>boomer women considered this a fit sex symbol in 1960s

>boomer women considered this a fit sex symbol in 1960s
Have modern fitness standards gotten out of hand compared to the 1960s?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Literally every Hollywood star roids

    • 2 years ago

      Beyond that, fitness influencers, tik tok kids
      Modern fitness standards are fricked.

    • 2 years ago


      fpbp. Women are fatter than ever and expect a fake natty on test + var

  2. 2 years ago

    >Leave IST for months then come back
    >still /LULZ/ lite
    Frick this board and website

    • 2 years ago

      IST has been /LULZ/ 2.0 for over 5 years.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh no anon don’t go you’re so sexy aha

    • 2 years ago

      see you tomorrow

    • 2 years ago

      >come back
      it's your fault

    • 2 years ago

      Are you aware you are on IST? Go back to r*ddit, fricking normalBlack person

    • 2 years ago

      we have an autistic Stacy on here now though, that's neat.

      • 2 years ago

        WHERE?! WHERE!?!?

      • 2 years ago

        Haha, sounds just like LULZ now.

    • 2 years ago

      Wtf how is this post /LULZ/lite? There is nothing blackpilling about it.

    • 2 years ago

      and you'll be back again and again..

    • 2 years ago

      have sex

  3. 2 years ago

    Women have access to the top 1% of men in their pocket, all of them have had him as well, they just couldn’t keep him but think one day they will

    • 2 years ago

      >Women have access to the top 1% of men in their pocket

  4. 2 years ago

    The average man up until the 90s was about 150 lbs

    • 2 years ago

      So Rippetoe was lying when he said that adult men should weigh 200 lbs?

      • 2 years ago

        Of course he was. You cannot justify that arbitrary statement

      • 2 years ago

        he just wanted an excuse to stay obese

      • 2 years ago

        that bloated barrel-lookin' frick? the MEN that stormed the beaches at Normandy were wiry as frick and looked nothing like his swollen hull

      • 2 years ago

        Depends on the height. At 6’2” 220lbs you can show abs if you train them. Yeah they look like shit natty, but still begger nattys can’t be choosers.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm 5'11"/235 and have visible abs at like 20+% bf lmao

          • 2 years ago

            post it
            inb4 fatty "outline"

        • 2 years ago

          >Yeah they look like shit natty, but still begger nattys can’t be choosers
          Body dismorphia is one hell of an illness.

    • 2 years ago

      >The average man up until the 90s was about 150 lbs

      During World War II, the average body measurements of the over six million male inductees into the U.S. Army was found to be 5 feet, 8 inches tall and 144 pounds in weight, on average an inch taller and eight pounds heavier than his Great War counterpart

      Greatest Generation men literally weigh less than an average woman today, and 30lbs less than an average black woman. Sad!

  5. 2 years ago

    >television has ever represented reality
    lol, lmao
    You're one of the morons who would've killed himself when wotw first aired.
    Dumb fricking c**t gay thread.

  6. 2 years ago

    >he thinks women at all dictated what images were marketed in the 60s

  7. 2 years ago

    Even he was frauding, though. Sean Connery was bald and wore a wig for Bond.

  8. 2 years ago

    He still would be considered a sex symbol. Most sex symbols aren't huge and ripped today. Only other men really admire some juiced out bodybuilder.
    Also, it wasn't his body they were after.

    • 2 years ago

      if a show makes a point of showing off a guy's body now he's definitely going to have like 10-15% more muscle mass and a few % lower bf than Sean there. There can still be a guy women think is attractive that looks like sean under clothing, but no one would show him without a shirt anymore

    • 2 years ago

      >Most sex symbols aren't huge and ripped today
      name one except for timothy chalamet and kpop gays
      all those marvel dudes are on more gear than prime Arnold

    • 2 years ago

      >Only other men really admire some juiced out bodybuilder.
      >Also, it wasn't his body they were after.
      yep, newsflash. women don't really give a shit what a man looks like.

    • 2 years ago

      >forgets that women go wet at the sight of Chris Hemsworth's naked body as Thor

  9. 2 years ago

    Just don’t be a fat slob and you can live a normal life and get girls. You just need to talk to them IRL and stay off the stupid apps.

    Exercise, eat healthy, keep yourself groomed and clean. Having a job helps to.

    • 2 years ago

      Most guys that I know with hot girlfriends/wives have legitimate dad bods but they have an attractive enough face and are well rounded men who own a construction company or something of the sort. Money and personality are most important to women looking to have a family

    • 2 years ago

      How? Like... Literally how..

