Call me a beta but going to the gym at 530 am is psychotic.

Call me a beta but going to the gym at 530 am is psychotic. Essentially means your whole life is dedicated to competition as you go to be early solely to wake up and beat other people to the office. No other logical reason to be up at 430

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    American psycho vibes. And no bump for slide thread

  2. 3 months ago

    I will be that man from today.

    • 3 months ago

      I haven't heard about yall since clinton was president.

      • 3 months ago

        it's not even a real country
        i met a b***h from kosovo on /LULZ/ omegle text tag in the summer of 2017
        had to hack her IP to know where she was from
        she was hiding her location like a scared b***h

        • 3 months ago

          you're canadian, canada isn't a real country

          • 3 months ago

            tonibler, shsfshfsihsfshiife, why are you in america tonibler? come back so that i can strangle your frail brown neck

        • 3 months ago

          Nice. I dated a kosovo girl for days during that summer. I was visiting a friend in London. Best blowjobs ever. I miss her bros...

      • 3 months ago

        Well we are a tiny country so its a good thing since when you hear about us its going to be something very bad probably.

        • 3 months ago

          you got any lighters to trade?

        • 3 months ago
          [email protected]

          you got any lighters to trade?

          I will literally give you an entire 30 USD to mail me one pack of authentic Kosovo ciggies. I am not joking and my email is here.

          • 3 months ago

            Would you cover the mail costs?

            • 3 months ago

              Yes but I mistyped my email. give me a second it's a throw away.

              • 3 months ago

                okay give me the email and I will contact you.

          • 3 months ago

            and what brand?

  3. 3 months ago

    I go whenever I feel like because I never leave the house

  4. 3 months ago

    Multiple bodybuilders say getting up early and working out first is one of the best ways to obtain muscle. Jocko off the top of my head is a popular one who strongly encourages it for the benefits.

    • 3 months ago

      >the secret is waking up early
      >not the grotesque quantities of steroids and assorted drugs
      bodybuilders are batshit crazy.

      • 3 months ago

        Even with roids the morning work out beats other routines.

      • 3 months ago

        Roids turn your recovery up to 11 so they can actually get in 2 complete workouts each day, so it makes sense they would wake up early for their first one then do another one in the afternoon. The roids are slowly destroying them though so any claimed 'benefits' are probably pretty moot

    • 3 months ago



    • 3 months ago

      lifting early is good for starting up metabolism and stuff but it is objectively worse for building muscle because your nervous system isn't primed to lift at maximal effort until the afternoon.

    • 3 months ago

      lifting early is about the discipline and everything else is cope. you are more prone to back injury early on the morning, for example, so lifting after work is optimal from that standpoint.
      t. used to lift at 5am when everyone was tired except for the 6am aerobics boomers

    • 3 months ago

      You’re a low iq golem

    • 3 months ago

      Pretty easy to do when you're living on government welfare like jocko.

  5. 3 months ago

    They do it that early to be free from other people so they can film their sigma male grindset tik toks. If they did it during normal hours, the shame might lessen the content. Can’t have that

    • 3 months ago

      There is this too honestly. Some people do it just to be able to work out away from everyone else and be free to use every machine at their own pace. I'm on my phone so I'm not going to dig for them but allegedly there are studies proving that getting up and working out first yields more benefits than working out later in the day.

      • 3 months ago

        >working out when you are full of energy is better than working out when you are more tired
        amazing revelation.

  6. 3 months ago

    That dude goes to the gym early because that's when it's clean and he doesn't have to rub elbows with his lessers.
    >the wealthy go out of their way to avoid poor people!
    Wow what a shocking discovery

    • 3 months ago

      This. Anything from like 3 pm to 6am is dead for me unless I am severely under the influence.

  7. 3 months ago

    I love my 2:00 pm to 10:30 pm shift. I wake up, have a tasty breakfast and head to the gym for a few hours before work. I even have time to grab lunch and have a wank afterwards if I’m in the mood.

    9-5 sucks because everyone does it. It’s crowded and sits smack dab in the middle of the day. I’d rather have my free time consolidated into a morning or an evening sector than have it that way.

