Brain Fitness

Every day I feel more and more moronic.
-Cant focus
-Cant even read a book without intruding thoughts
-Dont feel anything anymore
-Exist in a semi conscious state
-Forgettful of basic facts
-0 motivation

How to unfrick this?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    constant overflow of information by cellphones (notice that you have constant access to it) which are products (the cellphones)designed specifically to make you moronic and not a creator but a consoomer of infinite media without a purpose other than your brain got used and is happy to be fed constant info in order to numb and dumb you down, since it's easy and feels good, you are right now on a site which didn't spare a mechanism for your sanity either, I personally use it sparingly, got out of it's egregore personality, most here are morons.
    Anyway, ditch the cellphone and buy a regular nokia, install uBlock origin on the pc and block off recommended actions off youtube or such other sites, you don't have to be constantly told what to look at, you should choose what to look at, but the algorithm is designed to keep you at it.
    Read more, do math, think, study the trivium method of thinking and apply it to everything you can imagine (many great depths shall be reached so) do art, express yourself in creative ways, hang with people of value, learn an insturment and the such, do activititis where you are active not passive, you are the creator not the receiver, you receive info either way, but creating is an actual option that can go neglected or your whole life, so choose wisely.

    • 10 months ago

      Thank you anon, I got sucked in again.
      Corrective action must be taken

    • 10 months ago


      see a doctor.

      >Limit phone and internet use.
      >Life coach and Speech therapist.
      >Lots of cardio

      see a ~~*doctor*~~


      • 10 months ago

        ok good luck maybe try no porn no pillow cold shower OMAD+GOMAD don't forget vibrating anal probe for best squat posture and lots of onions

        • 10 months ago

          No, I'll take mind altering drugs that dont actually fight depression at all prescribed by Dr. Goldbergstein

          • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >Limit phone and internet use.
        >Lots of cardio
        Good advice

        >Life coach and Speech therapist
        Pleb tier advice. You have to be 100% self contained and directed to truly master yourself. In most cases a life coach is just another product sold to you in a styrofoam container. Take control of yourself from within.

        >Life and speech specialists are the same as pharma israelites selling you meds

    • 10 months ago

      nice poast

  2. 10 months ago

    see a doctor.

    • 10 months ago

      >feel like death for years
      >back hurts all the time
      >can't sleep normal anymore
      >can't focus on anything
      >have to quit hobbies that require effort or thinking
      >see doctor and get blood work to be safe
      >doc tells me cholesterol is tiny bit high
      >not enough for cholesterol meds
      >tells me to eat more vegetable oils
      >that is literally the extent of the 'help' I received...
      Free healthcare is great!!!

      • 10 months ago

        Unironically do the exact opposite.

      • 10 months ago

        Private healthcare isn't that different anon-kun. The truth is: neither medschools nor hospitals teach doctors how to give a frick and at the end of the day a lot of them only care about paychecks and status, not patients.
        Now, if you were to buy a new phone or something like that you would do some reasearch and compare models, right? You've to do the same kind of thing when it comes to your health. I went through a gazillion dermatologists for five years before finally finding one that solved my problem but it was either that or spending the rest of my life fricked up. At the end of the day you're the one who has to be proactive about your health and getting the treatment you need because docs couldn't give less of a frick whether you'll spend the rest of your life suffering or not.

  3. 10 months ago

    Throw away your phone.
    This shit made me completely moronic.

  4. 10 months ago

    Set aside 20-30 mins, pick a book and just focus on reading what's on the page and comprehending what you've read.

    That and just walking away from your phone for a few hours. You have to get used to little to no stimuli for long periods of time. Embrace the boredom. Actually pay attention to your own thoughts. Its the only way.

  5. 10 months ago

    >Limit phone and internet use.
    >Life coach and Speech therapist.
    >Lots of cardio

    • 10 months ago

      >Limit phone and internet use.
      >Lots of cardio
      Good advice

      >Life coach and Speech therapist
      Pleb tier advice. You have to be 100% self contained and directed to truly master yourself. In most cases a life coach is just another product sold to you in a styrofoam container. Take control of yourself from within.

  6. 10 months ago


  7. 10 months ago

    That's what happens when you skip brain day

    • 10 months ago

      wolfram alpha says its 9. but how to calculate this? please help fellow studentgay

      • 10 months ago

        I didn't understand this at first, but I got curious and looked around. There's usually a manipulation trick for problems like these. Apparently here we want to start by setting a = x2 and b = y2 (I think x and y can be assumed to be positive reals here).

        x2x + y2y = 32
        x3 + y3 = 32.

