calorie counting

Why is IST so against it?

>inb4 "wtf u talking about IST isn't against it!!"

Yes it is, anytime I post here about it I get tons of

>bro thats so autistic
>just track for 2 weeks then you should know the calories of everything

But this is 100% bullshit, just because you know the calories of stuff, doesn't mean you the exact calories, you need to weigh shit out every single time, or else youre just fricking around

>but its too much effort and gay

Yeah, but there is no way else to actually ensure you're adjusting your body composition without knowing your exact intake everyday, and working towards a specific goal of how long youre going to be eating a specific amount of calories everyday so then you can make adjustments to increase or drop calories, without that, youre just going blind and not driving directly towards the specific goal in mind

>ehh bro its not that serious bro youre not getting on stage bro you dont need to count

Id say this is not true for everyone, some people sit at like 20-25% bodyfat and will never "wing it" to get 10-12%. Unless you're naturally lean you're not going to ever "wing" getting lean.

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  1. 8 months ago

    If you're looking at this reply it means my "I want to go to the gym but my name is Abacus" thread didn't get me banned.

  2. 8 months ago

    It's because fasting is superior.

    • 8 months ago

      >lose fat but also lose all your muscle and strength and lifts go to shit and lose all the muscle you gained when bulking

      Yeah nah c**t, fasting is dog shit

    • 8 months ago

      >lose fat but also lose all your muscle and strength and lifts go to shit and lose all the muscle you gained when bulking

      Yeah nah c**t, fasting is dog shit

      Also -

      >Akkkctually fasting does growth hormone by 390059235% and magically you get to keep ALL ur muscle and strength by pure magic trust me bro!!!!!

      unironically kys if you still believe that non-sense

      fasting is fricking terrible for people who want to get lean AND ACTUALLY HAVE MUSCLE THEY WANT TO MAINTAIN TO ACTUALLY LOOK GOOD WHEN LEAN

  3. 8 months ago

    Because fit is gay balding indians looking to top white men and underage twinks looking to thirstmaxx

    • 8 months ago

      Hey, some of us are Mexican

  4. 8 months ago

    because the calorie counts for single ingredient items are not accurate or precise and the calorie counts for prepared foods, processed foods, fast foods, etc. are outright lies
    and calories don't include the cost of digesting the food nor the individual variability of calorie extraction, which depends on a variety of host factors from the amount of chewing, the speed of your digestive tract, your microbiome, etc.

    • 8 months ago

      >calories don't include the cost of digesting the food nor the individual variability of calorie extraction

      Actually yes they do, you fricking moron.

      Never post again LMAO

      • 8 months ago

        so, when you look at calorie counts every food product is tailored to your specific physiology and chewing habits?
        and you have the gall to call others stupid?

        • 8 months ago

          You are an absolute fricking moron.

          The calories of food is the combination of Protein, Carbs and Fats in the food.

          The calculation is already done based on how much energy it requires to use 1 gram of carb, 1 gram of fat, 1 gram of protein

          Its called thermodynamics, and your body runs on that like everything else in this universe, you stupid ass dumb mother fricker

          All the calculations are already there and accounted for via thermodynamics - YOU DUMB ASS MOTHER FRICKER AHHAHAHHAHHAHAHA

          • 8 months ago

            >specific physiology and chewing habits

            >"I don't eat too much, my chewing habits are just too efficient!!!"

            This is a level III tardation strawman style. You see how the tard (poorly) attempts to refute the point that calorie counting isn't ENTIRELY perfect in order to then justify not counting calories? As though the fact someone burns another 20 calories chewing over a course of a day matters enough to abandon counting entirely. How tarded is that?

            calorie counts are based on bomb calorimeter data and some dodgy equations. you body is not a bomb calorimiter. do you digest food to ash?
            100 calories of nuts are not going to be digested the same way 100 calories of sugar are. you are going to get all of the calories from the sugar and a variable amount from the nuts depending on how much you chew, how fast your digestive system is, and what microbes are in your gut
            some people have gut microbes that digest cellulose, other do not

            • 8 months ago

              >100 calories of nuts are not going to be digested the same way 100 calories of sugar are.

              They will actually so long as you've hit your minimum required protein intake, any calories after your minimum protein intake is achieved have no impact on bodyfat %

              2,200 calories with 150g protein in that, with 100 of those calories from Nuts


              2,200 calories with 150g protein in that, with 100 calories from Sugar.