    • 3 months ago

      Based, I miss working second shift. I went to a 24 hour gym and I would go when I got off. Now I work a rotating 6-6 schedule and I have to go to the gym at the busiest hours.

    • 3 months ago

      that's good while you're young and single but you will never see your kids working that schedule

    • 3 months ago

      You’re either lying or new.

      When you work an off schedule like this, your entire circadian rhythm is thrown off. There’s no way to acclimate and it affects literally every human being in the planet. You’re not special, you’re just coping.

      Your life revolves around work, even worse than a typical 9-5. You can claim all of this bullshit about waking up early to do things, but once you’re accustomed to the job duties, you end up sleeping in every day. You arrive home all wound up from work, unwind for an hour, then go straight to bed because it’s night time. It’s even worse with a longer commute. You set an alarm to wake up very early with plenty of time to do things before your next shift, but when it goes off you realize you don’t have to be at work for 4 hours so you just go back to sleep.

      That’s the life for most people working late shifts; it’s work and sleep, with literally nothin in between. That’s enough for a lot of people.

      • 3 months ago

        >There’s no way to acclimate and it affects literally every human being in the planet.
        have you considered that you are just weak? I'm still awake, you just woke up. who's actually the "early bird" here.
        > you end up sleeping in every day. You arrive home all wound up from work,
        sounds like a skill issue.
        >That’s the life for most people working late shifts; it’s work and sleep, with literally nothin in between. That’s enough for a lot of people.
        Maybe you dude. maybe you.
        For the people who actually work late this is what it looks like
        >wow no traffic again
        >wow no line at the grocery store
        >wow It's beautiful out here that sunrise is awesome.
        >wow I'm expericening the human condition without anyone else bumping into me or coughing on me, or sneezing on me, or blowing smoke in my direction or playing loud music or orororororooor
        human beings are inanely adaptable. maybe you are the one who is weak? I'm not un biased, like I said I've done this shit for 5 years. I still have a family and friends. I have the "day" off always. If I need to get things done, they can get done. Imagine being a 9-5 where the very concept of this is foreign and strange. where you must spend all of your hours awake while daylight happens. and all of your hours asleep when....... half of night happens? it's sincerely pathetic and I consider myself more free than you are.

        • 3 months ago

          Stop using meth.

          I work a variable shift. Day, mid, night.

          Night shift is the best shift. But when you're not a methhead you need to sleep, which interferes with a normal family life, especially if you have kids, being awake to take them to and from school and awake to spend time with them after school isnt always possible. Not to mention not being there to read to them before bed.

          • 3 months ago

            I don't understand why you're projecting upon me. stop using meth. You utter fricking homosexual.

        • 3 months ago

          Forgot about that part, no missing work for dental appointment or dmv, or whatever needs doing!

      • 3 months ago

        I wake up at 7:00 am every day. I’m not sure what you’re talking about. As soon as work is over I’ll watch a little anime and go to bed. I’m usually asleep by 11:30 at the latest. I work remotely so I have no commute. Also you don’t know what circadian rhythm is. So long as you’re waking up and going to bed on a schedule it doesn’t ultimately matter

    • 3 months ago

      Based, me too. I despise waking up before sunrise, I don't need an alarm, when I used to drink the roasties would already have a buzz going.
      I used to go Jogging at night, but when I got a dog, I'd go hiking in the morning & workout, then cook a proper breakfast & be all ready to tackle a workday. Plus going to bed at a later hour was easier because I wouldn't be missing anything. Also, the good livestreams are on in the evening & no upper management to whine about inappropriate content blasting on the Bluetooth speaker.
      T. Used to listen to the Gas Station & Goy Talk at full volume at work.

    • 3 months ago

      I used to work 2pm-10pm. I don't know how normal people live, but I liked it because I would have time to do what I wanted then have more time after that before work started. The bad things are that I would end up staying up until 2am because I still wanted to have fun after and needed time to cool down. Sometimes I would get to the gym.