      I've tried to "get girls" ever since puberty hit with no success. I've always been fairly social, popular etc. I can easily make both male and female friends w/ no issues, can have deeper conversations etc.

      I'm fit, fairly tall-ish (exactly 6ft, average-ish in my country)

      I've even paid for moronic PUA shit and I literally see normal people have girlfriends etc.

      Hell, even when people figure out during conversation that I'm a lvl 1 virgin (talking about relationships etc.) they are completely dumbfound and have no Idea why I've never gotten any experience. It's as if it just happens... But how?

      What are the literal steps that lead to it AFTER being social, AFTER being fit, having good hobbies, generally being relatively attractive etc.

      I very, very easily make friends... Hell, I'm a musician/singer, so it SHOULD'VE been easy, but well, here I am as a 27 year old with zero experience. Hell, I've even worn boots to add a bit of height, but it literally doesn't matter.

      I'm at the phase where I'm trying every single lead and tip, try to ask advice everywhere I can with no shame, because I'm absolutely clueless how a conversation leads to touching, kissing, sex.

      Pic related a couple months ago -yes, more or less DYEL physique, still a few months to go to achieve "otter-mode", but what then??

      Every time I ask for advice I'm told that "it's not your looks omg" and people IRL cringe when I tell them I try to be as fit as possible, because they truly think that's not my problem.

      Tl;dr: how much fitter do I need to be to reach the "holding hands" level?

      • 2 years ago

        Time to book a flight to Asia and claim your virgin doctor wife of your choosing. Or you could have a haraam. You're getting filtered in the west time for milk and honey

        • 2 years ago

          >you could have a haraam.

      • 2 years ago

        Have you actually tried talking to a woman?

        • 2 years ago

          Like I said, I've always had an "easy" time talking to people, making friends, being social. Never been an outcast except for maybe middle school.

          I have to be social as a performer/musician on stage.

          • 2 years ago

            It's one thing to be social. Another thing to flirt and be intimate.
            Introverts get into relationships all the time and they are not social at all. Introversion/Extroversion is not synonymous with the ability to pair bond.

      • 2 years ago

        you need to approach this problem with CALM determination. you sound obsessed and like an emotion wreck. unfortunately this will doom you to a certain extent.
        how often do you ask girls out? if you ask out an average looking girl, is she going to turn you down?

        • 2 years ago

          What does it mean "ask someone out"?

          I've never seen it happen in my friends groups, I don't hear that people date in the traditional sense. I just see people talk, then just some weird ass magic touching starts to happen (girl starts holding the guys hand or gives a some light brushes etc.), but It never happens to me.

          I only get the "friendly" reactions. Trust me, I've seen the behavior - I never ever get it. Doesn't this literally mean that I'm not attractive enough?

          I've tried some AI face rating apps w/ webcam and I honestly get the high 6/low 7 rating...

          I need to somehow become attractive enough to get these touches...

          It's one thing to be social. Another thing to flirt and be intimate.
          Introverts get into relationships all the time and they are not social at all. Introversion/Extroversion is not synonymous with the ability to pair bond.

          Ok, but how? I'm clearly not able to do it no matter how much "pills" I swallow.

          Also, yes, my t-levels are fine. I checked them because I thought it might be the reason.

          • 2 years ago

            I one time also heard girls talk behind my back that they "just don't see the man in me", with the other girls saying that "yeah, I can see he's a guy, but I just don't feel the man in him" or something like that. It fricking hurt...

            • 2 years ago

              What does it mean "ask someone out"?

              I've never seen it happen in my friends groups, I don't hear that people date in the traditional sense. I just see people talk, then just some weird ass magic touching starts to happen (girl starts holding the guys hand or gives a some light brushes etc.), but It never happens to me.

              I only get the "friendly" reactions. Trust me, I've seen the behavior - I never ever get it. Doesn't this literally mean that I'm not attractive enough?

              I've tried some AI face rating apps w/ webcam and I honestly get the high 6/low 7 rating...

              I need to somehow become attractive enough to get these touches...


              Ok, but how? I'm clearly not able to do it no matter how much "pills" I swallow.

              Also, yes, my t-levels are fine. I checked them because I thought it might be the reason.

