BPA's everywhere

It's over

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    >bpas unavoidable
    jews need to die for this

    • 1 year ago

      What if they pay for an expert on television to say that they are safe and harmless and you shouldn't worry about them, would you then forgive them?

  2. 1 year ago

    BPA is the new GMO, we'll spend the next decade having schizo fits over it until realising that it doesn't really fricking do anything. In the meantime israelites will profit by selling overpriced "bpa free" products

    • 1 year ago

      They actually are detrimental though, that’s objective. The problem is that “bpa free” just means they use different forms of a similar compound, like bp3. If you are moronic or blindly follow things like most people, you see “bpa free” and think there is no harm in using that product. That is often wrong.

    • 1 year ago

      BPA is literally an endocrine disruptor and found in all plastic and everything that has touched plastic.. even found in blood and placentas

    • 1 year ago

      BPA is structurally similar to estrogen and has a high affinity for sex hormone receptors. However, it doesn't behave actually as estrogen, it merely binds to your sex hormone receptors (including androgen receptors) and blocks your endogenous hormones from working. BPA leaches out of plastic into whatever food and whatever comes into contact with it, and it gets into your body really easily. You are right that the "BPA-free" products hysteria is a gimmick, because what companies have replaced BPA with are BPA analogs that are actually worse in this regard of blocking sex hormone activity.

      What's so brutal about the concept of xenoestrogens like BPA and BPA analogs is that you can get all the bloodwork done that you want, and it might show you to have super high testosterone levels, but if your body is full of xenoestrogens then all that test has nowhere to bind to and you will basically live as someone who has low to no test despite all your bloodwork saying you are perfectly healthy. THAT is the problem of BPA and pthalates and xenoestrogens, and if you care about fitness then you should be cutting that shit out of your life

      • 1 year ago

        what do I need to do to cut them out?

        • 1 year ago

          Go live in a shack in the woods. Bonus if you sent pipe bombs to large companies

          • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        You can't cut BPA out of life. BPA is mandatory because without it the current state of crops farming would not be able to be maintained. Things would have to downsize considerably and more hands would be needed in agriculture. A lot of humanity, especially Africans will starve.

        It's the problem with the pyramid scheme of humans, nobody except the Chinese ever even considered the catastrophe of having too many humans on this planet. Especially the events of the last few decades were the African population exploded through the roof, that is a terrible thing for humanity.

        • 1 year ago

          >A lot of humanity, especially Africans will starve.

          >Especially the events of the last few decades were the African population exploded through the roof,

          jeez, wouldn't that be a terrible shame.

    • 1 year ago

      GMO's literally damage your genetic integrity and are linked to increase cancer risk. It's bargain bin food engineered to be easy to mass produce, at the cost of being rot gut. As a side note, be on the lookout for Titanium dioxide in your supplements and vitamins, as TD is also linked to damaging your DNA.

      • 1 year ago

        There’s nothing inherently wrong with GMOs, it’s when they use it for pesticide resistance which causes massive absorbance of peptides which we then eat
        There’s nothing wrong with gmo seeds provided you grow it yourself with no pesticides

    • 1 year ago

      what spell have normies fallen under that they think drinking fluoride and eating genetically modified vegetables is somehow safe or normal?
      It's very weird how totally obedient to contrived social norms with zero historical precedent that are blatantly unhealthy and hostile towards them they are.

      • 1 year ago

        Normies aren't people. The process of domestication eventually causes humans to devolve into humanoid dogs.

        This is the 'great filter' which prevents civilization from developing beyond a certain point. Civilization is domesticating. Domestication is neotenizing. Overgrown toddlers who believe Santa Claus and other fairy tales can't maintain civilization, so it collapses.

        • 1 year ago

          >"yeah man i've got it all figured it out spending all my time chronically online in a rabbit hole ideology"

          • 1 year ago

            I'm on here like 15 minutes per day, cope

      • 1 year ago

        What exactly is bad about genetically modified foods?

        • 1 year ago

          When you start by saying "exactly", you are already trying to load the conversation.

          GMOs cause major damage to human health, but much more significantly is they get out into the wild and reproduce with natural types, and will basically destroy the natural world forever.

          It's actually a similar concept to my post here

          Right, they don't fit together exactly like that. It's like can't just drink lots of alcohol and then have a ton of caffeine and say you can drive because they balance out. You can't just eat garbage food all day and take a pile of supplements and say hey I got all my vitamins and minerals, it doesn't work like that.

