Bryan Johnson

Why aren’t you following the blueprint IST?

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    because I'm following Mark Sisson's blueprint

  2. 11 months ago

    he didnt have surgery but he still looks bogged

    • 11 months ago

      must be the 200 supplements he takes every day

    • 11 months ago

      guessing he had surgery but doesnt admit it

    • 11 months ago

      Looks like a lesbian Conan O'Brien

      > didn't have surgery
      How would you know?

  3. 11 months ago

    I follow his blackprint

  4. 11 months ago

    How much of it is actionable for regular folk?

    eg. He has to get T-patches because the food he eats won't let him make it himself.

    And the food he eats is after eating a gorillian supplements. So if you just ate the food you see him eat you'd probably be in bad shape.

    • 11 months ago

      Certain supplements and pills that he’s taking may have benefits but it seems that most of it is mostly unverified, or has only weak evidence to support it. Unless you can get regular detailed blood work, it’s probably more harmful than beneficial to try and experiment with some of the stuff he’s taking. Several of the pills have side effects while may not affect his lifestyle but could affect the lifestyle of others.

    • 11 months ago

      Not mind blowing or anything but when asked what was the most important thing for people to start doing he says it's getting enough sleep. Which, being real, a lot of us don't.

  5. 11 months ago

    Whoa, Elliot Page looks like that?!

  6. 11 months ago

    Because his objective is inherently satanic.
    I'm following the Lord's blueprint.

    • 11 months ago

      cringe cuck

      • 11 months ago

        He literally steals his son's blood for himself
        I'm not even religious but that's a one way ticket to any and every hell imaginable.

    • 11 months ago

      No thanks

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          you worship a 3 in 1 shampoo, multipack, buy one get 2 free god. I worship the one true god. we're not the same

  7. 11 months ago

    He’s got that aged Hollywood actress thing going on where is skin is smooth and wrinkle free yet somehow he still looks old. Any anons know what causes this?

    • 11 months ago

      I think tretinoin + collagen

    • 11 months ago

      Changes in the pores and skin pigmentation.

    • 11 months ago

      I think tretinoin + collagen

      It's the sunscreen. If you use it daily you'll eventually look pale as frick unless you supplement with tanning supplements like astaxanthin or beta carotene.

    • 11 months ago

      His body fat percentage is 5-6 %. A little bit of fat smooths out wrinkles and makes you look younger.

    • 11 months ago

      Bone structure.

      Fricking anons are idiots who didn't mention it. He has the bone structure of a 40-50 something year old.

      Your bones change as you get older (in your face), that cannot be changed with surgery or supplements/skincare/diet

      • 11 months ago

        >cannot be changed with diet
        wholly incorrect

        • 11 months ago

          Bones go through constant remodelling even in your face and can for sure be changed with supplements/diet, you should know well that lifting helps bone density in those muscles. Don't get me wrong I'm not a peter pan live forever type saying bones in the face don't age, I am saying it's false to say bone structure can't be changed.

          It's not his bone structure, it's his skin. His skin is old. Do you really think he made it like 22 years younger because he said that? (that's literally what it claims on his website btw, this isn't some hyperbolic number). His skin and the fleshy part has aged. On the fence about his skull having changed.


          >Getting rid of facial wrinkles may not be enough to obscure the signs of aging. For a truly youthful look, you'd have to reshape the bones in your face, a study says.

          >Plastic surgeons may be experts at dealing with age-related changes to the skin and soft tissues, but to make people look younger, they must better understand how alterations to our underlying facial bones contribute to our aged appearance , the researchers wrote in the January issue of the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

          >As we grow older, our facial bones including our eye sockets, nose and upper jaw continue to change. For example, our eye sockets enlarge, and the angle of the bones beneath our eyebrows decreases which could contribute to the formation of frown lines on our foreheads, "crow's feet" at the corners of our eyes and droopy lower eyelids, the researchers say. [Images: See pictures showing the differences between a young and an old woman's facial bones]

          >The researchers analyzed computed tomography scans of the facial bones of young people (age 20 to 40), middle-age people (41 to 64), and older people (65 and up). (All the CT scans had been medically necessary for other reasons not for planning plastic surgery, the researchers said.)