              Most of those idiots replying to you don’t get your problem. You don’t know how to escalate from casual conversation/friendship to a romantic/sexual situation
              Google it

              • 2 years ago

                Your friends are NPCs with zero self-awareness so they can’t tell you how it happens
                Either they make the first move (most of the time) or the girls do (but this still requires a flirtatious aura on your part usually so just make the first move)

                Uhh... What if it is just cause I'm ugly?

                In the mirror, I look good, but i have a weak chin, at least it seems so. Or is it just deep rooted insecurity from never having experience?

                Random capture from a group photo.

              • 2 years ago

                What a terrible hair cut.

            • 2 years ago

              How did you not instantly kill them on the spot?

              • 2 years ago

                I just brushed it off as if I didn't hear them

                I honestly thought that I was mishearing at first.

              • 2 years ago

                he didn't have the man in him.

          • 2 years ago

            >Ok, but how?
            This is going to come off as normie 101 talk but there really is no textbook answer on how to flirt man. I'm no expert myself, but I have managed to snag many dates with women and even long term relationships. I have problems with approaching, but if people introduce me to a girl, that will usually be my "in" to see if I can get a date out of her.
            You have a leg up on being social, so use that to your advantage. You get to know them on a surface level when you approach them, then close out by asking them out for coffee or something relatively low key.
            You have to experiment and find what works for you. There's really no "wrong" way to do it, it's only wrong if it's not working for you.

          • 2 years ago

            >What does it mean "ask someone out"?
            Literally doing something together, that you actually have the excuse of wanting to do. Oh you like museums? Me too, wanna go visit the one later this week?

          • 2 years ago

            >I've never seen it happen in my friends groups, I don't hear that people date in the traditional sense.
            They aren't actually your friends lmaaoooooo. The way this works is that usually a third party in your social circle lets you know that "hey Stacy is into you, you should go for it" and the guy goes for it at a party or whatever thing you're doing. If your friends don't do this, you're an acquaintance - the fifth business - or they're in the same boat as you, stuck in a sausagefest with narry a bangable girl to be seen.

            • 2 years ago

              They are. The truth is, I've just never had a girl who was "into me". I've even asked people if they've ever seen me flirt etc. And when they think about it, they say that "now that I think about it, no I haven't, and it's really weird / surprising" etc.

              Act like they're down to frick until they say they're not

              Fair. That's THE hardest thing to do, since I'm not really into random girls.

              Are you sure you don't swing the other way instead

              Absolutely sure. I sometimes wish I was bi or something, maybe it would be easier.

              • 2 years ago

                Bro you still here?? Lmao
                1) for sure there were girls who liked you. You just didn't use your chances
                2) don't be gay just because you can't get laid. Imagine taking monkeypox dick or fricking an aids ridden homosexual just because you're afraid of a girl rejecting you.
                Next thing you're gonna say it's
                >I'm unsuccessful with women therefore I'm a defective male and therefore i should troon out.

          • 2 years ago

            you have autism. try not having autism.

      • 2 years ago

        >ask a girl in your social circle if she's free on a Friday or Saturday night
        >take her to a bar you know well. Maybe somewhere where you've actually played
        >drink a beer together and tell her about your history with that bar. Or any funny story from your life
        >When beer is over it's time for round 2.
        >Buy 2 beers and 2 shots of jaegermeister without asking her.
        >Drink the 2 shots first. Bonus points if you do that cringe thing with locking your arms as you drink them and look into each other's eyes.
        >Move on to the 2nd beer.
        >Seek out eye contact with her
        >If she returns it for 3-5 seconds move in closer to her. If she doesn't flinch, kiss her.
        It's as easy as that.
        It's as difficult as that.

        Yes you're the one who has to take the plunge
        Yes you're risking ruining your relationship with her
        Yes it takes guts, bravery and determination
        Yes you have to remain confident even if she plays hard to get
        Yes you have to withstand the "Medusa stare"

        Or you can be like
        >Get drunk together
        >Lmao I'm just gonna kiss her out of the blue, rapist style.
        It will still amount to the exact same thing.

        • 2 years ago

          But IRL I've seen people start touching before that. How do I get that touch thing?

          I've gotten drunk w/ girls and it always happens with other guys, even if they're complete softboys and not traditionally "alpha"

          • 2 years ago

            You can do this.
            >Sit next to her
            >Slide her hand on hers
            >She looks up at you, like wtf r u doing?
            >You have the 3-5 second staring contest
            >She looks like "wtf?!"
            >You look calm, smiling (stupidly)
            >It dawns on her that you want to get intimate
            >Her expression softens
            >You go for the kiss

            In every single case you have to take the plunge. In every single case you have to stick your neck out.
            >But how do i touch her??!!
            With your hand and then later with your penis

            • 2 years ago

              Sounds to me like alien behavior, but I don't have further to fall lol.

