others like bloodhounds. No woman will ever feel happy around a man who isn’t happy with himself. You have to have such an abundance of self-comfort that there’s some left for her. You don’t have to be flawless - nobody is. But she wants to be able to feel secure in spite of her numerous flaws, and if you aren’t secure in spite of yours, how can she ever let her walls down enough to legitimately love you?

    • 12 months ago

      >You can’t imagine how unfathomably insecure even gorgeous women are

      Attractive women aren't insecure, they post hundreds of photos per year on Instagram of their face and bodies, receive thousands of likes, and are DM'd by literal celebrities and pro athletes.

      Usually I've found that average looking girls are the truly insecure ones faking it. They are also the most loose because they seek validation through sex and approval from attractive men.

      • 12 months ago

        women aren't insecure, they post hundreds of photos per year on Instagram of their face and bodies

        I wonder why those likes are so meaningful to them.

      • 12 months ago

        insecure, neurotic, whatever you call it.

      • 12 months ago

        My ex made a habit of posting her face on Facebook after taking 10-20 pics of it to get just the right one. She had a naturally pretty face but also used filters.

        She did it to get dudes to pay attention to her, then brag/complain about guys messaging her.

        Do you think she did this because

        A: attention and validation are the ultimate currency to someone insecure

        B: she was confident

        • 12 months ago

          Those aren't mutually exclusive dumbass

      • 12 months ago

        >Attractive women aren't insecure, they post hundreds of photos per year on Instagram of their face and bodies, receive thousands of likes, and are DM'd by literal celebrities and pro athletes.
        And? How does that prove they're not insecure?
        If they were secure, they wouldn't feel the need to do that to begin with.

    • 12 months ago

      where is it

  14. 12 months ago

    doing SS and actually following the program instead of the moronic internet hashed versions.

  15. 12 months ago

    The average ISTner is chasing a vapid moronic Stacey as his GF interest. There are a sea of women out there who would live to talk to you morons about Warhammer, or at least let it slide but those women aren't what you're setting yourself up to come into contact with because those women aren't hot enough for you, don't dress or act like the loose women you've been promised by pornography. They might have imperfections and god forbid you look past any of theirs while lamenting that Stacey won't look past yours. I have a manlet socially moronic friend I've known for 20 years. He's an abysmal failure with women. He'll say he's being himself but I watch him put up a front the whole evening and act like a weird unnatural approximation of himself. He chases these women who are way out of his league and whose body language from minute one says "ick". Tell him to go after a cute 7/10 you see and he gets fricking mad at me. "UGH gross, you think little of me!" he'll say, incredulous. Last year he had a nice and friendly girl who was dating him for a short while and lives 5 minutes away. She was fun and fit in well hanging out, good conversationalist and somehow really into my friend. What does he do? Ghosts her after a month to get catfished by a fake 10/10 who was trying to steal money from him. Then he has the nerve to lament his situation. "Oh anon, it's tough out there, women are such low quality! I just want a good woman I could marry..." then he had it staring him in the face and it wasn't good enough.

    • 12 months ago

      >There are a sea of women out there who would live to talk to you morons about Warhammer
      lmao stopped reading right there

      • 12 months ago

        he's probably not wrong, normies these days are such childish and autistic dork losers that talking about gay nerd shit like tabletop games, anime, and video games is normal. I hear normalhomosexuals talk about warhammer and dungeons and dragons all the time. 15 years ago only hamplanet fedora-wearing neckbeards would talk about that stuff.

        The average ISTner is chasing a vapid moronic Stacey as his GF interest. There are a sea of women out there who would live to talk to you morons about Warhammer, or at least let it slide but those women aren't what you're setting yourself up to come into contact with because those women aren't hot enough for you, don't dress or act like the loose women you've been promised by pornography. They might have imperfections and god forbid you look past any of theirs while lamenting that Stacey won't look past yours. I have a manlet socially moronic friend I've known for 20 years. He's an abysmal failure with women. He'll say he's being himself but I watch him put up a front the whole evening and act like a weird unnatural approximation of himself. He chases these women who are way out of his league and whose body language from minute one says "ick". Tell him to go after a cute 7/10 you see and he gets fricking mad at me. "UGH gross, you think little of me!" he'll say, incredulous. Last year he had a nice and friendly girl who was dating him for a short while and lives 5 minutes away. She was fun and fit in well hanging out, good conversationalist and somehow really into my friend. What does he do? Ghosts her after a month to get catfished by a fake 10/10 who was trying to steal money from him. Then he has the nerve to lament his situation. "Oh anon, it's tough out there, women are such low quality! I just want a good woman I could marry..." then he had it staring him in the face and it wasn't good enough.

        >those women aren't hot enough for you,
        can you guys stop parroting this meme? Most of us had standards. When confronted with reality many people will start dropping their standards until it gets to, like, just don't be obese and have a kid already, but those standards are often still not low enough, and then the juice isn't worth the squeeze. Only time will tell if I ever get desperate enough to scrape the bottom of the barrel for fat 26 year old single mothers.

    • 12 months ago

      >The average ISTner is chasing a vapid moronic Stacey as his GF interest.
      this is what i find funny. people on this shithole website should be deliberately looking for quiet or nerdy type girls. they are much more likely to have actual interests and all that stuff. but then the guys only pine for hot girls, ridicule those who don't have a hot girl, then get upset when the hot girls have no personality

      • 12 months ago

        yes, that's it exactly, people setting themselves up to fail and then getting upset that it predictably happened

        • 12 months ago

          its not even just getting upset, its that we then get to blame others for our failures.

      • 12 months ago

        this place is filled with psycho narcissists which afflicts incels often, the whole reason they're socially awkward is because they never gave a single shit about another person, considered other people to be dirt and never cared what they thought, and now it's biting them in the ass, it all comes from a selfish place, so being awkward and having a massive ego are two sides of the same coin

        • 12 months ago

          for me i think this is about half-right.
          like if you went back to me when it all started going bad and explained to him that if you change your behaviour to suit others - they'll stop giving you a hard time and it's legit an actionable thing you can do.
          that would have been completely foreign to me and i would have been glad to know it.

          from my perspective i was just doing what i do and people fricking hated me for shit i couldn't do anything about so i was completely fricked.

