Can someone explain Lyle McDonald to me? Why does this guy have a following?

he talks in circles, is a manic depressive (like Mentzer and Yates, coincidentally all big proponents of intensity over volume), and pic related is the closest thing I can find to a "post body" for him, and frankly, it's quite underwhelming.

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  1. 9 months ago

    He was a speed skater and wrote good books on dieting. His training advice is kinda sketch like all training advice.

    • 9 months ago

      >good books on dieting
      No such thing.
      Dieting is basically just
      >starve yourself
      with the only addenda being:
      >up the protein to 1g/1lb (to preserve leanmass)
      >up the fiber
      >use stims (like caffeine)
      >lift as best you can during the cut (to preserve leanmass)
      That's literally all there is to it, and anyone proposing anything more is at best wasting your time, and at worst is a fraud.

      • 9 months ago

        it's more about specific dieting methods, he's an extremely strong advocate for CICO.

      • 9 months ago

        >america centric view on dieting is eat less
        sure, if that's the only reason americans ever change their diet because they eat too much goyslop
        diet is what you eat you homosexual

  2. 9 months ago

    He's funny and genuine, whereas the people he rails against are insufferable wankers (israetel for example)

    • 9 months ago

      Mike Israetel is the only israelite I respect tbh idk what are you on about

  3. 9 months ago

    he's a c**t but for scientific reasons

    • 9 months ago

      >60 cal surplus
      topkek, good luck building anything with that

      • 9 months ago

        By definition a surplus is more than you need. 1 cal extra is a surplus. 1 molecule is a surplus. You get no more gains from 60 than 60000.
        The point of large surpluses like 250-500 is to make sure you don't drop into negative calories by accident.

        • 9 months ago

          A 60 cal. surplus is ridiculous. Labels can be off by 20%, and even whole foods (like apples or cucumbers) will vary in nutrient/energy/water/etc content even they weigh the same.
          You can't measure calories with that much precision, which is why so many people don't take CICOtards seriously.
          And that's just CI part. A normal person, whose metabolism hasn't been nuked by things like crash diets, will just NEAT-out any modest surplus.
          No wonder Lyle never made any gains.

  4. 9 months ago

    150 kg deadlift? that guys a fricking beast

  5. 9 months ago

    He has a few interesting tidbits about nutrition, but at the end of the day he's just another sciencegay. There ain't nothing to it but to do it when it comes to bodybuilding. You gotta bust your ass. Science homosexualry is just an excuse for mediocracy.

    • 9 months ago

      >just another sciencegay
      It's amazing how little the ROI is for sciencegayging in the exercise physiology space.
      Ultimately there aren't really any big hacks/optimizations you can get from it to maximize gains, and you'll never look as good as someone who trains and eats decently and doesn't sciencegay, but does take anabolics.

      • 9 months ago

        >It's amazing how little the ROI is for sciencegayging in the exercise physiology space.
        soft sciences are a joke in general. psychology, exercise science, nutrition, anything involved in observing man is just a shitshow. there's way too many variables, things are difficult to measure and define, and you can barely even reproduce results as opposed to hard sciences like physics.
        and then on top of that the smartest minds are not going into exercise science in the first place. the bottom of the barrel talent is doing these studies.

        • 9 months ago

          >soft/hard science
          My favorite game back when I almost married a biologist was fricking with the "hard" science folk about metaphysics. Basically post Kant they're heavily materialist-pragmatist to a tee, so it's a game of working the doubts about perception of Kant and Descartes subtly with making them trace why we should just believe it Cuz it works, and sprinkle in history of logicians here and there. It killed a lot of time having to chat with grad students and department heads of whatever wing of biology at parties. Hard science still can't ground itself in anything resembling a comprehensive metaphysics, so making these people try was all I could do to not have to talk about mice skulls and bird dicks or something.

      • 9 months ago

        Bodybuilding is about pushing yourself and suffering. Science homosexualry is just a way to make excuses and get out of that.

  6. 9 months ago

    Intensity is good. The problem is 1 set per workout and 1 workout every 2 weeks. Just don’t be moronic like Mentzer was and you’ll be fine.

  7. 9 months ago

    Every "fitness INFLUENCER" has a following because all y'all morons that echo their names and watch their videos. If no one pays attention, they don't exist. I can't tell you any influencers name because I'm not moronic.

  8. 9 months ago

    Science gays should never be taken seriously

    • 9 months ago

      he ended up mogging 99% of IST

  9. 9 months ago

    He is/was natty and never had the genes for it
    He's not a body builder or power lifter
    He's been way more into making stronger women than lifting himself.

    • 9 months ago

      Bodybuilding is about pushing yourself and suffering. Science homosexualry is just a way to make excuses and get out of that.

      Science gays should never be taken seriously

      Here's Brad Schoenfeld, also a lifetime natty, but a volume guy

      • 9 months ago

        Brad is a fraud both academically and in the gym.

  10. 9 months ago

    He's been involved in the online fitness world since at least the 90s.
    I remember reading his posts on the newsgroup in the 90s. I guess he just got in early and made a name for himself.
    Some other prominent names in fitness were also on that newsgroup so he probably networked with them.

    • 9 months ago

      >He's been involved in the online fitness world since at least the 90s.
      >I remember reading his posts on the newsgroup in the 90s.

      Example random thread I found with Lyle Mcdonald arguing back and forth with Victor Conte and Patrick Arnold:

      Victor Conte invented the supplement ZMA and supplied steroids to Marion Jones and other pro athletes

      Patrick Arnold basically created the whole prohormone supplement industry and bround DMAA to the market

      These are the types of people he was mingling with since the 90s therefore it's easy to see why he has a following. He was just involved heavily in the whole fitness game for a really long time. Before all you sarm broccoli haired zoomers were even born.

      • 9 months ago

        >Example random thread I found with Lyle Mcdonald arguing back and forth with Victor Conte and Patrick Arnold:
        Holy frick, nice find, anon.

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