              Even if I'm called a creep, I have a large enough social group/status that I can fall back to my firends for support.

              But yeah, I've literally never seen people "make a move". From friends I've only heard that it "just happens" organically, and they have no clue why it doesn't happen to me.

              >Ok, but how?
              This is going to come off as normie 101 talk but there really is no textbook answer on how to flirt man. I'm no expert myself, but I have managed to snag many dates with women and even long term relationships. I have problems with approaching, but if people introduce me to a girl, that will usually be my "in" to see if I can get a date out of her.
              You have a leg up on being social, so use that to your advantage. You get to know them on a surface level when you approach them, then close out by asking them out for coffee or something relatively low key.
              You have to experiment and find what works for you. There's really no "wrong" way to do it, it's only wrong if it's not working for you.

              That's fair. The most reasonable answer I've gotten is that sadly, I apparently don't have a "sexual vibe" (typical beta/alpha stuff etc.) and yeah, for normal guys these "tocuhy-feely" stare things just eventually happen.

              For some reason, no girls have ever given me this signal and I literally don't know what an intimate, non-platonic touch/behavior/feeling even feels like.

              It always, ALWAYS ends up with being platonic friends - no "tension" at all. Nothing.

              • 2 years ago

                >But yeah, I've literally never seen people "make a move". From friends I've only heard that it "just happens" organically, and they have no clue why it doesn't happen to me.
                Because "making a move" is organic for normal people.

              • 2 years ago

                But they DON'T "make a move", they just laugh, smile and then there's touching from the girl..

                With me, it's a normal, platonic conversation - I never understood what Is it that they do differently. Is it the topic? I can talk about sex stuff easily, but I can also talk about it with my bros, so what is the difference?

                Having a normal conversation is organic, getting to the touch phase is alien language.

              • 2 years ago

                >getting to the touch phase is alien language.
                The alien language you refer to is "masculinity" and "bravery".

                I lived my 20s in Germany. Western society truly does want to make cucks of us all.

              • 2 years ago

                >I lived my 20s in Germany. Western society truly does want to make cucks of us all.
                I don't get the reference to living in germany. Could you explain?

              • 2 years ago

                Yes you have to risk being called a creep.
                Yes afterwards you can always say sorry and say you misread the situation.

                I've hooked up with 20 girls.
                I've failed many more times.
                There were times i tried to make a move and then later the girl apologized to me saying "sorry i led you on".
                There was a time where she reciprocated my kiss at first but then went, "Yehh naw naw yeh".

                The guys for whom it "happened organically" were probably given obscenely obvious hints and prompts from the girl before making the move.
                I'm sure you were also in situations like this but were too beta to act on them. Well you're now 27 yo khv. Clearly your idea of "organically" is never gonna happen. So... Make the move gaygit.

              • 2 years ago

                >For some reason, no girls have ever given me this signal and I literally don't know what an intimate, non-platonic touch/behavior/feeling even feels like.
                Like the other anon(s) have told you, it really is just an organic thing.
                I'm moronic when it comes to reading body language. I tend to "just go for it". It's one of those "don't think, just feel" type things. Like if I'm walking with a date and things feel like they're going well, I'll hold their hand. Sometimes, girls will sheepishly weasel their way into hand holding by dropping hints like "my hands are so cold" or whatever. Kissing kind of happens when escalation of touching starts happening in my experience. Sometimes I'll flat out ask for a kiss after a date, which most people on here will cry beta but it works for me when I do decide to use it. My longest lasting relationship was established by me asking her for a kiss on the first date, so take what you will from that advice.
                I digress, I think you're overthinking this. This isn't some dating sim where you have to say the right things and make the right moves. Thinking about it too much will just wreck you, as with most things in life. Be vulnerable and know that escalation of intimacy can be met with resistance, but remember that if a girl turns down your advances and she agrees to more dates, you still have an in and she just wants to get more comfortable with you.

                I totally understand what you guys mean.

                I'm saying that yes, I've literally seen that, read stories, seen how people act with other people etc.

                I'm just saying that I myself literally never get these reactions.

                >getting to the touch phase is alien language.
                The alien language you refer to is "masculinity" and "bravery".

                I lived my 20s in Germany. Western society truly does want to make cucks of us all.

