Calisthenics routine

Okay enough with all the bullshit. I need someone who's actually strong to give me his calisthenics routine.
Mine isn't terrible, but I don't feel like I'm progressing enough with it. It includes pull ups, push ups, hanging leg raises, some dips, BSS and sit ups. The whole workout barely lasts 40mins and that's just sad.
I'm quite weak (no more than 7 pull ups), a girl, no access to weights and just looking to get as strong as possible.

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  1. 6 months ago
  2. 6 months ago

    split it into pull/push days and up the volume massively

  3. 6 months ago

    >No progress
    Checks out.

    Serious note though, if it's only lasting 40 minutes, then it's likely either the intensity or volume isn't enough. You need to do harder variations on the movements you can do comfortably for many, many reps.

    Frequency is also likely something you need to improve. Like how often do you do this routine? For actual lifting, three days a week might be enough, but for your calisthenics, it probably isn't.

  4. 6 months ago

    Lift my wiener into your mouth homie
    That's all the workout you need

    • 6 months ago

      Don’t listen to this anon, the resistance is too low.

  5. 6 months ago

    I have two calisthenics days and workouts last 2.5 hours without warm ups.

    100 reps of each:
    >ring row
    >pull up
    >push up or dip
    >back extension (hip extension)
    300 of those:
    >calf raise
    6x2min of these:
    >plank and ab wheel
    >side plank dip
    >single leg glute bridge or hip thrust
    >l-sit or toes to bar

    heavy deadlifts on rest days or you won't see any progress.

    • 6 months ago

      regular pushups? no handstand ones?

      • 6 months ago

        It varies. I cycle between
        regular push ups
        deficit decline push ups
        diamond push ups
        and dips

    • 6 months ago

      Post body

    • 6 months ago

      if you can do pull ups why do ring rows?

      • 6 months ago

        ring rows are different. They target more rear delt and mid/lower traps. You need both, and thirdly you absolutely need one arm rows. They are even more different because they allow you to pull very deep and with torso rotation.

        I do
        wide grip pull up
        just outside shoulder grip chin up
        close grip neutral
        ring row
        one arm ring row

        • 6 months ago

          'm starting calisthenics and I don't have the stamina to do several exercises. How long did it take for you to get to that level?

          • 6 months ago

            I started when corona hit. But on and off since I'm working 6 months of the year in the mountains.


            Nice. What are your sets and reps? How did you progress to this? Can I do 25-50 (total, in several sets) and still get better?
            Forgot to mention, can't do squats (though I love pistols) since I run a lot and my knees are more often fricked than not. So my current go tos are bss, calf raises and clamshells. Any more good leg exercises that won't leave me crippled?

            You can still do bodyweight squats. They are a knee health exercise and don't give much gains.

            For progression:
            with pull ups when you can just do 2-6 don't be afraid to have up to 10 sets or more with plenty of rest 3-5 minutes between them to get up to 50 reps at first. Then once you can do ten aim for 100 reps. Aim for perfect reps not for sets.
            With rows and dips keep the sets lower (2-4). push up sets are controversial but I prefer lower sets (3-4) for shoulder health.
            Bare in mind those sets and reps are for a 2x per week frequency. it's different if you want to train more often.

            >leg exercises
            lateral step ups (like step squats, one leg squats, don't touch the ground) are the most knee friendly for leg gains. They are also a knee rehab exercise.
            back extensions and hip thrust/glute bridge, and rkc planks are best for gains while reversing anterior pelvic tilt at the same time.
            clam shell side planks for more abductor gains
            copenhagen side planks for adductor gains
            single leg calf raises give more gains and are a better prehab

            • 6 months ago

              Thanks <3 I'll definitely incorporate what you suggested, except glute bridges since these would make the guys as the cali park look at me weirdly, and they're already annoying enough. Will try doing them at home

          • 6 months ago

            I started out doing a lot of shit exercises, like bicep curls, tricep dips on a bank, and band exercises, alongside only a few good ones.
            If you are a true beginner start with only those:
            2x week
            >Push Up
            3 hard sets 8-15 reps on a incline surface, Wall Push Ups 30-40 reps for feels, greasing the groove
            2-3 sets, only if you don't get shoulder issues
            >Pull Up
            30 to 50 reps in total per session. Doesn't matter how many sets.
            >Bodyweight Rows
            3-4 sets of 5-15 reps, make sure your feet are posted against something and there is tension in your core.
            >Bodyweight Squat
            5 sets of 20 reps
            start with 20 sec, build up to 150 seconds over 2 months. This exercise is fundamental to teach you correct bracing and neutral spine. If there is any discomfort in your hips or lower back you are doing it wrong. Once you can do bracing and breathing correctly all the other calisthenics exercises will improve by 50-100% in reps per set.