          >Detailed measurements of three-dimensional reconstructions of the scans revealed some important differences in the facial bone structure between age groups.

          >"The facial skeleton experiences morphologic change, and an overall decrease in volume, with increasing age," the researchers wrote.

          >One prominent change was an increase in the area of the eye sockets. In both men and women, the sockets became wider and longer.

          Aging also affected the bones of the middle part of the face. The researchers found reductions in the angles of the brow, nose, and upper jaw bones. The length and height of the lower jaw decreased, as well.

          • 11 months ago

            >Although these changes occurred in both sexes, many occurred earlier in women between young and middle age. In men, most of the changes occurred between middle age and old age.

            >By using materials and techniques for skeletal augmentation, plastic surgeons could improve the results of the facial rejuvenations they perform, the researchers said.

          • 11 months ago

            If you honestly think I'm going to read what you said after you called me an idiot you're a fricking moron.

            I wasn't giving you an invitation for your opinion. I stated what is known as an objective fact and in fact it is extremely well known.

            You literally know nothing about anything, the end of our conversation.

            • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Bones go through constant remodelling even in your face and can for sure be changed with supplements/diet, you should know well that lifting helps bone density in those muscles. Don't get me wrong I'm not a peter pan live forever type saying bones in the face don't age, I am saying it's false to say bone structure can't be changed.

        It's not his bone structure, it's his skin. His skin is old. Do you really think he made it like 22 years younger because he said that? (that's literally what it claims on his website btw, this isn't some hyperbolic number). His skin and the fleshy part has aged. On the fence about his skull having changed.

    • 11 months ago

      He clearly has wrinkles. His elastin deposits are dry though. His hair's wispy. His face has a completely different color to his body.

    • 11 months ago

      It's just moisturizer, clean living for the past few weeks, decent (non-homeless person tier) living for the earlier part of your life, and I'm sure he puts some other shit on as well, he also does laser therapy. It's all superficial, just because it looks like it hasn't aged doesn't mean it hasn't.

      Even with all that skin bullshit as you say his face still looks older. It's a fleshiness, there's a fullness in younger people's complexion that older people lose. Also let's see what his hands look like, hands clearly show aging, you just have to take into account if the person worked manual labour/farming (which Bryan hasn't).

  8. 11 months ago

    Because he looks like shit.
    He's only like 45, yet he looks like a 65 year old trying to look 45.

  9. 11 months ago

    Most of his routine is a meme or even harmful. Vitamin E trials got stopped ahead of time because of increased cancer risk yet he's supplementing with it. He's also not taking any statin despite cardiovascular diseases being the greatest barrier to getting over the age of 100.

    • 11 months ago

      Sarcopenia is arguably a greater barrier to extremely long life, and statins exacerbate that...

  10. 11 months ago

    How long till he creates one of these and starts looking for raided up albino giants to grant him immortality?

    • 11 months ago

      >gets caught doing something naughty
      >only supps he's allowed in the clink are T patches

  11. 11 months ago

    Not sure what it is about multi-millionaires/billionaires and their obsession with anti-aging. Is life that great when you’re rich that you don’t want it to end, or are they afraid of death?

    • 11 months ago

      i'm not gonna rag on him for it. he's not just drinking baby blood behind closed doors.
      he could not only find some great stuff with his work but democratize it so we can have a greater quality of life too.

      • 11 months ago

        I'm going to rag on him for it. You don't get good boy points for not being a israelite vampire but you get stupid points for being a good goy who wants to act like them and fall for their medical and nutritional moronation.