                Maybe lol. I've just also seen guys not really that masculine get these reactions.

                neutral webcam face post because I don't care, most of my friends know about my situation.

                Maybe I just look angry as frick or something.

              • 2 years ago

                OP here.

                Overall, I understand it's a dumb rant because otherwise my life Is pretty good. I'm just really weirded out why It never happened.

              • 2 years ago

                You're a good looking dude.
                Just sounds like you need to be more bold with women. That's how you'll learn to read women and situations better. Don't take a passive role and wait for a girl to "drop hints". Yes, it can happen, but just take things at your own pace. You have no experience in intimacy, so you have to play/experiment with it.
                You're the man, you know what you want, take charge and lead the woman into what you want. If she is interested in you, she will follow along. Again, even if she turns you down, don't take it to heart because unless she flat out tells you why she doesn't want to escalate intimacy, you won't know why and it could very well just be some hangup on her end like wanting to take things slower or whatever.
                It's going to be alien to you until you try it.
                Think about it like this; you read online all day of people describing to you how to play a guitar, but you never actually touched one. Sure, the theory helps, but it's only once you start plucking strings that you'll be able to apply the stuff you learned.
                Same goes for flirting and intimacy. You will never know until you start trying.

              • 2 years ago


                I thought being social and talking to girls IS flirting lol, since I can make people laugh etc.

                Yeah, honestly anons here are right - the cookie cutter advice applies to me. I just need to keep going somehow and change something - I just wish I knew what specifically do I need to change in my conversations.

                Thanks for the advice everyone.

              • 2 years ago

                Listen up, you can be the most friendly and charming dude but if you are not putting yourself in situations where you are in private with girls in like an intimate setting then things will most likely never escalate for you. Just invite whoever you are interested in over for dinner and to watch a movie. Then sit close to her on the couch, maybe snuggle a bit. Escalate by looking over your shoulder at her and leaning down to whisper in her ear if/when she looks up at you to reply to what you've said look in her eyes then focus intently on her lips. Lick your lips a little. If she is mirroring your actions now is the time to lean in and kiss her.

              • 2 years ago

                >For some reason, no girls have ever given me this signal and I literally don't know what an intimate, non-platonic touch/behavior/feeling even feels like.
                Like the other anon(s) have told you, it really is just an organic thing.
                I'm moronic when it comes to reading body language. I tend to "just go for it". It's one of those "don't think, just feel" type things. Like if I'm walking with a date and things feel like they're going well, I'll hold their hand. Sometimes, girls will sheepishly weasel their way into hand holding by dropping hints like "my hands are so cold" or whatever. Kissing kind of happens when escalation of touching starts happening in my experience. Sometimes I'll flat out ask for a kiss after a date, which most people on here will cry beta but it works for me when I do decide to use it. My longest lasting relationship was established by me asking her for a kiss on the first date, so take what you will from that advice.
                I digress, I think you're overthinking this. This isn't some dating sim where you have to say the right things and make the right moves. Thinking about it too much will just wreck you, as with most things in life. Be vulnerable and know that escalation of intimacy can be met with resistance, but remember that if a girl turns down your advances and she agrees to more dates, you still have an in and she just wants to get more comfortable with you.

              • 2 years ago

                Your friends are NPCs with zero self-awareness so they can’t tell you how it happens
                Either they make the first move (most of the time) or the girls do (but this still requires a flirtatious aura on your part usually so just make the first move)

        • 2 years ago

          Life isn’t a gay wattapad story, anon.

        • 2 years ago

          please don't do this. you are lame as frick if you need to get her drunk in order to score

          • 2 years ago

            Bro you sound like a simp.
            This is literally what alcohol was invented for. Getting laid.

      • 2 years ago

        Hey anon, I was obese most of my life, had no hair, am a 5'7" manlet, and almost always broke. I'm told I have a big nose and that I'm below average in looks. On top of that I have nearly no social skills. I have a mood disorder. Yet, I think I've had a pretty good sex life in my twenties. I'm now married to a woman that is a better person than I am in most normie ways. Only real thing I did was lose weight when I was dating by walking a lot. Here's the secret. My dad shared this with me before I understood what it meant. He said, "Talk to women like you would talk to any male friend of yours." That's all it is. It might take you a while to figure out what this really means. That's okay. If an idiot like me that currently has zero friends can find a woman that loves me and marries me, then you most certainly can too because you seem to have a lot of advantages I do not.