      I do 12pm-10pm now 4-days a week. I don't really like it. There's an ice cream place that is only open in the afternoon until 9pm and I can't go. There's just not enough time before or after. Having 3 days off a week though is nice. I find the gym impossible to get to though and if I went, I'd have to shower and that eats up more time.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm on 8-4, I have no fricking clue how I'm going to adjust to this.

  8. 3 months ago

    That’s about the normal time I woke up to work out for my last job. There’s nothing weird about it Brodie, not everyone’s schedule is the same as yours. If it was, nothing would get done

  9. 3 months ago

    It means you have to have time to shower before going to work.

  10. 3 months ago

    real homies get exercise chucking their kids around

  11. 3 months ago

    or they don’t want to go after work

  12. 3 months ago

    homies and roasties can't wake up that early

  13. 3 months ago

    When you get older going to bed early is more comfy and I realized that setting things up so that I feel good all day is the best way to live. I used to stay out late and try to get minimum sleep so I could 'maximize' how much I was doing each day. But a couple hours at night is not worth an entire day of feeling less than 100%.

  14. 3 months ago

    Literally me

  15. 3 months ago

    I start work at 5 I make $60k programming PLC with a decade experience. My brother starts work at 8 he is a teacher with 5 years experience making $74k. Think about this.

  16. 3 months ago

    I have a few problems with your post.
    > as you go to be early solely to wake up and beat other people to the office
    let's start here. Not everyone works an "office job" like you do. You also have no understanding about people's motivation unless you ask them and they are honest, you haven't done this.
    >Call me a beta but going to the gym at 530 am is psychotic.
    I'm 29 years old and still have a great grandma, she wakes up at 4am every day to do "choring" is that psychotic? is she trying to compete? No she's just trying to keep to a routine and be sane, She's trying to have some level of cognition when her loved ones are around. She will probably literally outlive you. Also, exercise is good for you dude. don't dismiss it so easily.

  17. 3 months ago
  18. 3 months ago
    Sage of sage

    Some people like working out in the morning, some.people like doing it after work.


  19. 3 months ago

    Very few morons are up and at it early in the morning. That's enough of a logical reason to be already out and about as dawn breaks.

  20. 3 months ago

    Getting up at 4:30 is based and alpha. Clearest mind at that time with the silence of night. Low T fuzz brains and hungver drunks and drug addicts will never understand.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Unironically this. I've seen more buttholes being fat old and rich than I ever did back in my 20s when I was jacked

  21. 3 months ago

    My neighbor is a former Operations Manager at a big bank and he gets up around that time. He challenged me to start waking up earlier. (I finally listened to all the old people advice for once in my life)

    One of my old friends used to do it everyday and he was not a cuck. Pretty sharp dude. A lot of entrepreneurs and execs wake up early.

    Losers and the unemployed wake up around 12/1pm.

    Stop hanging out with losers. Start listening to winners and try to adopt a winning mindset. Be the change you want in life. Don't just whine, be negative, and cope unless your a Black person.

    • 3 months ago

      >are you winning son
      what game are you playing?

    • 3 months ago

      Dude I probably make more money than you do and have worked graveyard for 5+ years. Where is your god now? Where's your logic? is it gone? does it exist here? I'm scared.

    • 3 months ago

      >people I know are successful
      Wow, now tell me about yourself

      • 3 months ago

        Dude I probably make more money than you do and have worked graveyard for 5+ years. Where is your god now? Where's your logic? is it gone? does it exist here? I'm scared.

        >are you winning son
        what game are you playing?

        Honestly, haven't really made it yet. Just a general trend that I've seen in real life. I'm not an all knowing genius, and I guess I'm just a little (oh who am I kidding very excited) about figuring out how to make it.

        Construction anon has personal life experience here, which I guess holds up as better evidence my excited fantastical thinking.

        I guess my post is more towards the anon who is a 20 something lazy pos aka neat bro.

        • 3 months ago

          Sorry anon, I was being a dick. it's a great attitude to have. Keep at it, you're going to make it but it's journey that counts.

        • 3 months ago

          you should be fricking excited. life is awesome. It's the reasons your ancestors cared about this shit. Life is mostly garbage, from the monotony to the tragic. But sometimes. Just sooooooooometimes, you win. and you win BIG. hold on to that holy hope brother. "We're all going to make it" in the words of a wise man.

