BJJ won't give you brain dam-ack!

BJJ saint Rickson Gracie has Parkinson.

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  1. 7 months ago

    BJJ sounds so fricking gay what happened to Thaiwon-Doh, Kempo, or that Aikido shit I used to hear about? I can't imagine someone wanting to learn how to suck dick sheesh have some dignity

    • 7 months ago

      >what happened to Thaiwon-Doh, Kempo, or that Aikido shit I used to hear about?
      They died the moment MMA became a thing and martial arts were pressure tested.

      Taekwondo has good kicks, but nothing else. It also lacks high intensity sparring. It's good to supplement a martial art like kickboxing, but standalone it's pretty bad. It's just a strictly worse version of Shotokan karate.

      Aikido is literally fricking useless, as in "doesn't even work as advertised" useless, as in "literally the only way you can pull this off is by having a cooperating partner" useless. There's a way to make Aikido work and it's called jiu-jitsu.

      Kempo is often called the crossfit of karate because of how much it emphasizes needlessly long and complex combinations that you can in no way pull off in a fight. Just do kyokushin if you want to do karate so badly.

      • 7 months ago

        >They died the moment MMA became a thing and martial arts were pressure tested.
        I think people always knew martial arts were useless
        I mean, that's why armies around the world have created their own martial arts

      • 7 months ago

        Your post is correct but

        >Pressure tested

        Reddit onions language

      • 7 months ago

        >They died the moment MMA became a thing and martial arts were pressure tested.
        Kinda funny that TKD and Karate had much more success in the early UFCs than boxing and MT then.

        You're just an idiot parroting reddit memes.

        • 7 months ago

          Karate can be legit, but not kempo karate

          • 7 months ago

            Worked for Frank Mir.

            Bjj and grappling in general was marketed, mostly by the Gracies, as an injury free martial art , this is totally bullshit , you may not get hit or punched but it is very strenuous for the neck, spine, shoulders etc. Wrestling is worse in that regard though.

            >Tell me you are US American from the suburbs without telling me you are US American from the suburbs

            In the US everything equals bjj nowadays. MMA is Mixed Martial Arts , it may include bjj in the mixture , because you people cannot comprehend the fact that bjj in not the end all be all of martial arts , i ll give some popular champs from back in the day who did not do bjj and did well, Fedor, Saku, Ruas, Rizzo just to name a few . Unfortunately USAtians are fixed with bjj thanks to Jaw Hogan and his UFC commentary who calls every move a bjj move. UFC 1 was a bjj Promo.

            >>Tell me you are US American from the suburbs without telling me you are US American from the suburbs
            I'm German, I'm also old enough to have experienced the shilling for MMA in the 90s.
            >I trained XY for 20 years but got beaten easily by a high school wrestler
            was the "Oats and Squats" of the 90s.

            People somehow forgot that grappling existed for centuries in the US and was nothing new. But Americans are dumb, so they fell for it easily.

    • 7 months ago

      It works. Don't believe me? Go into your local BJJ gym and challenge a purple belt to a MMA match. See how well that works for you

      • 7 months ago

        But can he bench 315?

        • 7 months ago

          Janny stalking is legit real and so obvious lol

          • 7 months ago

            Can’t even put up 3 pl8s and he thinks he’d win a fight

            • 7 months ago

              But do you weigh 260?

              • 7 months ago

                Try 400

      • 7 months ago

        >w-well if you go to a bjj gym and try do to the thing they do, they'll win
        That purple belt is getting folded and fricked in the bussy in a muay thai gym.

        • 7 months ago

          That's why he said "challenge them to a MMA fight", but clearly literacy has never been your strong point.

          • 7 months ago

            MMA fights are basically BJJ fights. MMA originally was a commercial stunt for BJJ anyway. This wasn't even 30 years ago, why don't you guys know this?

            • 7 months ago

              Bjj and grappling in general was marketed, mostly by the Gracies, as an injury free martial art , this is totally bullshit , you may not get hit or punched but it is very strenuous for the neck, spine, shoulders etc. Wrestling is worse in that regard though.