    • 11 months ago

      I am a long-time inhabitant of a tech forum which is full of these anti-aging types. They are terrified of death and dream of a society where nobody ever dies and they never run out of time to accomplish everything they can imagine. Basically they feel like they're losing unless they're maxxing, and the more imaginative they are the more they feel like they're losing compared to the imagined possibilities for themselves. That's why Elon Musk is unhappy despite being the world's richest man, and obsesses over being Emperor of Mars and how many children he can make.
      So basically fear and greed. At this point I avoid having arguments or even discussions with people when it comes up, the more obsessed someone is with longevity the more of an emotional cripple I consider them to be. I don't mean this dismissively - emotional cripples are often obsessive and dangerous people, like vindictive children but with life experience and resources. If you encounter someone like this in your social or work life they can often give you access to useful information or opportunities but be very very careful in how you deal with them and maintain your boundaries, the friendly face can often mask an extremely toxic personality if they feel you crossed them or set them back in some way.

      • 11 months ago

        Interesting, I’ve read rumours that Bryan is quite toxic despite the friendly personality he tries to convey in his videos. It seems to be a very common thing for tech bros to be into anti-aging. One of the reasons I would assume is because they’re all narcissists. Their previous success deludes them into believing they can solve any problem, even one where a solution would be to beat biology and nature itself.

        • 11 months ago

          Kinda true. I have a tech background myself and being autist I do look at things as problems or puzzles that can be solved. But as I got older (52) I also learned that there are rarely technical solutions to human problems and that any system taken too far becomes a prison. I personally think Zen Buddhism is a good no-bullshit philosophy for dealing with the human condition.
          I don't know anything about this Bryan person other than that he gets posted on IST a lot. I'm older than him and think I look as good or better, all I do is work out and eat simple foods, with loose weekly/monthly/quarterly fitness goals. Obsessing over supplements and getting monthly injections of your offspring's blood seems absolutely fricked in the head to me. I don't understand how he can be a billionaire and still be so fricking needy.

          • 11 months ago

            >monthly injections of your offspring's blood

            This sounds extremely abusive, where is CPS in this?

            • 11 months ago

              Oh read the full story, he's roped his dad into it too. it's like all the worst aspects of boomerism cubed, I do no get how this is legal either.

            • 11 months ago

              He and his entire family used to be devout Mormons. Then he became incredibly rich, left Mormonism, and eventually convinced his son to come live with him and follow his lifestyle. Whether his son lives with him or his mother, he’ll be getting abused. At least with his dad he gets to drive lambos and get IST.

    • 11 months ago

      For them, life is good and they want to extend it as much as possible. For me, I want a robot waifu and I know it's only going to happen in the 22th century.

  12. 11 months ago

    Because heart failure is imminent

    • 11 months ago

      What a dumb cuck got vaxxed.

    • 11 months ago

      What a dumb cuck got vaxxed.

      Are you morons still waiting for the Great Reset? Haven't your youtube gurus have moved on from that topic already since it became obvious the vaccine is safe and death rates are falling?

    • 11 months ago

      >normal age 40 heart disease
      heart disease
      >age 40

  13. 11 months ago

    Because he's in way worse shape than me and he looks at least 45 years old...

    • 11 months ago

      He’s 73kg and can leg press 360kg (5x body weight) and bench 110kg (1.5x bodyweight) and his VO2 max is on par with top athletes.

      • 11 months ago

        Yes, as I said in way worse shape than me. Granted I've trained for 30 years now

      • 11 months ago

        well no shit, hes on juice and works out every day in his private gym in his mansion

  14. 11 months ago

    His style is terrible
    moronic hair, outfit and painted nails
    He could look decent if he dressed well

  15. 11 months ago

    He looks like a 45 year old wearing young persons clothes.

    The only thing stupider than him doing this is anyone trying to follow. It's a grift, and a dumb grift at that.

  16. 11 months ago

    This guy looks like he is so internally unhappy that its insane

  17. 11 months ago

    Two things to remember about this guy:
    He probably lived the first 40 years of his life as an autistic nerd eating nothing but cans of pringles, or something.
    Two is being autistic he would have a solid mutational load.
    So if you were to compare him to a genetically gifted person that has trained from child that is pretty unfair.
    This guy is legit more like a sedentary IST guy tried to make it after age 30.