        • 12 months ago

          I am 100% what you described, minus the "consider other people to be dirt" part. Basically constantly over anaylzing absolutely everything about me to absurd details never being able to leave this cripplingly awkward stage, so as a result never being able to actually focus on the other person.

          How do I fix my shit?

          • 12 months ago

            this place is filled with psycho narcissists which afflicts incels often, the whole reason they're socially awkward is because they never gave a single shit about another person, considered other people to be dirt and never cared what they thought, and now it's biting them in the ass, it all comes from a selfish place, so being awkward and having a massive ego are two sides of the same coin

            I did the same thing for a long time and suffered from general analysis paralysis in all aspects of my life. I have somewhat fixed the social part to great success, have a long term relationship and we're actually able to work stuff out meaningfully and productively.
            I think the main thing for me is that before, I was so concentrated on the other person's thoughts ("oh man they might not like me"), I neglected my emotions in the situation, which sounds ironic considering the whole point is that we want to be able to focus on the other person. The reason you need to be able to express your emotions liberally is that by not doing that, the interaction has no dynamic in place to actually illicit a response. If the goal is to focus on the other person, learn about them, and engage with them, you need to be able to give them something to judge and respond to, and you can then do so in kind, which spurs a type of positive feedback loop

            My current, longest lasting, and best relationship started because I decided to get drunk, send her some spicy memes, and just rant about shit I was thinking about. It's been over a year since then and we're going on pretty strong, go on vacations and enjoy our time together. I guess for me it took that lowered inhibition to come to the realization that not only is expressing myself is okay to do, but that it's fun and necessary to form and sustain bonds.

      • 12 months ago

        The average ISTner is chasing a vapid moronic Stacey as his GF interest. There are a sea of women out there who would live to talk to you morons about Warhammer, or at least let it slide but those women aren't what you're setting yourself up to come into contact with because those women aren't hot enough for you, don't dress or act like the loose women you've been promised by pornography. They might have imperfections and god forbid you look past any of theirs while lamenting that Stacey won't look past yours. I have a manlet socially moronic friend I've known for 20 years. He's an abysmal failure with women. He'll say he's being himself but I watch him put up a front the whole evening and act like a weird unnatural approximation of himself. He chases these women who are way out of his league and whose body language from minute one says "ick". Tell him to go after a cute 7/10 you see and he gets fricking mad at me. "UGH gross, you think little of me!" he'll say, incredulous. Last year he had a nice and friendly girl who was dating him for a short while and lives 5 minutes away. She was fun and fit in well hanging out, good conversationalist and somehow really into my friend. What does he do? Ghosts her after a month to get catfished by a fake 10/10 who was trying to steal money from him. Then he has the nerve to lament his situation. "Oh anon, it's tough out there, women are such low quality! I just want a good woman I could marry..." then he had it staring him in the face and it wasn't good enough.

        delusional, 100% of IST and the rest of IST would rather have a introverted shy gf that prefers to stay indoors over the clubbing stacy type and idk where you conjured up this idea
        >should be deliberately looking for quiet or nerdy type girls.
        guys with 0 options are not going to be picky, they will take what they can get and those kinds of girls stay inside so it's impossible to meet them

    • 12 months ago

      Fake story. Why would your friend ghost his current girl over a tinder match he hadn't even met in real life? He'd at worst just cheat, your story is larp

    • 12 months ago

      I have no idea how to talk to nerdy girls because they're autistic af and are impossible to read. But no you're absolutely incorrect there is not a sea of them and I have NEGATIVE interest in vapid stacies but can't find my chubby gamer gf anywhere

    • 12 months ago

      >The average ISTner is chasing a vapid moronic Stacey as his GF interest.
      this is what i find funny. people on this shithole website should be deliberately looking for quiet or nerdy type girls. they are much more likely to have actual interests and all that stuff. but then the guys only pine for hot girls, ridicule those who don't have a hot girl, then get upset when the hot girls have no personality

      Kek. You guys are really wrong.
      Most of us would love to have a nerdy shy gf but good luck finding one of those.

    • 12 months ago

      Most of the nerdy girls I've met have been weirdly attractive. Way outta my league by miles. Other than that, ugly girls don't necessarily have a personality either. I had one chasing me for a while and talking to her was fricking excruciating.
      I'll probably end up hiring a escort or something, I mostly just need to get the urges out. I'm not that lonely otherwise.

    • 12 months ago

      Lots of posts coping and seething about this but it's totally factual. The male equivalent of your classic girl who "keeps dating buttholes" is a lonely moron who keeps getting curved by dumb prostitutes.

    • 12 months ago

      moron. every time a woman posts herself on IST there's gonna be a bunch of thirsty anons no matter how ugly she is

    • 12 months ago

      >women are never and can never be the problem it’s all YOUR fault
      >no matter how uninteresting she is YOU have to be interesting and make the effort
      >if she isn’t attractive just deal with it because YOU don’t deserve your goals

    • 12 months ago

      Nerd girls also want chads. If I have to Chad up, why go for the ugly shallow girls when I could go for the pretty shallow girls?

    • 12 months ago

      shut up roastie

  16. 12 months ago

    Pretty good advice, at least the first part. Never be untrue to yourself, even if it doesn't get you the things you think you want in the moment.
    People be like "if you don't reproduce you don't matter" but that's shitty. Every soul matters.

    • 12 months ago

      >Every soul matters.

    • 12 months ago

      >Every soul matters.

  17. 12 months ago

    just be yourself bro

    • 12 months ago

      "Being myself" is what made me a near 30 year old kissless virgin

      • 12 months ago

        just improve yourself bro

      • 12 months ago

        Some people are not meant to make it, you being a frickup while being yourself doesn't invalidate the OP's notion

      • 12 months ago

        You sure it wasn't never approaching women?

