Best course of action for talking to a non?

Should we wait for them to mention our physique and respond with something like “yeah I go to the gym a couple times a week and just do whatever machines seem fun”
Or make them fully aware or our autistic obsession of tracking weight/nutrition, our personally crafted split, and our relentless commitment to the gym?

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  1. 10 months ago

    >Or make them fully aware or our autistic obsession of tracking weight/nutrition, our personally crafted split, and our relentless commitment to the gym?
    Personally i would prefer this because despite not being visible yet, due to it being a recently adopted obsession, i am just as autistic.

  2. 10 months ago

    1. Never bring it up
    2. Make an effort to be able to feast in their presence, fasting ahead as necessary
    3. Talk about slop you enjoy
    4. If they bring up any kind of exercise, tell them its best not to overdo it.
    5. If ever asked directly if/how you exercise, say you've only ever exercised on rare occasion but didn't really like it
    The fat was meant to mark them. If they're fooled by this then it's working as planned

    • 10 months ago

      >de Block


    • 10 months ago

      Sorry you wasted your breath but full disclosure I would never date a LARD. No one on this board should even do the slightest of look in their direction. They should be shunned.
      I just meant naturally not fat women that aren’t gym goers

      • 10 months ago

        No-one said anything about that. This is for coworkers, classmates, and friends of friends

        • 10 months ago

          >This is for coworkers, classmates, and friends of friends
          In that case, who gives a shit. Sperg out about your obsession for all it matters.

          • 10 months ago

            It is not enough that I am strong, others must be tricked into deepening their weakness

            • 9 months ago

              >It is not enough that I am strong, others must be tricked into deepening their weakness
              the Mike Mentzer strategy

        • 10 months ago

          That’s what I meant to imply by this post. Getting to know women that you see a romantic potential with.

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      your picrel is a hoax
      she was minister of health though, and in 2018 she gave the order to burn the country's whole strategic stock of mouth masks, lmao, so the warehouses could be used to house immigrants. among other idiotic things she did. she's a hasbeen now and her party is dead.

  3. 10 months ago

    Sooner or later they're going to find out your autistic interest in fitness when your defenses are lowered.
    Just be honest upfront. This whole nonsense of hiding things from romantic interests is childish at best and personality disorders at worst.
    Think about it; do you really want to be with a woman that doesn't respect your passion?

  4. 10 months ago

    I have never ever met a woman that didn't like my gym obsession.
    Stop talking to unhinged fatties on twitter.

  5. 10 months ago

    >want to stop 5/3/1 and go to an advanced program
    >unwilling to give up thousands of data points from the app
    I am king evermediate.

    • 10 months ago

      Excelchads can't stop winning

  6. 10 months ago

    Girls secretly want to hear all about it, but they have been brainwashed by media to think that it's douchey, so if you talk about it unprompted, they'll be taken aback and dislike you.
    In my opinion, the best strategy is to let them inevitably ask about it, and tell them bits and pieces, but ultimately play it down at first. When you get to know her better, and she starts looking at you with those eyes asking about what you do to get your Greek god physique, then you can start talking about stuff like your best lifts, or your goals.
    Also, suggesting to work out together is always a good idea.

    • 10 months ago

      The point you start giving her details about your workout technique and lifts is when you start break the spell.
      She will realize how easy it actually is (for a young normal test male) to get started and have an ottermode physique, that is low effort to keep up but looks amazing in a shirt to non lifters.
      She will begin to compare you to people on steroids and realize you are nothing special inside a gym environment.
      And then she will apply a way higher standard to you than she normally would have just comparing you to non lifting normies.
      Also for similar reason I don`t think you should really bring her into the gym unless she is chubby and really has a problem.
      If she`s extroverted and just kinda likes fit guys, and randomly ended up with you, that might also be your first ticket to ex boyfriend town since she will see tons of bigger and better looking males in any gym.

