Calling all former fatties

What were you guys really eating? We all know lardos like to lie and claim they don't eat that much or they eat 'healthy' but in reality they're gorging themselves. So I want to hear from some former fatties who can be honest, what the hell were you eating when you were fat? Like what was a full day of eating for you?

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  1. 2 months ago

    Honestly I can't even remember. But I remember eating like five full bars of chocolate, two pounds of pork, a pack of KitKat chunky, chocolate milk and milk in general. Ice tea granulate, soft drinks, not one splash of clear water, pastry, pizza, bags of roasted and salted nuts, whole salami sausages. Wait for a burp and eat some fricking more and another quart of chocolate milk to tide me over.

    • 2 months ago

      How is this is even possible. Did you escape this without contracting diabetes?

      • 2 months ago

        >How is this is even possible.
        The human body, man. It's as resilient as it is fragile. You can eat until you're just a mass and be born with just your brain stem and live. But trip and fall in a wrong way and it's over.
        >Did you escape this without contracting diabetes?
        I did escape it and I don't think I got diabetes. But I don't need it because I still want to kill myself, this time with a blade to my throat instead of shit food.
        No way for me to ever look normal.

    • 2 months ago

      >Wait for a burp and eat some fricking more and another quart of chocolate milk to tide me over.
      quite a vivid description

  2. 2 months ago

    fast food, restaurant food, frozen food, energy drinks, milk coffee, breakfast cereals (1/3 of a box at a time), peanut butter (15x serving) and jelly sandwiches
    nothing but convenient slop.

  3. 2 months ago

    At my heaviest, I was 300 pounds. I can’t remember exactly what I ate but I do remember stress eating constantly and being inactive. Also, I knew nothing about BMR, TDEE, or macros.

    Day of eating was probably something like McDonald’s for breakfast, 2k calories for lunch. 1500 or more calories for dinner. I’d also binge ice cream whenever I got emotional.

    I’m a male, 32, 170 pounds atm.

    • 2 months ago

      >I’d also binge ice cream whenever I got emotional.
      >I’m a male, 32, 170 pounds atm.
      grats on finishing your transition

  4. 2 months ago

    Honestly it was just a lot of unhealthy snacking during the day. I was constantly bored because I spent my days either working in an office sitting on my ass, or sitting at home shitposting on IST and watching YouTube. And from that, I just kept snacking because it was something to do, it made me feel a little better and not bored as hell.

    • 2 months ago

      I never snacked, but I was always drinking some calories.
      Instantly lost 30 lbs when I dropped energy drinks, even though I was still eating like shit and still not drinking water.

  5. 2 months ago

    I used to weigh 113kg at 1.72m. I would go to university and "fast", then at 5pm I would go to the cafeteria and have 2 pepsis and sometimes some chocolate milk. When I'd come home I'd eat whatever my mom made so usually rice with some sort of legume and meat. Then I would make sandwiches with whatever. Here's the kicker, at midnight I would be so hungry that I'd order fast food and this is what I got (after a whole day of eating): chicken tenders with lots of honey mustard, a burger with deep fried mozzarella in it, and fries and another pepsi. I would wake up the next day exhausted and completely burnt from last night's meal, but I would do it all over again every day. Maybe it's not much to you, but combine that with no exercise and you become a fat frick before you know it.

  6. 2 months ago

    3 chocolate bars a day + Snacking + second plate during lunch + 3 meals a day
    Breakfast at least 750kcal
    Lunch around 1000kcal + dessert 500kcal
    Chocolate bar in between 500kcal
    Dinner around 500kcal
    Chips + Soda + Chocolate while watching goyslop movies 750kcal

  7. 2 months ago

    too much beer, cake/pastries too often, adding too much olive oil to most meals. it took me almost 10 years to go from 83kg to 100, so it's not like i gained the weight super fast, if i only had 2 of the 3 bad habits probably wouldn't have gained that much either

  8. 2 months ago

    I ate like 3-4 boxes of cookies a week, each box being between 1500 and 2000 calories. this was on top of an already calorie rich diet. this was also after I quit nicotine. gained about 50lb over the course of 6 months.

