Can I lose 70kg just from cardio?

Can I lose 70kg just from cardio?

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  1. 4 months ago

    You can lose 70kg doing nothing.

  2. 4 months ago

    No you have to stop eating. Calories in need to be lower than Calories out. You can only increase your Calories out by so much, it is much more effective to decrease the calories in.

  3. 4 months ago

    Sure, I'll let you do that.

  4. 4 months ago

    Yeah, just start walking and never stop

    • 4 months ago

      That Stephen King book was fricked

  5. 4 months ago

    I've literally done it. Sell your car, computer and anything that makes you sit in one spot. Become a neet and ride a bicycle everywhere. Literally 100-200km distances. The weight will fly off in 12 months.

    • 4 months ago

      Jesus, I'm flat out doing 30 a day

  6. 4 months ago

    Calories in calories out. Cardio improves your resting heart rate, it doesn't make you lose weight.
    You can sit around gaming all day and eat only mcdonalds and lose 70kg. Literally just track your calories and do fork put downs.

    Calculate your TDEE, eat 500cal less than that per day and you will lose 1lb a week. 1000cal less and you lose 2lbs a week. You can do more extreme cuts if you are fatter (which you are if you want to lose nearly 150lbs).
    Look into fasting to help with the loose skin you will be dealing with losing that much. And start saving up for skin removal surgery.

    • 4 months ago

      >cardio doesn't make you lose weight.
      >Look into fasting
      This fricking board. Post before and after pictures from obese to fit or go away with your bogus advice.

      • 4 months ago

        My heaviest was 240lbs. My lowest was 160lbs. I am 6ft tall. 185lbs currently.
        I was young when I lost the weight and maybe I have good genes, but I also did ADF and didn't have any loose skin after losing weight.
        Cardio is great for many reasons, but you can't outrun a bad diet. If someone is 70kg overweight, the obvious problem is that they are eating thousands of calories more than they need every day.
        There is plenty of evidence that shows that fasting helps with skin elasticity. Maybe it has to do with water and glycogen depletion, who knows. I just know that it worked for me.
        Weird seethe though

      • 4 months ago

        My heaviest was 240lbs. My lowest was 160lbs. I am 6ft tall. 185lbs currently.
        I was young when I lost the weight and maybe I have good genes, but I also did ADF and didn't have any loose skin after losing weight.
        Cardio is great for many reasons, but you can't outrun a bad diet. If someone is 70kg overweight, the obvious problem is that they are eating thousands of calories more than they need every day.
        There is plenty of evidence that shows that fasting helps with skin elasticity. Maybe it has to do with water and glycogen depletion, who knows. I just know that it worked for me.
        Weird seethe though

        Here you go mad boy.
        240 to 160 in 5 months. I spent that time hiking out west, around 12 miles a day up and down elevations of 10,000ft. I ate one meal a day while hiking, with some dried mangoes or jerky throughout. I would guess maybe 1200 calories. If I stayed in a location for more than a couple days, I would do fasting for a day or two.
        At the end of the hiking I did a week long fast.
        That was 8ish years ago. Started lifting from there, put on another 25lbs.
        The hiking, just like running, certainly helped burn some extra calories (way more than running since I carried an 80lb pack and was doing sustained mid range cardio for 10+ hours a day), but ultimately what got the weight off was the caloric deficit.

        • 4 months ago

          >cardio isn't needed
          >oh btw I did non stop hiking but that was unrelated

        • 4 months ago

          And worst before and after photos ever. You don't have a shirtless photo for fricks sake?

          • 4 months ago

            No I don't have shirtless before and after photos of a weightloss that took place nearly a decade ago. There are plenty of gay guys on here you can hit up for shirtless photos if you want though.
            And like I said, the cardio itself didn't lose me the weight, the extreme caloric deficit did.
            If you can run yourself into a deficit, that would work, but again its not the cardio doing it. Also, it is magnitudes of difficulty harder to burn calories with cardio than it is to just not eat them.
            If he needs to lose 70kg, he needs a deficit that is impossible to hit with just cardio. He needs to be thousands of calories below his TDEE, so unless he also has the free time to be doing cardio for 10hrs a day, then my advice still stands as the truth. You can lose weight without any excersize, as it is purely about calories in vs calories out.
            He would be better off lifting and building muscle to increase his TDEE rather than doing cardio and seeing minimal results due to never changing his diet.

            • 4 months ago

              >gay guys
              Odd how your mind goes to this when discussing weight loss.
              >You can lose weight without any excersize
              Everyone in this thread with a weight loss story seems to have done it with cardio and clean eating. I get that you believe in cico but you need to stop acting like that's all that matters when it's actually avoiding processed foods and working up a sweat.

  7. 4 months ago

    yes, went from 260lbs to 195lbs in the course of 6 months. All I did was run 1 mile a day and paid close attention to what I ate. Granted I was 23 at the time, but with the right amount of discipline you can do it.

    good luck bro

  8. 4 months ago

    >lose 70kg
    >there are creaturas carrying my ENTIRE bodyweight just in fat
    What the fug

    • 4 months ago

      B-but I'm working on it instead of wallowing and coping, that's good right ;-;

      • 4 months ago

        Pls install a fasting app, gtfo, and post once you've already been working on it for 6 months

  9. 4 months ago

    lost 35kg with swimming.
    >you can't outrun a bad diet
    thermodynamics still apply, but it's hard to eat back those 1200-1600 cals on a consistent basis unless you're extremely fricked in the head.
    the problem for fatties is getting to the point you can burn a meaningful amount of calories day in day out. rooning is absolutely out of the question.

  10. 4 months ago

    Cardio helps but you gotta eat less. Thats the most important part
    It's criminal how Omega Strikers didn't take off. It's one of the few games I sorta like

    • 4 months ago

      >you gotta eat less
      Total lie.

      • 4 months ago

        Literally swam at breakneck speed for 6 hours a day and had a whole team helping with his recovery plan. Can (You) generate the output of an Olympic swimmer anon? I'm sure you can, right? Right?

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