            You execute a set like this: Row -> 30-60 sec rest -> Push Up/Dip -> 30-60 sec rest -> Pull Up -> 3-5 minutes rest, then repeat.
            It's not a superset with no rest between. That doesn't work for beginners.

            • 6 months ago

              thank you man. sadly i can only do 2 pull ups, it is ok to do it during the whole day? like after waking up till sleep?
              i can do 20 normal push ups and some archer push ups. should i still do the incline and wall push ups?

              • 6 months ago

                >sadly i can only do 2 pull ups, it is ok to do it during the whole day? like after waking up till sleep?
                Yes. just do 25 sets of 2 pull ups throughout the day. Below 6-8 reps its mostly just a skill issue - that means you have to work on it as often as possible.
                >i can do 20 normal push ups and some archer push ups. should i still do the incline and wall push ups?
                No, probably too easy. But make sure your push ups are in perfect form. A push up is nothing more than a moving plank - i.e. you want complete tension and bracing throughout your core, and from heels to shoulders for the entire set. No loose abs. At higher levels the push up becomes an anti-extension exercise for your core more so than a strength exercise.

    • 6 months ago

      Nice. What are your sets and reps? How did you progress to this? Can I do 25-50 (total, in several sets) and still get better?
      Forgot to mention, can't do squats (though I love pistols) since I run a lot and my knees are more often fricked than not. So my current go tos are bss, calf raises and clamshells. Any more good leg exercises that won't leave me crippled?

  6. 6 months ago

    Just do more reps beatiful.
    Check if you can add like 20 pounds to any excercises and do as many reps as you can

  7. 6 months ago

    • 6 months ago

      I'm currently doing this routine in 2 sets on main exercises only. Don't have energy/time for third one.
      It's based on recommended routine from reddit.

      I'm not a big fan of typewriter/archer/one handed progressions, so currently trying to just increase the number, maybe will add some weights later.

      • 6 months ago

        every time you train you do all those warmups?

        • 6 months ago

          Yup. Even before running.
          I'm mostly sedentary WFH, so it's like the first physical activity of the day for me to get in the mood for more serious work.
          Takes 10 min tops.

          • 6 months ago

            sedentary but you can already do pistol squats? for how long do you train calisthenics?

            • 6 months ago

              Pistol squats are mostly about muscle engagement, mobility and balance.
              I learned them before I could barbell squat 40kg.
              Started from the bottom position, shifted weight to one leg and tried to push myself up as hard as I can, until I could. Negatives(sitting up with two legs, lowering with one) also work if you lack balance and stabilization from hamstring/glutes.

              I've been working out on and off with this routine(and its Pull/Push variation) for the past 5 years.
              Recently started again after 'resting' for 1,5 years with barely any physical activity, other than carrying groceries. Took several weeks to return back to my 'normal' numbers.

  8. 6 months ago

    If you're a girl and can do 7 consecutive pull ups with good form you're definitely stronger than 99.9% of women.

  9. 6 months ago

    Just go to a gym and use a barbell and some machines already. Fricking dyels just don't listen.

    • 6 months ago

      and be just another consoomer of brands and shit? go frick yourself

  10. 6 months ago

    >The whole workout barely lasts 40mins and that's just sad
    That's a decent amount of time. Thinking you have to be working out for 2+ hours is bullshit. If you're putting the intensity anywhere from 45 min to an hour and 15 min is good

  11. 6 months ago

    Add some leg work
    Buy some heavy dumbells or kettlebells

  12. 6 months ago

    >Push: All done with +34kg backpack at currently 86kg bw, pic related was 77kg.
    -decline pressups x8 x3
    -clapping weighted pressups x6x3 between above sets
    -Dips x10 x 3
    -overhead barbell press 8x3 with 38kg barbell and w/o the backpack, obv.
    -inclune benchpress at 44kg x10 x3
    -dumbell side raises
    >pull: all done with 14kg backpack, with an 8kg barbell held between legs in L-sit position
    -widegrip pullups x6x3, then narrow, then normal position
    -inbetween those pullup sets I do crunches, weighted leg raises and weighted russian twists etc
    -barbell rows with 40kg x10x3
    -barbell curls wkth 38kg x8x3
    -barbell squats, lunges etc
    -reverse squats
    -lots of walking

  13. 6 months ago

    I do abababxxababab
    everything is a superset
    >Ring Rows
    >Push ups
    >Chin Ups
    >Banded Triceps extensions
    3x Shoulders
    >Straight arm Rows
    >bent over side lateral raises
    >side lateral raises
    >Banded Bent Over Rows
    >Banded Curls

    >Reverse Hyper (on my bed)
    >Bodyweigt swimmers
    >hip pushes
    >heel taps
    >leg raises
    >single leg deadlifts

  14. 6 months ago

    ignore thumbnail posters

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