Can this retarded fasting trend die off already?


lol its funny how the morons over at /fast/ dont realise how common fasting causes seizures.
low blood glucose? Boom, seizure
low blood pressure? Boom, seizure!
low electrolyte? Boom, seizure!!

and the funniest part to me is breaking the fast causes your phosphate levels to frick around and guess what.. you get A SEIZURE LMAOOO

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  1. 1 year ago

    hello, proofs?

    • 1 year ago

      many professionals call this out, all of the causes i mentioned are very well researched
      go to r/fasting search seizure

      many more examples

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          not an argument

          • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          how many do i need to provide before you engage?

          • 1 year ago

            Multiple double-blind conrtrolled scientific studies and not pleddit you braindead moron

            • 1 year ago

              ? go on anon
              are there studies BTFOing OP?

          • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        If you are a man it wont happen. It's mainly women who have bad reactions to stuff, whether it be fasting, diets, antidepressants, etc

        • 1 year ago

          most of the examples are men

        • 1 year ago

          That sucks because OP will never be a woman

      • 1 year ago

        Just looking at some of them.

        >i fasted while having a family history of low-blood pressure
        >i ended my fast with a lot of carbs which then dumped a ton of insulin into my body which caused low-blood sugar levels

        Fasting if fine if you're not a fricking moron.

      • 1 year ago

        I was anti fasting before but you convinced me otherwise.

      • 1 year ago

        they didn't drink the snake juice

      • 1 year ago

        >Low blood pressure runs in my family so that may have had an effect on the whole experience for me, but overall I am generally a really healthy individual (f, 23, 5’7, 135lbs BMI 21).
        yeah the 300 pound fatasses this is meant for don't have low blood pressure like this roastie lol

      • 1 year ago

        >all of the causes i mentioned are very well researched
        >can't link a single one
        jesus and you wonder why nobody's taking you serious?

        • 1 year ago

          >no one can explain all the examples of keto / fasters having seizures.



      • 1 year ago



      • 1 year ago

        >low blood glucose? Boom, seizure
        if you're not diabetic or 80 you'll be fine

        taking the b8

        • 1 year ago

          most the people doing keto are pre-diabetic or have bad insulin resistance

      • 1 year ago

        >reddit anecdotes

      • 1 year ago

        >linking reddit
        You are fake news. Fasting is safe and effective

        • 1 year ago

          Not OP but would you mind explaining how its safe?
          This thread kinda spooked me out, im one week into keto and want to add 3 day fasts to my routine.
          Ive never heard of this seizure stuff but reading those reddit posts was concerning, i know reddit is a joke but they seem like real cases.

        • 1 year ago

          Not OP but would you mind explaining how its safe?
          This thread kinda spooked me out, im one week into keto and want to add 3 day fasts to my routine.
          Ive never heard of this seizure stuff but reading those reddit posts was concerning, i know reddit is a joke but they seem like real cases.

          bump, also curious.
          Surely fasting can prevent low blood pressure, glucose and electrolytes are easily supplemented, even i know this

      • 1 year ago


        lol its funny how the morons over at /fast/ dont realise how common fasting causes seizures.
        low blood glucose? Boom, seizure
        low blood pressure? Boom, seizure!
        low electrolyte? Boom, seizure!!

        and the funniest part to me is breaking the fast causes your phosphate levels to frick around and guess what.. you get A SEIZURE LMAOOO

        have a nice day, plebbit moron.

      • 1 year ago

        8/10 bait
        all the morons responding need to lurk moar.

      • 1 year ago

        how many do i need to provide before you engage?

        >reddit anecdotes
        >professional sources
        Why don't you look for real sources instead of reddit anecdotes?

  2. 1 year ago

    lots of ketotards typing shenanigans. kek its like theyre having their seizure on the keyboard

  3. 1 year ago

    Yeah but my question is, what if you supplement the right minerals, drink your water, and break a fast in non-moronic way? Not everybody needs to be stupid, just follow the guidelines

    • 1 year ago

      its difficult to supplement phosphate and calcium and most ketotards ditch diary also so not replenishing calcium on refeeds

      • 1 year ago

        >its difficult to supplement phosphate and calcium and most ketotards ditch diary also so not replenishing calcium on refeeds
        I dont do strict keto nowadays, that being said I do consume diary in various forms, also the supplement for phosphate exists

  4. 1 year ago

    When I fast and feel like shit I eat. By the time that happens it's been 3 days at least.
    it's not hard, lmao.