              The difference is 0...

              You're a fricking moron, for the 3rd time

              • 8 months ago

                >They will
                are you kidding? sugar can be absorbed directly, even as early as the stomach. it's already soluble
                nuts have to be chewed, hit with proteases, lipases, and amylases before anything is absorbed, mostly in the small intestine. and if you don't chew nuts thoroughly, they pass through the digestive system undigested and you can see them in your poop. if you see nuts in your poop, then you didn't get all of those calories

              • 8 months ago

                >nuts have to be chewed, hit with proteases, lipases, and amylases before anything is absorbed, mostly in the small intestine. and if you don't chew nuts thoroughly, they pass through the digestive system undigested and you can see them in your poop. if you see nuts in your poop, then you didn't get all of those calories

                It doesn't fricking matter you moronic c**t, if you eat 100 calories of sugar, you get 100 calories, if you eat 100 calories of nuts you get 100 calories of nuts

                You probably think 1000kg of feathers weighs less 1000kg of gold, because thats the exact same logic youre applying here


                Fricking moron

              • 8 months ago

                >if you eat 100 calories of nuts you get 100 calories of nuts
                maybe if you chew them into powder and have a relatively slow digestive system, but not every one does, so not every one is going to get 100 calories from those nuts. again, if you see any chunks of nuts in your shit, you didn't get all of those calories. same for corn. most people are going to get 100 calories from the sugar because sugar is so easily absorbed. that's one of the reasons people got so fat
                stop naively accepting the numbers and try to understand how the numbers were generated and their poor accuracy and precision

              • 8 months ago

                If you put 100 calories into your system you will have absorbed 100 calories because that is a unit of measurement, what the energy source was is irrelevant, and not only that, but you cannot take 100 calories out of a say 2400 calorie intake and claim that as a fat gain potential vs a fat loss potential which 2400 calories is a -500 deficit for someone who has a 2900 calorie maintenance

                You're obviously suffering from an issue where you lack intelligence and simply cannot comprehend thermodynamics

              • 8 months ago

                >If you put 100 calories into your system you will have absorbed 100 calories because that is a unit of measurement
                This assumes that that absorption is perfect and the same for all foods, which it is not. just because you ingest 100 calories of nuts does not mean that you extract all of those calories. sugar absorption is easy and probably 100%. Nuts are harder to digest and their digestion depends on a number of factors so any individual is not going to get 100% of the calories from the nuts
                Do you understand the difference between theoretical and actual? Theoretically there are 100 calories in those nuts because I burned them into ash in a bomb calorimiter, but the actual value extracted will be lower than the theoretical value
                Nuts are one of the most mismatched foods for calorie listed versus calories actually obtained

              • 8 months ago

                Nope, you'll find 100 calories of nuts absorbs just fine and equals to pretty much exactly 100 calories. You're basically a moronic c**t.

              • 8 months ago

                Packages don't even contain the same amounts of food.

              • 8 months ago

                Not the guy you’re trolling, but:
                >” This study investigated the amount of fat that was not absorbed after the ingestion of 76 g fat provided as whole peanuts, peanut butter, or peanut oil. Stool was collected to measure the amount of fat that was not absorbed.
                >For whole peanuts, 18% of the fat not absorbed, while this was only 7% for peanut butter and 5% for peanut oil. This translates to a difference of 91 calories between whole peanuts and peanut oil.”

                You sound like a 6th grade health teacher.

              • 8 months ago

                Good god you're a fricking moron

            • 8 months ago

              >calorie counts are based on bomb calorimeter data
              This hasn't been true since 1990, you fricking moron. Read a book sometime.

          • 8 months ago

            >The calculation is already done based on how much energy it requires to use 1 gram of carb, 1 gram of fat, 1 gram of protein
            The 4/4/9 numbers have nothing to do with how much it takes to "use" these macros. It just represents their energy density.
            The reason the person you're responding to is wrong is that all the variability is part of your TDEE, which includes the calories you expend doing normal biological functions like digesting food and shitting.

            • 8 months ago

              >all the variability is part of your TDEE, which includes the calories you expend doing normal biological functions like digesting food and shitting.
              the cost of digesting foods is different for different foods and different from person to person and the energy extracted from the food is different from person to person
              TDEE calculations are very rough estimates, just like calories. only a fool would take them as fact

        • 8 months ago

          >specific physiology and chewing habits

          >"I don't eat too much, my chewing habits are just too efficient!!!"