          It might be an interesting idea though, especially if you could take some amount that really wouldn't limit your actual production of androgens. So to counteract the BPAs, I don't think anyone would object to getting the testosteron levels you should naturally have and going by levels recorded in the 1960s and previous to that, we should all have a bit higher testosterone.

          where I was talking about things that just don't fit, GMOs do not fit with the natural world, you can't just interfere with things in an ad hoc way like that.

          Look up this website:


          It's literally insane. It's important also to note that being anti-GMO is very very different to being anti-vax or something like that, environmentalists and ecologists are profoundly against GMOs, often viciously so, the sole people pushing them are biotech companies. I admire the points being made by anti-vax people but just the point that anti-GMO is very different.

          • 1 year ago

            I shouldn't say this, but high level monsanto officers have confessed to fantasizing about killing everyone on planet Earth through bio-terrorism disguised as corporate proprietary control of genetic information and genetic innovation. Apparently they want to kill as many as they can, and are carefully laying the ground work to introduce organisms designed to compromise the natural world.

            • 1 year ago

              When you start by saying "exactly", you are already trying to load the conversation.

              GMOs cause major damage to human health, but much more significantly is they get out into the wild and reproduce with natural types, and will basically destroy the natural world forever.

              It's actually a similar concept to my post here [...] where I was talking about things that just don't fit, GMOs do not fit with the natural world, you can't just interfere with things in an ad hoc way like that.

              Look up this website:


              It's literally insane. It's important also to note that being anti-GMO is very very different to being anti-vax or something like that, environmentalists and ecologists are profoundly against GMOs, often viciously so, the sole people pushing them are biotech companies. I admire the points being made by anti-vax people but just the point that anti-GMO is very different.

              Haha imagine knowing such evil exists but not doing anything about it haha

            • 1 year ago

              that's what monsantos entire campaign to define genetic information as trademarkable and patent protected was about. Once they lobby for genetic information to by commoditized and protected by private property legal structures They want to buy the rights to the genetic information of literally every variety of plant life on the planet, natural and lab grown, in order to eventually erase the record of that genetic information existing at all, and replacing it with organisms designed to fail and end the worlds ecosytem and food web. They are disguising their intention as mere megalomaniac corporate greed to control and profit from genetic control, but their actual intention is ending life on planet Earth through genetic data erasure and genetic compromise.

              • 1 year ago

                >The Gates Foundation recently purchased 500,000 shares of Monsanto to help Africa have their own Green Revolution using Monsanto GMO rice. “In his annual letter for 2012, Bill Gates announced that the Gates Foundation intends to combat world hunger by investing in genetically modified agriculture….
                Why can't this nerd just move past his childhood trauma of being bullied

              • 1 year ago

                A lot of what monsanto does is legit, it has to be, to sustain their business. What I was talking about was a long term conspiracy that depends entirely on commidfiying and privatizing genetic information. As long as monsanto cannot exercise exclusive legal rights to genetic information, they do not have the tools required to fully compromise the Earths eco-system.

              • 1 year ago

                Total compromise of the global eco-system requires collecting and erasing the informational record of all naturally occurring genomes in the worlds plant life and replacing them with GMO controlled organisms that are, according to the conspiracy, eventually and intentionally designed to systematically fail, ending the globes collective food-web.

                So long as they cannot legally acquire the rights to naturally occurring genomes, they cannot achieve total erasure of that genetic information.

                But they are trying their hardest to get those laws passed.

              • 1 year ago

                Wouldn't every country have to be on board though? Unless they plan to get control over the organisms in most countries and then just release hyper-competitive GMO strains in opposed countries to decimate their crops

              • 1 year ago

                They would have to find a way to impose their laws globally, probably why they have such close relations with the U.N.

                >then just release hyper-competitive GMO strains in opposed countries to decimate their crops
                Any damage done to the native eco-system can be undone so long as the genetic record of the native eco-system exists and can be restored from back-ups. That's why they have to get the legal rights, so they can legally and forcibly confiscate seedlings and any record of the genes kept by environmental activists.

              • 1 year ago

                Not him but I am confident there is no plan by Monsanto to destroy all life, they are motivated by money, status among peers and the idea of "conquering" only. Now it could be that some other suicidal terrorist or some shit get in on it eventually and try to do that, but not Monsanto as they are.

                They will still destroy the planet this way, and unlike what you suggest, there will be no way back at all.

              • 1 year ago

                I have a semi-credible (a non-zero chance of being true) source that Monsanto has genocidal ambitions. maybe not total extinction, but at the very least the regional compromise of bio-spheres. Apparently the protocol for carrying this ambition out requires the steps I've already posted in this thread.

