Bodyweight training for tall and heavy guys

Is there even a point in trying calisthenics if i'm 195cm (6.4ft) and 90kg (198pounds)? I'm afraid i will never make it out of novice stage or achieve advanced stuff and make no gains...

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  1. 6 months ago

    Same place, just start
    I have finally got a pull up at 20 I have been wanting this for 4y since hs

    • 6 months ago

      congrats anon, it's well worth the wait. me I've been trying years just to get an advanced tuck planche but I can't keep my legs up

  2. 6 months ago

    Try it and find out.
    Holy frick you don't need our permission

  3. 6 months ago

    You will never win any prizes at 195cm but will it be good for your general health and fitness and well being? Most definitely.

    Let me ask you this, would you tell a 170cm manlet to not play basketball?

    • 6 months ago

      >Let me ask you this, would you tell a 170cm manlet to not play basketball?

      • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      >Let me ask you this, would you tell a 170cm manlet to not play basketball?

      Anon, I...

  4. 6 months ago

    One important thing; learn how leverage works
    There'll be a ton of manlets telling you your numbers should be higher/you should be progressing faster (then you meet them irl and they come up to your navel), progression as a lanklet is slower and you have to pay massive attention to form

    • 6 months ago

      >you have to pay massive attention to form

      • 6 months ago

        Because the easiest most seemingly natural way to do a movment is often not the safest or best for building muscle. There's not much natural about exercise except climbing and walking. Controlling what's worked and how it's worked. Same deal with lifting appealing to nature or feel has no place in this shit except with maybe pullups.

        • 6 months ago

          >Because the easiest most seemingly natural way to do a movment is often not the safest or best for building muscle.
          Can you provide some examples in calisthenics?

          • 6 months ago

            Most people do pushups wrong, they use pooe range of motion and put their arms straight out, droop their back ect.

            Ideal form is:
            Arms at 45 degrees from body, hands facing slightly in, thumbs about nipple level. Back straight core engaged. Chest to floor. Shoulders held in line with body for most of the rep and protracted at the top.

            But you'll never see anyone do those "naturally" because it's not natural it's a disciplined form.

            • 6 months ago

              Makes sense.

  5. 6 months ago

    What a fricking moronic question. You could have used all that stupid overthinking to reach to the conclusion of "more bones and more muscles" but your Black person brain is stronger.

    • 6 months ago

      >the conclusion of "more bones and more muscles"

      • 6 months ago

        tall people have more bones than short people, obviously
        everyone knows this, anon

  6. 6 months ago

    what is the image referencing

    • 6 months ago

  7. 6 months ago

    b***h I'm 205 lbs and I do five sets of ten chin ups twice per week
    >hurrrrr I'll always be le novice I better just not do it then
    drink bleach
    >Verification not required

  8. 6 months ago

    > I'm afraid i will never make it out of novice stage or achieve advanced stuff and make no gains...
    It takes longer to progress to advanced movements, which can be discouraging, but the flip side is that you get nicer gains early on with the basic movements, compared to untrained manlets who can pump out 100 pullups because they weigh as much as a feather. When it comes to calisthenics, it's much harder to compare yourself to others, anyway. A guy who's the same height and weight as you might be churning out 10x the number of pushups, but the difference between fast, bouncy pushups and slow, controlled pushups with a pause is immense.

  9. 6 months ago

    The "advanced" shit doesn't even build muscle. Those levers and flippy shit they do are not better than dips and chins. There is no height ceiling on dips and chins. It's actually a major problem with the calisthenics community with them majoring on the minors and telling people to stop doing the good lifts and start doing "russian dips" which are worse in every way.

    Accepting you're not going to do an iron cross is like accepting you're not going to squat 1000lbs. You're not missing out on anything.

    • 6 months ago

      >"russian dips"
      what are russian dips? is that when you dip into your vodka stash before noon?

    • 6 months ago

      Thank for motivation.

  10. 6 months ago

    198 isn't heavy OP. Especially for 6'4".

  11. 6 months ago

    You wanna be an advanced calisthenics athlete, or do you want to use it to build muscle? If it's the latter, you're probably at an overall advantage. You'll literally be able to build more actual muscle tissue before you need to move to harder variants of movements

  12. 6 months ago

    Im 6'4" and was always heavy. Not "big" just a little too fat. As a consequence, I was not strong for my size and couldnt not do pushups and pullups.

    It was not until I got myself legit strong (like 2,3,4 and pushing 5 plates on deadlifts) that I dot strong enought o 1) look like I lift and two do chinups. Pushups came earlier, but pullups were a b***h.

    Anyway, dont bother. If I assume your goals are to look better and to perform better, a much faster way to achieve your goals or to get very strong on the basic barbell lifts. To get strong, you can then try to do calisthenics to show off. Goal is to primarily look better and perform better, use barbells. it will just be faster.

  13. 6 months ago

    Most guys go to the gym to look big, not to lift big.
    You can get big with calisthenics, as long as it's WEIGHTED calisthenics.
    You only need to do dips, pullups and legs raises (and their variations) in the hypertrophy rep range (5-15 reps) since these 3 exercises hit all of your upper body muscles.
    You DO NOT need to do fancy moves (maltese, iron cross) to get big, as these exercises mostly focus on strength and do nothing for hypertorphy (you don't be repping 15 iron crosses in a row).

  14. 6 months ago

    89kg and 6' here, Ive been doing calisthenics for maybe 3-4 months and can do 10 dips and about 5 pullups from being at 0 on both. Just keep at it, it may be demoralising but negatives and assisted helps,even if dyels tell you its cringe.

  15. 6 months ago

    No OP, you will just waste time like I did at the exact same specs trying to run and rock climb and stuff. Just do strongman, it's where we belong.

  16. 6 months ago

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