  5. 1 year ago

    how do i break fast in a non moronic way?

    • 1 year ago

      everyone is saying proteons, but Im just breaking it with veggies

    • 1 year ago

      meat and no/low carbs

  6. 1 year ago

    I like his Spam diet he promoted for a bit. Only 1500cals a day (with veg and sauces accounted for) and no hunger pains. Sometimes I just don't get hungry and skip a day when I'm distracted like yesterday when I was playing Destiny 2

    • 1 year ago

      >So distracted by a "game" that you forget to eat.

      Definitely NGMI

      • 1 year ago

        Being undistractable is a good trait for men moron

    • 1 year ago


  7. 1 year ago

    >Our bodies evolved to fall apart when we don't eat every day despite that being almost a guarantee for 99% of history.
    I'm not a faster but this is stupid.

  8. 1 year ago

    Ive done rolling 48s for 2 months. Ive done a 7 day fast. Ive essentially done omad for years now. Ive had low bp before but never a seizure. Just say that not eating for 24 hours is scary to you. No need to veil it behind some stupid shit like siezures from 3 reddit posts over how many years?

    • 1 year ago

      How's that going? How much have you lost in the last 2 months while doing 48s?

      • 1 year ago

        I actually did it to try to treat my eczema. I am a big eater and managed to maintain weight on it. Not optimal for strength or hypertrophy. My body comp did improve id say. But yeah you could easily lose weight so long as you get used to it.

  9. 1 year ago

    I never felt sick doing OMAD. On the contrary, I stopped having digestive problems.

  10. 1 year ago

    Bro, I have only done 72 hrs fasts and they worked great. Maybe people doing it wrongly for days are the ones to blame, but if well carried (keeping yourself hydrated and with essential minerals) it won't frick you up.

  11. 1 year ago

    Nobody on this board has original thoughts anymore.

  12. 1 year ago

    If you struggle with fasting properly then you are probably a moron. I'm guessing you're included in this category as you seem to have a problem with it.

  13. 1 year ago

    >low blood glucose? Boom, seizure
    What is the supposed mechanism behind this?
    >low blood pressure? Boom, seizure!
    >low electrolyte? Boom, seizure!!
    The snake moron literally tells you to drink saltwater

    • 1 year ago

      -mechanism is the brain doesnt get enough fuel. this is a well documented cause of seizures
      -low blood pressure causes seizures because it wants the body to be horizontal to get blood to the brain, again well documented
      -as for electrolytes the snake juice doesnt include phosphate or calcium dummy

  14. 1 year ago

    /fast/ers are deluded morons who spin the research and cherry pick as much as they can. Every reputable evidence based researcher clowns on Jason Fung and other idiots they worship. It's best not to engage with them at all and allow them to fast themselves into permanent flabby DYELdom

    • 1 year ago

      Cole is 7% body fat with an elite level bench press for his size and he fasts constantly. You're literally being willfully ignorant if you flippantly dismiss fasting as a means to lose weight and retain muscle. It's a fricking cheat code for life. It's the best thing ever

  15. 1 year ago

    >low blood glucose? Boom, seizure
    Your body regulates its own glucose levels
    >low blood pressure? Boom, seizure!
    Your body regulates its own blood pressure levels
    >low electrolyte? Boom, seizure!!
    The fricking snake juice regulates your electrolyte levels

    Blood glucose and blood pressure are both improved by fasting. I fasted for literally months on end and had 0 issues

    • 1 year ago

      People still get hypoglycemia despite no diabetes or glycemic altering meds, and people very often experience syncopal episodes with no heart or vascular problems. Your body regulates these well under normal circumstances, not as well when you’re following a moronic internet diet.

      Also people regularly increase blood glucose levels while fasted because of hepatic glycolysis, search dawn phenomenon.

      You’re moronic for posting moron things, following moronic diets, being a moron, being most likely a fatty (meaning you never actually understood nutrition like you thought / think or else you wouldn’t have been / be fat like you now are, moron) and finally for just being moronic.