              • 1 year ago

                Well Monsanto has a lot of different workers. Many of them are people who took genetics or biotech at university and are desperately throwing shit together in labs trying to make something that works. The other part is the PR, which is of course going to be the most snakiest, scummiest, maggots on the planet to shill for a biotech company - and have been caught multiple times inventing imaginary scientists online to shill for gmos (eg. Bivings gate).

                So who at Monsanto wants this plan and why?

              • 1 year ago

                we know 1% of jack shit about soil ecology.
                restoring the ecosystem is not as simple as introducing hyper-competitive plant species and throwing piles of artificially extracted nitrogen/phosphate at it. you;ve got millions of interractions between millions of fungi, algae, bacteria, and actual inert chemical composition of the soil. it would take thousands of years to reproduce an ecosystem similar to what you'd see in these ancient untouched forests

                a healed ecosystem looks like a dense mixed rain forest with extreme biodiversity, it does not look like a really efficient field of food crops

              • 1 year ago

                Thought for a moment I was on /x

            • 1 year ago

              Haha imagine knowing such evil exists but not doing anything about it haha

              I mean a lot of people go through their entire lives without understanding this level of evil, so they treat that sort of relevation almost like Patrick Bateman is treated after he effectively comes out as a serial killer - that it just didn't happen, that it couldn't have happened. And anyone trying to raise the alarm are schizos or at best "have some concerns". Biotech corporate worms are in the ears of policymakers all the time. This is why Putin is so anti-GMO, as a former KGB agent he knows and understands their bullshit. It's so clear what's happening once you know what you're seeing, but what to do about it is very difficult.

              Of course at the end of the day it's mostly about money, but there is that sheer thrill as well, and I would even go so far as to say there's a sexual element to it, in their imagination they're conquering when they are actually just worms letting other worms take over.

          • 1 year ago

            >GMOs cause major damage to human health
            no they don't
            see, I can say stuff without evidence too

            • 1 year ago

              >anon makes rational and easily understandable point about how GMO usage allows for extreme contamination of food (that can't be washed off) since the crops won't die anymore to being literally poisoned
              >you know nothing about GMOs but, for whatever reason, you think they couldn't possibly be bad
              >instead of acknowledging he may have a point, you respond like this
              shit that's pretty embarrassing.

          • 1 year ago

            >GMOs cause major damage to human health

      • 1 year ago


        Normies aren't people. The process of domestication eventually causes humans to devolve into humanoid dogs.

        This is the 'great filter' which prevents civilization from developing beyond a certain point. Civilization is domesticating. Domestication is neotenizing. Overgrown toddlers who believe Santa Claus and other fairy tales can't maintain civilization, so it collapses.

        holy shit you guys are frickin dorks.

        • 1 year ago

          The lead poisoning caused by unscrupulous corporations lowered the IQ of the population and chemically altered the brain to be incredibly hostile, causing the astronomical crime rate of the 70s and early 80s. Once lead was removed from paint and gasoline, the crime rate dropped significantly.

          You can control your bodies intake and therefore control yourself, or you can be poisoned by major corporations and made to do things they either want you to do, or don't care that you do, such as commit crime.

      • 1 year ago

        its so normal to sit on a chair for hours looking at a bright brick and clicking buttons to spell words on imaginery """Forums"""
        so normal
        frick homie
        We already live in the future
        dystopia or whatever the frick you want to call it
        there is no more "natural" and shit
        what normal was 50 or 80 yrs ago is not the normal that we have now
        We will eat like astronauts and do shit like this (typing on a keyboard) rather than spend time with each other playing ball or whatever the frick
        frick you space homie

        • 1 year ago

          >there is no more "natural" and shit
          You're mostly right, but your body is still natural.
          All these technological changes only occurred in the last 80 years, which is less than nothing on the biological scale.
          Our bodies have not adapted to the new environment and will not naturally adapt for at least tens of thousands of years. So while the new "natural" of industrial society is actually artificial, we must create an artificial sphere of naturalism to maintain our bodies health.

          • 1 year ago

            >we must create an artificial sphere of naturalism to maintain our bodies health
            sounds good
            but how
            for example:
            >work a lot
            >no time to cook
            > no healthy, low cost food around workplace
            >no option but to eat shit
            >and no time to cook before work

            our environment destroys the old normal,we sit too much, socialize too little, eat like moronic bug people.

            I like our technologies but hate the way we are going as a species.

