Best and 'easiest' solution against depression

Lately I've seen more threads about depression and SSRI's on IST. As someone who unfortunately experienced the former, I want to share my insights for any anon that currently struggles with this shit.

I've had TERRIBLE depression in the past and I can go on a long story on how awful that period was but it is not that interesting for the average anon. However what saved me from that shitty state of mind is.

For everyone that reads this is and is at least moderately/slightly depressed here and there: FIX YOUR DIET! I incorporated some other things like regular exercise and meditation as well but those two are hard to do when you are in that mind state as simply going out of bed is already hard enough. But changing your diet genuinenly can make a difference and it is not as hard and I say this as a former fatty that loves his food. Go full stop on everything that is shit (cookies, pastry, fast food, pizza, don't even begin on alcoholic drinks or other drugs) and start to only eat healthy for at least 2 months. Very high probability that you will notice improvements overall. good luck to everyone that is currently in that rut and im happy to help any anon.

I've no SSRI experience but overall it is shitty for your brain health and mental health on the long term so take that in mind. Fixing it naturally is definitely possible: western science overemphasize solvig the symptoms regarding a hormonal imbalance and lack the focus on why it is there in the first place.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Solid advice. Cut out junk foods, replace with real foods, and cook for yourself, stop buying fast foods. And maybe go for a mellow walk around the block in the morning or evening just to get the body working. Sometimes the hardest thing to do when depressed is just moving around.

    • 10 months ago

      Right on
      >mellow walk around the block
      Helped me a bit too

      >hardest thing to do when depressed is just moving around.
      Absolutely. Any physical effort can be hard on the worse days of depression. I've had enough days where I just stayed in bed for the vast majority of the day and even brushing my teeth felt like a huge burden.

      if you need to know the ingredients completely avoid. if it won't go bad sitting on the counter avoid. anything with hormones in it avoid.
      DO NOT TAKE SSRIs. its so fricking bad for you.

      Yup agreed

      What a pathetic image you've chosen for your thread. Posting about depression and self improvement and deciding this will be the image to represent you here. Stop posting please.

      Butthurt for no good reason

  2. 10 months ago

    if you need to know the ingredients completely avoid. if it won't go bad sitting on the counter avoid. anything with hormones in it avoid.
    DO NOT TAKE SSRIs. its so fricking bad for you.

  3. 10 months ago

    Keep on keepin' on.

    • 10 months ago

      Life is a garden, dig it.

  4. 10 months ago

    What a pathetic image you've chosen for your thread. Posting about depression and self improvement and deciding this will be the image to represent you here. Stop posting please.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Right on
        >mellow walk around the block
        Helped me a bit too

        >hardest thing to do when depressed is just moving around.
        Absolutely. Any physical effort can be hard on the worse days of depression. I've had enough days where I just stayed in bed for the vast majority of the day and even brushing my teeth felt like a huge burden.

        Yup agreed

        Butthurt for no good reason

        when your thread is deleted in a few minutes take the next 3 days to reconsider what an utter subhuman you truly are

        • 10 months ago

          What's wrong with what I've written? I just chose a pic of an AI image I saw on twitter of a hot girl because I know it gets the attention then for a topic that unfortunately is very present in this day and age.

          Coomers will respond on it, sure, but others will also read the posts

          • 10 months ago

            you obviously started lifting within the last year. This thread is off topic and nobody cares about your dyel red pill notions other than the other dyel morons like you who came from tictok or wherever the frick within the last year

            • 10 months ago

              What does being dyel have to do with what I've written? You can be jacked and depressed.

              >this worked for me
              >therefore this will work for everyone
              >i have no experience with ssris but you should take my advice anyway
              you don't know what youre talking about

              I've no experience with ssri's but what I've written about in the OP isn't wrong. Or can you show any ssri without any long term damage?

              Also, yeah the advice that I gave worked for me and I assume that it will work for most as there even is research that backs this up w.r.t the relevance of gut health for the mental state for instance. Best case it will work for others with depression and worst case the situation does not change but your body gets a bit healthier so there is no harm in the given advice.

              OP's text is limited on depression indeed but to say that idk what I'm talking about is nonsense.

              For me, the cure to depression is changing your outlook and demeanor. Project yourself as happy and loving and that's what you'll be. You'll shed your depressed and self doubting skin. Be confident and happy and you'll get validation from others and be less depressed.

