Can I use benzos to get off alcohol? I was prescried valium once but it didn't work.

Can I use benzos to get off alcohol? I was prescried valium once but it didn't work. Yes I know they are addictive too but alcohol is wreaking more havoc on me than anything else

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  1. 6 months ago

    you’ll just start mixing them and have more problems

    • 6 months ago

      How can you be sure?

      • 6 months ago

        when you take benzos you make moronic decisions

        • 6 months ago

          I know people who have taken them for years. They seem to function with a job, family, etc. I don't know everything about them but they're def not "moronic"

          • 6 months ago

            watch 'Medicating normal' on vimeo

          • 6 months ago

            It's called being a functional drug addict. You're saying alcohol wreaks havoc on you so it sounds like you're not one. You start taking benzos and you'll start doing things without thinking and if you have problems not drinking, when You're on benzos you won't have a problem not drinking. Trust me it's not worth the risk

          • 6 months ago

            Jesus wept. How about just not taking drugs in the first place?

            This. Most people I know who got addicted to benzos like Xanax didn't have an alcohol addiction before

            There's anecdotal evidence in the post above you that contradicts yours. Which one should be trusted?

            Read up on benzo addiction and especially withdrawal. Your so-called normal friends on benzos are insidiously addicted to a substance. You have two paths: one involves chemical dependence the other involves freedom. The choice is yours.

            • 6 months ago

              >You have two paths: one involves chemical dependence the other involves freedom. The choice is yours.
              OK Morpheus give me the freedom pill. It's not a benzo I get it. Then what is it?

              • 6 months ago

                That’s up to you to find out. You need to discover your own motivation and discipline and what works for you. It’s not prescriptive and it’s not easy otherwise we wouldn’t need thousands of best seller self-help books. People want to be told the easy answer but the reality is it doesn’t work that way. But more drugs and addiction is clearly not the answer and the fact that you don’t see this and defend this outlook shows you are probably not going to succeed anytime soon. I don’t say this with condescension or anything but often other people’s defense mechanisms are very easy to see while they are invisible to those who possess them.

                You’re saying you have an addictive personality and are addicted to alcohol and you wonder if benzos, an incredibly addictive class of drugs with potentially horrifying withdrawal symptoms, are the answer. You have to at least be somewhat cognizant of this illogical approach when it is written succinctly, no?

                At the very least seek professional help including therapy and be honest with yourself and them. Based on your posts alone you lack the self-awareness and other tools to do this alone so don’t even bother thinking you can devise a treatment program on your own. Especially if your best idea is taking on one addiction for another.

              • 6 months ago

                Yes I am cognizant of this approach which is why I've mentioned it in the OP. Thanks for reminding me of that. The problem is even bigger than addiction because alcohol wreaks havoc on health, like stomach and liver health for example, because of all the other toxic stuff that benzos themselves don't have. Alcohol also has a lot of calories and affects the metabolism. So the problem isn't just the addictiveness quality of a substance

  2. 6 months ago

    Your only chance to get off safely is a psych ward or rehab type center. Its just a couple weeks you can do that right?

  3. 6 months ago

    Xanax helps me with the anxiety that comes from alcohol withdrawals. I don't take more than 2-3 mg. It doesn't intoxicated me just calms me down a bit and helps me sleep.
    Some people abuse it and get addicted though. I don't get any pleasure from xanax just a mild calming effect so I don't see myself getting addicted but it is indeed a useful crutch.

    • 6 months ago

      This. Most people I know who got addicted to benzos like Xanax didn't have an alcohol addiction before

      It's called being a functional drug addict. You're saying alcohol wreaks havoc on you so it sounds like you're not one. You start taking benzos and you'll start doing things without thinking and if you have problems not drinking, when You're on benzos you won't have a problem not drinking. Trust me it's not worth the risk

      There's anecdotal evidence in the post above you that contradicts yours. Which one should be trusted?

      • 6 months ago

        sounds like something you definitely shouldn’t give to a moronic alcoholic

        • 6 months ago

          Name something that should be given instead. You won't, because you just want to feel superior and tell others to "man up". HURRRR. Let me guess, if they joined the military their troubles will go away, right?