      • 1 year ago

        >keto is moronic

        so you agree with the moron

        • 1 year ago

          Keto is moronic
          Fasting is moronic
          Diets are moronic.

          How many examples of healthy people you admire actually follow a certain style diet? Don’t count the people that you know of because their whole persona is shilling that diet.

          If any of this bullshit worked, whoever founded it would be a billionaire and everyone would be doing it. But alas, just as always, diets come and go, despite however fanatical their fan base is about it.

          • 1 year ago

            are moronic.
            so your a fatty?

      • 1 year ago

        If you have such dogshit genetics that you can't do something as basic and fundamental to the human experience as fasting then it would be a net positive for you to die so you can clean out the gene pool.


        Don't care

        Didn't ask

        Plus you're a gay

      • 1 year ago

        Fasting or a very low calorie diet of 500 to 800 calories a day will allow most diabetics to reduce their diabetes medications and get off of them. There are experimental studies on this not just asking people to self-report their diet. Weather fasting is good for people who are healthy or not, it's one of the best ways to restore normal glycemic control. Just eating 500 calories less a day and exercising doesn't do much for diabetes.

  16. 1 year ago

    If only fasting did not reduce muscles. I used to fast a lot when I was not lifting and it felt so great after 3 days. Food would taste amazing, all my shitty behavior like fapping and drinking were gone. I want to do it again but I don't want to lose my gains.

  17. 1 year ago

    i just broke a 45 hour fast with a banana and some vegan chilli. My longest fast was like 60-70 hours i forget tbh. Zero calories, only water and black coffee, and i still lift and do cardio while fasting

    i havent had a seizure yet

    therefore you are incorrect

    i rest my case

    • 1 year ago

      nice anecdote lets compare with the anecdotes in OP plus the many more i CBF finding but have read
      oh no youre losing 1-400 🙁

      • 1 year ago

        sure lets ask every anon in this thread how many of them had a seizure from fasting

        Hello seizure victims where are you?

        oh yeah literally no one here has because it doesnt happen

      • 1 year ago

        if one single person in this thread other than (you) says that they had a fasting-induced seizure i will rescind my argument

        • 1 year ago

          you expect fasttards to be honest about their cult behaviour?
          same goes for keto people

          • 1 year ago

            your entire argument is anecdotes from reddit. My anecdote is on IST therefore its worth more

            keto is another one no one has provided a argument for. many people report seizures from keto kek

            this is how i know youre moronic because keto is literally prescribed by doctors to treat/prevent epileptic seizures

            just because youre an anemic gay who cant go 2 hours without a twinkie doesnt mean fasting will hurt us healthy normal humans

            • 1 year ago

              id love an answer for the anecdotes i provided

              the answer for your anecdote is your lucky but each time is theres a small chance of seizure

              • 1 year ago

                my answer is that they are moronic weak redditors who are probably anemic and that im a medium dicked broad shouldered individual with fat nuts.

                do you have any actual data or studies instead of giving anecdotes? id be willing to read them, because i can actually understand biology

              • 1 year ago

                also answer this anon

                Fasting was originally used to treat epilepsy. If no one has brought this up yet it reaffirms the fact that this thread is moronic.

                who reiterated the point i already made here

                your entire argument is anecdotes from reddit. My anecdote is on IST therefore its worth more

                this is how i know youre moronic because keto is literally prescribed by doctors to treat/prevent epileptic seizures

                just because youre an anemic gay who cant go 2 hours without a twinkie doesnt mean fasting will hurt us healthy normal humans

    • 1 year ago

      >vegan chilli
      Cool it with the anti-semitism bro

      • 1 year ago

        >Cool it with the anti-semitism bro
        can't do compadre, i fricking hate semitisms

    • 1 year ago

      nice anecdote lets compare with the anecdotes in OP plus the many more i CBF finding but have read
      oh no youre losing 1-400 🙁

      Not that anon but I'm currently 41.5hrs into a fast that I started Sunday 12AM. I walked on a treadmill for most of it, while hydrating with electrolyte water. I'm aiming to lose weight, and I'm not in any sort of fasting community. I'm just burning my bodyfat. I have to agree that I don't understand how this will cause me to have a seizure, especially if you're not explaining yourself but just pointing at redditors.

  18. 1 year ago

    If keto works why do they have to fast?