      Let her ask, play it down a bit, admit it takes a certain amount of effort and eating healthy, and keep all the details about actual workout / meal plans / anything like that to yourself.
      Women want men to be simple and not talking about details. Talking about details turns them off.

      • 10 months ago

        >Just dyel things

        • 10 months ago

          Shut up b***h. Post body. I attract far more women than you.

          • 10 months ago

            Now you.

            • 10 months ago

              Idk why he replied to you, but I`m the guy who wrote the post with the cat image, not the guy who said shut up b***h.
              You look like most gym guys and like I said in any gym there`s lots of roided guys bigger than you. Or she might be more attracted to them for other reasons than just your physique. Women don`t really care about the extent of being built, but also face, height, ethnicity, status, dominant behavior and whatnot.

              And what I ment to explain still stands true, if you start explain your workout routine in detail, your personal bests, how you maintain your body fat %, your dieting, your supplements and any of those workout related details and whatnot to your woman, it will start turning her off more and more and removing the spell she has about your physique.
              It`s generally better to just go about your work in the gym and be mostly quiet about what it entails towards women.

              • 10 months ago

                Don’t care. Still waiting for you to post body.

              • 10 months ago

                This board really needs ids. I don`t even have an image of myself, nor am I the guy asking you to post physique. The extent of your physique isn`t really relevant to my post.

                Nice backtracking.
                You're bringing up mundane shit like dieting and supplements, which I never mentioned nor said one should talk about, but responding as though I did.

                The original poster was asking to what extent IST males should talk to their female aquaintances / dates / relationships and I`m simply trying to explain the basic mechanics of it and where you should stop to talk about it.
                I have no idea what post you are even referring to based on this reply since this board doesnt even have IDs. I always use an image on my post.
                I fully care about you being butthurt about some other guy injecting an impolite post into some reply you did to my earlier post. (irony)

              • 10 months ago

                Nice backtracking.
                You're bringing up mundane shit like dieting and supplements, which I never mentioned nor said one should talk about, but responding as though I did.

              • 10 months ago

                Instead of
                >"Wow he`s really just naturally such a strong built man. Great genetics. He must have insane energy, he will provide for the family with the energy of his small left finger and make better children than all other men."

                Her intuition towards you will begin to shift more towards
                >"Wow he has to go into all this lengthy effort of dieting and doing all these complicated workout things just to look like a normal man. He does all of these things, numerous hours of hard work for the sole purpose of impressing an average woman like me. How will he be able to provide for the family if he`s constantly so busy with keeping up his body shape? What a pathetic and average man he after all is. I need to ditch him."

      • 10 months ago

        >Women want men to be simple and not talking about details. Talking about details turns them off.
        Not true. If she genuinely likes you, she'll be happy that you're sharing your passion with her. Why don't you just find a IST woman as well? Why even bother going for a non-fit girl? You might end up resenting her unless she's one of the few that is genetically blessed and just needs to watch what she eats/does little exercise to look good.

        • 10 months ago

          Yes, I already said that obviously doesn`t apply to a IST girl who is sharing your hobby.
          Also, of course initially she will ask some basic questions about your workout stuff.
          But never about your one rep max or whatever and most normal non-fit women don`t want to hear "what it takes to maintain the physique" or whatever.
          It`s like "yeah I need to take more protein, take a couple supplements, go to the gym twice a week" thats about what she needs to know, even if she is in a long term relationship with you. Then if she asks about details of course you tell her. Obviously.

          There isn`t a somehow-amazing-/fit/-girl for every single guy on here, nor does every male who works out need or want a IST woman.
          Most women in the dating market don`t work out or only on a very basic level, doing occasional cardio or member at a specific sports club.

          • 10 months ago

            >nor does every male who works out need or want a IST woman.
            Which makes no sense. If you're going the extra mile to take care of your body then you should seek out a woman who does the same. You WILL end up resenting her if you stay IST and she ends up gaining happy relationship weight. Even if they are skinny or at a normal weight, you will end up resenting her for not having a nice toned ass or abs or thighs.

