>Can either be big and strong or have an attractive lean face

>Can either be big and strong or have an attractive lean face
>Can't have both without going on roids and suffering the consequences of that

What I wouldn't do to live in the past when you could just be yourself and still be happy.

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  1. 7 months ago

    just be yourself:^)

  2. 7 months ago

    I recently had a girl go from telling me “you’re so big that it doesn’t really matter that you’re not lean” to “anon you’re just getting fat now” and it has me reconsidering everything

    • 7 months ago

      Just call her a DYEL and tell her it's a mindset.

      Real answer is that as long as you're actually responsible with your bulk, as in you're healthy (preferably under 25% bodyfat at your peak), she can think whatever she wants, but it's your body and your choice.

      • 7 months ago

        I’m like 22-23 and was planning to maingain but maybe it’s time to cut

    • 7 months ago

      Cant you just do slow paced cardio for like 4 hours instead of wasting your time shitposting on 4chud

      literally me

  3. 7 months ago

    I'd rather be lean honestly. That said, still juiced a bit

  4. 7 months ago

    >bust ass from 16-18 to turn life around
    >brute force way out of depression, anxiety, OCD, laziness first year
    >year 2 get health in order, lose over 100lbs
    >start college at 18 and begin lifting first semester
    >by 3rd semester age 20 finally look good, kept pushing self socially and finally have friends
    >do hang out with friends
    >girl who is mutual friend of this circle is there, she likes me, we hit it off lots of flirting and fun
    >after hangout drive her home, holds onto my arm just like your picrel the entire time
    >felt fricking magical, think to myself “holy frick, I actually made it. I’ve done it. I busted my ass, accepted I was a bottom barrel fricking loser with nothing but the world to gain and I worked tooth and nail to get here… it’s happening… this, this is nice. It was worth it.”
    >get to her house, talk for a bit in car
    >kiss, ends up blowing me
    >every time hang with friends she’s there and we get closer and closer
    >all watching movie and we cuddle up, no one says anything, these people just assume it’s nothing new for me little do they frickin know lmao
    >eventually start fricking, lose virginity
    >hang more and more
    >group dwindles over time until it’s just us hanging alone
    >begin dating
    >tfw she faked her personality and 3 months into dating I realized she was bonkers, in retrospect she’s what most would call classic BPD
    >actively tries to sabotage and ruin my life, experience a fall from glory and back into depression, revert back to former teenage self over the years literlaly lose everything I worked so hard for from my body/health to the mental aspects of things I had to build up, all good habits gone, just a depressed anxious shell again
    Lol I was driver for a brief period… a-at least I’m working on rising to a new found glory now though r-right? And yet… I miss that night where she held onto my arm while I drove and we didn’t even speak the entire ride…

    • 7 months ago

      That's what you get for idolising pussy. And for going with a girl who wants to have sex so soon.

      Don't worry. The Lord shall see you through. You don't know all your blessings.

      • 7 months ago

        You’re absolutely right man. I’ve learned from it. I no longer have causal sex. Many friends give me shit for it, because I’ve turned down many women who were throwing themselves at me. But I’ve at least learned from my mistake to some extent.
        And yeah, I hope The Lord does. I’ve recently returned to God and have been trying to be more religious. Picrel describes the lesson I learned, because I did grow to become super arrogant and wienery just over some easy pussy. But I learned, there isn’t hair stopping me from losing the fruits of my labor, at a moments notice I can fall again. I’m not special.

        This was just a momentary set back. Think of it as just a taste of the bounty ahead.

        You will make it.

        I really hope. I don’t even want much. I just want some relative comfort in life and to be in a position where I can make the most of my free time. Pic rel says it well I think. I’ve wasted my 20s. But I don’t think it’s too late for me.

    • 7 months ago

      This was just a momentary set back. Think of it as just a taste of the bounty ahead.

      You will make it.

  5. 7 months ago

    homie don’t hate me cause I’m beautiful homie maybe if you got rid of that Yee Yee Ass hair cut you got you would get b***hes on your dick, oh, better yet maybe Tanisha will call your dog ass if she ever stops fricking with that brain Surgeon or Lawyer she fricking with, Niiiggggaaaaaa

  6. 7 months ago

    Sounds like you're terribly bad at cutting and/or mistake fat gains on a bulk with muscle gain.

    Being 26-27 BMI at 10% is a realistic end goal for a natural lifter
    Meanwhile most steroids aren't that bad for you. No shit they can kill you if you abuse them but 'mild' steroids like testosterone, primobolan, and anavar are more than enough to get you into the big, lean, and strong trifecta.

    • 7 months ago

      I seriously and truly believe I will be at 29.8 or 29.9 BMI at 10% bodyfat, though it will take many years.

      • 7 months ago

        Better to rip that bandaid off now
        FFMI of 25ish is the most muscle you're going to pack on [while not morbidly obese] without resorting to PEDs
        The highest BMI you're going to be while 10% and natty is ~27.7

    • 7 months ago

      I consider not having proper looking abs and hollow cheeks as being fat. If I eat up until 200lbs 6' or so I'll have 18" arms but the abs aren't there even though I look big with clothes on.
      If I starve to <190lbs the abs start showing up and my face looks cool but I feel small with clothes on and my lifts are suffering badly and I just feel like shit in general when not staring at myself in the mirror nude.

      It's like no matter what you're going to suffer.
      The risk of hair loss is the main thing that scares me from roids, also the shutdown since I can't live with b&c.

      • 7 months ago

        >The risk of hair loss is the main thing that scares me from roids,
        testosterone + finasteride/dutasteride is extremely hair safe
        also the shutdown since I can't live with b&c.
        Shutdown is extremely unlikely as long as:
        1. avoid 19nors (tren, deca, etc.)
        2. take hCG while on
        3. cycle for a moderate amount of time (less than half a year)
        There are reasons not to roid but those aren't two of them
        >I consider not having proper looking abs and hollow cheeks as being fat.
        Yeah so being at or above 15%, I'd consider that chubby too

        >f I starve to <190lbs the abs start showing up and my face looks cool but I feel small with clothes on and my lifts are suffering badly and I just feel like shit in general when not staring at myself in the mirror nude.
        Yeah you're not very good at cutting and have body dysmorphia, seeing yourself as bigger than you actually are while bulked. Learn to cut properly

  7. 7 months ago

    >tfw my face is always lean

    • 7 months ago

      ok but are you jacked

      • 7 months ago

        relatively, my face just doesn't store much at so i look extra gaunt when cutting

  8. 7 months ago

    You could try training for more than one year.

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