  18. 12 months ago

    Reminder: Good majority of incels are actually just locationcels. Avoid big North American cities and commuter schools like the plague. You'd be surprised at how drastically the dynamics shift at less prostitute-infested areas.

    • 12 months ago

      Couldn't get a gf for the life of me at a big state school. I graduate and move to an average city and suddenly I got a ton of matches on dating apps and had a gf literally within a week.

    • 12 months ago

      Couldn't get a gf for the life of me at a big state school. I graduate and move to an average city and suddenly I got a ton of matches on dating apps and had a gf literally within a week.

      Why do you anons think this is?

    • 12 months ago

      >tfw big city and commuter school

  19. 12 months ago

    this is moronic and maybe 0.01% of men could pull it off if they were a 10/10 looks-wise (think Henry Cavill, though even he can't pull it off all the way). It will ruin your chances with a girl who would like you even if you're not a normie, by coming on too strong with the "nerd" shit.

    the biggest problem is by ranting about autist garbage you're talking way too much. if you want people to like you, you have to let them do most of the talking and express genuine interest in whatever they say. the second part is really important because it keeps the date/conversation from turning into an interview. giving your own perspective or relating with a story of your own will make them feel good and may even provide some tension (important if you want to frick whoever you're talking to) if you disagree.

  20. 12 months ago

    i learnt that it's a moggy mogg world out there. if you're not mogging, you're getting mogged.

  21. 12 months ago

    As weebish as it sounds, the best advice for talking to women is the book of five rings. If you read it and apply the advice to dating and women, youll find that it applies to women incredibly well.

    • 12 months ago

      could you share how it applies to women?

  22. 12 months ago

    Yesterday was a dark day for me. Coming off having a good date with a girl on friday. The darkness came with the doubt in myself being with that girl. Today however I feel an incurable urge to rage. Lifting did not change that feeling today but it felt good, felt better.
    Why is this? I need to get my head straight and clear for work and this girl in the future. These waves of sadness and rage come and go often.

    • 12 months ago

      you need to seek professional help.

  23. 12 months ago

    You can tell OP's screenshot speaks the truth because the thread just became people debating it

  24. 12 months ago

    You shouldn't be talking obsessively about anything with your date, that's her department. Save it for your bros.
    Just Beeing Yourself with confidence is the way to go, but with caveats. Don't shy away from your autism but don't rave on and on about it, maintain the self-awareness to recognize that it's YOUR autism. Expect to be rejected by women for it and consider it a dodged bullet instead of curling up and never going outside again. This goes for non-autists too; expect that your date probably either won't be interested in you or will turn out to be a woman you don't want to be around long-term.
    And of course, if you're at a bar or a club you're looking for vapid prostitutes to frick, not gfs or wives. If you're moronic enough think some bimbo is going to go along with your autism or be a good wife then it's for the best that you stay forever alone.

  25. 12 months ago

    >tfw 28

    Does getting my dick sucked count if I didn't cum?

  26. 12 months ago

    Going to AMPs to get a nuru massage and fricking the masseuse helped me with vanilla dating. I don't get that desperate vibe to trying to get into a woman's pants and actually take time to know her as pussy becomes more of a "take it or leave it" thing, in which women find attractive.

  27. 12 months ago

    Bros, I'm already in a relationship but I met this girl in my gym 6 months ago and she was showing a lot of interest in me.
    I wasn't attracted or in love with her so I immediately friendzoned her.

    But why am I suddenly jealous knowing and seeing she's dating and probably fricking some guy in our gym?

    • 12 months ago

      Yo she actually gave him something that's love right there

    • 12 months ago

      You wanr whar you cant have.

  28. 12 months ago

    i'm still grateful to the anons who introduced me to ray peat some years ago

  29. 12 months ago

    this guy had 2 girlfriends by following OPs advice tbh if he can make it anyone can

  30. 12 months ago

    This will work on girls who are slightly autistic themselves, there are a lot these days. Normie girls hell no, even greysweaters. I matched with one girl, mid but total mommy type energy. Said on her profile she liked LOTR. I went in depth about the lore from the Silmarilion and she went quiet. Like I knew too much about it and it was weird, while she was only into it on the surface for the movies. She was literally just larping as a nerd and couldn't handle real alternative intelligence that wasn't social intelligence. Social intelligence is all women care about.

    • 12 months ago

      This. Also don't be a disgusting neckbeard, you can have neckbeard hobbies but you should be fit and clean because you are a human with basic decency.

  31. 12 months ago

    This thread degenerated into “how to have sex with hot girl” general.
    I’m posting actual advice that really made an important and drastic impact on my life.
    For context: this was in response to a post I had made describing my guilt and shame over a dui that permanently paralyzed another human being. I was asking for the best ways to cleanly commit suicide and ensure that my next of kin would be adequately taken care of and not have to see the aftermath.
    This persons kindness made a difference. I did read Crime and Punishment, and I loved it. I served my time in jail and made it through. Now I am in a post graduate program working towards making a better life.
    Don’t drink and drive. And if you do, do not speed. You will ruin your life and the lives of others. I thank God everyday that I did not kill anyone, and I will have the stain of permanently injuring this man on my conscience until the day I die.

    • 12 months ago

      thank you for posting this anon. while i can't relate to your experience or what you've been through, i'm glad that you found an ounce of kindness on this godforsaken site that gave you clarity.

    • 12 months ago

      Have you spoken to the person whose life you ruined, anon? Since the accident I mean.

    • 12 months ago

      could you share how Crime and Punishment impacted you? This book is high up my reading list

    • 12 months ago

      Thank you for reminding me how good I have it anon. I'm praying for you

  32. 12 months ago

    "Never bulk" - Anon

  33. 12 months ago

    Remember that normies don't know

    • 12 months ago

      Saved. Thanks for sharing.

    • 12 months ago

      Based and true.

      I would like to add:
      >only take advice from people who are where you want to be

    • 12 months ago


      the logic is undeniable. Saved it and im gonna remember it.

