Calorie Tracking

>what is the best calorie tracker?
>how do you figure out calories without an app? There must be an analog method.
>what actually is the ideal daily calorie intake for men and women?

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  1. 9 months ago

    >there must be an analog method
    its called reading the label and doing the math you fricking zoomer

    • 9 months ago

      >at a resteraunt
      Excuse me waiter could you bring me the ingredients label for this pot roast?
      >you are a knuckledragging chunderfrick moron

      • 9 months ago

        you have to be over 18 to post here

      • 9 months ago

        holy shit you are a moron. Can you frick off permanently? The answer is you figure it out and intentionally overshoot or you don't eat at restaurants where you can't.

      • 9 months ago

        Where you're from? In some countries restaurants are required to disclose that, at the very least on their website. Still, you can eyeball shit after you get used to it and then overestimate the calories like other people said, since restaurants tend to use a lot more oil than people would in their homes.

  2. 9 months ago

    MyFitnessPal probably
    you can use the fist/palm method where you eat protein the size of your palm and carbs the size of your fist but it's not perfect also there can be fats involved in the food about which you might not be aware
    I think your weight in lbs x 12 are your maintenance calories give or take

  3. 9 months ago

    If you're not weighing your food you might as well be guessing

  4. 9 months ago

    Cronometer is much better than MFP, since MFP no longer has barcode scanning unless you pay for premium. Cronometer has free barcode scanning and the UI is better imo.

  5. 9 months ago

    >>what actually is the ideal daily calorie intake for men and women?
    TDEE is the ideal daily calorie intake.

  6. 9 months ago

    If you gain/lose weight, it was too much/little. Looking for precision is a fool's errand. A scale and some common sense is all you need.

  7. 9 months ago

    >baww im stupid
    You can't hold a number in your head and do rough estimates? lol. lmao even.

  8. 9 months ago

    5g of protein x 4 = 20 Calories 10g of carbs x 4 = 40 Calories 15g of fat x 9 = 135 Calories 20 + 40 + 135 = 195 Calories, not 225

  9. 9 months ago

    Can someone explain this to me. I've been cutting for about 2 months now with super strict calorie counting on cronometer. I have been getting 1400-1600 calories every single day for this time with 180-220g protein every single day, as well as sub 30g carbs. I weigh in every morning after I've gone piss and haven't ingested anything since the night before. Unfortunately my shit doesn't come until after I've made it to work so I can't weigh in then or I would. I also kind of do IF, technically not I guess. I break my fast every morning with a coffee that has cream and sweetener, but then don't ingest any calories until I'm done work and and working out after getting home, so around 5:00 -7:00 generally is when all my calories and food are consumed. I work as in very physically demanding construction job and workout on a abxabxa schedule and it's usually about an hour and a half workout. Weight loss had been steady for weeks, losing about 2-5 lbs a week, very slight increases in lifts, and no declines on anything, but I've been stalled for like 2 weeks or more now, and have been utterly exhausted every day, frustrated, annoyed, angry, dead. This long weekend I very loosely tracked calories, they were probably around 2500 each day, carbs closer to 40 and I ate throughout the day and this morning I weighed in 8lbs lighter. Clearly this is water weight, but why would I drop this water weight after increasing my calories? Should I not expect to see an increase in my water weight? And why had I stalled on my weight loss with my strict regime I was on, that is in a very large, probably around 1000cal deficit? Lifts all had improvements over these 4 days as well. Was my body literally in starvation mode? I had tried increasing calories before by like 300 and was met with a steady incline in weight, and no decrease in my exhaustion.

    • 9 months ago

      are you seriously expecting anyone to read all that shit

      • 9 months ago

        yes, not expecting an informative answer though really

    • 9 months ago

      >utterly exhausted every day,
      You need more carbs, and to do cardio. No, your job doesn't count as cardio, but being in motion constantly does burn calories.

      • 9 months ago

        how would doing cardio make me less exhausted, I already have no energy, I feel like I'm dying. I'm throwing around sheets of drywall all day and speed walking around and then working out for an hour and a half. How is that going to make me not exhausted, that will increase it.

    • 9 months ago

      what the frick is up with this low carb meme. you morons living in a delusion. don't go jamming 9000 calories of carbs obviously but bro lmfao. cut back your protein massively and up your carb intake. all that protein isn't easy to digest and is even more brash on the adrenals. your stimmed up and burning out.

    • 9 months ago

      CICO is bunk, and anyone suggesting they have an answer for this is full of it.

      >Was my body literally in starvation mode?
      "Starvation mode" was a misnomer but yes, when you cut calories that drastically, your body adjusts resting energy expenditure to compensate. Lots of people get their calories down to really low levels and can't figure out why they plateau. This is textbook. In my own weight loss journey I was losing more weight at 2200 calories a day than 1600.

      • 9 months ago

        Can someone explain this to me. I've been cutting for about 2 months now with super strict calorie counting on cronometer. I have been getting 1400-1600 calories every single day for this time with 180-220g protein every single day, as well as sub 30g carbs. I weigh in every morning after I've gone piss and haven't ingested anything since the night before. Unfortunately my shit doesn't come until after I've made it to work so I can't weigh in then or I would. I also kind of do IF, technically not I guess. I break my fast every morning with a coffee that has cream and sweetener, but then don't ingest any calories until I'm done work and and working out after getting home, so around 5:00 -7:00 generally is when all my calories and food are consumed. I work as in very physically demanding construction job and workout on a abxabxa schedule and it's usually about an hour and a half workout. Weight loss had been steady for weeks, losing about 2-5 lbs a week, very slight increases in lifts, and no declines on anything, but I've been stalled for like 2 weeks or more now, and have been utterly exhausted every day, frustrated, annoyed, angry, dead. This long weekend I very loosely tracked calories, they were probably around 2500 each day, carbs closer to 40 and I ate throughout the day and this morning I weighed in 8lbs lighter. Clearly this is water weight, but why would I drop this water weight after increasing my calories? Should I not expect to see an increase in my water weight? And why had I stalled on my weight loss with my strict regime I was on, that is in a very large, probably around 1000cal deficit? Lifts all had improvements over these 4 days as well. Was my body literally in starvation mode? I had tried increasing calories before by like 300 and was met with a steady incline in weight, and no decrease in my exhaustion.

        To be a bit more helpful in my response, you should probably eat a moderate level of food (about maintenance if not a little higher) for a week or two, including some saturated fat in there, as it's protective against weight gain. You'll heal your metabolic output a bit and can then try to restrict again.

  10. 9 months ago

    Loseit works pretty good. Free barcode scanning and does macros for free I'm pretty sure.

  11. 9 months ago

    I'd track a few calories all over her face chest and neck if you fellas catch my drift

  12. 9 months ago

    >>what is the best calorie tracker?

  13. 9 months ago

    >>>what is the best calorie tracker

  14. 9 months ago

    Cronometer is so much better than myfitnesspal

  15. 9 months ago

    Reverse calorie counting is objectively superior
    >select a diet you like, balanced with whatever memes or Granny's wisdom you want
    >make sure it's something you can eat every day in the same quantity
    >eat it every day in the same quantity
    >you can change up seasonings and some components, but try to keep that to a minimum
    Then, track your weight over time, for me it's at least a month to get a good moving average. Is it going up or down? Change its direction by counting calories.

    This is great because counting calories is the LAST thing you do. The problem is eating the same thing every day, which is why it's crucial to get stuff you fricking love on the menu.

    • 9 months ago

      That's just counting calories moron

  16. 9 months ago

    How you gonna post a girl that has already deleted her IG

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