              >Tell me you are US American from the suburbs without telling me you are US American from the suburbs

              In the US everything equals bjj nowadays. MMA is Mixed Martial Arts , it may include bjj in the mixture , because you people cannot comprehend the fact that bjj in not the end all be all of martial arts , i ll give some popular champs from back in the day who did not do bjj and did well, Fedor, Saku, Ruas, Rizzo just to name a few . Unfortunately USAtians are fixed with bjj thanks to Jaw Hogan and his UFC commentary who calls every move a bjj move. UFC 1 was a bjj Promo.

        • 7 months ago

          If you take fighters from each martial art and make them fight each other in a street fight bjj wins 9/10, the only chance a striker has is to knock you out before the fight goes to the ground. A wrestler/judoka can get you to the ground but they can't do shit to a black belt on the floor. Most fights go to the ground, bjj is the best martial art when it comes to ground game

          • 7 months ago

            BJJ Vs an equally trained martial art is a lot more competitive than 9/10. Sure Vs untrained opponents, but having takedown defense and strong striking is a BJJ gays weakness. Martial arts is like Rock Paper Scissors I’m a way. You are right though for basic one on one self defense BJJ is by far the best.

          • 7 months ago

            >Most fights go to the ground

            • 7 months ago

              It's made up. Street fights are stand up fights 99% of the time. Grappling gays can't do shit after catching a knee or a uppercut, then a soccer kick to the head. UFC rules are made in BJJtards favor, if there were no rules they would get stomped to death. Even after all this, knockouts are still more common than submissions in MMA.

            • 7 months ago

              Police statistics for arrests, not street fights.

  2. 7 months ago

    I got a concussion from BJJ. had to give it up.

    • 7 months ago

      Years ago I was 170lbs and got paired up with this brute of a man in a no gi class because there was only 3 dudes (including me) and a female who attended that class. He was a young guy, my age at the time, early-mid 20s, built like a foot ball player, a brick shit house, maybe 270lbs, probably on steroids. I've gone with many guys who were huge but they always knew to check their strength on the smaller guys. I trusted this school and the students. So I naively trusted this guy to just flow roll with me. We started standing and he scooped me up and dumped me on my head, all his body weight on me. It was basically a full on fight minus punches being thrown. I never went to a doctor but I'm sure I got concussed, had a head ache a few days after class. Dude was such a piece of shit, didn't apologize, just mean mugged me like I did him wrong or something. I've never seen him before that class and I never saw him after. Taught me to be a better judge of character. I've heard stories of dudes joining martial arts gyms to specifically beat up smaller dudes but I've never experienced it myself.

      • 7 months ago

        That’s fricked up dude. Once some idiot makes a move like that a decent coach should immediately stop it. Thanks for the horror story I’ll definitely be cautious when training with strangers.

      • 7 months ago

        We just straight up don't let white belts roll until there's a consensus that they're 1) not a psychopath and 2) not a spaz. There's just too many fricks who don't understand how training works. Sorry that happened to you.

    • 7 months ago

      Bro I focused on BJJ after I had to quit rugby due to concussions. I eventually had to quit BJJ after a torn ligament, but I wouldn’t be worried about concussions with BJJ.

      • 7 months ago

        well they definitely happen in bjj too

  3. 7 months ago

    I know nothing about it but I've seen a bjj fight and it was gay as frick

  4. 7 months ago

    Kek it's a good job he ducked sakuraba or else he'd be in a wheelchair dribbling his açai down his chin by now.

  5. 7 months ago

    I was 13 years old riding black diamonds without a helmet ngaf. what is it with you obese lift gays obsessing over brain damage like a bunch of pussies? Is this how you cope?

  6. 7 months ago

    >keep getting hit or having pressure applied on your skull and eventually you will get continuous degeneration of cells

    to make a life out of a combat sport, having to be brave and there always to make an example of what you are doing, but being among the first thus not knowing what the limits or even the science behind the important matters. such is life, as pioneer warriors these kind of men served as all examples for the safety of their student, at least the ones who will care about being safer.

    TLDR he needed to be there doing his best all the time because he had a whole sport to help. jiujitsu is a combat sport but its time to be treated more as a martial art, the best ones need to start taking their time because rickson is the first all out generation, this is a call, from above for all bjj pratictioners to begin fricking breathing and thinking about the sport, and turn it into a sport. many tragedies will be avoided after this wake up call, yes I never thought bjj would be as dangerous as boxing.

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