  34. 12 months ago

    so basically 'be attractive' got it thanks op ill work on that

  35. 12 months ago

    This honestly OP

    • 12 months ago

      Tbh I simultaneously agree and disagree with this post; when it comes to surface level topics, IST typically ends up being less efficient/effective since you typically have tons of morons doing the same stuff that that anon pointed out in his post, but when it comes to more esoteric topics and ideas, IST becomes much better because most of those morons get filtered and you are left with turbo-autists that know that subject inside out and back to front.

      The other thing is that once you learn how to use the archives effectively, you can find whatever knowledge you're looking for much more quickly than most other sites (somewhat of a gradient though; again, less effective for surface level topics but more effective for esoteric topics) with much more detail, as well as opposing viewpoints.
      >An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.
      There are no diamonds anywhere else.

      • 12 months ago

        >once you learn how to use the archives effectively, you can find whatever knowledge you're looking for much more quickly than most other sites
        can you please teach me?

        • 12 months ago

          Just start trying to use them to find information you're looking for, and over time you'll get better at it just like any other skill. Figuring out what type of keywords get you what you're looking for, searching image hashes to find other images of a similar nature, checking multiple archives (especially if the images are dead on one for whatever reason), searching individual posts vs threads, figuring out other places to check (including archives of dead sites) if you reach a dead end here, etc. I'm sure there are other people who are better at this than me but I think I've gotten pretty good at it since I started.

          • 12 months ago

            Well, know of the archives first and foremost: warosu, tbharchive, b4k, 4plebs, etc.
            Then, when you want to learn something new, look at the relevant board(s) and search through threads and individual posts. You need to be careful to question everything and critically think. Volume of information is your friend here and is one of the means by which IST manages to be so correct most of the time (Even though its not very evident). Read lots and lots.
            Keywords can lead you down fascinating rabbit holes.

            thanks anon i appreciate it

        • 12 months ago

          Well, know of the archives first and foremost: warosu, tbharchive, b4k, 4plebs, etc.
          Then, when you want to learn something new, look at the relevant board(s) and search through threads and individual posts. You need to be careful to question everything and critically think. Volume of information is your friend here and is one of the means by which IST manages to be so correct most of the time (Even though its not very evident). Read lots and lots.
          Keywords can lead you down fascinating rabbit holes.

          • 12 months ago

            is there a primer on telling bullshit from gold?

            • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            qrd? don't forget rbt as well

      • 12 months ago

        >There are no diamonds anywhere else.
        yep. that's the only reason i come here. other places are just pure garbage.

        • 12 months ago

          Same. Smart people value free speech so they come here.

          • 12 months ago

            This is a crudgey humorless rural boomer miser with a fat wife living in a double wide btw.
            You wouldn't envy his situation if you saw the reality of it, though having a trophy wife and money this situation would be elder god but fantastical tier

            • 12 months ago

              This may be true. A lot of what he says is correct, but it just doesn’t seem viable in the 20-35 dating pool. The only friend I know who has a woman that seems how he described, his wife is obese and can’t really hope to do any better. She still disrespects him pretty often.. like actual disrespect. She’s made mention of thinking I have a big dick numerous times in front of his face in front of our friends.

              Kind of has me feeling a bit hopeless. I want a woman I find actually attractive who I can have a good healthy relationship with. But it really seems like those days are over unless I’m willing to sift through many actually garbage women just to maybe possibly meet one who’s worth it which even then isn’t guaranteed. And I don’t mind a normal body count of like 3 men, but I’m not settling for some town bike who’s been ran through and degraded by tons of other dudes which just further narrows my chances.

              >how to manipulate a woman into the worst possible life she could live
              so surprised that someone screencapped it and posted it 10 years later

              How is that manipulation? Are you a woman or an inexperienced virgin?

              • 12 months ago

                >How is that manipulation?
                the post outright says that he has a rule that if they fight, they must agree with him. he admits that he doesn't like it. he claims that it saved their marriage, but in reality it ends all communication and forces her to submit to him regardless of the action.
                he has conditioned his wife to lose all of her friends and to alienate her mother to make her husband happy and to meet his expectations. he says "good riddance" to her friends, when we have no information as to whether or not they were good influences (she didnt go to bars or clubs, or else he wouldnt have married her in the first place, so her friends likely wouldnt as well)
                why does a man need to chastise his wife at all, and the story he tells is pretty demeaning as well.
                >Are you a woman or an inexperienced virgin?
                neither 🙂

          • 12 months ago

            cringed so much couldn't get past #4

          • 12 months ago

            >how to manipulate a woman into the worst possible life she could live
            so surprised that someone screencapped it and posted it 10 years later

      • 12 months ago

        Just start trying to use them to find information you're looking for, and over time you'll get better at it just like any other skill. Figuring out what type of keywords get you what you're looking for, searching image hashes to find other images of a similar nature, checking multiple archives (especially if the images are dead on one for whatever reason), searching individual posts vs threads, figuring out other places to check (including archives of dead sites) if you reach a dead end here, etc. I'm sure there are other people who are better at this than me but I think I've gotten pretty good at it since I started.

        Well, know of the archives first and foremost: warosu, tbharchive, b4k, 4plebs, etc.
        Then, when you want to learn something new, look at the relevant board(s) and search through threads and individual posts. You need to be careful to question everything and critically think. Volume of information is your friend here and is one of the means by which IST manages to be so correct most of the time (Even though its not very evident). Read lots and lots.
        Keywords can lead you down fascinating rabbit holes.

        Any of you anons know how to look for specific posts or images? My old computer bonked out and I lost some stuff I saved. Mainly just trying to find an anon's song that he posted on a /tg/ thread. Thanks in advance m8s.