  18. 11 months ago

    Facial hair removal, hair transplants and taking a 100 different molecules won't do shit to make you live longer. Only proven path is calorie restriction and experimental OSK gene therapy, the rest is copium.

    • 11 months ago

      how is anime girl so thin after that many colas and pizza slices

    • 11 months ago

      Rapamycin and acarbose definitely work aswell.

  19. 11 months ago

    He looks like an actual ghoul. Dude looked way better before all this bullshit

    > picrel

  20. 11 months ago

    here's that 18 year old white girl I was telling you about

  21. 11 months ago

    I don't know. On one hand it interests me what he's doing and I'm glad someone's doing the research and pumping the money and time into it, although he is a bit.. eccentric. On the other hand he was wearing nail polish and for some reason that makes him disgusting in my mind.

  22. 11 months ago

    >become miserable dedicating your entire life to looking 10 years younger
    >meanwhile I life free die hard, still have baby face
    He's trying to compete against his own genetics which is always a stupid thing to do. A wasted life to extend your life is still a wasted life.

    • 11 months ago

      Only 20% of your lifespan is decided by genetics. Attia talks about it in his book.

  23. 11 months ago

    Because Johnson hasn't a fricking clue. He's literally roiding (calls it trt) and also getting laser therapy on his skin. On his website he has all these biomarkers and supposed ages that he's the equivalent of, one of the ones showing me how moronic he is is his leg strength compared to an average 18 year old... like what the actual frick, there are multiple levels of moronation to try to disentangle to even comprehend how he could think that. All those "biomarker" numbers are useless, it's the same as going for a blood test and getting all those numbers back - once it's within the healthy range, you can't say being a particular number within the healthy range is better or worse - just because one number might usually go up with age doesn't mean you didn't age as much if it hasn't gone up - particularly if you specifically try to lower it - it's like he's essentially just fixing all the numbers to look more like the profile of a younger person when he's not.

    I made a prediction as a joke before that the next thing he would do is transition but the more I think about it and his behaviour, the more I'm actually starting to think that this might really be something he'll do, and he can cite women living longer than men as a reason.

    • 11 months ago

      * laser therapy does not help the long-term skin in any way, it's actually the opposite - it allows uv-rays and environmental hazards to enter through the skin more easily to cause damage. Laser therapy simply forces the skin to regrow quickly to try to protect its inner germ/stemcell layer from damage and new skin that has just regrown looks fresher and healthier. That's all it is. It's literally the most superficial thing.

    • 11 months ago

      > I made a prediction as a joke before that the next thing he would do is transition but the more I think about it and his behaviour, the more I'm actually starting to think that this might really be something he'll do, and he can cite women living longer than men as a reason.

      Trannies statistically live shorter lives, although it’s an amusing thought

    • 11 months ago

      Trt is moronic why offer your longevity for mild gains compared to natty.

      I remember a roider measuring benefits of a few day fast but only his natty buddies had the benefit show in bloodwork. He was always anabolic so no autophagy for him.

      • 11 months ago

        TRT is great if you are low test or old. If your test is normal and you don't lift of course you will make no gains from it lol.

        • 11 months ago

          Why did the guy in that pic go on TRT before working out? That seems moronic

          • 11 months ago

            Because he's lazy spiritually and in his bones

        • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Dude TRT is very small doses given to people with low test. The "trt" those jacked dudes get is jabbing huge amounts of anabolic steroids in the gym locker room.

  24. 11 months ago

    >2 million a year to look like this

    • 11 months ago

      You dont want to look like a lesbian at 45?

