Can someone give me the rundown on this hook nosed mulatto narcissist?

Can someone give me the rundown on this hook nosed mulatto narcissist? I haven't ever even watched 2 minutes of anything he's ever in. I know he broke his foot in a marathon one time, and used to be fat but lost weight. But beyond that I take one look at this glassy, bug-eyed c**t and my head says "delusional grifting psycho"

What did he even ever do

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    And why is his cranium wider than his jaw? His skullcap and face don't match

  2. 5 months ago

    I can tell by reading your posts that you're an ugly person.

    • 5 months ago

      What gives you that impression? I'm sorry to inform you that you're wrong though. I'm objectively a strong 7/10.

      • 5 months ago

        7 is basically a 5 for people that lie and don't want to be ugly, difference between 7 and 8 is much more prominent
        If someone tells you that you are 7 that means 4

        • 5 months ago

          In general I'll believe his self-assesment from a mans perspective. However, women skew mens looks down for guys they don't know. So he would be a 4-5 if a chick sees his photo online.

    • 5 months ago

      To me, he sounds like a real person. Anyone who "likes" Goggins is just worshipping Joe Rogan, technically, because he is who made this grifting homosexual what he's become
      There is nothing interesting about a grown ass man curling 15kg while telling you to "be hard"

      • 5 months ago

        >t. zoomer homosexual who didn’t even know goggins existed until he saw roasties posting joe rogan hate clips on tikthot
        have a nice day child

  3. 5 months ago

    why is his head so big

  4. 5 months ago

    he is a masochist, he wants others to be masochists
    thats the rundown

  5. 5 months ago

    idc is a homie

  6. 5 months ago

    What does "the sharty" mean? I never browsed /qa/ I know it's a term from there or something but idk

    • 5 months ago

      it's a cool website you should come visit

    • 5 months ago

      It's like IST for even more moronic children

  7. 5 months ago

    Inspirational quotes + peds + dumb normie fanbase + multiple surgeries to repair what he's done to himself

    Do you want to know more?

    • 5 months ago

      Yes please. His appeal / niche is more specific than those (accurate) generalizations

      • 5 months ago

        Self hating fatties + post-military wienersuckers

        • 5 months ago

          I saw some arab moron in public recently with a gay shirt (that he probably bought off a youtube grifter) with the words printed on it "pain is weakness leaving the body" -Is that googins doing?

          • 5 months ago

            Lyle Jeremy Rubins (also a fraud)

  8. 5 months ago

    He is a deadbeat dad

    Way to break the stereotype

  9. 5 months ago

    David Hoggins
    David Joggins

    • 5 months ago

      Mirin bicep insertions and chest genetics. Nice

    • 5 months ago

      he likes to talk about how he went from fat to fit as a motivational self improvement story but he was actually a fat powerlifter, he was never couch potato fat. He had an butthole dad who was a total slave driver and the way he is now is the way he always has been. The reason he is doing insane endurance shit to the point he fricks his body up is that he is treating himself the same way his father treated him.

  10. 5 months ago

    Just because he's ugly doesn't mean he's an grifting psycho. I mean he's definitely a grifting psycho but that has nothing to do with being ugly

  11. 5 months ago

    He grew up a special needs kid who could read or write when he was 20 years old and had ate himself to 300lb+, had ADD and probably on the spectrum, also had a bad stutter, he was told he’d never get anywhere in life and would basically be a NEET on welfare for the rest of his life or working low IQ jobs like pest control which he worked on his early 20s

    Then he decided to outwork his low IQ genetics even though he hated it and still hates it, he works on 0 motivation and 0 discipline, he just does what he has to do, he trained his mind to do things he hates doing, and to learn things through sheer brute forcing them until he finally learns

    He’s one of the few black guys who made it through navy seal training, he’s also did the ranger shit too.

    He basically learned how to outwork low IQ / bad genetics

    • 5 months ago

      So tldr: his main message is anyone can do anything so long as they put all their life focus on it and that he doesn’t feel sorry for anyone because he was able as a moron tier IQ not being able to read or write and was bullied all his childhood and had a shit home life of domestic violence and that he was constantly told he needs to be in special education schooling and that he’d always be a fat fricking loser NEET

      But he managed to through sheer brute force overcome where life wanted him to be, a moron poor low iq peasant

    • 5 months ago

      >bad genetics

      David Hoggins
      David Joggins

      Maybe bad genetics mentally

    • 5 months ago

      Ya this good summary
      Basically Goggins is sort of a phylosopher who says - you find yourself when you overcome things you hate doing.
      And he literally does tough stunts, he is not a publicity prostitute so imho hes legit.