          • 6 months ago

            depends what OP wants, to quit drugs or find a less harmful recreational drug, that he’s seeking benzos makes me think the later

            • 6 months ago

              I am not seeking the benzos, I am seeking a good answer to whether I should use them for alcohol addiction or not. If I was seeking benzos already, I wouldn't be asking this question in the first place.

              • 6 months ago

                One technique I am trying is active meditation. Like chant internally something that's going to help you not drink. I did a medium length run today without music just repeating to myself a phrase over and over. This helps interrupt the intrusive thoughts that push you towards bad feelings or substance abuse.

      • 6 months ago

        sounds like something you definitely shouldn’t give to a moronic alcoholic

        The issue is not about benzos per se its about whether the person is actually committed to quitting, otherwise yes they might be a moronic alcoholic that will mix the two at once. Easy way to fall asleep and never wake up.

        • 6 months ago

          >whether the person is actually committed to quitting
          They can't possibly be committed to quitting since they are ADDICTED to a substance. Why can't you get this? They need help, which is often in the form of another substance since the addiction is advanced enough. Telling them to man up is not helpful whatsoever.

      • 6 months ago

        >Which one should be trusted
        Do whatever you want homosexual but just remember when you inevitably start drinking on them and now everything's 10 times worse remember I told you so. I had a benzos addiction for over a decade and I did the opposite (using alcohol to get over my benzos addiction) and it made it so much worse. If you're going to swap addictions you swap them with something that far less addictive not something equally as addictive and when combined much worse

    • 6 months ago

      Lmao you're delusional if you're taking 2-3mg and only getting buzzed you're addicted and you're tolerance is way too high. 2-3mg for a normal non addicted person would get them blackout

      • 6 months ago

        There's crossover tolerance from previous alcohol consumption, like he's mentioned. Don't rush to call others delusional before you know some basic shit, you might just look like an idiot

      • 6 months ago

        You might be right. I'll think about what you've said and hopefully be completely booze and xanax free in the future. I never meant to suggest that xanax or benzos are healthy.

    • 6 months ago

      As someone who is recently coming off a 9 month alcohol and xanax bender and suffering the effects of PAWS, please please please don't do this. Benzos dont make you magically not want alcohol. They just cause you to want to get twice as fricked up.

      Substance abuse often isn't the problem itself, but rather it's a symptom of another much larger issue. It's why programs like AA don't work for people a lot of the time. Even if you temporarily stop drinking, you end up stuck having to face the problems you were running from in the first place, and you still have no help with them, so you relapse. If you want to stop drinking, you have to identify what it is that caused to you start in the first place and address that.

      Also, to quit, you have to want it. Like really, really want it. You cant just be quitting because your mom yelled at you, or you saw a PSA on TV. If you don't actually want to quit in the core of your being, you're not going to be successful.

      Therapeutic doses of xanax are between 0.25mg and 2mg. Nobody gets prescribed a 2mg dose until they've been on them for a long time. If this isn't a larp and you are seriously taking 2-3mg and not immediately sitting down and sinking into your couch for 6 hours, then your body has developed a dependence at the very least. Please seek help in tapering off this dose. It's going to be extremely detrimental in the long run. If you don't want to go to a doctor, look up the Ashton manual and try to follow that as closely as possible.

      • 6 months ago

        Alcohol. Tolerance. Crossover. Dumbass.

  4. 6 months ago

    Just stop drinking. I used to drink an 18 pack a day and just stopped. it's not that hard.

  5. 6 months ago

    just quit drinking lol. there is no more pathetic addiction than alcohol...well maybe sports betting...

    • 6 months ago

      Yeah thanks for letting me know it's pathetic. Addiction solved!

      • 6 months ago

        it is pathetic, dude. alcoholism is a slow motion trainwreck that everyone can see and all you have to do to avoid it is to put the bottle down.

        • 6 months ago

          All you have to do is not have genetic predisposition for alcoholism with your dad, grandpa, great grandpa etc. being alcoholics. And all you have to do is not being served alcohol and pressured by your peers since you were a kid, and all you have to do is for alcohol not to be everywhere, and finally then you can just put the bottle down. Thanks again, addiction solved!