            • 10 months ago

              This might be a US-issue if your women magically get chubby.
              If she has a normal job, she shouldn`t have to strength train or need a gym membership just in order to stay in basic shape.
              As a man it makes sense to have a strong physique.

              Also again being inside the gym and getting slimmer it will make her feel she`s now suddenly a higher league and she will get approached by all sorts of random people and looking at roiders twice a week might make you come across boring, no matter how much effort you put in.
              So I wouldn`t try to force it.

              I consider gym girls, but I don`t have it as requirement.

              • 10 months ago

                >Also again being inside the gym and getting slimmer it will make her feel she`s now suddenly a higher league and she will get approached by all sorts of random people and looking at roiders twice a week might make you come across boring, no matter how much effort you put in.
                >So I wouldn`t try to force it.
                >I consider gym girls, but I don`t have it as requirement.
                All I'm getting from this post is that you're deeply insecure and don't have what it takes to date a IST girl.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, genius. I`m not even 6 feet tall. I don`t care about your tryhard shit and women on roids.
                I don`t want or need to date some sheboon who fricks random gym dudes and I don`t need to share my entire gym experience with a female.
                Not everyone wants a gym girl. You do you.

                >I'm merely saying, don`t sperg out on a random woman detailing her your dieting, supplementation and workout regiment.
                That doesn't go against what I originally said, nor does it coincide with your initial reply.

                I don`t know or care about what post you are referencing. I think you get what I mean and are just splitting hairs now.

              • 10 months ago

                Dude, you're dumb as frick if you can't remember the thread of a conversation.

              • 10 months ago

                I don`t think you get how many similar redundand posts i have made

                not sure if this is a serious answer or incel bait

                but my girlfriends likes listening to me when I'm passionate about something like lifting
                she doesn't lift herself but still asks me about it, and listens also to specifics
                she doesn't count calories but still adds the macros to my tracking app if she cooks for me

                and most women I've met / dated before were like this
                not just with lifting but other hobbies as well
                if you're passionate about something, other people usually enjoy talking with you about it
                (this goes the other way around too, I like listening about my girlfriends hobbies as well)

                of course there's a difference between obsession and passion
                and only the latter one is attractive

                and humans aren't computers
                social interaction is not the same as doing tasks at the computer!

                >isn't even safe for their fertility

                I`m just trying to explain, I don`t bait or whatever
                I`m not a native english speaker
                Probably your women are more interested in your workout things
                I`m dealing with a woman who can barely hold up a conversation and will get bored once you start the third sentece and start interrupting you
                I know I need to get rid of her

                whatever, enough time wasted im off this stupid thread, you people just love to talk at cross purposes

              • 10 months ago

                I do. You're legitimately moronic, and at this point I suspect using chatGPT to make your posts, hence why you can't figure out which posts I'm referring to even though it is quite clear.

              • 10 months ago

                all i remember is that your woman is obviously fat as frick, you think I`m insecure and have a compulsive thing about having to date IST-women
                When OP is explicitely stating "talking to NON FIT WOMEN"
                whatever man date your roided up infertile b***h on clen or whatever

              • 10 months ago

                my wording and grammar is shit and cobbled together because english is my second language
                I don`t know which poster is who and refers to what detail because there`s no IDs and I don`t really care
                I bet you don`t even know 2 languages to begin with nor are you able to correctly hand the grammar of two ones even if you focus
                this is a disposable image board so i write out clonky looking sentences that read like ChatGPT because it isn`t necessary to be correct
                a low iq person like you interprets that as being moronic
                have fun

              • 10 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              manage your own expectations
              your partner doesn't need to be a carbon copy of yourself, you sperg

          • 10 months ago

            Chicks frequently ask me about what I eat, or what they should eat to become more toned.
            A massive reason a lot of girls don't go to the gym is that they have no idea what to do there and they're intimidated by it. Hence, these girls will ask you things in the hopes that you'll give them decent advice and reassure them enough to where they feel comfortable going to the gym.

