Bros, how do I tell my gf that I want her to lose weight without her crying?

Bros, how do I tell my gf that I want her to lose weight without her crying? It's embarrassing that I make the effort and have the self control to stay lean and in shape while she's overweight. It's absolutely affecting my physical attraction towards her, and she also mentioned that she's the only one initiating sex now.
>t. 6'2" at 195 lbs while she is 5'3" at 175 lbs

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  1. 10 months ago

    Just start going to the gym together. Go for walks, run etc, and invite her

    • 10 months ago

      This. You can't exactly be like GO ON A DIET YOU FAT b***h, GO RUN AROUND THE BLOCK YOU SHIT COW while you sit on the couch eating chips.

      You gotta exercise with her, try to keep it subtle at first like "oh look honest I cooked you a romantic dinner of plain chicken breasts and spinach, let's go on a romantic walk together afterwards, wear your running shoes"

  2. 10 months ago

    You tell her she cries, you help her lose weight. Not sure what's the problem with her crying.

  3. 10 months ago

    She already knows something is up because of the sex issue, so tiptoeing around this isn't going to work. Make peace with the fact that there is no way you can do this without her feeling hurt, and your best route is to try to minimise it. Really emphasise that you love her, she's not lazy or greedy, it's completely normal for people to gain weight, and you'll work on this together as a team. Take an honest look together at ways you can control caloric intake. Is she drinking soda? Replace it with water. Are there snacks around the house that make it easy to start eating crap whenever? Get rid of them, stop buying them. Go for walks together, hard exercise is probably not something she'll stick with anyway and will only cause tension.

  4. 10 months ago

    Crying is a woman's form of emotional manipulation. Tell her to knock it the frick off. Look, if she's too fat and no longer attractive, tell her and be completely blunt about it, no beating around the bush. The weight you're gaining is making you less attractive to the point that I don't want to frick you anymore. You need to lose this excess weight. You can't expect her to lose 40 lbs in a month, but you should start seeing positive gains fairly quickly. But, and here's the kicker, you have to be willing to walk away. If she isn't keeping her end of the deal, you don't keep your end of the deal, mainly time, commitment and resources.

    • 10 months ago

      This. You can't exactly be like GO ON A DIET YOU FAT b***h, GO RUN AROUND THE BLOCK YOU SHIT COW while you sit on the couch eating chips.

      You gotta exercise with her, try to keep it subtle at first like "oh look honest I cooked you a romantic dinner of plain chicken breasts and spinach, let's go on a romantic walk together afterwards, wear your running shoes"

      She already knows something is up because of the sex issue, so tiptoeing around this isn't going to work. Make peace with the fact that there is no way you can do this without her feeling hurt, and your best route is to try to minimise it. Really emphasise that you love her, she's not lazy or greedy, it's completely normal for people to gain weight, and you'll work on this together as a team. Take an honest look together at ways you can control caloric intake. Is she drinking soda? Replace it with water. Are there snacks around the house that make it easy to start eating crap whenever? Get rid of them, stop buying them. Go for walks together, hard exercise is probably not something she'll stick with anyway and will only cause tension.

      Yeah I wanna be blunt and let her know that her current body is unacceptable, but I also don’t want her to totally hate herself. She already has insecurities about her appearance.

      • 10 months ago

        So you just want to be an butthole?

        • 10 months ago

          No. But I also don't want to sugar coat the issue either.

          You can tell her and weather the storm or let the relationship die slowly and bitterly.

          It's looking like it's going to have to be done eventually. She has even been talking about marriage, while I'm just sitting there like surprised pikachu when she brings that up because I don't want to marry a fat woman.

          You can make your concerns clear without being "blunt". Definitely do not describe her body as "unacceptable" if you want to continue this relationship. Better something like "I'm concerned about your weight gain and we need to figure out why this is happening and what we can do together to resolve it"

          Sounds reasonable.

      • 10 months ago

        You can make your concerns clear without being "blunt". Definitely do not describe her body as "unacceptable" if you want to continue this relationship. Better something like "I'm concerned about your weight gain and we need to figure out why this is happening and what we can do together to resolve it"

    • 10 months ago

      >Crying is a woman's form of emotional manipulation.

      Just start going to the gym together. Go for walks, run etc, and invite her

      >Just start going to the gym together. Go for walks, run etc, and invite her
      This. Find active hobbies and get her interested. If she doesn't want to go with you, you go alone.

      If you are out alone a bunch, she will get nervous, thinking you are going to meet some active hottie and leave her, so she will come around and go.

      • 10 months ago

        i wish she would do onlyfans so bad. so fricking hot

        • 10 months ago

          >i wish she would do onlyfans so bad. so fricking hot
          Who? Your gf? Is this OP? Or talking about picrel chick? Who is picrel btw?

          • 10 months ago

            the girl leanbeefpatty

            • 10 months ago

              kek what a name
              is it an OEM woman? Might check her out if it is. Where does she post pics if not paid content on OF? That old boomer instagram/meta site? Maybe she wants some older sugar daddy instead.

              • 10 months ago

                just look at her youtube page

  5. 10 months ago

    Leave her bro. People don’t change. I learned this the hard way. Better to start fresh. Even if she does somehow lose the weight (she won’t) you’ll still remember how fat she was

    • 10 months ago

      > say autistic shit
      > refuse to elaborate
      fricking incel stfu

      • 10 months ago

        Not an incel. Spitting facts based on personal experience. Take it or leave it. I promise you it is really like this. In the time it will take her to lose 40-50 pounds you could already have found a new girlfriend that doesn’t disgust you.

        • 10 months ago

          How overweight was your gf that she disgusted you?

          • 10 months ago

            Well I’m not OP but in my case it was about 40 pounds at its worst.

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah that’s way too much

              • 10 months ago


  6. 10 months ago

    You can tell her and weather the storm or let the relationship die slowly and bitterly.

  7. 10 months ago

    >she also mentioned that she's the only one initiating sex now.
    "Yeah hon, that's because I'm repulsed by your body now."
    See how easy that is?

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