          • 6 months ago

            Ah yes, everyone else's fault but mine.
            No different than fatties.
            And I'm typing this while drinking

            • 6 months ago

              Didn't say it wasn't my fault too. I buy the alcohol and drink it. But you're implying it's only your fault not all those other decisive factors in a person's life because you didn't have to deal with these particular hardships. You wouldn't be so dismissive of them otherwise.

              • 6 months ago

                >I didn't say it wasn't my fault
                >but it's also societies fault
                NTA but I watched my dad die of cirrhosis when I was 25. You're just weak, as was my father when he decided to drink himself into an early grave. You can come up with 100 reasons as to why you drink, but you can't accept a single solution outside of a narcotic. It's just weakness. Simple as

              • 6 months ago

                Unrionically yes, it's my fault but also society. You think you live in a vacuum? Oh wait of course you do since you think "man up" is the answer to everything.

                Also narcotics are opium derivatives, so no connection to alcohol or benzos. But I get you're trying to use a naughty sounding word to dismiss my point.

              • 6 months ago

                I take it back. Unironically kys. You're just a weak homosexual and you're dead set on staying that way

          • 6 months ago

            A genetic predisposition does not lift the bottle to your lips. Throughout my close and extended family there is clearly a highly addictive personality type be it alcohol, gambling and other things. I recognize it so I refuse to gamble and I’ve cut out weed and to a large extent alcohol (besides a few drinks at parties/functions). Moderation is much, much harder than abstinence especially if you have an addictive personality or phenotype.

            You’re just externalizing responsibility and blame for your actions and consequences. And like a good pilled American you’d rather find a seemingly quick fix “better living through chemistry” option than doing the hard work and employing discipline. You’re hopeless and you’ll soon be addicted to benzos and alcohol and wondering where it all went wrong kek

            Go run along to your doctor and get pills.

            • 6 months ago

              >A genetic predisposition does not lift the bottle to your lips
              I just said that. It's obvious that I am at fault as well. You're not saying anything useful beyond "man up". You're just repeating the same useless shit that hasn't helped anybody get off their addiction. The only purpose of this is to feel like you are personally more masculine than the person admitting their addiction.

  6. 6 months ago

    there’s plenty of non-controlled medications for alcoholism, get some bupropion or whatever the new shit they use is, trying to use the even more addictive devil’s tictacs is dumb

    • 6 months ago

      My dad used bupropion and it didn't help shit. What are other good meds for alcohol?

  7. 6 months ago

    Smoke le weed instead, or seek actual improvement and life bettering skills. Replacing one drug with another usually just ends up with that drug becoming your new problem. You must break the cycle.

    • 6 months ago

      How do you break the cycle so you can be able to seek actual improvement and life bettering skills?

  8. 6 months ago

    Raw egg yolks.
    Simple as that, if u don't want ti do it then I don't care

  9. 6 months ago

    Why don't you just not do either? Fricking druggie loser.

  10. 6 months ago

    Go to rehab, anon. Take the time to get healthy. Alcoholism ruins not only your life, but the lives of people who love you.
    >t. loves an alcoholic

  11. 6 months ago

    All these absolute fools yapping,
    No one wants to drink a raw egg or understand the connection
    I'm literally done with you idiots

    • 6 months ago

      So you're implying that alcohol only depletes choline and if you eat it, the addiction goes away?

  12. 6 months ago

    Ask your doc if you could get Naltrexone

  13. 6 months ago

    >can i use drugs to get off drugs
    have a nice day unironically

  14. 6 months ago

    Try weed my homie, less harmful, and exercise is more fun

  15. 6 months ago

    You'll never get off of ANY substance until you want to. Every addict ever is this way. But yeah. You're a smart guy, benzos will fix it for sure. You definitely wont mix them or become dependent on them. You're smarter than everyone else!

  16. 6 months ago

    If you're gonna be a degen just smoke weed like a normal person.

  17. 6 months ago

    If you have insurance check into a hospital, if they are smart theyll put you on scheduled librium while you detox the alcohol from your system. Once you check out never drink again, find an AA group or some kind of support, and keep your days full of activity for the first few months, so you cannot sit with your thoughts or get bored and start drinking again.

  18. 6 months ago

    if alcohol is wreaking havoc benzos will make it 100x worse. some people can handle it and have the willpower or don't have addictive tendencies but if you abuse alcohol you are likely to abuse benzos too and they will frick you up even worse.