        We also have:
        x2y + y2x = 31
        x(xy) + y(xy) = 31
        (xy)(x + y) = 31

        Now here's another tricky bit. For any x, y if we write (x + y)3 and expand it, we see that:
        (x + y)3
        = x3 + 3x2y + 3y2x + y3
        = (x3 + y3) + 3(x2y + y2x)

        Remember that above we have already solved for x3 + y3 and x2y + y2x.

        So now we have:
        (x + y)3 = 32 + 3(31)
        = 32 + 93
        = 125

        Conveniently, 125 is a perfect cube. So:
        (x + y)3 = 1253
        (x + y) = 5

        • 10 months ago

          (continued: just realized that posting fricked up my superscripts, but hopefully you can still follow along)

          There is another identity that we need to use now. For any x, y:
          x3 + y3 = x3 + (x2y - x2y) + (xy2 - xy2) + y3
          = (x + y)(x2 - xy + y2)
          = (x + y)(x2 + y2) - (x + y)(xy)

          And since we already shown that x3 + y3 = 32, x + y = 5, and (x + y)(xy) = 31:

          32 = 5(x2 + y2) - 31
          63 = 5(x2 + y2)
          63/5 = (x2 + y2)

          Remembering our original substitution, that means:
          a + b = 63/5

          Then of course:
          5(a + b)/7 = [5(63/5)]/7 = 63/7 = 9

  8. 10 months ago

    Develop mental fortitude by pushing yourself lifting and through the understanding that every product even down to the tap water is trying to kill you. This will force you to take control of yourself and self regulate.

    When you run out of data simply don't buy more for a few days and see what happens. When I do this within 24 hours I'm reading books and can already concentrate much better.

    It becomes easier with time when you start to notice your gains of fortitude it becomes addicting like lifting. I've looked at porn like once in the last 2 weeks cos that shit is kryptonite. I grabbed the first still image I found cos I was still awake at 4am this morning. Much better than scrolling through pages of videos.

    I've been a heavy smoker since age 15 and it's currently 3.15 pm and I've had one cigarette today and I'm feeling good.

    • 10 months ago

      >Heavy smoker
      >Mental fortitude

      • 10 months ago

        Smokes cigarettes till the day she dies

        I'm schizo so they help a lot

  9. 10 months ago

    Your brain is constantly jumping from one thing to the next. Constant overflow of information as that other guy said. It's all specfically designed to try to pull you to it as much as possible, they've hacked their way into people's psychology. Your willpower doesn't stand a chance if you're just taking things as they pop up on the screen.

    What you need to do is set aside time and - if possible a physical impediment to deny you access to those addictions. It sounds a bit ridiculous and childish at first but think of it this way - do you leave your favourite foods and cakes and alcohol and drugs if you've taken them all around your house within easy reach? No of course not, because that's just asking for trouble.

    So yeah, I am strongly in favour of any barrier to put up whether it be physical like dumb phones or at least some sort of rules about not jerking around online. I used to use site blockers before, you can take the wifi stick away from the computer. It feels strange to restrict yourself, but have a little faith in doing that rather than having your entire day destroyed once again by some pajeet shoving a prostitute's butt in your face and the like.

  10. 10 months ago

    >that fluoride state
    It gives me strength to know that while everything we consume is trying to kill us, at the same time God or Satan or whoever is running this hellscape of a reality wants us to fight and do our best to survive. If this wasn't the case why would they put messages like this in kids video games?

  11. 10 months ago

    >Lifts 2 hrs a day
    >Doesn't read at all

    There's the problem

  12. 10 months ago


  13. 10 months ago

    >that fluoride stare
    Some of these HL2 don't drink the water memes are actually pretty good.

  14. 10 months ago

    I used to get high for a living
    Believing everything that I saw on the TV
    I used to get high for a living
    Eating all the bullshit food that they sold me

    >Good song


  15. 10 months ago

    >Every day I feel more and more moronic.
    stopped reading gonna make it!

    • 10 months ago
  16. 10 months ago

    Get an e-reader, read at least 20 mins before bed and enjoy improved brainies and sleepies. Why the e-reader? Unlimited free books, easier on the eyes compared to any lamp, can read in the most awkward position with no issue.

    Trust a homie and give this a shot OP. Reading is severely underrated. Ask around and you'll realise nobody fricking reads anymore.

    • 10 months ago

      Also, start a manual hobby, anything really (lockpicking, knitting, playing an instrument, cooking...) you will be forced to keep learning and you WILL like it.

    • 10 months ago

      I used to really enjoy reading, but probably 10 years ago or so there was just something "more fun" to do with the time instead

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