    • 1 year ago

      keto is another one no one has provided a argument for. many people report seizures from keto kek

      • 1 year ago

        keto was literally (nonmeme definition) developed to treat epilepsy.

  19. 1 year ago

    Imagine being afraid of letting the body do its natural functions to enable survival
    Just IMAGINE blaming fasting for any issues when you are utterly clueless, out of shape, sedentary, obese, diabetic, sleep deprived, with heart diseases, dysregulated blood pressure and taking many different controlled drugs
    Like, just imagine that

    • 1 year ago

      >natural functions to enable survival
      >yea thats just another natural function to enable survival

  20. 1 year ago

    Fasting was originally used to treat epilepsy. If no one has brought this up yet it reaffirms the fact that this thread is moronic.

    • 1 year ago

      yes it is used to treat people who have problems metabolisming glucose and/or bringing glucose into the brain so ketones do the job better which are produced on keto diet

      but for NORMAL people both keto and fasting presents a small risk of seizure and its only a matter of time these people will get a seizure. simple as

      • 1 year ago

        epilepsy isnt a disease of being unable to metabolize glucose, its a neurological disorder

        also still waiting on a non anecdotal source

        • 1 year ago

          what i described is a common reason for someone to get prescribed keto diet

          bro no one takes keto seriously so of course the mainstream isnt going to bother study when like 2% of the US population even tries keto.

          still waiting for explanations about all the examples i listed

          • 1 year ago

            i didnt mean a source about keto, i meant a source that says fasting causes seizures

            and i gave you explanations for your anecdotes; they were weak, anemic redditors

            • 1 year ago

              they were keto eating a predominately meat diet

              dawg fasting causes: low blood glucose, low blood pressure and low electrolytes.

              all the examples i listed are reasons for their seizures.

              again how much of the mainstream fasts and you expect studies kek, keep fasting and keto bro. maybe when you get your inevitable seizure you can produce a better argument flopping on the keyboard

              • 1 year ago

                okay fatass im leaving this thread now cuz ur clearly just moronic or a troll
                have fun being fat

              • 1 year ago

                gotta go cuz seizure coming in? ive listed the mechanisms that cause seizures and how keto/fasting cause the mechanisms.

                Not that anon but I'm currently 41.5hrs into a fast that I started Sunday 12AM. I walked on a treadmill for most of it, while hydrating with electrolyte water. I'm aiming to lose weight, and I'm not in any sort of fasting community. I'm just burning my bodyfat. I have to agree that I don't understand how this will cause me to have a seizure, especially if you're not explaining yourself but just pointing at redditors.

                mentioned already but low blood glucose, blood pressure, low electrolytes cause seizures, keto/fasting cause those 3 problems. NO ONE HERE can beat that argument kek. i doubt your electrolyte drink has calcium/phosphate in it not to mention all the other lesser known electrolytes keto/fast types neglect

              • 1 year ago

                >keto/fasting causes seizures
                >doctors prescribe keto/fasting to treat seizures
                pick one

              • 1 year ago

                The keto diet is used for people who do not respond to medications. It does not work for everyone. It’s not recommended to follow it for any other reasons. I used to be an RD on a neuro ICU and we would occasionally do ketogenic tube feeds for some patients like that. Most of you morons don’t even do keto right anyways so it doesn’t even matter i guess, I hope you die faster anyways.

              • 1 year ago

                its used to treat seizures, why would they use it to treat seizures if it causes seizures? makes no sense

              • 1 year ago

                Seizures caused by hypoglycemia ≠ seizures caused by epileptic activity. 1 symptom with different causes. Most people won’t experience seizures from fasting related causes but it’s a real risk with severe hypoglycemia.

                are moronic.
                so your a fatty?

                Not at all. My point is if you ever feel the need to follow a diet, then by default you’re a fatty because you wouldn’t follow a diet if you weren’t clueless and trying to figure out how to lose weight.

                Since everyone is a gay in this thread and won’t post body I will and all the following assertions are true until someone posts with better body:

                >fasting is for gays
                >keto is for gays and epileptics
                >diets are for gays and fatties

              • 1 year ago

                does keto/fasting cause severe hypoglycemia?