          • 3 months ago

            Thanks brother! Keep up the fight!

        • 3 months ago

          >Honestly, haven't really made it yet.
          every time
          temporarily embarrassed millionaire kek

    • 3 months ago

      I used to wake up at 4am when I worked as a construction site manager for a couple of years.
      What happened was I fell asleep before 7pm.
      Way to go you're a zombie past 5 better get that workout in before work or do like the rest of us and burn off that excess energy after work and still be somewhat talkative.
      Miss me with that poison.

  22. 3 months ago

    It also just depends on your schedule. For a long while my work started at 5am, so I got up pretty early, and if you're hitting the gym you're going to fit it in where you can.

  23. 3 months ago

    Going at odd hours means you don't have to see the normgroids.

  24. 3 months ago

    get up at 5
    work out
    do other shit
    take a nap at 12
    get up at 3 or something
    do whatever
    go to bed around 11
    sounds good to me

    • 3 months ago

      how is it being a nip with a dying population? what are you doing to contribute to it, destructively or progressively?

      • 3 months ago

        pretty unnecessary don't you think?

  25. 3 months ago

    Try having children and 2 jobs.
    I basically see no other way to do anything if I don't don't get up a couple hours before anyone else does.

    It's not about the GRINDSET ALPHA MENTALLITY, it's literally about getting a bit of free time to do the things you want/have to do

  26. 3 months ago


  27. 3 months ago

    To get 8 hours of sleep in order to wake up at 04:30 AM you’d have to be a sleep by 8:30 PM.

    How does a CEO do this?

  28. 3 months ago

    American Psycho was a comedy.

  29. 3 months ago

    >going to the gym at 530 am is
    completely reasonable

    sun goes down at like 18:00 here currently
    sun goes up at like 7:20
    so i go to sleep at around 21:00, wake up ~8h later -> wake up at 5:00

    stays the same through spring and autumn
    only summer differs a bit
    live with the sun!

    but let me guess
    you NEED a minimum of 6h screen time after the sun goes down
    so you think going to bed at 9 is unreasonable

  30. 3 months ago

    >Be me
    >Get up at 10am sharp
    >Smoke a joint and brew a coffee
    >Have a quick wank
    >Shower and tidy the house
    >Heroes of Might and Magic III until afternoon nap, a healthy dinner, another joint and settling in to an evening of cosy racism and gardening in the moonlight

    Couldn't be me

    • 3 months ago

      >No you have to dedicate your life to material achievements or else your le beta

      • 3 months ago

        Be me neat
        Never look outside my window
        Never tried to achieve anything for the sake of achieving
        Never want to build confidence
        Never think anything is worthwhile
        Can't understand why anyone would want to work
        Think everything f'kin thing is a israelite
        Doesn't trust anyone
        Hates everyone
        Do drugs, smoke rocks invite 'worldly' spirits into my body
        Satisfy purpose in life by continually didling myself and constant entertainment
        Can't see the Super israelite is very happy wants me to give my soul to his exponential entertainment box
        Constantly fixated on games, internet, wanking
        Doesn't see the value in wisdom

        Your Truth:
        We should not fixate, or prioritize our souls towards acquiring things.
        - Focus your soul on Christ, your family, your friends, life experiences, nature, etc.

        The story of two wolves:
        “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

        Note: We are both humans. I do not really know your life, nor you mine. If there is wisdom here take it.

        • 3 months ago

          you are legitimately psychotic and I'm going to say a prayer for you. Frick dude.

  31. 3 months ago


    delete this post now and I will contact you.

    • 3 months ago

      are you autistic? what post?

      • 3 months ago

        Make sense esl homosexual

        • 3 months ago

          calm down dot.