          This is a level III tardation strawman style. You see how the tard (poorly) attempts to refute the point that calorie counting isn't ENTIRELY perfect in order to then justify not counting calories? As though the fact someone burns another 20 calories chewing over a course of a day matters enough to abandon counting entirely. How tarded is that?

          • 8 months ago

            Black folk will do literally anything to avoid learning something new or putting effort in.

  5. 8 months ago

    Do you know how much fricking goddamn unnecessary math this is?
    Like, ok - you want to go full frickin autist on this motherfricker; lets go.
    How many calories do you burn daily? You can get a rough estimate, but that flux is in the 500-900 range easily. Not even counting the calories you are burning during your workout.

    Next, you get the whole shit with...frick i cant remember the smart term for it but; how many calories do you get out of what you eat after you spend energy digesting it.

    Now beyond that, there's a lot of times where you are going to be eating shit and not knowing just what the macros are (i.e Restaurants).

    Just look at your diet as being in different 'modes'. You're either looking for maximal growth, balanced gain, or deficit.

    If you are looking to get big, eat big. If you want to gain a little, eat clean and stay a lil hungry for a couple of hours a day. If you want to be shredded, suffer.

    It's really fricking simple. Breaking your brain by micro-managing such a basic function as eating is just going to make you hate the lifestyle and end up a fricking heroin junkie.

  6. 8 months ago

    IST seems to be against everything I have found that actually works in RL

    Brosplits = Best results ive ever had in my life and I did ALL the routines IST recommends before a brosplit, and brosplit blew everything I ever did in the past out the water (full body fricking sucks, upper lower fricking sucks, etc)

    CICO = Best results ive ever had in my life with getting my bodyfat % as low as possible, way fricking better than any meme diet or fasting bs

    Never listen to IST - its full of guaranteed 1st year lifting DYELs whove never actually made any meaningful progress.

  7. 8 months ago

    I just want an accurate calculator that can tell me how much energy my exercise burned. Like how many calories did my body use by moving x weight across a ROM in a generalized speed range. I'll even measure the length of my bones so I can get the lever lengths right.

    • 8 months ago

      would this be easier or harder than accurate calorie counts? my guess is easier, but it would still have to be personalized for you

  8. 8 months ago

    calorie counting works because it creates caloric deficit by taking so much time you have hardly any left to consume food. just weigh yourself daily and follow the avg, make small adjustments to portion sizes or skip/extra meals to stay on track. takes less than 15s a day

    • 8 months ago

      >calorie counting works because it creates caloric deficit by taking so much time you have hardly any left to consume food

  9. 8 months ago

    You don't need to know the exact calories, you autistic frick

  10. 8 months ago

    I use ControlMyWeight. It isn’t about being accurate, it is about minimizing day-to-day variation.

  11. 8 months ago

    I don't count calories I just eat till I'm full and always seem to look good

  12. 8 months ago

    Didn't read:
    This board likes to pretend they're naturally good at everything.

  13. 8 months ago

    Just do what you need bro, Ive been counting every single day for 3 months now since I decided to get in shape, don't really have much trouble with it and you do remember how much shit you eat all the time has so it doesn't take crazy amount of time or effort. Only problems are eating out and shit and even then some places have nutritional values written on menu/online. I've tracked for almost a year straight before when I needed to cut a lot too. just do it and don't worry about Black folk here.

  14. 8 months ago

    i just do a very rough count, no need to count absolutely every single thing and obsess over it unless you're a professional athlete or something

  15. 8 months ago

    >Why is IST so against it?

    Because it works.

  16. 8 months ago

    >oh no I have to fill excel cells and do basic addition/substraction/multiplication/division for 5-10 minutes per day, this is absolutely beyond my lazy, underdeveloped brain and highschool drop out education
    >kcal on labels are not 100% accurate therfore useless, margin of error? Never heard of it lmao
    The answer is stupidity, plain and simple. Literally "my brain hurts when thinking" tier of moronation.

    Pic related is my 120 day cut this year. No moronic restrictions like keto and other meme diets, just whatever I want with limited processed garbage, as long as I stay below 2000 kcal. The average in 120 days ended up being 1750. Lost 11,4 kg, from 87,5 to 76,1. Daily weigh-ins, not necessary but I did it out of curiosity.