            • 10 months ago

              femanon here. what do I do for a bigger ass?

              • 10 months ago

                Squats and oats.

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah bro, in that case tell them.

              I'm merely saying, don`t sperg out on a random woman detailing her your dieting, supplementation and workout regiment. That would turn them off.

              femanon here. what do I do for a bigger ass?

              squads / glute bridge / leg press
              generally leg exercises for ass / thighs

              • 10 months ago

                >I'm merely saying, don`t sperg out on a random woman detailing her your dieting, supplementation and workout regiment.
                That doesn't go against what I originally said, nor does it coincide with your initial reply.

        • 10 months ago

          It might also depend on what level of talkative and generally interested in hearing about your own life your woman is. Maybe I just date an especially stupid woman who is used to having a low IQ, barely mumbling whole sentences, kind of dad.

  7. 10 months ago

    "yeah I do some pushups and sit-ups in the morning. sometimes I go jogging"

  8. 10 months ago

    Never tell a woman you go to the gym. Just say 'I did some sports in high-school' or I do some press-ups from time to time to stay in shape.

    A woman wants a genetic gold-mine, so to speak, not some autist who is 5x a week in the gym.

  9. 10 months ago

    i wouldn’t trust anyone in this thread to give advice on getting pussy

    if you (You) me you’re gay

  10. 10 months ago

    Always downplay everything in life. It makes you seem naturally better than those who try. I tell people I occasionally go for runs in the morning, when in reality I run every morning and do weights every night. I tell people I'm 5"8, when I'm actually 5"11; this is great because it makes it seem like the guys who actually are 5"8 are lying and are actually shorter. Never expose your power level, everything must appear effortless.

    • 10 months ago

      >”Wow, anon, your wiener is huge!”
      >It’s only 5 inches lol

    • 10 months ago


      >Girl ask if I workout
      >"Not really, sometimes I jog but mainly I just fling my arms around in VR playing games like Beatsaber"

      >”Wow, anon, your wiener is huge!”
      >It’s only 5 inches lol

      I had something similar happen

      >"No one has ever last that long before"
      I could tell she instantly regretted saying it like that, probably didn't want me to think she was a bawd.
      >Ya, I been death squeezing it all these years

      • 10 months ago

        >”Wow, anon, your wiener is huge!”
        >It’s only 5 inches lol

        kek. My personal favorite after sex is
        >wow anon I never let anyone do that stuff to me before
        Or midway through
        >Stop stop stop I need a break oh my gosh give me a minute haha
        non-IST girls are qt

  11. 10 months ago

    What the frick do you think, Einstein?

  12. 10 months ago

    is it a hookup or you're looking for a long term relationship?

    If my girlfriend wouldn't be comfortable with me being in the gym often, or watching my diet, this would be a big no go
    /fit/ness is a considerable part if my personality, why would I want to hide this
    there are just 2 other hobbies I spend more / a similar amount of time on - again why hide it

    for a hookup it's different
    just tell them you like going to the gym, but not how often nor other stuff, no need to know

    • 10 months ago

      Her watching you head off to the gym 2x a week and casually grabbing some milk to prep a protein shake is very different than you painstakingly explaining your differentiated workout regiment, personal best lifts, supplementation, protein intake and whatnot.
      It`s normal stuff any strength training amateur does but explain it to a woman and it will make you sound like a desperate hard coper.
      She will be repulsed by it.

      Women want men to be like apple computers.
      You need to be the magic box that she can operate in simple terms, can yell at and scream at but in the end it`s a fool proof machine that will consistently shit out attention, casual entertainment and financial support for her while somehow looking great.
      NOT explaining all the complicated programming behind the GUI und software to her, that`s the reason she isn`t using Linux.
      Your rough amount of food intake might be relevant to her, the lifting details aren`t relevant to her unless she`s looking to be a female lifter.
      Which most females aren`t and actual strength training isn`t even safe for their fertility.