  32. 3 months ago

    If you want to get paid to get ripped, become a baker. You get up even earlier than that and unless you're in some woke pussy-gay bakery you're going to beat and knead batter all fricking morning and shit on "gym-goers" 24/7 in terms of raw strength, I could probably make most men weep just by shaking hands firmly

    • 3 months ago

      being a baker is awful, you are awake for long hours working in heat and the wage is shit.
      All that flour fricks your breathing up.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm not saying it's great, but it's honest work and you feel pretty accomplished at the end of your shift when you take a look at all that raw money sitting around, mind you, I would only do this in France because German bakeries are filled with homosexuals and women

        My point exactly, you'll never see a pretty lady in a bakery at 3 am in France

        • 3 months ago

          Ah yes doing a job that women do will for sure make u ripped

          Meant for you

      • 3 months ago

        >workshy israelite detected

    • 3 months ago

      Ah yes doing a job that women do will for sure make u ripped

      • 3 months ago

        le beta signaling to an alpha his utter betaness.
        - Your mentality makes you weak.

    • 3 months ago

      >Ask German for life advice
      >He recommends becoming a baker
      Frick this meme country

      • 3 months ago

        >oh no you can't learn a skill otherwise you might make money!

        • 3 months ago

          You're telling me that waking up at 5:30 to go to the gym is psychotic. You're not doing anything else with your life, I fricking know it. So might as well make some based pastries and sit around in a T-Shirt during winter, better than NEETing your ass off and I'm telling you, it's a fricking workout

          I think it was a Nazi ovens joke you spastics.

      • 3 months ago

        You're telling me that waking up at 5:30 to go to the gym is psychotic. You're not doing anything else with your life, I fricking know it. So might as well make some based pastries and sit around in a T-Shirt during winter, better than NEETing your ass off and I'm telling you, it's a fricking workout

  33. 3 months ago

    going to the gym first thing in the morning is good for only one reason, you get it out of the way. Andrew Tate is right in this, you lift first thing in the morning, and then its out of the way, saying you made your bed as an accomplishment has nothing on lifting weights first thing.

  34. 3 months ago

    You are psychotic OP.
    I get up a 5:30am daily, at the gym by 6:30 5 days a week for an hour. That is totally normal for a non-fat pos. It makes you feel chill and clear-headed for the remainder of the day. There is a reason successful people are in good physical health.
    Fatties b***hing about "brainfog" are braingay pussy Black folk and should kill themselves faster.

  35. 3 months ago

    There are so many cases of homosexuals vowing down to the corporate shills and working 60 hour works weeks and using it as a badge of honor. Boy are these cucks moronic.

  36. 3 months ago

    Well the more you work out the more your muscles grow but cartilage deteriorates so you shouldn't overdo working out once you are in shape and can climb the stairs in one sitting you should be fine kek

  37. 3 months ago

    My (very high end) gym just started opening even earlier - 4am. It’s insane. Jocko is just one guy, right?

    Not a frog, just on vacation

    • 3 months ago

      I still get an American flag even when I leave the country, wtf

      • 3 months ago

        try clearing your cookies

      • 3 months ago

        try clearing your cookies

        this dude. download opera

  38. 3 months ago

    i wake up at 4:30 it is very comfy and quiet. when i was younger i'd stay up to about 3:30 and go for walks, but i find it easier and safer to get that time in the early morning.

  39. 3 months ago

    nuh uh I don't go the the gym

  40. 3 months ago
  41. 3 months ago

    Gyms are gay. Waking up early is pretty great though, especially if you don't have to work.

  42. 3 months ago


  43. 3 months ago

    >going to the gym at 530 am is psychotic
    true, thats way too late
    you should be out of there by 4

  44. 3 months ago

    If the gym is in your building qhy would you have to wake up earlier that 525 to be there at 530. You shower and eat after gym, moron.

  45. 3 months ago

    May be it might give you a hint to why that person can afford to live in a pent house.

  46. 3 months ago

    >haha yeah bro you will totally become a millionaire if you work really hard and have cold showers
    These grindset brownoids who post this shit are moronic

  47. 3 months ago

    Mornings are nice. Nobody's around and I fricking hate people more than you can possibly fathom. Gyms are especially nice because every piece of equipment is available. Sunrises are objectively better than sunsets. And all you need is a little self-control to go to bed early, and only until you get used to it.
    >t. up at 4 every day to get to gym by 5 when they open
    >t. 6pack 6figs 6in 6ft 6%bodyfat

    >noooo you don't understand I need to stay up until 3am

    • 3 months ago

      >Sunrises are objectively better than sunsets.
      I don't think I've ever read a sentence so subjective. I do agree with you but that's an ultimate matter of preference. like you're moronic that sentence was so stupid.