        • 12 months ago

          >specific posts
          Try to use various keywords to get to the post if you can remember some of the contents of the post, I've been able to find really obscure posts that I could only remember a few words of, so it definitely works
          >specific images
          Same as the above if there was text along with the image. If not you can try to find the thread the image was posted in, or you can search the image hash of another image of a similar nature (eg if you're trying to find something /sig/ related, you would search the image hash of another /sig/ related image and then look over the threads containing that image to see if you can find that image). And obviously you can just /r/ that shit if you're too lazy and some turbo autist will find it for you if you're lucky

    • 12 months ago

      Tbh I simultaneously agree and disagree with this post; when it comes to surface level topics, IST typically ends up being less efficient/effective since you typically have tons of morons doing the same stuff that that anon pointed out in his post, but when it comes to more esoteric topics and ideas, IST becomes much better because most of those morons get filtered and you are left with turbo-autists that know that subject inside out and back to front.

      The other thing is that once you learn how to use the archives effectively, you can find whatever knowledge you're looking for much more quickly than most other sites (somewhat of a gradient though; again, less effective for surface level topics but more effective for esoteric topics) with much more detail, as well as opposing viewpoints.
      >An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.
      There are no diamonds anywhere else.

      Reading shitposts and arguments teaches you a lot just from exposure to the ideas being discussed. I found a really good lightweight tent manufacturer from an unrelated IST thread where two autists started arguing about trekking poles, and discovered PSMF from IST keto flamewars.

    • 12 months ago

      i dont agree with this. I was a redditard for a few years (yeah, like i was the only one), and i didnt get much of it. Mostly memes. A few responses and very few images, but not much.

      I came to IST beacuse i didnt bought the bs of the russian-ukranian war that is being puked on reddit. In just a year i have a folder of the best advices/data/and motivation i had ever read, plus i understand a little more about how the world actually works.

      IST addiction can be a real thing and you definetly should limit the time you spend here, ideally less than half an hour each day to see if there are any interesting/potentially useful thread like this one.

      But this is the most helpful place of the internet right now.

  36. 12 months ago

    Can confirm this piece of advice.

    starts at 32 seconds.
    Notice all the signs this girl is showing.
    It's literally nothing with what you're saying but how confident you are in yourself.

    • 12 months ago

      Actually, start at 2:32


  37. 12 months ago

    Talked to a girl about wc3 and the custom game scene and got sex immediately.

    • 12 months ago

      based. which custom games to mention for immediate sex?

      • 12 months ago

        Dwarf Fortress

        • 12 months ago

          that's not a wc3 custom game. i need to know whether to bring up footmen frenzy, legion td, or whatever for immediate sex.

  38. 12 months ago

    If it seems like a larp it probably is. Willingness to believe bullshit is your worst enemy when it comes to fitness. Personally trainers categorically have one of the lowest mean IQ scores for occupations.

  39. 12 months ago

    I managed to redpill a girl on the frankfurt school, weimar republic and feminism but I still had to leave her because she became an alcoholic. keep your women away from the truth, they can't handle it.

  40. 12 months ago

    fake it till you make it is solid advice, you learn through trial and error and if you are blessed with good looks or a good body atleast, less errors are seen through your act

  41. 12 months ago

    Sounds moronic but that's what I did (accidentally).

    When drunk started talking to a random girl that sat beside me about a time I shat myself on a student cruise while drunk. exchanging drunk stories drifted to interests and hobbies etc. so I rambled on about warhammer and transformers.
    Ended up at her place but due to the curse of virginity my dick didn't work, but we kept seeing and after like a month of trying I relaxed enough to keep my dick hard. Broke up soon after cause I didn't really like her that way, but stayed friendswb.
    Also got her into warhammer kek

    None of the girls I've dated have expressed anything except interest when I've shown them my figures and shit.

    Girls like when a guy has interests.

  42. 12 months ago

    This is literally what they do and the gays and puritans on this site would call me a degenerate for my kill count. Just sprinkle in some questions to her to get her to talk about herself

    • 12 months ago

      What is "they"

  43. 12 months ago

    moron anon was attractive enough and was so autistic that didnt even knew.

    • 12 months ago

      Suck his dick more blackedpillerbro

      • 12 months ago

        Stop proyecting disgusting homosexual.

        • 12 months ago

          agreed. Sneed, cuck

          • 12 months ago

            tongue my anus Black person

  44. 12 months ago

    Women, especially smart women, are fine with nerds. They aren't fine with children.

  45. 12 months ago

    macros and correct bench form

    whoever says this this board is dead can suck my clit

  46. 12 months ago

    idk where to ask, so this thread might be as good as any.

    >have gf of 10 years
    >we met in an university on the other side of the country, so we grew up together you could say.
    >our love is great, we were each other's first love.
    >we understand each other, can talk about anime, make homegym together.

    >her parents are nightmarish, always belittling her, making her feel inferior
    >she decides to not call them anymore, or send messages.
    >after a month or so, they take the plane (!) and fly to the other side of the country, to our home, and knock at our door.
    >we decide to get our bicycles and literally run away from our home
    >her father calls mine
    >This was the first time that the two in-laws ever talked, in 10 years.
    >he asks where she is, and if she wants to meet
    >she replies no, and my father relies this info to him.


    • 12 months ago


      >the day after that, her mother is at the place of work.
      >she doesnt go to her, or talk to her.

      >the next day, her father quite literally hides in the bushes and ambushes her at the bus stop.
      >she doesnt go to work, to stay with them.
      >they invite me to a restaurant.
      >i wouldnt have it, i see this as at a "precedent" for the many times to come.
      >so i tell them to get our of the restaurant, and that they should ask my father and my forgiveness.
      >they say they can do whatever they want etc.
      >3 hours of talking, nothing changes.

      >i leave after a while since i recognize its useless.
      >after a few hours she comes back home
      >i tell her to choose between me or them, since this situation is just the beginning of the crazy shit they'll do.
      >she says to give them another (billionth) chance.