            God, I pray i wont die from some moronic butthole cancer

        • 1 year ago

          >there is no more "natural" and shit
          You're mostly right, but your body is still natural.
          All these technological changes only occurred in the last 80 years, which is less than nothing on the biological scale.
          Our bodies have not adapted to the new environment and will not naturally adapt for at least tens of thousands of years. So while the new "natural" of industrial society is actually artificial, we must create an artificial sphere of naturalism to maintain our bodies health.

          After all, when you walk on the moon, you wear a space suit.

          • 1 year ago

            sure I see the analogy
            >after all when you sit at a pc all day, you eat food that is 12 times chewed up by machines and glued back together with hundreds of weird chemicals.

        • 1 year ago

          nice drawing

    • 1 year ago

      I have decided this is a troony demoralisation post designed to make you feel hopeless. Ignore brothers, and discuss solutions

    • 1 year ago

      >BPA is the new GMO, we'll spend the next decade having schizo fits over it until realising that it doesn't really fricking do anything.

      gmo shills are probably trannies. you love your science and are on the bs transhumanist train.

      look, yes, in theory a gmo might be great. they might edit a food to be super nutritious and super tasty.
      but what do you think actually happens in the market?
      here's probably the biggest example of an edit they make: making it so levels of pesticide that are lethal to natural plants won't kill them.
      that's bad. that means you eat plants with more pesticide in them YOU weren't gene edited to be pesticide resistant.
      or, rather, your microbiome was not edited to be.
      the pesticide isn't necessarily harmful to us on a macro level but fricking pwns all of the stuff living inside of us that we depend on.

      they give zero fricks about making your food better with gmos.
      they just want to maximize profits.
      enjoy your round up.

    • 1 year ago

      But BPA has been demonstrated to cause irreversible harm. The harm plastics are doing to the population is less like this GMO comparison you invented and more like how people were ignoring the harms of cigarettes for literal decades.

    • 1 year ago

      BPA acts as an artificial estrogen you dumb ass, it was originally used for birth control.

    • 1 year ago

      BPA is the new asbestos, we'll spend the next decade having schizo fits over it until realising that it doesn't really fricking do anything. In the meantime israelites will profit by selling overpriced "asbestos free" products

      Gee, I'm sure these totally genuine posts are not copied from a template!

      • 1 year ago

        The second one is making fun of the first one you unbelievably moronic mouth breathing dumbass holy shit im actually having trouble comprehending how someone wouldnt catch that. Maybe it's the BPA that made you this stupid or maybe you're just naturally at double digit, either way make sure to never reproduce

    • 1 year ago

      I started paying attention to my BPA intake about a year ago and unironically feel like I'm on test. Lifts up, more muscles, less fat, b***h breasts just vanished, higher sex drive, more confident. Probably lots of factors and not just BPA but I'd guess it's part of it
      I mostly swapped out plastic food containers for class ones and my daily 2L water bottle for a metal one.

      • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >be australian
      >gmo wheat introduced
      >raw milk banned
      >gluten intolerance skyrocket
      >lactose intolerance skyrockets
      >gf is both gluten and lactose intolerant
      >visit her family in tiny french village
      >she eats non-gmo wheat and raw milk with zero issues
      >return to australia
      >intolerances return
      Many such cases, also kys you stupid midwit

  3. 1 year ago

    BPA's what?

    • 1 year ago

      bpa deez nuts

  4. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      nah solbrah is preety cool
      he has nice podcasts as well

  5. 1 year ago

    >Soi Brah

  6. 1 year ago

    Bidets are the bomb
    Hell they are so good the local guys stopped making fun of me for the "toilet sextoy" once they tried it
    Wiping without rinsing was always barbaric.

    • 1 year ago

      >Local guys
      So you’re a gay prostitute?

      • 1 year ago

        I enjoy the company of other men in a non-sexual way.

        • 1 year ago

          Wait you can do that?
          How come no one fricking told me???

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah but rinsing without wiping before and after sounds awful. I use one and I end up using more toilet paper than before

      • 1 year ago

        same, I like bidets - but you still need to wipe your ass unless you want a soaking wet butthole. A good diet (high fiber) should really reduce the need to wipe - but you still should.

        Non-schizo here. What’s a bpa

        a plastic that fricks you up, that's why all reusable plastic food containers/water bottles are labeled BPA free. BPA is still used in single use bottles/containers - at least in the US.

        • 1 year ago

          High fiber diets cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal discomfort. The only reason to eat fiber is if you like farting and shitting more.