  48. 3 months ago

    >life is dedicated to competition as you go to be early solely to wake up and beat other people to the office.

    Competitiveness is built into every man as a personality trait, and it has variability. If someone has a high competitive spirit a low man competes against others, a high man competes against himself.

  49. 3 months ago

    I go to the gym at 5:30am to make sure i avoid anyone trying to poach my protein

  50. 3 months ago

    The best slave has a nice apartment.
    The gym is for slaves and manlets.

  51. 3 months ago

    losing sleep to go to the gym is completely moronic, all you muscle growth happens when you are asleep, you need 8hrs to get the full growth

    • 3 months ago

      what if you just go to bed earlier than you do? who said anything about not sleeping?

  52. 3 months ago

    Can someone explain to me the benefits of paying someone to perform repetitive, unproductive manual labor in a sweaty goypen? The "muscles" you gain from this "excersise" are barely functional dead weight. You'd be better off hiking, climbing or just finding a job at a construction site -- or simply doing whatever excersise at home.

    • 3 months ago

      Some people sit in an office all day making 5 times the amount of manual labor jobs. And they don't have time to drive off to some hiking spot when a gym is downstairs

      • 3 months ago

        >Some people sit in an office all day making 5 times the amount of manual labor jobs.
        I don't get the point of statement. See the reply below to the other anon.
        >And they don't have time to drive off to some hiking spot when a gym is downstairs
        I don't know what to make of "a gym is downstairs", when most people have to move just as far to a gym as they'd have to move to hiking spot or w/e.

        >take a pay cut and work a construction job because anon says construction muscles better than going to the gym

        >take a pay cut and work a construction job because anon says construction muscles better than going to the gym
        Aren't you a taking a pay cut anyways by paying someone to allow you to perform the same (and worse) excersise with their equipment and in their facilities, you could either perform at home/in nature or working a trade/construction job?

        • 3 months ago

          >construction muscles better than going to the gym
          I've glanced over this part. What do you think is more healthy: using virtually every muscle in your body working a construction job or doing actual sports such as hiking, climbing, cycling, swimming, (...) or repeating the same monotonous movements over and over whilst breathing stale, sweaty air and cheap plastics?
          Mind you, you don't have to deal with people scamming you out of subscription money or deal with compulsively masking feral homosexuals whenever a biosecurity LARP drops either.

        • 3 months ago

          How do you not understand the point of the statement? You can make in ten years what a construction worker would make in their entire life. And not destroy your body in the process.
          You understand that people do more than just bicep curls at the gym right? Their are plenty of holistic functional exercises, but you've probably never set foot in a real gym so you probably wouldn't know.
          The only issue with gyms is that a corrupt government can shut them down any time there's a cold going around, but they can also shut down all your favorite hiking spots so its a moot point. Creating a home gym is the best option for people that aren't apartment dwelling bug people

          • 3 months ago

            >How do you not understand the point of the statement? You can make in ten years what a construction worker would make in their entire life.
            I am not arguing for anyone to drop their jobs to work in construction, but to look for a side gig in construction (or again an actual sport) instead of paying third-party for things you could either do for free (sports) or get paid for (manual labor). You're spending the time one way or another.
            >Their are plenty of holistic functional exercises, but you've probably never set foot in a real gym so you probably wouldn't know.
            That's a great inference, needlessly emotive but and absolute but it's a good approximation.
            >The only issue with gyms is that a corrupt government can shut them down any time there's a cold going around,
            >but they can also shut down all your favorite hiking spots so its a moot point.
            I am sure they'll dispatch a helicopter to chase me out of the forests or post guards at the entry points which are naturally perfectly defined and easily shutdown.
            >Creating a home gym is the best option for people that aren't apartment dwelling bug people
            I agree, if your circumstances don't permit you to venture off doing your own thing (sports) or committing to a productive sidegig, you may aswell save up the money for your own equipment, rather than pay a subscription -owning something is always better than renting it.