        • 2 years ago

          That's what I literally do - I've had great male AND female friends. There's just no spark and they never like me. Trust me, I am social and have absolutely no issues going into "cringe" topics. Hell, I've been called a bit TOO straight-forward and bold by my friends, that I sometimes have too little social inhibition etc.

        • 2 years ago

          According to lookism incels you don't exist, it's sort of like the lookism version of the Sandyhook conspiracy.

        • 2 years ago

          >Talk to women like you would talk to any male friend of yours.
          That's bunk. It's how you get into that anon's situation of having female friends but nobody to love. Or even frick. It's how I treat girls now that I am in a serious relationship but not how I got laid. To initiate intimacy with somebody you have to comunicate to them that that is even an option.

      • 2 years ago

        You HAVE TO make it clear that you are sexually attracted to them early in the relationship.

        • 2 years ago


          How can I be attracted to them when they are NOT attracted to me? + I'm not interested in my platonic friends.

          I want SOME signs at least - the same as I've seen with other guys.

        • 2 years ago

          None of this "Boo hoo hoo I got friendzoned" shit. You did that to yourself. Take some responsibility and LEAVE. Move on to the next woman. Jesus.

      • 2 years ago

        >as a 27 year old
        it's too late for you bro, you're a dumbass

        Im gonna guess you never go outside

        • 2 years ago

          Did you read my post?

          I'm actively social, never been anti-social, have had good male and female friends etc.

      • 2 years ago

        Do you talk about your future, motivations and goals with girls you want to frick?

        • 2 years ago

          Uhh... It really depends lol. Usually hell no, but as all conversations are, it depends on the situation, how long we've been talking for, the general vibe etc.

          Of course we share some basic things like hobbies and interests.

          • 2 years ago

            Sounds like you're looking for a guy to play videogames with rather than a chick you want to frick. See it like a sales deal. How can you present yourself that she seals the deal

          • 2 years ago

            >Of course we share some basic things like hobbies and interests.
            couldn't be me. my problem with women isn't "flirting" or reading their signs. it's having any kind of intimate conversation with a woman because I just don't give a frick about anything that women care about. all my hobbies and interests are stereotypically male and in this egalitarian meme society that's a problem. women seem to expect this "having things in common" bullshit and I will never offer that. also

            >getting to the touch phase is alien language.
            The alien language you refer to is "masculinity" and "bravery".

            I lived my 20s in Germany. Western society truly does want to make cucks of us all.

            >I lived my 20s in Germany. Western society truly does want to make cucks of us all.
            I don't get the reference to living in germany. Could you explain?

            as a German I do get it. I know exactly what he means. I can hardly imagine women more politically confused and socially oversensitive than the ones here in Germany. the only exceptions are trashy druggy women and I don't want to deal with that shit either.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm a femanon. You're body is nice, and I think it would be hot af to take someone's virginity.

      • 2 years ago

        Your whole post reeks of a passive voice.
        >I've never 'gotten' any experience
        The experiences are not something you receive, you make them with the other person. You DO a thing, not RECEIVE a thing.
        >It's as if it just happens...
        Delusional. Nothing in life 'just happens'. Not ever, not for anybody. You are directly responsible in some way for 99.9% of things that will ever happen to you and this is no exception.
        >SHOULD'VE been easy
        I can't tell if this is a reasonable expectation or entitlement on your behalf. If it's the second, drop it forever. You aren't entitled to and do not deserve a thing ever, without a single exception.
        >how a conversation leads to touching, kissing, sex
        By you leading it there, doing a thing other than talking. Talking and touching are qualitatively different things. You can go to another country and frick a girl without speaking anything more than the most rudimentary basics of her language.
        >fitter do I need to be to reach the "holding hands" level?
        Nothing to do with fitness. It's lack of courage, you are a coward.
        Good news it's not that you don't act because you're a coward, you're a coward because you don't act. Act in spite of the fear and you will have the thing. Good luck.

        • 2 years ago

          >Your whole post reeks of a passive voice.
          Fair lol
          >SHOULD'VE been easy
          I mean it as the typical advice is often to "just be a musician/play the guitar, bro. Women love guys with a passion"
          >By you leading it there, doing a thing other than talking. Talking and touching are qualitatively different things. You can go to another country and frick a girl without speaking anything more than the most rudimentary basics of her language.

          That's the skill I lack. I've never had these "spark" moments myself.

          >Nothing to do with fitness. It's lack of courage, you are a coward.
          Good news it's not that you don't act because you're a coward, you're a coward because you don't act. Act in spite of the fear and you will have the thing. Good luck.