  9. 2 months ago

    It was honestly just a lot of eating for me. My regular meals were "normal" food that my wife would cook, but these huge portions that seemed normal to me. When I got it down to what it should be, it was hell for the first couple days or so, and then it just felt better to not be stuffed all day. Add cardio to that for anout 6 months and my mindset changed when I saw myself in a better light.

  10. 2 months ago


  11. 2 months ago

    In hindsight I'd eat bizzare fricking meals.
    Like, I'd eat a tub of that refrigerated queso from walmart with tortilla chips and call that dinner. Another regular was an entire box of frozen mozzarella sticks.
    Been fit for like 5 years and that sounds absolutely nauseating I don't know how I even stomached it let alone thought it was top tier.

  12. 2 months ago

    Flaming hot Cheetos with soda, milk tea with tons of sugar, many cups a day combined with a very sedentary lifestyle made me technically obese.

  13. 2 months ago

    When I was a teen it was just pastries and soda that pushed me over. I eventually learned what a calorie was and got it under control until I discovered drinking.

    Also in the world of not knowing what a calorie was, I'd just eat stuff at random. I'm bored, time for a scoop of PB. Oh I'm in the mood for cheese, I will eat a box of mac.

  14. 2 months ago

    Energy drink for breakfast, normally skipp dinner or eat an apple/raisins, whatever mom made for tea. I managed to get to 128lbs at 5'6 but I lost the will to even starve myself

  15. 2 months ago

    Here’s a sample day from before I started dieting
    11 am - a honey bun and coffee with creamer from local bakery, 600 calories
    2 pm - spoon pb 200 calories
    4 pm - maybe half of a chicken sandwich from a friend or something, was never big on eating in the middle of the day 300 cal
    8 pm - sesame chicken dinner order. comes with pint of rice and crisp noodles. 2100 cal
    1 am - slice of oreo cake 700 cal

    total 3,600 calories for the day. i didnt always eat like this, sometimes id have a little less.
    I think the key aspect of my old diet was the high sugar and fat content. I was always confused when i’d hear guys talk about “how hard it is to gain weight” and how they need tops on how to bulk. To me, that was absolute nonsense because I was so used to eating empty sugary calories all day and it was really easy. I would never have for example eggs and sausage for breakfast. I find myself sometimes undereating now and I have to force myself to eat a little bit to prevent binging.

    • 2 months ago

      To add to this; the reason why fatties say they don’t eat a lot because if you really break it down this isn’t a lot. It’s a light breakfast, light snack and lunch, a heavy dinner and a medium sized dessert. That’s how it feels when you’re eating it. The thing is these foods are very calorie dense and delicious because they have a lot of sugar and oil.

      Incorporating protein into my diet made me just as full with about half the calories, and I’m not really eating any less food than before, just choosing higher protein, lower calorie foods. Yes, they aren’t as delicious but at the end of the day I’d rather be healthy and attractive than a degenerate fat guy.
      Guys who struggle to gain weight, are people who I think grew up with high protein, dense but not calorie dense foods. Eggs, milk, tuna, steak, some carbs here and there or as a vessel to consume meat and an occasional sugary food when they intuitively crave it. They also are people who never used food to cope with loneliness, boredom, fatigue, anger, instead they developed other ways of coping with these feelings.

      • 2 months ago

        >Guys who struggle to gain weight, are people who I think grew up with high protein, dense but not calorie dense foods. Eggs, milk, tuna, steak, some carbs here and there or as a vessel to consume meat and an occasional sugary food when they intuitively crave it. They also are people who never used food to cope with loneliness, boredom, fatigue, anger, instead they developed other ways of coping with these feelings.
        Yeah that actually describes my upbringing pretty well. I defeated skelly mode years ago but I am forever a naturally thin guy and I have never felt out of control of my weight. It's amazing how badly parents can screw their kids over by feeding them junk. A sane society would consider it child abuse on par with giving your kid alcohol or underfeeding them. But no, overfeed them and it's just another statistic to bemoan and do nothing about.

      • 2 months ago

        you're on to something. as a kid i was borderline underweight. i ate mostly high protein foods, but also a lot of sugary candy when i was hungry as a way to stave off hunger. but i never stress ate.