            • 3 months ago

              Bro are you moronic?
              >get a side gig in construction
              Construction is slave labor. We trick morons into doing it so they expose themselves to toxic chemicals, destroy their bodies, and get shit pay. And what are they building? A second house for some gay in San Francisco to rent out for another income stream.
              Yes some sports are better but then you have to coordinate with other people most of whom are morons. If you live out in the country, sure being outdoors is great exercise but we're talking about people living in apartments.
              I have a home gym and I go hiking in the mountains a lot. The last thing I want is more bugpeople coming out of their hive so why don't you frick off and stop trying to get them to

              • 3 months ago

                >Construction is slave labor.
                Working for local family buisnesses (carpenters etc) is slave labor?
                >Yes some sports are better but then you have to coordinate with other people most of whom are morons.
                Pick a sport that ... doesn't require you to socialize? Even though I don't quite see much difference between meeting up with some sportsclub and spending your time surrounded by morons in a sweaty gym.
                >If you live out in the country, sure being outdoors is great exercise but we're talking about people living in apartments.
                Again, if you are leaving your aparment to excserise, you may aswell drive a few minutes more to get to a comfy spot in nature instead (fresh air and sunlight [vitD] go a long way).
                >I have a home gym and I go hiking in the mountains a lot.
                Good for you.
                >The last thing I want is more bugpeople coming out of their hive so why don't you frick off and stop trying to get them to
                I can't recall bugpeople being known to take advice from random shitposters on anonymous imageboards and to survive in the wilderness for any amount of time.

              • 3 months ago

                Do you have some obsession over not being able to admit you're wrong? You're trying to say that people working office jobs should go get construction jobs instead of going to the gym. That's fricking moronic. You sound like a 14 year old who just watched office space. Have you ever had a real job or been to a gym? Lmao

              • 3 months ago

                >You're trying to say that people working office jobs should go get construction jobs instead of going to the gym.
                If you weren't a mutt and a possible victim of Common Core™, I'd call you disingenious homosexual.

              • 3 months ago

                Thats literally what you said. Either admit it was moronic or you are admitting that YOU are moronic.

              • 3 months ago

                >When I speak of manual labor, picture the Amish -- the worst that could come out of it, is that you learn a trade whilst excersising: I don't argue for you to pick up the most backbreaking, unskilled sidegig you can find, but something that doesn't boil down to a pay-to-play subscription.
                To summarize: if you intend to excersise, you intend to spend time and exerting energy. Time and energy you could spend being productive (and paid for) or in nature.
                >admit it was moronic
                to suggest people stop throwing money at third-parties? No.

        • 3 months ago

          Anon do you live in a fantasy land where all construction workers are jacked and lift steel beams all day? Every job site I drive by are mostly workers that are skinny fat (ie. no muscles and have a gut.)

          • 3 months ago

            >Anon do you live in a fantasy land where all construction workers are jacked and lift steel beams all day?
            >Every job site I drive by are mostly workers that are skinny fat (ie. no muscles and have a gut.)
            Needless to say not every 'construction' job is relevant to the discussion, there's a difference between manual labor, manual labor and labor assisted by heavy machinery (especially in regards of how much an employer valuees his 'human resources'). It's roughly like comparing people excersing in gyms to people pumping themselves full of steroids in a gym. Both demographics perform roughly the same exersise, but one of them is ultimately even worse off than someone not performing any excersise whatsoever. But I digress.
            When I speak of manual labor, picture the Amish -- the worst that could come out of it, is that you learn a trade whilst excersising: I don't argue for you to pick up the most backbreaking, unskilled sidegig you can find, but something that doesn't boil down to a pay-to-play subscription.

            • 3 months ago

              >skilled manual labor, unskilled manual labor and labor assisted by heavy machiner(...)**

    • 3 months ago

      >take a pay cut and work a construction job because anon says construction muscles better than going to the gym

  53. 3 months ago

    You’re just another surplus male complaining about being a genetic loser.
    Drop dead, quitter.