          • 1 year ago

            Maybe if you have some weird fricked up stomach. Otherwise you are completely wrong

            • 1 year ago

              More fiber absolutely causes more shitting and farting. Even pro-fiber studies show this. lol do you think fiber isn't fermented in the gut or it doesn't add to your poop volume or something??

              • 1 year ago

                You said it causes diarrhea, which is completely wrong. And it doesn't "cause more shitting" just because it adds volume to your otherwise liquid shit

              • 1 year ago

                I'm not the original anon. I wouldn't agree that "fiber causes diarrhea" but it definitely causes/could cause everything else he said it did. I noticed you said he was "completely wrong" so I wanted to step in and correct you.

                >more shit more frequently =/= more shitting
                lol that's a pretty stupid take but OK.

          • 1 year ago

            literally all you have to do is cook your food properly moron

      • 1 year ago

        I agree you need to wipe but idk how you're using more
        I bidet then usually need one wipe to clean up and dry

        • 1 year ago

          You bidet before an initial wipe? I feel like that would cause some solids to fly a bit

    • 1 year ago

      Never used a bidet but for the last 20 years of my life I have always taken a shower after taking a shit. I literally cannot shit if there is no shower.

      • 1 year ago

        you're literally a homosexual

      • 1 year ago

        Based. Poop is really gross. But what happens if you're prairie dogging it really bad and no shower is around?

      • 1 year ago

        Based. I also do the same thing but I wash the inside of my ass too just so it's super clean
        (I'm not gay btw)

    • 1 year ago

      Just spit on the toilet paper. Same effect.

    • 1 year ago

      I bought one of those cheap toilet seat ones during the pandemic and it was a revelation. Get yourselves a bidet anons, it'll change your lives.

    • 1 year ago

      Yep cheapo toilet set bidet works amazing. Just a little spray and tiny dab of paper and you're set, as opposed to just smearing your shit around your ass and pretending like you're clean, then walking around with a shitty ass for the rest of the day.
      Frick that!
      Plus if you ever have to do a colonoscopy prep, wiping your ass after ever diarrhea spray for hours on end will leave you with a bloody raw butthole that will take weeks to heal.

  7. 1 year ago

    >BPAs in my poor, unprotected butthole
    >I'll just spray it with water (containing homosexual chemicals and microplastics) instead!

  8. 1 year ago

    Anyone else shitmaxxing? No wipe crew

  9. 1 year ago

    Non-schizo here. What’s a bpa

    • 1 year ago

      better prowl additionally

    • 1 year ago

      A boogeyman that people blame disease on instead of the actual cause, carbs and seed oils.

      • 1 year ago

        It is literally a toxic industrial chemical that bleeds off into food and liquid that it is stored in. It causes infertility among other things.

        • 1 year ago

          Just ignore him

      • 1 year ago

        Both are terrible for you, Carbs are good in moderation and you can probably get all you need from fruits.

    • 1 year ago

      its not in the toilet paper but it's in receipt papers/thermal papers and some other innocuous things that people take for granted like older can linings

      bisphenol a is a polycarbonate precursor (pretty useful anticorrosive plastic so they use it to line cans and shit), but it also mimics estrogens, but more importantly is a test receptor antagonist fricks over sperm production even at elevated quantities. this is why voting left is based.

    • 1 year ago

      it is the backbone of polycarbonate

      it is also one of very many endocrine disrupting plastics related chems, but BPA has become a meme and is the one every one focuses on

    • 1 year ago

      Bronze pervert age. Rabbit hole, don’t go down there

    • 1 year ago

      benis penis anus

  10. 1 year ago

    >using a bidet to shoot fluoridated water directly into your butthole

  11. 1 year ago

    >wiping my ass is the reason I cant get a gf
    lmao at you schizos

    • 1 year ago

      schizos are a proud sub-culture. They have never been wrong. ever. perfect batting average.


      >using a bidet to shoot fluoridated water directly into your butthole

      that's why you use a filter.

  12. 1 year ago

    is Sol Brah's esoteric knowledge legit?

    • 1 year ago

      He’s pretty based, he has some far fetched ideas but most are legit

    • 1 year ago

      >tfw you need the rosetta stone to read the lyrics on some bros shirt

    • 1 year ago

      Pretty legit if you want recycled talking points from 2016

      • 1 year ago

        yes, the ancient knowledge of 2016 seems to have been completely forgotten
        we need to go back. Sol Brah and BAP are the guides we must trust!