  16. 2 months ago

    Never lied about what I ate, I knew it was shit. I didn't care at the time due to constant stress everywhere I went (shit home, constant uni work, work-study, etc.). At my worst I could eat an entire 8 piece box of fried chicken in one sitting, and follow it up with mac and taters. Easily averaged 6-7k kcal per day.

    No, I didn't drink my calories, either. And I dropped 40# after moving out of that shit hole. I lost the rest after escaping that town with my roommates.

    5'7", 220 -> 180 (move-out and farm job) -> 145 (long move and retail, intake tracking)

  17. 2 months ago

    Chips, soda pop, lollies, French fries, bread, white rice. Eliminate all processed foods, cook everything yourself and do cardio to eliminate fat. Btw after losing all my weight I put it back on because living fat is actually more enjoyable for me. Yes i still do my cardio so anyone claiming i ak unheakthy can get fricked.

  18. 2 months ago

    >egg sandwich, microwave breakfast bowl [2$ jimmy dean ones], or overnight oats for breakfast
    >cereal before gym
    >1-1.25lb chicken breast + one whole onion + one whole sweet potato after gym
    >cheez its or greek yogurt + frozen berries + granola in the evening im still hungry
    2000-2500 calories, measuread and tracked autistically every day
    lost 140lb in 14 months

    • 2 months ago

      ooooh this wasnt a thread asking for what i ate to lose weight
      sorry, i was pretty much exclusively eating fast food. popeyes 10 pc tenders box, caniac, 2 for 1 quarter pounders with fries from mooyah
      always with soda ofc

  19. 2 months ago

    Just processed slop. It didn't even feel like it was that much food. The problem is weight gained slowly is still weight gained. It's not always degenerate pigging, but slow, steady small surplus will get you big over the years

  20. 2 months ago

    Coffees that were 1/3rd flavored creamer.
    1-2 energy drinks per day.
    Diet sodas.
    A full bag of salt+vinegar chips almost every day.
    Ice cream and Pizza pops often.

    Then just "regular" meals that non-fatties would eat beyond that. Really it was a lot of snacking and liquid calories.

    Also, we ate out way more often, 3-4 times a week eating McSlop. Now that I'm lean we eat out 1-2x a month and go to actual restaurants

    >t. down 115lbs from peak piggy, kept it off for 5+ years now.

    • 2 months ago

      >kept it off for 5+ years now.
      What would you say is the most difficult part about maintaining weight after losing all of it? And what helps the most to keep you consistent?

  21. 2 months ago

    I would get high and eat so much I would go to bed in pain, worrying that I would have to go to the hospital for overeating, like something was going to overload and go seriously wrong inside

  22. 2 months ago

    I ate takeout basically every day. Bad habit I got because my parents would scream at me anytime I tried to use the kitchen because I would "make a mess" (they would scream at me while I was still cooking so I didnt even have an opportunity to clean it)

    I didnt eat much other than that but the takeout portions I got were ridiculous, it would either be some shit from Arby's or Wendy's or a giant chinese/thai/indian takeout.

    I try to not resent them but its hard.

  23. 2 months ago

    >What were you guys really eating?
    Plates of nachos with glasses of whole milk to wash down the hot sauce.
    Whatever frozen food I could stuff in my face in 30 min at my wagie job. Like a pint of mint gelato.
    Honestly it was eating for comfort cause my life sucked. Moving out and being forced to do stuff/only stocking my fridge with eggs chicken and salad (or go to the store at night and get harrassed by the meth addicts) got me out of it.
    And eventually depriving myself of food became kinda fun. I felt proud knowing I didn't give in to a temptation.
    Lost 100 lb by the end of it and have kept it off for 5 years now.

  24. 2 months ago

    Not related but I went to Potbelly's earlier and ordered $17.50 worth of items. The cashier gave me standoffish gestures. I'm a milder fatty (28.5 BMI). Also there was no one else there dining. What the hell? It was a Saturday night too.

  25. 2 months ago

    If I had to redo my life I'd take semaglutide when I began having problems

  26. 2 months ago

    A lot of pop, fast food, and candy.