    • 11 months ago

      biggest inspiration in life rn

      2 mil a year to learn how to look like this, his program with all the bullshit blood tests, weird machines + food costs around 20k, 2m is for hiring researchers

      well no shit, hes on juice and works out every day in his private gym in his mansion

      stop acting like being on juice doesnt make that shit impressive

      • 11 months ago
        Isley (A class, =4th)

        >stop acting like being on juice doesnt make that shit impressive
        He's on steroids, and those are mid numbers for a 43 year old steroid using amateur athlete. Not nothing, but then, my PE teacher at school could also bench 110kg at about 70ish kilos in his 40s. He played rugby for a club (ie, recreationally).

  25. 11 months ago

    Men need to move away even wasting thoughts on "looking younger" or "muh looks" , men arent women.

    • 11 months ago

      Hey boomer, have you seen the state of dating and especially online dating in the past 3 years?

    • 11 months ago

      You boomers are so boring.


      and stay there.

      Men WILL be prettier seethe cope and dilate all you want.

  26. 11 months ago

    Unironically 90% of what this guy does is memes.
    The ones that matter are: take thyroid, both t3 and t4, do TRT, sleep well, eat healthy, exercise, skincare routine and avoid the sun.
    You don't need some fancy air quality checker or taking 200 pills every day.

  27. 11 months ago

    I don't want to look like 40 year old lesbian

  28. 11 months ago

    The dude who thinks he has reinvented blood transfusion?

  29. 11 months ago

    >spend billions trying to look young
    >get mogged into oblivion by tom cruise
    Reminder: Tom cruise is already 73 and looks younger than this goofball. Adrenochrome truly is the key.

    • 11 months ago

      Scientology secrets by rich israelites

    • 11 months ago

      IMHO it’s because of Bryan’s fricking gay ass hairstyle. It’s thin and ruins everything he’s looking for with his looks.

    • 11 months ago

      the only pics etc you see of him are shopped, with make-up, and a team of professionals who operated on his face. It's dumb to use his plastic face as an example of how humans can grow old.

    • 11 months ago

      >Tom cruise is already 73
      Looks like it too in what pictures/screenshots I've seen of the latest mission impossible.

      Why are geriatric action heroes a thing now? They're even worse than stickwomen fighting machines.

      • 11 months ago

        Sean Connery was the last action hero that aged out gracefully. Maybe Clint Eastwood too, but have you seen him lately, he can't stand up straight any more.

    • 11 months ago

      Tom Cruise has nothing on William Shatner. Sure he looks old, but this homie is 93. And obviously is not plastic. Honestly I bet Shatner outlive that troony in OP.

    • 11 months ago

      hes 61

  30. 11 months ago

    Looking at this homosexual is a journey through the uncanny valley. What a fricking weirdo.

  31. 11 months ago

    I just got asked how old I was at the pool because they charge high schoolers slightly less than adults. I also had a conversation with a 30 year old at work about how he was good looking and jacked when he was my age too. I'm 30. My blueprint is red meat and similar contrarian positions.

    • 11 months ago

      >I also had a conversation with a 30 year old at work about how he was good looking and jacked when he was my age too. I'm 30.

      So you were having a conversation about how good looking and jacked he was at the time you were talking to him? That’s kinda gay ngl

  32. 11 months ago

    I mean you try to dripfeed zoomers information using baby spoons for them and they still act like little shits, what a clown you are thinking your "livescience" article shows anything we didn't already know, the only person learning from that article is you.

  33. 11 months ago

    Che I know you're in here

  34. 11 months ago

    >We've spent time together before but it has been years since i've seen you and I mean this in a really good way but you look like a lord of the rings elf, and dude there's something about the clarity in your skin and the vibrancy in your eyes and I'm really interested in slowing down aging, reversing aging,
    >as I said to you when you first arrived, seeing you on camera does not do justice to what it's like to see you in person uhm in terms of just the externally visible markers of health really do like it does something to my brain to be like oh this person looks healthy

    Surely he was being trolled here, right?

    • 11 months ago

      he really does look like an elf

  35. 11 months ago

    That's a ghoul

  36. 11 months ago

    ZIRP is the only reason we hear about this moron.

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