    • 1 year ago

      I hope you, and the rest of the world, start to understand that fitness knowledge without any sort of data behind it is all a bunch of bullshit. Especially when you need to pay for a bunch of nothing

  13. 1 year ago

    Indian bros we just keep winning

    • 1 year ago

      Why no spray nozzle?

  14. 1 year ago

    When I lived in Thailand, every toilet had a shower head-like hose attachment on the side, and when you were done shitting straight lava from eating 100 thai chilis per day, you'd just have a wonderful rinse. It was literally the best domestic invention I've ever used and I have no idea why it's not used anywhere in the US. It was soothing, calming, and you generally felt and smelt cleaner.

    The idea of toilet paper is absurd to me for this reason alone: if you got shit on your hands, you wouldn't just wipe it off with paper and then call it a day. you'd at least rinse it off thoroughly and then wipe your hands dry. I have no idea why the former is considered acceptable with your ass

  15. 1 year ago

    three possibilities of no toilet paper:
    1. have to air dry your ass every time you shit
    2. have moisture between buttcheeks resulting in ass fungus
    3. use towel and get shit in your laundry

    • 1 year ago

      I don't fricking get it, don't Americans wash their ass when they shower?
      Now apply the same concept to clean your ass after taking a shit... water...soap...and a towel to dry it off. Not fricking rocket science is it.
      Bidets just make it convenient so you don't have to shower your whole body just because your ass has shit in it.

      do you get shit on your towel after a shower? no? then why would you with a bidet, you just have to clean it properly aka water and soap.

      • 1 year ago

        Can you give a step by step process of your bidet use pls. When I used it, all it did was leave me with a wet ass. When I used toilet paper after, it was covered in wet shit instead of just shit. Didn't seem to work at all.

        • 1 year ago

          I wipe with toilet paper first -> use bidet -> wipe with cloth towels that I wash in the laundry. They don't get poopy because they're only wiping water. I use less toilet paper than I did before having a bidet.

        • 1 year ago

          You don't use soap with a bidet, idiot.

          By bidet I mean this. It is like a sink but for your ass.

          >take shit
          >sit on the bidet
          >run water in your ass for a couple of second
          >get some liquid soap in your finger
          >wash ass with finger
          >rinse foam with water
          >dry with a butt towel

          As I said it is just like a shower but only for your ass.
          Maybe those Amazon bidets you install on the toilet are less convenient idk.

          • 1 year ago

            >By bidet I mean this. It is like a sink but for your ass.
            If i'm at home i always wash my ass after taking a shit, in my office i don't have that choice and when i take a shit i feel uncomfortable for the rest of the day, toilet paper always leaves smeared shit in you ass, people around you will quickly notice you have taken a shit, i fricking hate not being able to clean my ass after taking a shit, every toilet should have a bidet, in Portugal they are actually mandatory in houses. Here in southern Europe we have hairy ass, toilet paper surely wasn't meant for us, it just smears shit all over, and you will never be able to clean your ass with that, because we have hair, and hair is round, there will always be some shit left in some hair, in some angle, water is the only way to really clean an hairy ass, that or take hair off, but that's for homosexuals

            • 1 year ago

              True, I work from home now but when I was in the office I just carried wet wipes with me. Not as clean but better than just TP

      • 1 year ago

        You don't use soap with a bidet, idiot.

  16. 1 year ago

    This is why I roid and just regularly use aromatase inhibitors.
    Jews wanna rape my hormones Ill take control of them myself

    • 1 year ago

      You are not beating BPA by doing this though. BPA is a sex hormone blocker. You can have all the test in the world, endogenous or exogenous, but if you have high BPA, pthalate, or xenoestrogen levels in your body then your angrogens have fewer open receptors to bind to. I'm sure gear helps by flooding your system with test, and I have zero doubt it still "works", but BPA and other xenoestrogens is still detracting from its effectiveness

      • 1 year ago

        Right, they don't fit together exactly like that. It's like can't just drink lots of alcohol and then have a ton of caffeine and say you can drive because they balance out. You can't just eat garbage food all day and take a pile of supplements and say hey I got all my vitamins and minerals, it doesn't work like that.

        It might be an interesting idea though, especially if you could take some amount that really wouldn't limit your actual production of androgens. So to counteract the BPAs, I don't think anyone would object to getting the testosteron levels you should naturally have and going by levels recorded in the 1960s and previous to that, we should all have a bit higher testosterone.