      >during the night, we couldn't sleep
      >she tells me to sleep, and that she has to go to work tomorrow.
      >i tell her, for them, you dont go to work, and for me you dont?
      >answer is "oow you are so jealous"
      >idk about you guys, but being "second choice" to your gf of 10 years is not a good feel
      >i tell her "you've made your choice, from this moment on, we are no longer a couple"
      >she doesnt cry or anything, just comes closer to me and says thanks for the memories, for all that i did for her, all that female manipulative shit.

      • 12 months ago

        cont part 3 and final

        >the next day she goes to "work"
        >doesnt come home

        >the day after that, she comes home with her mother and an uncle, and luggage.
        >she says she wants to get her stuff.
        >she looks drugged, mentally distant.
        >i call my father
        >i ask her if she really wants to throw away 10 years of our memories like this.
        >says that i didnt care for her.
        >tell her that she's been the maid of honor to my sister's wedding
        >her mother replies "as if its something important"
        >i ask her to look me in the eye, and to tell me if this is what she really wants.
        >says yes
        >i say "well allright" and go cook my lunch, lol
        >my father calls hers, and he says we are very bad people (?) and closes the call while my father was talking.
        >he's called the police, and i have seen them with my own two eyes. For some reason the police doesnt enter the apartment
        >after 3 days or so, my mother comes and helps me pack my stuff

        I need to know. Am i crazy? or is this an incredibly insane situation?

        • 12 months ago

          Emotionally abused people return to their abuser, a story as old as time.
          She is crazy, not you.

          • 12 months ago


            Sounds to me like a foreign situation. We're not close enough to our family in America for this sort of dispute to be a common issue.
            Nobody's in the wrong except her parents. They've abused her for long enough for her to feel it's the way they show her love. It sucks, and she'll likely come back to you when the cycle has to repeat or they croak. Otherwise, she'll find someone as abusive as they are and be a beaten wife.
            Do you at least lift?

            that's what i am fearing.
            i dont know if i ever want her back, for all of this to repeat all over again?
            besides, she was weak to fall to their demands.
            i do lift, and thank frick that i did. i kept lifting even during all this situation, lol


            If there’s any point where you fricked up it was running away from your own house rather than standing up to them right at the start. I stayed out of when my partners parents treated her like shit up until they started berating her in front of me for not accepting an “offer” to move cross country back in with them and leave me. I stood up for her then and from that point she sided with me absolutely against her parents, the only way I can see her having given in is if I didn’t do anything in that situation. They flew cross country to show up to your home to try to scare someone you loved for a decade to leave you and you ran away rather than telling them to frick off. I put up with a lot of shit before saying anything in my situation but there’s a point where another man is stalking her and probably threatening her when you’re not there that you need to do something. You say she didn’t give a shit but you don’t seem to have lifted a finger. Wtf anon.

            anon. you are not understanding this. We both decided to go away from home to choose wtf to do. its not a normal situation, and we wanted to think without them forcing their way into the house.

            >you don’t seem to have lifted a finger.
            did you read what i wrote?
            i went to the restaurant and told them to get the frick out of there, and to ask forgiveness to my father and me.
            I talked and shouted to them for 3 hours straight, i told them everything wrong they did in the 10 years, and was all for nothing.
            what do you expect me to do, anon? Beat these insane people who called the police, and go to jail?
            frick off. i have my own life to live, and if it is to be without her, so be it.

            • 12 months ago

              Sorry anon but your home is the one safe place you have in the world. I don't think you realised what a bad play it is for women to flee your home.
              If she's not safe there with you, she's not safe anywhere.
              t. learned this the hard way as well (but from my own headfrick crazy family)

              • 12 months ago

                what happened anon,tell me.

        • 12 months ago

          Sounds to me like a foreign situation. We're not close enough to our family in America for this sort of dispute to be a common issue.
          Nobody's in the wrong except her parents. They've abused her for long enough for her to feel it's the way they show her love. It sucks, and she'll likely come back to you when the cycle has to repeat or they croak. Otherwise, she'll find someone as abusive as they are and be a beaten wife.
          Do you at least lift?

        • 12 months ago

          If there’s any point where you fricked up it was running away from your own house rather than standing up to them right at the start. I stayed out of when my partners parents treated her like shit up until they started berating her in front of me for not accepting an “offer” to move cross country back in with them and leave me. I stood up for her then and from that point she sided with me absolutely against her parents, the only way I can see her having given in is if I didn’t do anything in that situation. They flew cross country to show up to your home to try to scare someone you loved for a decade to leave you and you ran away rather than telling them to frick off. I put up with a lot of shit before saying anything in my situation but there’s a point where another man is stalking her and probably threatening her when you’re not there that you need to do something. You say she didn’t give a shit but you don’t seem to have lifted a finger. Wtf anon.

        • 12 months ago

          Crazy family is the biggest red flag known to man. You were doomed from the beginning don't feel too down about it. Nothing you could've done

    • 12 months ago


      >the day after that, her mother is at the place of work.
      >she doesnt go to her, or talk to her.

      >the next day, her father quite literally hides in the bushes and ambushes her at the bus stop.
      >she doesnt go to work, to stay with them.
      >they invite me to a restaurant.
      >i wouldnt have it, i see this as at a "precedent" for the many times to come.
      >so i tell them to get our of the restaurant, and that they should ask my father and my forgiveness.
      >they say they can do whatever they want etc.
      >3 hours of talking, nothing changes.

      >i leave after a while since i recognize its useless.
      >after a few hours she comes back home
      >i tell her to choose between me or them, since this situation is just the beginning of the crazy shit they'll do.
      >she says to give them another (billionth) chance.