  27. 2 months ago

    I was overweight but never fat. I just had no real idea of how much I actually needed to eat, so I was consistently eating 3k calories a day despite not needing nearly that much at the time. It was mostly calories from bread/pasta/rice so I swore them off for good years ago. I've kept the same weight for like 6 years now at 175 lbs/ 6'1. At one point in college I weighed like 225 without working out

  28. 2 months ago

    At my fattest I was 210 and ate lunch every day which always had bread or a tortilla. Ate out for dinner a lot, fried food and sandwiches. And I drank. I drank a lot. At 160-ish now and cook almost everything I eat, and no booze

    • 2 months ago

      this is gonna be the case for almost every former fatty. once you start cooking at home and cutting out bread, it really is not hard to drop weight.

      • 2 months ago

        Also liquid calories. See: the starbucks 850 kcal sugar abominations. Or even a 200 kcal soda is the same as 3 eggs.

  29. 2 months ago

    At my worst years ago it was probably a meat pie at work with a slice/Danish. 1/2 gallon of milk plus icecream, 200g bag chips, pack or 2 or timtams and probably a frozen goy pizza or similar.

  30. 2 months ago

    Whole bags of potato chips, giant bottles of coke, nightly kebab/pizza orders, and offcourse just eating too much in general.
    My only saving grace at this moment is that the normal foods I ate were never that bad. I actually liked a bunch of vegetables, chicken, ground beef, and eggs. So all I had to do was cut all the crap and continue eating what I liked, just less of it.

  31. 2 months ago

    Binge eating. I actually would eat a normal amount of food when I was feeling good and then I'd just down 6000+ calories of pizza and donuts in one sitting when my brain decided to be shit which was often. Got up to 330lbs at my heaviest. Still fat but down to 215 now and think I have fixed my emotional eating issues

  32. 2 months ago

    Funny thing is, I ate the same goyslop as most described here but I was extremely skinny because I ate very little of it. I was also addicted to computer games and found eating a distraction so I just snacked the bare minimum to keep the hunger pangs in check and didn't eat actual meals. I also suffered from malnutrition and hormonal imbalances and migraines though which were all fixed once I ate like a normal human being.

    • 2 months ago

      Ah, the Asmongold diet

      • 2 months ago

        It was bad but I was raised by a single mother who has literally never cooked a meal for me, that's why the best I could hope for were microwavable meals and maybe a frozen pizza if I was lucky and there was any food in the house, so I used the little money I had and bought junk and snacks. Once I earned money I started cooking myself.

  33. 2 months ago

    I was eating a lot of pork belly, skin on chicken thighs, beef spareribs all cooked with a significant amount of seed oils or butter. Along with it I ate approximately 600 grams of cooked medium grain rice and gorged myself on desserts afterwards such as ice cream, cake, chocolate bars, flan, or whatever sweet I can get my hands on after meals. I drank fruit juice or soda during these meals as well. I also ate three full meals a day. I didn't count my calories back then obviously but knowing what I know now that's probably more than 4000 calories a day.

  34. 2 months ago

    any fatties ITT have secret stashes of candy bars hidden around their house?
    what kind of candy bar?

  35. 2 months ago

    I just consistently ate 500-1000 calories more than I needed to every day. some of these comments are crazy... for me I'd just eat a pb&j late night that I didn't need, eat 2 servings instead of 1 serving of chips, added sugar/creamer to my coffee, etc. It really isn't that hard to add (or remove) a small amount of calories from your diet like that, it's just hard to have to wait the inevitable months or years to put on/lose the weight.

  36. 2 months ago

    I'd skip breakfast, I'd have a big ol sandwich at work from this cart with all the fixings, then another one later, few chocolate bars, then when I smoked my first joint at work, I'd need some more chocolate and sweet shit, when I got home I'd gorge myself on whatever my family had left me for dinner, then sleep and repeat

  37. 2 months ago

    I love how even ex-fatties have NO fricking idea about calories. Just look ITT.

    >2k calories for lunch. 1500 or more calories for dinner
    >Chocolate bar in between 500kcal
    >I ate like 3-4 boxes of cookies a week, each box being between 1500 and 2000 calories
    >8 pm - sesame chicken dinner order. comes with pint of rice and crisp noodles. 2100 cal

    You guys have no fricking clue about how much that is, do you? There are no cand ybars with 500 calories, ther eis no asian take out meal with over 2000 calories.

    You are all mentally ill.

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