  17. 1 year ago

    Quick crash course for how to avoid the majority of xenoestrogens like BPA and maximize the effectiveness of your testosterone

    >use activated charcoal filters on all water you consume
    >throw away all your plastic that comes into contact with food and water--- bottles, tupperware, plastic cups and dishes. If you HAVE to use plastic, use HDPE which has minimal additives and leaching. You can identify it by the plastic code that is embossed on pretty much all plastic goods, and it's easy to identify by look and touch once you know it
    >remove all artificially-scented air fresheners and odorizers and candles from your home
    >don't eat canned food. Eat fresh and organic when possible
    >use the bare minimum of cosmetic products and soaps/shampoos, and what you do use should be naturally scented, pthalate-free. When in doubt, use hippy schizo shit like Dr. Bronners
    >don't use chemical sunscreens. All the ingredients in chemical sunscreen are lipophilic and directly absorb through the skin, where they are stored in subcutaneous fat long term. They are all xenoestrogenic and by remaining in your fat, they basically become an extended-release formulation that gets released into your blood stream over months or years. Use mineral sunscreens instead if you use them at all. There are good tinted ones if you don't want to look like you're wearing clown makeup
    >Don't eat flax, don't eat onions, don't eat canola oil

    • 1 year ago

      this is like thinking if you clean your dick, the rest of your body will be clean too

      • 1 year ago

        not sure what you mean by this. Did you respond to wrong post?

    • 1 year ago

      Hdpe is the plastic with a 2 in the triangle

    • 1 year ago

      What about type 5 plastics? I've heard they're similar to HDPE in terms of safety

    • 1 year ago

      Any other sources you recommend to learn more? Books or youtube channels etc. Thanks, friend.

    • 1 year ago

      >dont eat onions
      it's over, ngmi

    • 1 year ago

      > Use mineral sunscreens instead if you use them at all.

      Getting sunburned badly will inflict even more damage than you'll get from BPA.

      The other items on the list range from ''already doing'' to nigh impossible (lel charcoal activated filter).

      • 1 year ago

        I've never seen anyone "get sunburnt badly" unless they had literally 0 common sense and/or were doing something moronic like trying to "tan" on a beach for 6 hours at midday.

    • 1 year ago

      Remember to avoid touching receipts, or at least wipe your hands on your trousers after touching them.

    • 1 year ago

      >buy fresh food
      >it comes wrapped in a plastic bag

    • 1 year ago

      Proud to say I'm schizo enough to do all this already, except the sunscreen one is new info to me. I'm a bong so sunscreen is very rarely used anyway but it's useful to know for the two sunny days of the year we get. Thanks bro

    • 1 year ago

      >don't eat onions
      a reminder to anons that onions are good, and soi filters to onions.

  18. 1 year ago

    is it worth it to wear gloves to avoid touching not just BPA items but all the various toxic crap floating around in industrial society? They've got smart phone gloves so you don't have to take them off to use your phone. More sanitary if you shake strangers hands as well.

    • 1 year ago

      Are the gloves BPA free?

  19. 1 year ago

    >Obsession with feminization
    >Obsession with anal
    >Obsession with feces
    >Le bidet meme
    Hahahaha alt righters

    • 1 year ago

      >oy vey
      >muh freud

      • 1 year ago

        Cry more you fricking troony.

        • 1 year ago

          >thinking "alt-right" is an insult
          >calling other people trannies

  20. 1 year ago

    Vinegar and cloth on end of stick, nuff said

  21. 1 year ago

    Just use BPA free toilet paper, simple as lad

  22. 1 year ago

    Stop crying about it until you come up with a way to test for it at home. Until then, none of this crap matters, because nobody truly knows anything. just like the GMO stuff. You have zero clue if what you're buying is truly GMO free.

    • 1 year ago

      You could easily just slap this shit into a gcms and see if it has bpa in like 10 minutes lol

  23. 1 year ago

    The US is a plantation that runs on homosexuals instead of Black folk now. You can't buy your way out of if HRT through osmosis. It's national policy.

  24. 1 year ago


  25. 1 year ago

    >not one person has been publicly executed over poisoning the entire world with BPAs
    historically bad people have died over less

  26. 1 year ago

    that's how you detect a moron
    there's one BPA, its Bisphenol A
    he might be talking about PFA's, but it's totally irrelevant
    most of the people consuming this shit are 5'6 skinnyfats that think if they can JUST get rid of all of the BPA, PFAs, and "phytoestrogens" in their diets, they'll magically get shredded and grow three inches

    • 1 year ago

      breh wtf are you talking about? BPA is a monomer. do you know anything at all about how plastics are made? top midwit.