  19. 6 months ago

    Night 1 abstain
    Night 2 take children's benadryl 10 ml
    Night 3 take the benadryl again
    Night 4 you're good

  20. 6 months ago

    Hey guys I’ve been sipping too much lean recently and it’s giving me a stupid gut. Can I start taking Heroin to get off Codeine?

  21. 6 months ago

    how much alcohol are we talking
    it varies substantially

  22. 6 months ago

    At the moment I'm using opioids for alcohol replacement. It's been a week since I last drank. So far so good.

    • 6 months ago

      Good job non soon you will be addicted to something even worse.

      • 6 months ago

        no way. at least with this I don't lose my mind and do moronic shit.
        plus it's less common. booze is fricking everywhere. taking some effort to get high makes me less likely to do it

        • 6 months ago

          This shit drives your mind after a couple months and you won’t even notice.
          Accessibility could also be a stash of blisters under your mattress don’t be a fool anon

        • 6 months ago

          >don't lose my mind and do moronic shit

          Holy frick anon you don't know what you're getting into. The difference between an alcohol bender and a benzo bender is the difference between waking up next to a slampig, and having your place nicked clean by the Nicaraguan midget transexual you brought home.

          • 6 months ago

            I'm talking about opioids, I know benzos well enough. Those take moronation to the next level.

            • 6 months ago

              Yeah opioids are cool. Virtually no downsides if you have access to a lifetime supply of pharma-grade shit like Göring.
              Still, be safe man.

  23. 6 months ago

    Benzos are what you get prescribed to make sure you don't die from alcohol withdrawals since those can legitimately kill you. If you're struggling with alcoholism, go to the doctor and get a prescription and have someone you can trust give you the pills only as often as your doctor recommends. That way you don't go looking for it.

    If you relapse, do not take whatever you're prescribed for at least a day. On the tail end of a binge you're going to think you're way more functional than you are. Just chill out for a bit. Lastly, join a 12 step program or go to an AA meeting. It's very hard to do this on your own. Good luck

    >t. neuroscientist that specializes in substance use disorders.

  24. 6 months ago

    You're literally replacing one addiction with another, breh. There's nothing therapeutic about this shit.
    At least try one of the many drugs that can help you quit but have very little room for abuse like bupropion, naltraxone, topiramate, etc.

    There's also disulfiram which is a different puppy altogether.

  25. 6 months ago

    just stop drinking alcohol?
    Take the pain for a month or three. It's like getting an injury or illness. Just go through it.

  26. 6 months ago

    I know it's already been said, but just to hammer the point home: Holy frick son, do not start using benzos while you have an active alcohol addiction. Holy fricking shit that's dumb. Fricking check yourself, you are going to die if you start taking benzos.
    Now that that's covered.

    Addiction is usually a problem of isolation and boredom.

    AA fricking sucks any longer than 6 months. It's a loser club past the initial stages of addiction, and it will keep you bored and unhappy. If you want to get better, take another crack at it, keep in mind that every day you go without is a positive. The streaks you maintain are proof that you can be sober, and are practice for maintaining long term sobriety. AA is for buttholes because they tell you that one sip puts you back to zero. That's not true, you don't have to collapse your life every time you have a relapse, you don't have to hate yourself for 3 months. Get hobbies, get ones you like that require you to show up on time and be sober. Join a martial arts club that has scheduled classes with people you like, respect and admire. Diversify your hobbies so if one collapses your whole life doesn't collapse. If you have to show up sober for people you like at the same time 3 nights a week and you make friends while you are there it SHOULD alleviate most of your need to drink.

    • 6 months ago

      To re-iterate; give yourself positive and rewarding reasons to be sober. Not shitty reasons like kids or your wife either, things that genuinely make you excited to get out of bed.

    • 6 months ago

      >If you have to show up sober for people you like at the same time 3 nights a week and you make friends while you are there it SHOULD alleviate most of your need to drink.
      This is great advice. You need a reason to be sober. If not, why wouldn't you be fricked up every waking hour?

  27. 6 months ago

    I want to know if I can use alcohol to get off the benzos.

  28. 6 months ago

    >need to stop addiction of one drug
    >what should I do?
    >get addicted to another drug

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