  54. 3 months ago

    It’s so I can go and none of you ugly cretins are there staring at me. Pretty simple dude.

    • 3 months ago

      6am empty gym is bliss. no fricking moron insta thots partying at the squat racks. i'm in and out in 30 mins.

  55. 3 months ago

    Gyms are for peawienering, shirtless gays.
    Home gyms are for real chads.

    • 3 months ago

      i heard its like a gay bar without the alcohol
      and sometimes theres a rare breed of stacy there who despises no man except you, and they do nothing but light cardio, thighs and gluts, and if you try to engage with them in any way whatsoever all the gay dudes will dogpile you and youll be immediately reported for rape and find yourself with ringworm

  56. 3 months ago

    I go to gym at 5 AM. Only 5 to 10 people there so I get to do my training in peace. If I go after work there are peiple queuing for racks and machines, and I go to sleep 9 PM so no chance at later.

  57. 3 months ago

    My central nervous system isn't fired up enough to lift weights until the evening

  58. 3 months ago

    This is why you should be a neet gymcel. It's much more comfortable.

  59. 3 months ago

    Chose peasant-life.
    Go to bed by 19.30, wake up 04.00.
    Gym, commute, work, commute, eat, various activities for children, clean up a bit, go to bed.

  60. 3 months ago

    It's not psychotic if you go to bed by 8 or 9pm.

  61. 3 months ago

    >Call me a beta but going to the gym at 530 am is psychotic.
    Nah, going to the gym that early just means you don't want to be around other morons and like having the gym to yourself. Perfectly reasonable.

  62. 3 months ago

    > not taking a two hour paid lunch break when no one uses your building’s gym, so you have the whole thing to yourself, plus time to shower and frick your bimbo wife and eat a post workout meal, before going back to telling people what to do, on company time

  63. 3 months ago

    well you're not necessarily a beta but you are stupid. different people are physically and intellectually productive at specific times, and making it a routine is to make the most of your time. though making a post about when you go to the gym is a sure sign of racism.

  64. 3 months ago

    if his sleep schedule is from early evening to very early morning, what's the issue?
    it only pisses normalgays off and makes them think of it as "creepy" behavior because they cannot mentally stray from the group, ever. the thought terrifies them, they need to copy each other.
    and anyone not acting like that is seen as a threat.
    I hate normalgays so much it's unreal

  65. 3 months ago

    >Why do you go to the gym at 3AM
    Because I work out for my physical and mental health, not yours, and on my schedule, which is, again, not your schedule.
    Amazing how much Americans love freedom until it makes them personally uncomfortable. Morality has nothing to do with it, just pleasure.

  66. 3 months ago

    When will people stop putting an apostrophe before an 'S'? I see it when it's not even possessive or a conjunction. They just think they belong is there's an 'S' at the end of a word.

  67. 3 months ago

    I like to wait for the drunk women stumbling home so it's worth waking up at 3-4am

  68. 3 months ago

    lowkey jellous? getting up early means you dont stay up late doing frivilous bs

  69. 3 months ago

    >be me
    >get up at 4:30
    >go to the gym (in my garage)
    >start work at 5:00
    >break at 10:00 work out some more and shower
    >end at 2:30
    >do a light work out
    >never leaves the house

    • 3 months ago

      Anon, care to break down how much money you've saved by simply investing in your own equipment, compared to any subscription model offered by a local venue? You can also include gas prices, food and drink and so on.

  70. 3 months ago

    Well, there’s only so much time in the day, so you either start earlier to fit it all in or end later, but for most working a 9-5; ending later isn’t an opinion, so waking up early it is. I wake up at 5 am everyday anyway, so might as well workout or something.

  71. 3 months ago

    Success means learning to listen to the voice that tells you that you must do things you don't want to do instead of the voice that tells you to sit around being lazy and doing nothing.

    Nobody wants to wake up at 5:30 and go to the gym, and people who can listen to the voice that tells them to are better off than those who can't.

    Your will and your mindset are weak.

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