          Okay, fair.

          • 2 years ago

            I read the rest of the thread too, the comment women make not seeing the man in you is simply them remarking on your lack of sexual aggressiveness. They can see that you are attracted to them, but you don't act in spite of that.
            Ultimately you need to risk touching them and it doesn't matter about a 'spark' or whatever other female lingo they use to describe their feelings.
            Shoulder/hands->Upper back/upper arms->belly/legs->face in rough approx order of progression. See how she responds physically to your touching her here, the excuse/reason doesn't matter. The best reason for doing it is because you feel like it - if you don't feel like it maybe you don't want to frick her and that's something else entirely.
            Most of life teaches you to moderate your feelings towards better prosocial behaviour; more reasonable, more conservative, etc.
            When you're trying to frick a girl, lean into your animal a bit more. Your body understands it all anyway. Don't expect or even try to be 'smooth', it's often awkward as frick. You simply have to be willing to risk it.

            • 2 years ago

              That's true. I've never felt an "animal" side in me honestly. I've never even had the heteronormative sexual fantasies of dominance, rough sex etc. Honestly, when I figured out that girls like rough BDSM shit and choking etc., I'm still turned off by that.

              I like girls who like me and I think I get turned on by girls who already like me.

              • 2 years ago


                So I never understood the PUA/Red pill stuff either.

                The typical "chances are you really just want to frick women but you're too afraid, right????" never really resonated with me. No, I'm not asexual and/or low-t, it's just that my "fetish" in a sense is everything very very vanilla and non-animalistic, which in turn might be a huge roadblock.

              • 2 years ago

                You can be vanilla it doesn't matter, but if you are not letting girls know you are attracted to them through looks, body language, and small touches they wont know. YOU have to be the one to recognize women's subtle hints that they are into you and YOU have to makes moves to advance things towards intimacy. I'm sorry anon thats just how it is. It's really rare to find a girl who will make all the moves. Not everyone will be interested and thats okay, just try again - keep trying.

              • 2 years ago

                Are you sure you don't swing the other way instead

      • 2 years ago

        Alright, here is my secret weapon. Please dont be a creep when doing this, but if you are with a girl that you have been on at least one date, the most sure-fire way to make your intentions known is to just set your hand on her leg. Thats it. How she reacts to that will tell you everything. Just use common sense and go from there.

        • 2 years ago

          I have to be able to be the person she's attracted to first. That's what I lack - I don't know how to be attractive enough for her to think of me as a frickable guy.

          • 2 years ago

            Have you ever been on a second date with someone? If so they found you attractive enough to consider having sex with.

            • 2 years ago

              I'm level zero. I've never been on a date and ANYTHING sexual/romantic/non-platonic is something I've only read stories of, seen people be somewhat touchy at parties etc.

              To me, human beings are these asexual creatures and in my world, sex/romance just isn't reality.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, I understand. But if you don't get at least somewhat comfortable(you don't need to be super smooth or anything) asking girls out/making physical contact then you are basically waiting on a girl to make a move. While it does happen, you can definitely go a whole lifetime without having it happen to you.

              • 2 years ago

                You can be vanilla it doesn't matter, but if you are not letting girls know you are attracted to them through looks, body language, and small touches they wont know. YOU have to be the one to recognize women's subtle hints that they are into you and YOU have to makes moves to advance things towards intimacy. I'm sorry anon thats just how it is. It's really rare to find a girl who will make all the moves. Not everyone will be interested and thats okay, just try again - keep trying.

                Honestly, thanks everyone for the advice.

                Sometimes you just need obvious advice to keep going.

              • 2 years ago

                Your physique is probably fine.
                Stop writing lol.
                Stop watching romcoms and other shit targeting women.
                Stop waiting for signs. I think that you just can't read people so forget about that, even if it means that you will have a lower success rate.
                Stop porn. You need to get hungrier.
                Build confidence with less attractive women. If you think you will be able to get hard that's good enough.

            • 2 years ago

              >tfw never had secks at 26 but have had a second date
              i've made it

              • 2 years ago

                I even had a third and still fricked it up.

      • 2 years ago

        Act like they're down to frick until they say they're not

      • 2 years ago

        Put me in the screencap

    • 2 years ago

      You forgot being tall. What you said only applies if you're at least average height

  10. 2 years ago

    I thought it was about the charm?

  11. 2 years ago

    Women love men who other men want to be. Bond was literally written to be the man all men wanted to be. The only “standards” that have ever existed are whether or not other men look up to you and want to be you.