              • 1 year ago

                It can cause severe hypoglycemia. No, it’s not a guarantee, these things aren’t black and white unfortunately for all you autists. But thinking some dumb diet or “one weird trick doctors don’t want you to know” is the best way to lose weight or whatever you’re hoping for is the equivalent of women doing the stair stepper for an hour hoping to build a giant ass, you’re just missing the point and so oblivious it’s ridiculous

              • 1 year ago

                Well you're far more likely to die in a car accident. You see everything in life has risk attendant to it. Now you can sort of do the midwit thing and say well yeah but you have to drive a car to live, and that's not true. You can live somewhere you don't need to drive a car if you're that concerned about the risk. The risk of a seizure or hypoglycemia sufficient for you to pass out from fasting is not that low and it's even lower from a low carbohydrate diet. The Source on all of this that everyone should pay attention to is it the bear. Augustus owsley stanley. He was the sound man for the Grateful Dead and he was one of the first private individuals to synthesize a lot of lsd. He survived nothing but meat cheese and eggs. And he did very well on it. I mean you're never going to be the bear.

              • 1 year ago

                diets aren't just for losing weight but also balancing your hormones

              • 1 year ago

                Absolutely kill your self right now moron.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm not going to be concerned about calcium and phosphate deficiencies until I've lost all of my bodyfat. Presumably, the stores of those things in my bones should be proportional to the energy stores in my bodyfat due to them both coming from the same food sources. So even though my electrolyte water has a negligible amount of calcium and no apparent phosphorus at all, it has sodium, potassium, and magnesium, and I think this should be enough to keep my body moving.

                In any event, I have been walking on the treadmill, and I have prevented cramps by drinking this supplement successfully. If a seizure is a more extreme symptom of a lack of electrolytes, surely a muscle cramp is a less extreme one, and if I am not feeling any cramps, then should I even think about seizures?

                And is that what the redditors suffered from? Low blood glucose, low blood pressure, low electrolytes? Were they not supplementing? Did their livers somehow not make glucose through gluconeogenesis? And then, after that, did the the low levels of insulin reached during fasting not stimulate lipolysis? Was there an issue in their ability to produce ketone-bodies that normal people do not have?

                this is sooo funny no one can debunk my points.
                pathetic and im more jacked than every lard ass keto and every skinny fat faster that cant follow simple diets and need to fast to make up for their gluttony

                Again, I'm just losing weight. I'm not interested in a bodybuilding competition, I'd lose.

              • 1 year ago

                thank you for engaging in friendly way.
                calcium isnt evenly distributed between fat and bones. k2 and d3 move calcium to bones predominately

                these people report the seizures coming out of no where with no prior symptoms went from 0 to a 100 boom seizure, no warnings.

                sometimes keto adapted bodies lack glucose in the blood. gluconeogenesis isnt a perfect way to supply glucose. this lacking glucose causes low blood pressure and electrolytes to dump

              • 1 year ago

                >thank you for engaging in friendly way.
                It's not a credit to me, I think even if a diet seems convenient or right, if there is a way to improve the diet or change to a better one it should be sought. I think people like vegans and carnivores have valid things to say and it's important to try and synthesize the applicable parts into your own diet as much as possible. Fasting usually gets a good rep on IST so I should engage with the unusual one who doesn't view it positively to see if there is anything I'm missing or can't assure myself that I'm okay.

                >calcium isnt evenly distributed between fat and bones. k2 and d3 move calcium to bones predominately
                Regardless of the distribution, the original source is the same. I count on calcium and phosphorus to be stored in my bones, apparently that is where 99% of it goes anyway. My point of saying "it must be proportional" is because it should have been derived from the same food sources as my bodyfat.
                >these people report the seizures coming out of no where with no prior symptoms went from 0 to a 100 boom seizure, no warnings.
                My only rationale for this is to question whether or not they are sedentary, and don't have the means to check for low electrolytes the way someone who is moving throughout the day does.
                >sometimes keto adapted bodies lack glucose in the blood.
                And then my only lead on this is something like what happened here
                If a chemical process is not perfect, I would think that is abnormal. I don't consume alcohol, nor do I have diabetes.

              • 1 year ago

                Seizures during a fast indicate demons leaving the body.
                Obviously you have never encountered any spiritual writing on fasting.