              Absolutely agree with this as well. It will take time before there is an improvement in this area as I did notice that one can fall back in the negative thought spirals quite quickly for whatever reason and crawling out of that can be hard. I've also had this a bit sometimes:

              Projecting myself as happy just makes me exhausted which then makes me drop the charade.

  5. 10 months ago

    Imagine if you married her, bought a house and had kids with her and then she gets BLACKED RAW while u sit in the corner and watch

  6. 10 months ago

    I'm literally the ONLY guy ITT who could get that girl irl. Most of you social morons couldn't even string together a sentence without stuttering after every word. I'M the alpha male, I'M the one in charge. Come talk to me when I'm talking to her? I'd publicly embarrass you the second you interrupted my conversation. In fact most of you would probably come into our circle and just stand there, taking down "PUA" tips in that notebook you morons carry around with you. If you decided to speak (aka ask "how do you do it bro?") I'd not only shove you back (I'm 6ft 210 btw, you'd fall to the ground) I'd give you a lesson on manners simultaneously displaying alpha behavior to this girl. Boom. 2 birds with one stone. In fact it would probably go better if you did interrupt our conversation.

    • 10 months ago

      Girls that look like that are a dime a dozen. They're just usually bat shit crazy, and have a fairly high chance of cutting off your dick in your sleep. But its completely realistic for anyone to hook up with a girl that looks like that.

      • 10 months ago

        I'd demolish you, I'm HOT and skinny and have a pretty face, you look like a tryhard roided balding midget. Girls laugh at you because you take selfies like a b***h

        I'm literally the only person itt who is super similar to this girl - and I'd tell you what wouldn't give a second to a self obsessed pityful prick like you!

        So we have an incel who literally made up a scenario where he imagines that all hot girls are secretly crazy to cope with not being able to pull them (read: "the reason I don't date hot girls isn't because I can't get them, it's because I don't want them!") Lmao

        then an incel LARPing like he's actually good looking

        And finally an incel LARPing as a female.

        Hahahahaha holy shit this boars attracts the weirdest mother frickers

    • 10 months ago

      I'd demolish you, I'm HOT and skinny and have a pretty face, you look like a tryhard roided balding midget. Girls laugh at you because you take selfies like a b***h

    • 10 months ago

      I'm literally the only person itt who is super similar to this girl - and I'd tell you what wouldn't give a second to a self obsessed pityful prick like you!

  7. 10 months ago

    I want to be her tampon babyhxm4shxm4s

  8. 10 months ago

    Built for BBC

    • 10 months ago

      nah, she is build for rich upper class white boy

  9. 10 months ago

    Deleting all photos and webms of thots is also great to fight depression. Too bad I'm not able to do it myself 🙁

    • 10 months ago

      >taking all these pharma israelite shit while slurping it down with some goyslop

      If that girl does not have a mental breakdown then idk what will

    • 10 months ago

      > ptsd
      from what? homosexual parents? single mom raised? Molested by Black folk?

    • 10 months ago

      >take trazodone and melatonin to help with sleep
      >slurp it down with 500 ml of sugar and caffeine
      is this bait?

    • 10 months ago

      >these are the supposed healthy and happy first world folks I'm expected to be impressed by

  10. 10 months ago

    Also kys

  11. 10 months ago

    >this worked for me
    >therefore this will work for everyone
    >i have no experience with ssris but you should take my advice anyway
    you don't know what youre talking about

  12. 10 months ago

    For me, the cure to depression is changing your outlook and demeanor. Project yourself as happy and loving and that's what you'll be. You'll shed your depressed and self doubting skin. Be confident and happy and you'll get validation from others and be less depressed.

    • 10 months ago

      Projecting myself as happy just makes me exhausted which then makes me drop the charade.

  13. 10 months ago

    For me, walks, exercise, and sleeping the right amount(not too much or too little) help. Got a garden and cut caffeine, and I'm happier than I've ever been

    • 10 months ago

      >sleeping right amount
      Good point
      >cutting caffeine
      Didn't make a difference for me but well done if that made a difference for you

  14. 10 months ago

    holy frick rrrealist is genning this after those abominations? how the frick

    • 10 months ago

      SDXL is no-joke miles ahead of SD 1.5
      Maybe even better than midjourney
      If you put effort in and manually inpaint/photoshop certain parts, it becomes basically perfect.

  15. 10 months ago

    best and easiest? suicide. it's 100% effective with 0 chance for relapse.

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