      >during the night, we couldn't sleep
      >she tells me to sleep, and that she has to go to work tomorrow.
      >i tell her, for them, you dont go to work, and for me you dont?
      >answer is "oow you are so jealous"
      >idk about you guys, but being "second choice" to your gf of 10 years is not a good feel
      >i tell her "you've made your choice, from this moment on, we are no longer a couple"
      >she doesnt cry or anything, just comes closer to me and says thanks for the memories, for all that i did for her, all that female manipulative shit.

      cont part 3 and final

      >the next day she goes to "work"
      >doesnt come home

      >the day after that, she comes home with her mother and an uncle, and luggage.
      >she says she wants to get her stuff.
      >she looks drugged, mentally distant.
      >i call my father
      >i ask her if she really wants to throw away 10 years of our memories like this.
      >says that i didnt care for her.
      >tell her that she's been the maid of honor to my sister's wedding
      >her mother replies "as if its something important"
      >i ask her to look me in the eye, and to tell me if this is what she really wants.
      >says yes
      >i say "well allright" and go cook my lunch, lol
      >my father calls hers, and he says we are very bad people (?) and closes the call while my father was talking.
      >he's called the police, and i have seen them with my own two eyes. For some reason the police doesnt enter the apartment
      >after 3 days or so, my mother comes and helps me pack my stuff

      I need to know. Am i crazy? or is this an incredibly insane situation?

      >idk where to ask, so this thread might be as good as any.

      on LULZ you blistering homosexual or those thinly veiled tfwnogf bar threads.

  47. 12 months ago

    to stay off IST
    "there is nothing of value here"

  48. 12 months ago


  49. 12 months ago

    Does anybody have that post which classifies BPD women into types, describes how they operate, and why you need to run away from them? I am caught by one brehs...

  50. 12 months ago

    >Post genuinely good advice that changed your life
    1. Calisthenics is better than lifting for aesthetics.
    2. Visualizing, unironically asking God for things you want, manifesting etc actually works but only if you believe it and are grateful for things you already have.
    3. I hate to say this but the advice to be as neglectful and uncaring with women really works - they will do more work if you really mean it when you act like you can leave at any moment. The downside is that it only works if you don't really love her so it's kinda bad for your soul. IYKYK

    • 12 months ago

      How you spoke to your girl week 1 should be how you speak to her week 100. When her pussy was wet you were not a nice guy.
      Don’t do the stoic shit and tell her to shut the frick up week 1. If you finally tell her STFU week 6 then it looks like (and is) abuse!

    • 12 months ago

      Yep I got a crazy ex who is still trying ways to get me back. I never even loved her

  51. 12 months ago

    >just be yourself bro
    What if I'm a terrible person?

    • 12 months ago

      then people will treat you as such, it's not rocket science anon

      • 12 months ago

        Oh, okay.

    • 12 months ago

      You can change.

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          Change your habits. People that are shit are either people who have shitty lifes or people that are so privileged that they can be shit and people still will give them gibs.

          If your life is shit:
          > quit any addiction you have, like porn, masturbation, drugs, goyslope, social media
          > exercise.

          If you are privileged:
          > Harder to improve, because you probably feel good and you probably dont care.
          Be kind even if you dont need to. People will insta love you for it.

    • 12 months ago


  52. 12 months ago

    Pray to God

  53. 12 months ago

    What we should get going is a hashtag/meme that is about "ironically" posting accurate, unfiltered pictures of yourself.
    So you message some chick.
    >hey, i just added some pics. message back if you want to chat #nastyandreal
    The purpose would be that she "ironically" shows you nasty and real (working title) photos of herself.
    Reason being: it's hard to say how many but a significant amount of the flaking out of women you meet online might not be so much that they think you are a sex offender is they're afraid of showing up because they basically catfished you with filtered pictures.
    If you persuade them to show you their worst most real photos then you will make them more likely to be willing to meet and show up if they agreed to it.

  54. 12 months ago

    once this b***h got really into my art and got really horny over it, she used to tell me that I could come live with her if I couldn't get a job as an artist and she would get super flustered whenever I told her shit like "I will sooner die than give up"
    she was a bit of a massive hoe thought, so I don't know if this was an isolated case or it's always that easy but I thought it was cool that one time that I was texting her being autistic on the anatomy of the scapula and how the Teres Major is my favourite muscle and she asked me if it could've helped me in my studies if she sent me videos of her naked showing off her body
    I refused like b***h you think I can't just whip out my reference folder for that?

  55. 12 months ago

    Digits and I leave IST forever

    • 12 months ago


  56. 12 months ago

    I always had a Hank Hill ass on me, had no idea why. This board taught me I was only doing half squats and therefore wasting my time. I had to restart from the beginning doing ATG squats with kettle bells because I couldn't even do the bar. I'm making progress and am now finally starting to have an ass.

  57. 12 months ago

    Can confirm, every now and then I get excited while drunk or just hyper and strat telling friends or wife about the social implications of gachi, thugposting or weighted pull-ups.
    Literally just ramble excitedly about shit like "17 different mucles connect to your scapulae".

    • 12 months ago

      >Literally just ramble excitedly about shit like "17 different mucles connect to your scapulae".
      go on.

      • 12 months ago

        I used that as an example of why upper back health is imo as important as your legs, lower back and heart. If your back is solid, the goodness radiates everywhere. And since it's "just 1 bone" on each side, 17 sounds like alot and conveys the importance of a varied and diverse upper back workout every now and then. As in mixing strength, hypertrophy and endurance sets.

        I'm autistic so I'm not sure if you challenged the statement but both of your scapulae do infact connect to 17 muscles.

  58. 12 months ago

    >they must know why Toshino Kyoko is best girl
    >that guy who lifts for Toshino Kyoko

  59. 12 months ago

    there is literally zero good advice on IST

  60. 12 months ago

    28 year old kissless hugless handholdless virgin here - I can't reciprocate love or flirtation because I never feel good enough for sex. No matter how much weight I lose or how my lifts increase, no matter how on point my skincare or fashion is, no matter how well I project myself - I never feel good enough for any woman. I feel like I'm doing THEM a a favor by just acting fraternally because there's so many other better looking guys with more money and status. Why the frick would anyone pick me when there's better options? It's over.

    • 12 months ago

      My man you gotta learn to romance. Don't think about getting into her pants until you've gotten into her pants.

    • 12 months ago

      alcohol will do

    • 12 months ago

      Very well, I give you some free advice before you waste your life completely in terms of female having female company, it does seem to be on your mind and a priority to life quality from what I've read between the lines.