      • 10 months ago

        not sure if this is a serious answer or incel bait

        but my girlfriends likes listening to me when I'm passionate about something like lifting
        she doesn't lift herself but still asks me about it, and listens also to specifics
        she doesn't count calories but still adds the macros to my tracking app if she cooks for me

        and most women I've met / dated before were like this
        not just with lifting but other hobbies as well
        if you're passionate about something, other people usually enjoy talking with you about it
        (this goes the other way around too, I like listening about my girlfriends hobbies as well)

        of course there's a difference between obsession and passion
        and only the latter one is attractive

        and humans aren't computers
        social interaction is not the same as doing tasks at the computer!

        >isn't even safe for their fertility

      • 9 months ago

        I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux,” and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.

        Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

        • 9 months ago

          Imagine you dedicate your entire life to software that makes a completely free and open source OS possible. Most people don't know or care about your project. Even highly technical people that use GNU utils every day don't know wtf GNU is. You basically worked really hard to make Linus Torvalds famous. To make matters worse the only people that like you do so ironically on a Japanese anime forum.

        • 9 months ago

          Actually interesting

      • 9 months ago

        hear hear the duck of wisdom

        doing easy is infinitely sexier than try-harding. there are places where you'd want to signal your industrious nature or even autism. lifting is not one.

        don't lift the veil, you fricking morons.

  13. 10 months ago

    Looks like he's poking her forehead with chopsticks

  14. 10 months ago

    Doesn't matter, they just care about the end result.
    They don't want you to lift, they want you to be jacked.
    They don't want you to work, they want you to be rich.

    • 10 months ago

      >They don't want you to lift, they want you to be jacked.
      >They don't want you to work, they want you to be rich.

    • 10 months ago

      I agree
      basically what i ment

      "but gym girls" is not an argument
      talking about average women, which is the vast majority of all women

  15. 10 months ago

    >”haha I just do some push-ups in the morning and eat well”

  16. 10 months ago

    If you're just trying to get laid, make yourself seem as chill as possible. If you're actually looking for someone to date/marry, don't hide your powerlevel

  17. 10 months ago

    I just do some push ups haha
    maybe some light jogging if the weather is nice

  18. 10 months ago

    Don't talk. Don't make a move. Instead wallow in the vicious loop of self pity, depression and regret and lift to cope with your poor life choices and the dead end failure that is your miserable existence.

    • 10 months ago

      I don`t really care you Americans frick sheboons and fat as frick women and women on roids. I`m not a native english speaker but I have more sex than you.

      • 10 months ago

        stop larping as me
        trolls abusing no id

      • 10 months ago

        he literally kept bringing up how is woman is getting so fat she needs the gym to stay normal
        and he, or the other guy, how could i possibly tell without ids, was insisting you need to date a IST girl who`s into gym shit

    • 10 months ago

      I’d love to lie and say I don’t already do this. But I do.

  19. 10 months ago

    Give me a good reason not to go sex an escortgirl 30min before meeting the qt at the pub tomorrow.

    • 10 months ago

      you will make it bro dont worry about it
      stay calm talk casually about positive things in life that interest you or make some light hearted jokes about random things that come up

      • 10 months ago

        Thanks anon
        I like the pic too

  20. 10 months ago

    There's a metaskill of talking to women and you're missing it. Just realize that they don't really give a shit about anything we like. Women's interests are things like YouTuber drama and maybe their careers. They only care about a) relationships or b) bottom line "how can this help me" stuff. Don't autistically talk about weightlifting, just like you don't autistically talk about Roman history or cars. They literally don't listen, they do this thing where they shut their ears off and optionally just listen to your tone of voice. If you want to talk to them, just learn to meet them where they are. You telling her about weightlifting is like her telling you about her YouTuber drama. Of course she doesn't give a frick. The meta judgment she's making at these moments is whether you have enough social aptitude to understand women i.e. to understand women well enough not to bore them. Women are not men

  21. 10 months ago

    Femanon here. If you're that committed to being IST then she should be able to pick it up on her own after a while. If she really likes/cares/loves you then talking to her about your passion won't turn her away.