      >don't avoid anything bad in your life because you'll never change
      these posters are the absolute worst. crabs in a bucket homosexuals. you couldn't make it any more clear that you shouldn't be listened to for advice.

  27. 1 year ago

    IT'S NOT the fact that I sit my ass in a chair all day like a domesticated animal, don't get vitamins & minerals, don't get any sun, live a low T life in general with way too much comfort, only exercise max 1 hour a day when at gym, do frick all the other 23 hours. IT'S NOT THAT

    • 1 year ago

      What drives posters like you to actively discourage people from improving themselves? Genuine question—it's baffling to me.

      Do you think you're a high-T wild and free manly man? Because you generally sound like a very unconfident and bitter weak person.

      • 1 year ago

        He is saying TO improve your life above sitting in a room for 23 hours.

        • 1 year ago

          No he's not, because he's not providing any advice on how to do that and he is actively making fun of people who are beginning to take the first steps in improving their health. If you think that anon is someone who is genuinely giving good advice to help other people, your brain and emotions are severely damaged. That's not a normal way to speak to other people in any context.

  28. 1 year ago

    why yes i have received my Big Penis Award, how did you know?

  29. 1 year ago

    Solbrah is the most autistic about health individual in existence. I do wonder if it's all for internet or if he really does optimize every minute aspect of his life like this. Can't just be a bidet bro, it has to be filtered

    • 1 year ago

      You have clearly never been to Ray Peat forum or Longecity

  30. 1 year ago

    Japanese toilet master race bro’s report in
    >It even dries you afterwards so you don’t need to wipe

    • 1 year ago

      I love nips much it's unreal.

  31. 1 year ago

    >anal rape yourself to "keep clean"
    goyim still wiping huh?

  32. 1 year ago

    BPA is the new asbestos, we'll spend the next decade having schizo fits over it until realising that it doesn't really fricking do anything. In the meantime israelites will profit by selling overpriced "asbestos free" products

  33. 1 year ago

    Imagine cleaning your ass. Your ancestors never wiped for like 100,000 years and they were fine

  34. 1 year ago

    >BPAs could be here, he thought

  35. 1 year ago

    You dickhead Bisphenol A is a structure found in HARD PLASTIC that gives HARD PLASTIC it’s HARD structure why the frick would it be in toilet paper. I would still believe it that there could be some other plastic based edc present in tp tho tbh

    • 1 year ago

      Receipts are pretty soft though. Pretty sure you're wrong.

  36. 1 year ago

    I will love the BPA
    I will love the corn syrup
    I will love the gutter oil
    I will love the powdered dehydrated cricket chips with added estromax mood stabilizer complex

  37. 1 year ago

    I only use dude wipes

  38. 1 year ago

    Where my Sol Brahs at?
    He's been up on content recently.

  39. 1 year ago

    slam metamucil once a day and you won't even need toilet paper or a bidet. stop drop roll

  40. 1 year ago

    > US bans 11 ingredients from shampoos, Canada bans 587, and the EU bans 1328.

    what a israelite piece of shit country

  41. 1 year ago



    • 1 year ago

      >especially any synthetic clothing
      this is one that most people seem to overlook, good on you anon.
      stay the frick away from polyester and nylon.

  42. 1 year ago

    based greek statue loving chuds are going to stop wiping their asses now, because they have seen through the israeli lies and propaganda

    • 1 year ago

      I don't understand, are you amused by your own ignorance?

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          *little dark age by mgmt starts playing*

        • 1 year ago

          *little dark age by mgmt starts playing*


  43. 1 year ago

    >not microdosing estrogenic compounds through your butthole to promote natural testosterone production

    Keep spraying fluoride up your butt bidetards.

  44. 1 year ago

    I'm rubbing at against the skin how much could possibly get into your ass even if your butthole is highly receptive? Seems like a pointless thing to get concerned about. Like natural stick deodorants.

    • 1 year ago

      You do realise how absorbent skin can be right? And certain regions of the body are more absorbent than others right? Like your gooch and taint right?

      • 1 year ago

        I literally acknowledged that in my post... Explain how absorbent they are if you know so much.

  45. 1 year ago

    Sol Brah was a good follow. It’s just all the same shit now. If Liver King fricked the Dali Lama in the ass the result would be Sol Brah.

  46. 1 year ago

    Modern toilet paper has been used for decades and decades at this point. Don't give a shit about your psuedo science from twatters claiming everything is cancer.

  47. 1 year ago

    Congrats you’re falling for a grifter who digs 2016 tier information and sells salt

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago
        • 1 year ago
  48. 1 year ago

    Sol brah?

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