Bulk or Cut

5'10" 169 lbs. Can't tell what BF % I am because I can't tell how much of this is loose skin and how much is still fat left to lose. Was originally 210 lbs in March. Trying to decide if I should continue my cut or start my first bulk. Any advice appreciated.
>inb4 surgery
Cant afford
>inb4 rope
Not yet

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  1. 9 months ago

    How unfortunate

  2. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      don't bulk or cut

      just start lifting moron

      Already lifting for 6 months, but only eating 1300cals a day the entire time. Just hit 1pl8 bench last week.

      • 9 months ago

        >lifting for 6 months
        >1 pl8 bench

        • 9 months ago

          motherfricker I saw you post in cbt and they told you to cut so you clearly didn't like that answer

          Well guss what neither did I. 100% bulk, a lot of it is fat but that doesn't matter, if you don't build muscle first you're just going to be a complete twig when you hit 10% bodyfat and you'll look auschwitz mode rather than attractive. Bulk back up to 180lbs and then cut again and you'll be much happier with the results. It's gonna get ugly before it gets pretty.

          yeah that's what happens when you've only ever lifted on a deficit

          • 9 months ago

            also bulking doesn't mean eating like a pig, bulk slowly, getting to 180lbs should take 3-4 months.

          • 9 months ago

            I don't mind continuing the cut I just get so many conflicting answers it's hard to decide on which to commit to, you make a good point though

            • 9 months ago

              Eat at a caloric surplus, gain some muscle, then try to cut again moron

            • 9 months ago

              it's ultimately a personal choice so people are going to have different opinions, however I will say I'm in the exact same position as you. Went from 230lbs to 165lbs, decided to bulk, I don't regret it, currently I'm 175lbs and I physically feel much better and my lifts are finally going up after stagnating for like 9 months.

              The main reason I did it is I decided my ultimate goal is visible abs and at 165lbs I could visibly see my ribcage very well but still had no abs, so I decided I needed to build more muscle first before I could achieve that later down the line. IMO there is no point in cutting lower because the progress will be slower than before and you are just going to lose muscle trying to cut to bodybuilder levels of bodyfat%, it's not worth it, get the muscle first. You were fat before you can be slightly fat for a few months.

          • 9 months ago

            Nah you are just an overall mess.
            I reached 2pl8 bench for 4 reps while cutting from 87kg to 70kg. Took me like a year, all strength gains during a deficit. I also know people who benched 2pl8 at a ~60kg bodyweight. You are just a genetic dead end that doesn't know how to lift. It's that simple. You know eating isn't a cheat code. This moronic redditor added 90lbs bw to deadlift THREE PLATES. I fricking know people who deadlifted 3pl8 LITERALLY first day at the gym no prior sports history.

            Your training is moronic, you don't understand progressive overload and you have a different idea what's high intensity, what's close to failure, what's "hard" etc. Again, you are an overall mess. There isn't one "ahh gothca" that would have solved the puzzle. You really need to go back to the drawing board. I would try to talk to some friends or make friends at the gym who are genuine naturals and have good physiques and maybe work in with them etc. You need some serious guidance you are not gonna make it alone. Maybe hire a PT, although I despise Personal Trainer's but there are good ones hidden among thousand of bad, so maybe look into finding the gem.

            There is no reason to ever be fat. And well it's hard to say with your saggy skin and lack of muscle but you are definitely more fat than in shape. The second post said it right, you need to lift. That's the bottom line. Lift. Get the protein. Recomp. Build muscle, lose bf% because bodyfat is a percentage of your weight. It's about body composition, that can and will change if you get stronger and build muscle. And you absolutely can build muscle when you are lifting 1pl8 lol even on a deficit as I have proven with my own personal experience.

            • 9 months ago

              your LARP proves nothing homosexual

            • 9 months ago

              >I reached 2pl8 bench for 4 reps while cutting from 87kg to 70kg. Took me like a year, all strength gains during a deficit.
              Yeah, only on steroids homosexual.

              • 9 months ago

                Imagine thinking that 2pl8 bench at around 160 lbs. requires steroids. You're just a weak Black person. And you should stop lifting because you're just taking up space and you'll never accomplish anything. Please leave.

            • 9 months ago

              Correct, you can get stronger while getting leaner, you just have to DO IT INTELLIGENTLY and your programming has to be on-point and not moronic.
              Mostly, I found that it worked best if I kept training heavy and not being moronic and thinking "I better lower the weight becuz I am eating less", as that doesn't help for shit if you're natural.
              I added 40 lbs. to my deadlift and 20 lbs. to my bench over 14 months while losing 15 lbs to finally get to being sub-10% bodyfat for the first time, and that was after 20 years of lifting. All because I
              >reduced volume slightly
              >increased intensity
              >kept reps between 3-8 on most everything
              And yes, do not get fat, because those "fat gains" from eating like a pig don't do shit for most lifts (except squat and bench, those are the only 2 that improve when I got fatter), and it sure as shit isn't worth adding 30 lbs. to a lift only to have to eventually peel off 25 lbs. of shit weight that you're not happy carrying around.
              If people are going to bulk, they need to understand that you don't really need more than 300-600 cal./day over maintenance. Eating 1500+ cal/day over maintenance won't give you 3x the gains, it'll just give you 3x the fat on your ass.

              • 9 months ago

                Imagine thinking that 2pl8 bench at around 160 lbs. requires steroids. You're just a weak Black person. And you should stop lifting because you're just taking up space and you'll never accomplish anything. Please leave.

                You're obviously on steroids or extremely short and don't require many calories for maintenance. You fake natty are beyond dumb.

        • 9 months ago

          1 pl8 bench took me 3 years
          t. stunted growth, atrophied muscles, fricked test due to sedentary teenage years

  3. 9 months ago

    don't bulk or cut

    just start lifting moron

  4. 9 months ago

    Holy frick bulk

  5. 9 months ago

    Black person where are your pecs

    • 9 months ago

      Frick if I know


      >lifting for 6 months
      >1 pl8 bench

      Feel like my smol diet has been cucking my progress

    • 9 months ago

      My boy here has the efficient monopec attribute. He also has a gnarly unibtow I bet.

  6. 9 months ago

    Where are your muscles?
    What's your bench?

    • 9 months ago


      Already lifting for 6 months, but only eating 1300cals a day the entire time. Just hit 1pl8 bench last week.

      Start eating 1600kcal and lift.

  7. 9 months ago

    Bulk, run high Test. Take a break and cruise for 6 months. Cut again with Test +Var then cruise on TRT. Only thing to save you at this point

  8. 9 months ago

    I'd bulk to be honest but not dirty bulking. That loose skin won't go away for a long time so might as well fill it with BEEF rather than LARD

    Either way well done on losing so much weight. Let the skin be a reminder never to return to that weight again

  9. 9 months ago

    Don't bulk or cut, just maintain your weight. You look fine the way you are. If you bulk unless you go on a cycle, you will not be happy with the results. Also, I have these ISThomosexuals, they hated you when you're fat and now they hate you for having loose skin. Frick these homosexuals.

  10. 9 months ago

    You should bulk up.

    Diet of 65% carb, 20% protein, 15% fat.

    Given your height, and PROVIDED YOU WORK OUT HARD, go for 2300 kcal.

    • 9 months ago

      That’s not a bulk for an active person of that height, weight, and activity level. That’s still a calorie deficit.

      Fricking morons here, I swear to god.

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