      The core principle i get from him is to confront your fears.
      Fears of committing, fears of doing, fears or failing, fears or overtraining etc.

      Imho it is largely good advice. E.g. you fear public speaking. Go and do it. Again and again. Youll become better.
      He does it to extreme by doing ironman tier workouts.
      He describes his mental process and letting himself slip into worst mental state and then conquering it. Itd mean allowing self to hit rock bottom or seeking out even deeper rock bottom just to prove yourself you have the willpower to get back.

      His advice is not new, but it is refreahing to see someone putting in the work.
      Peraonnally I enjoy the simplicity of life principlea from Arnold, which include to not fear failure.

    • 5 months ago

      So you're saying he's one of the few blacks with an inner voice

    • 5 months ago

      >He grew up a special needs kid
      Oh that's his angle. Man, people love morons

    • 5 months ago

      >0 discipline
      Do you know what discipline means, anon? Or are his workouts just that random?

  12. 5 months ago

    Daily reminder he abandoned his wife and kid.

  13. 5 months ago

    yes this is the gist of his life

    >be random black kid in buffalo NY
    >dad owns a roller rink
    >dad beats the shit out of mom
    >mom is uneducated and financially dependent on dad
    >dad forces me and brother to work at his roller rink until late at night
    >we don't go home at all
    >essentially growing up on 2-3h sleep each night
    >sleeping through elementary school
    >never learned how to read

    >eventually dad starts threatening mom with a gun, beatings get worse
    >mom starts hiding cash to make an escape
    >one day mom just asks me and bro if we want to leave with her
    >we get in the car, drive away to indiana
    >dad is chasing us, but we escape to mom's parent's house

    >random poor white town in indiana
    >i'm pretty much the only black kid in school
    >classmates call me Black person
    >one time i'm playing basketball with my black friend and a pickup truck rolls up and a dude gets out with a gun yelling "get back here Black folk!"

    >also i still can't read
    >barely graduate highschool

    >start going to the gym, but not training correctly
    >just lift heavy shit
    >get fat as frick
    >working for an exterminator company
    >i go out at 1am, to fast food restaurants, infested with rats and wienerroaches
    >kill the rats and wienerroaches
    >one day try to join the air force
    >i'm a reserve, but still working as an exterminator

    >realize i'm wasting my life being a fatass
    >stopped going to the gym
    >see BUD/S (navy seal) training reality show on TV one night
    >go to navy recruiter
    >"can i join the navy seals"
    >he tells me i'm 110 lbs overweight
    >and i need to pass a written exam
    >if i meet these requirements in 3 months i can join

    >eat 1 banana a day for 3 months, drop the weight
    >studied my balls off and passed the test by 1 point
    >go to navy seals training
    >it's hard as frick

    >i'm hard as frick
    >lead my team but get injured

    >have to go back two more times
    >passed both times, but second time got another injury later in training and had to leave
    >third attempt, complete navy seals training

    >mfw 1y ago i was 300lbs

    • 5 months ago

      and then one day he decided to run an ultra marathon with no training and ran 100 miles in 24 hours and went into kidney failure but still completed the race

      he also ran a few more 100+ mile races

      essentially he's a regular ass mf who through mental toughness changed his life drastically for the better

      he has a bunch of tips in his book about how to use the power of your mind to change your life. he's one of the only of these "high achieving" mfs who is just a regular dude

      • 5 months ago

        >and then one day he decided to run an ultra marathon with no training and ran 100 miles in 24 hours and went into kidney failure
        maybe he should have done some training, dude has a death wish

    • 5 months ago

      >one time i'm playing basketball with my black friend and a pickup truck rolls up and a dude gets out with a gun yelling "get back here Black folk!"
      Wow I'm surprised this kind of racial ism still exists in rural USA. I only ever hear of this kind of hatred directed against whites now

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