    • 8 months ago

      What do you do when you eat at non-fast food restaurants or homecooked meals at other peoples houses where getting the calories and macros is impossible? Do you ask them for a detailed list of the ingredients so you can run home afterwards and calculate how much you approximately ate of each ingredient? Or do you just avoid those and live like a fricking isolated monk who only makes his own autisic meals?

      It has less to do with brainpower and more to do with wanting to have an actual life that doesnt revolve around your diet, you moron

      • 8 months ago

        >What do you do when you eat at non-fast food restaurants or homecooked meals at other peoples houses where getting the calories and macros is impossible?
        I make an educated guess which, while not ideal, is a drop in an ocean that has a negligible effect on an otherwise tightly calculated diet. The fact that you can't understand this slight bit of nuance and instead can only comprehend a black&white "I either count every grain of seasoning in my every meal or I might as well not do it all" approach suggests low IQ.
        >wanting to have an actual life that doesnt revolve around your diet

        >oh no I have to fill excel cells and do basic addition/substraction/multiplication/division for 5-10 minutes per day, this is absolutely beyond my lazy, underdeveloped brain and highschool drop out education
        >kcal on labels are not 100% accurate therfore useless, margin of error? Never heard of it lmao
        The answer is stupidity, plain and simple. Literally "my brain hurts when thinking" tier of moronation.

        Pic related is my 120 day cut this year. No moronic restrictions like keto and other meme diets, just whatever I want with limited processed garbage, as long as I stay below 2000 kcal. The average in 120 days ended up being 1750. Lost 11,4 kg, from 87,5 to 76,1. Daily weigh-ins, not necessary but I did it out of curiosity.

        >oh no I have to fill excel cells and do basic addition/substraction/multiplication/division for 5-10 minutes per day, this is absolutely beyond my lazy, underdeveloped brain and highschool drop out education

  17. 8 months ago

    I would only get autistic about it if I was a professional athlete or bodybuilder. But because I’m not I know approximately what my TDEE is and can guesstimate how much I can eat on a cut/bulk.

    Sure, I would be getting better results much faster if I was super autistic about it, but for me it just isnt worth it because it’s a hassle and I dont enjoy it at all. I would much rather enjoy what I’m doing and only get 70-80% of the result

  18. 8 months ago

    if I feel hungry, weak and light I am losing weight
    if I feel bloated and disgusting I am gaining weight
    if I feel normal kind of hungry but not really I am maintaining
    why do you need to count calories again

  19. 8 months ago

    Because I home cook everything, I make my own pies, make my own rice, make my own pasta dishes etc from scratch.

    Its impossible to track all the ingredients in it. The calories and macros for flour, eggs and milk is very different to pastry.

    If you were just eating chicken and rice, yeah probably, but I have a family to cook for also

    • 8 months ago

      >Its impossible to track all the ingredients in it.
      It is though.
      > The calories and macros for flour, eggs and milk is very different to pastry.
      The frick does that even mean? There's a label on flour and milk. A medium eggs is approximately 74 kcal and 6,3g protein.
      >inb4 I grown my own wheat and milk my own cows
      Then look it up like you would eggs.

      The best part is that you don't even have to do this every time, I suppose your pies and other dishes use mostly fixed ratios of ingredients (like all good cooking should if you want consistency) so it's as easy as running the math once and then just adjusting based on portion size.

      I swaer the average person these days is allergic to simple math, like it actually causes them physical pain to not be intellectually lazy, the future is grim.

  20. 8 months ago

    >Plebbit tier formatting
    Didn’t read

  21. 8 months ago

    I am against the autistic way of counting calories but I try to keep my portion sizes consistent. If I eat eggs for breakfast it will always be the same amount of eggs. If I have rice, I will have x grams of rice, if I eat chicken I have a set number of chicken breasts per meal. If I cook pasta I use half a pack of the spaghetti and 1 pack of mince and the sauce is always the same, too. I have like 5 staple meals that I eat throughout the week that are very similar in protein and carbs, so there is low variety and it's easy to have an overview of what I have consumed. If I deviate from my diet and I know it was a high calorie meal (just based on what it was, e.g. fast food) I can just reduce portion sizes of my regular meal. I don't have to count, I just have to eat less, because I just had more in calories per meal than I usually do.

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