      I assume you're from the US or Europe. Girls got brainwashed even more as guys as they're more prone to it, Instagram and tinder and their israeli algorithms target them differently.

      You seem to be at least a but into fitness and skincare, meaning you're introverted but able to research and for a certain kind of the female population that's still worth a lot. I highly recommend to save up a little bit of money and do a longer holiday somewhere in southeast Asia, and once you've found a place you like you look into permanent relocation.

      Easy mode is Philippines, they want white babies and a man with the following requirements:
      He doesn't hit her when he's drunk
      White DNA preferred
      Not dead ass broke, if you have $2k a month you're golden, if you have $3-4k you live in luxury.
      Thailand is hard mode as they're more or less experts at extracting funds from you
      Vietnam is middle ground, but definitely material for marriage. She won't cheat on you and usually they're virgin until marriage. Most petite women in the world.

      Basically, go somewhere where your $1 is worth $5 and the same applies to you, go somewhere where you're more in demand.

      Learning about a new culture also makes you grow and more desirable.

      If you're absolutely not into Asian women, east Europe is also doable to find the ones with the more feminine mindset who still prefer quality, but it isn't as easy as southeast Asia.

      You don't want to die a virgin or continue for another 1 or 2 decades and become depressed for real once you hit 45 and the windows for producing offspring to continue your bloodline (your soul will thank you for it in the afterlife) slowly closes.

    • 12 months ago

      see a therapist or something, if you are white you automatically mog literally like, over 3 billion men on earth automatically

    • 12 months ago

      Stop living inside your head dumbass, how can people love you if you can't love yourself?
      Stop asking your own opinion all the time. Dgaf about skincare unless it's controlling acne, nobody but you will obsess over the albedo of your chin.
      What kind of girls are you after? What kind of men do you want to be friends with? Are you dressing like them? Are you doing the things they do? Are you enjoying that?
      You wear your vibe to attract your tribe anon, if you're not the person that they are interested in then they're not going to be interested in you.
      And if you are doing that shit but you're not enjoying it, then they aren't the people for you. You can't just brute force your personality into getting a gf. You have to nurture it, and that starts with doing the things that are intuitive to you. Pick two shirts out of your drawers: don't hum and haw about which one should you wear oh that's this brand oh that's those sleeves what if what if? Just put one on. Who gives a frick what other people think about you? If they're not who you want to be with, they don't matter.
      >I feel like I'm doing THEM a a favor by just acting fraternally because there's so many other better looking guys with more money and status.
      I don't fall in with that sigma grindset bollox but this is literally a beta opinion anon. You're better than this.
      Don't ask yourself "should I do this?" Just do it. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

  61. 12 months ago

    This whole mega archive.
    gg ez

  62. 12 months ago

    there is literally no reason not to become the very best version of yourself. doing so not only improves your life, but the lives of those around you. there is no single greater service to mankind than this. becoming a light unto those who have only seen darkness in their life.

  63. 12 months ago

    Positive emotions are infectious. Be happy, excited about things. Smile more.

  64. 12 months ago

    If this isn't wishful thinking I don't know what is. Yeah sounds like a good plan to naive autists but people are not going to care or be impressed by things they have zero connection to. You'll be shot down and brought to reality so hard

  65. 12 months ago

    Biggest flaw with this is that most people here don't have any true passions that they can talk about for hours nonstop.

    • 12 months ago

      alright now here's the thing
      there are plenty more people that would be able to talk about the things they're interested in, if it were at all socially acceptable.
      Imagine, for a moment, someone talking about Homestuck for hours. About something like Elona+ or hentai games. About MLP? What about actual cartoons?
      All of those can be considered interests to a person. All of these can have passionate fans that can talk for hours about them.
      Would they talk about those to a girl? No. That's a terrifying thought.

    • 12 months ago

      My passions are history, particularly military history, gaming, gaming lore, anime, manga, drawing, niche foreign culture (some countries here, some there), bodybuilding, exercise, esotericism, occultism, religion/spiritual topics, and to some minor degree fashion and art (photography, painting, depicting things basically).

      If I let loose I could chat about this for ages.
      I'm sure if anyone on here looked deeper they would find their own interests too.

  66. 12 months ago

    I'm gonna lean into my autism with confidence.

    My issue has been that I can barely say 2 sentences about the boring weather to normies, but chat for literal hours with people who share my interests. Suppose I could illuminate normies of my interests (regardless of how much they care).

  67. 12 months ago

    I did this last week, I was at work and I was lost in thought.
    She asked, whats wrong?
    And I started ranting about unexploed shells from WWI keeps killing farmers in france and that large swats of france is fenced of because of the ordinance.
    She did not mind

  68. 12 months ago

    It makes sense, I mean you want to date someone who loves you for the dork you are, not the insecure man you're pretending to be

  69. 12 months ago
  70. 12 months ago

    I think we can all agree, understanding the ego is key

    • 12 months ago

      I'm friends with my ego and we like to argue and then make up.

    • 12 months ago

      that is the most pretenious shit I'v ever read

      • 12 months ago

        >"nooo anon you don't get it it's not your common sense its your EGO telling you not to believe it"

        • 12 months ago

          >I have set up conditions that any objections mean I'm right and you are wrong, thats right anon, if you even dare to disagree that just means I'm right, heh try to argue with me now
          no, frick off.

      • 12 months ago

        Why do midwits get so triggered as soon as the word ego is mentioned? The man isn't wrong.

  71. 12 months ago

    I've done this before but I don't think you can fake this kind of confidence, like the post says you really have to believe 100% truly. Those of you who couldn't pull it off didn't.

  72. 12 months ago

    Doesnt matter what any homosexual says. You should enjoy the workout you do, doesnt matter the intensity or volume. Just have fun.

  73. 12 months ago

    its honestly great advice
    I met all my gfs by just being honest about my weird hobbies in a playful way. you'll filter out the basic normie b***hes, but you wont get the cute weird ones you want by acting like a normie

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