    • 10 months ago

      Anonette you need to take care of your nails.

      • 10 months ago

        I had fake ones for a while so now my natural ones have to regrow. I'll get them done in about 2 weeks.

        • 10 months ago

          I understand, but that doesn’t excuse you from cleaning them. Also, word to the wise: when you get them done, keep the pattern/design simple. Girls that go over the top with nail art repulse me. A single (respectable) color is beautiful and elegant. When girls do the thing where they accentuate their ring finger by making it a different color, I want to slap them in the god damn face.

          While I’m at it, girls that put on glitter and other dumb accoutrements because it’s “fun” drive me insane. My baseline rule for elegance is that you present yourself in a way where you wouldn’t look like a total moron/fool while crying. Imagine a woman in a beautiful dress with red nails, long flowing (natural) hair crying. Now, picture a girl who just found out her dad died and she has childish nail art, glitter on her face, and blue hair. Tragedy never looked so ridiculous on stupid prostitutes and I can’t take them seriously.

          • 10 months ago

            They are clean. If you’re talking about the black lines, those were caused from the fake nails and pulling them off too roughly.

          • 10 months ago

            >Elegance = can look good crying
            Interesting thought experiment anon. Reminds me of the test to figure out which president to vote for: "if they get a 3 a.m. phone call about a crisis, how would they handle it?"

    • 10 months ago

      >Femanon here
      breasts or gtf...

      Carry on

    • 9 months ago

      Ok, good to know

    • 9 months ago

      You look my ex. Were you fat a year ago?

      • 9 months ago


        anon why did you get them done

        Get what done?

    • 9 months ago

      anon why did you get them done

      • 9 months ago

        get what done?

        • 9 months ago


          Get what done?

          ur breasts

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Nice breasts

  22. 10 months ago

    The most luck I have when a girl mentions my physique is when I joke about it
    >Her: ”You’re definitely stronger looking than most guys I’ve dated”
    >Me: “Haha, well I have to admit that I have been taking a lot of Zumba classes recently”
    Using humor is one of the best ways to make a girl comfortable and for you to not look insecure

  23. 10 months ago

    Ask them what they think. You may not care, but it's a good conversation subject. And if you look jacked enough you will not appear submissive.

  24. 9 months ago

    Wait til it's brought up and just be honest. Are you autistic? If some chick gets turned off because I mention I lift then she is moronic and I don't want to date her.
    If a girl asks what I do at the gym I'm not going to lie and say I use machines, I'm going to tell her I enjoy sbdp.

  25. 9 months ago

    Non fit woman get bored of me quick, it's like they can't comprehend someone that doesn't party or drink and are not religious. I had one just break up with me flat out in text, then when I was amicable about it she said that was part of the problem, I was not passionate and had no emotions beyond content and annoyed.

  26. 9 months ago

    It's simple anon, don't over-complicate it. During your first date/interaction, you need to slyly tense up/flex your muscles, so they catch glimpses of you in your prime form. This is to entice them into asking you whether you lift or play any sports, once they do, you must, and I repeat this is absolutely necessary for this to work, you must tell them "You have activated my trap card, behold". You need to immediately stop whatever you are doing and flex your traps as hard as you can, bonus points if you can get the veins on your forehead to bulge a bit, don't stop eye dogging them throughout the entire proccess. At this point they will be highly aware they are in the presence of a prime physical specimen, they might ask you if you're okay, but do not fall for this feeble attempt at gaslighting you into thinking that what you're doing looks un-natural. On the contrary, once they see your iron will they will bend and accept that you are truly, a fit warrior.

  27. 9 months ago

    You should actively try to avoid talking about fitness with anyone in general, if the topics comes out change subjects immediately, just say you do a couple push ups from time to time and that's it

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