  12. 2 years ago

    Was he a smoker? I imagine a body like that being super good for cardio

    • 2 years ago

      >Was he a smoker?
      Everyone was back then

  13. 2 years ago

    nobody knew what the word fit meant

  14. 2 years ago

    They still consider it fit today.
    The vast majority of women prefer men that are reasonably thin and that's it. Kind of like how the vast majority of men prefer reasonably thin women.
    You read too much into social theory developed by terminally online virgins that literally have never attempted to talk to the opposite sex aside from their moms (who they probably resent).

  15. 2 years ago

    Connery was never considered a "fit sex symbol". He was a movie star who occasionally dabbled in bodybuilding.

    • 2 years ago

      charlton heston had a huge frame and was naturally a large man, very impressive looking for someone who didnt work out

  16. 2 years ago

    where did his dick go?

  17. 2 years ago

    When you're reasonably lean and a little muscular you'll mog the vast majority of people and normies are gonna consider you fit. This board just has a warped perspective from looking at 1% bodybuilders all the time

  18. 2 years ago

    Is that Pussy Galore?

    • 2 years ago

      >imagine an actress these days pulling out a stage name like that
      I don't think so, that scene is from an previous movie.

    • 2 years ago

      That is Pussy Galore
      >played by actress Honor Blackman

    • 2 years ago

      That is Pussy Galore
      >played by actress Honor Blackman

      it's not Pussy Galore, it's actually Dink from Golfdinger. She was only in the movie for a few minutes and had like one line. actress was Margaret Nolan, and i think she's dead now.

  19. 2 years ago

    It's like when you see B. Pitt in Fight Club and now you remember how big you thought he was.
    >mfw I thought for years the Red Hot Chili Peppers were big

    • 2 years ago

      Kiedis looks pretty good

  20. 2 years ago

    Sean Connery is literally where the term "talk dark and handsome" comes from.
    Just because he isnt ripped with muscles doesnt mean shit, he is handsome and has a "dad bod". Thats literally what 90% of women desire.

    • 2 years ago


  21. 2 years ago

    The Kid Named Finger is a modern sex symbol, I don't see how it's out of hand. Just get off social media for a change and you'll quickly notice how much it has warped your perception of society as a whole.

  22. 2 years ago

    >sean connery
    Best bond mogs you to oblivion

    • 2 years ago

      >mogging anybody
      I dont think so

  23. 2 years ago

    this guy had more testostrone than every fitness influencer combined today
    just look at the grizzly hair. you know he could raise a family well

    • 2 years ago

      That's a wig, anon.

  24. 2 years ago

    It's called charisma.

  25. 2 years ago

    the "glorious 50s" were actually a shithole and we should not look back but forward

    • 2 years ago

      >t. r*dditor

      • 2 years ago

        >women were oppressed by their husbands
        >PoC were oppressed by the system (and still are)
        >LGBTQ+ was still heavily censored and targeted, literally illegal to be gay (not to mention trans)
        >extreme racism everywhere you go from white people
        >low immigration/no diversity in culture
        >NO cool food options to explore within a walking distance from your home, only boring white people food
        >no internet, no ability to connect with people all over the world
        Yeah, as I said, the 50s were shit if you were not a straight white male and Im glad we are past that time

        • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago


  26. 2 years ago

    Reminder sean connery was discovered at a mr universe competition

  27. 2 years ago

    Pic related from Gilligan's Island in the 60's.
    A bit more muscular.

  28. 2 years ago

    Gonna let you guys in on a bit of a secret. 99% of women find someone that is moderately fit attractive. You don't need biceps, pecs, or abs. Just don't be fat. It's the same for women. Your basic b***h cardio bunnies are attractive to the majority of men. Outside of being not fat, you just have to be attractive and have a personality. If you're anything like me, you don't have either. Good luck.

  29. 2 years ago

    >fit sex symbol
    You just made it up. He was simply considered masculine and he had more testosterone at 80 than most of IST despite not having huge muscles, it's just something zoomers will never understand.

  30. 2 years ago

    Because he looks handsome and masculine and isn't fat.

  31. 2 years ago

    if God had gave me sean connery's charisma and confidence I'd do the queen on live telly if I'd wanted to
    men don't need to LOOK good, that's for women

  32. 2 years ago

    >massively hairy chest
    >great brain
    >kills people
    >strong jaw
    Explain to me how Sean Connery isn't a sex symbol

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