          • 1 year ago

            >what i described is a common reason for someone to get prescribed keto diet
            yeah, so are epileptic seizures. Keto is prescribed for seizures

    • 1 year ago

      Fasting serves no purpose other than as a way to reduce calories in for people who lack self control.

      yes it is used to treat people who have problems metabolisming glucose and/or bringing glucose into the brain so ketones do the job better which are produced on keto diet

      but for NORMAL people both keto and fasting presents a small risk of seizure and its only a matter of time these people will get a seizure. simple as

      Lads, fasting is not some modern "invention".
      Wtf do you think Jesus was doing in the wilderness for 40 days & nights?
      Wtf do you think Hindu sadhus do when they cover themselves in ashes & retreat into the hills and caves?
      Wtf do you think the desert fathers & seekers of any stripe have done since the beginning of time to induce higher states of consciousness?
      For sure, this was not the behaviour of the common pleb, who no doubt involuntarily fasted far more than they would've liked, but for a small minority fasting has been a technique used to get themselves closer to their goal.

      • 1 year ago

        moron. keto is prescribed for not normal people. normal people have a risk of seizure

        yes im sure all other seizures from fasting were duly documented throughout history

        • 1 year ago

          Gr8 b8 m8, this anon already called it

          okay fatass im leaving this thread now cuz ur clearly just moronic or a troll
          have fun being fat

  21. 1 year ago

    Fasting serves no purpose other than as a way to reduce calories in for people who lack self control.

  22. 1 year ago

    forget about fasting for once
    asking fit for advice on enemas
    read about it in bronsons book hes advocating for a full blown inflation fetish with his "10 gallons of water up your ass so you shit out rocks" bullshit but says enemas are good too
    now i dont have an industrial supply of distilled water and a pump to blow my belly up from the rear end and throw up shit from the upper but how good is a glassfull
    fasting/keto/peatism has been thought out multiple times already yet about that I haven't seen a thread in my 6 years of visit

  23. 1 year ago

    >He can't go an hour without eating

  24. 1 year ago

    If we're bringing up anecdotes, I once fasted for 3 days while being sub 15% bf. Over 2 days in, I did a 5x5 at 315 lbs (close to my current working weight). After I went to the sauna for 15 min. No seizures were had, never felt light headed or dizzy at any point.

  25. 1 year ago

    Consume electrolytes and you can go until your body runs out of fat. Speaking of which this is a fatty cope thread. Digits and OP gets sucked into 'cados butthole.

    • 1 year ago

      >Digits and OP gets sucked into 'cados butthole

    • 1 year ago

      He deserves it for trying to demoralize with reddit links of all things.

      • 1 year ago

        yet you cant explain the links..curious
        you deserve your seizure

    • 1 year ago


  26. 1 year ago

    this is sooo funny no one can debunk my points.
    pathetic and im more jacked than every lard ass keto and every skinny fat faster that cant follow simple diets and need to fast to make up for their gluttony

    • 1 year ago

      post body moron

      • 1 year ago

        >reddit anecdotes

        i will post body if you debunk the claim:
        low blood glucose, pressure, electrolytes cause seizures

        keto/fasting causes low blood glucose, pressure, electrolytes

        keto/fasting is a risk factor for seizures

        • 1 year ago

          i don't care i don't believe in fasting or whatever, I just saw you being an arrogant moron posting fricking reddit links saying no one can disprove you and that you are shredded. If you are shredded cool, but I feel like you are some sort of skinnyfat NEET weirdo, you are giving off those vibes

        • 1 year ago

          If i frick your mom that will make her happy

          if your mom is happy, then you are happy

          therefore you want me to frick your mom
          food makes you fat

          fat makes you die

          food makes you die

          see how moronic your logic is? leave the thinking to people who graduated elementary school

  27. 1 year ago

    >Can this moronic fasting trend die off already?
    More than 5 thousand years and counting, are you in a hurry?

  28. 1 year ago

    >was doing fasting a week ago
    >several times at random points noticed I saw little spots of blue/whiteish yellow almost like lights in my vision that were more akin to an eye floater than an actual light
    >this thread
    Yeah frick that shit. I’m just big deficit + lotta walking.

  29. 1 year ago


  30. 1 year ago


  31. 1 year ago

    Does gluconeogenesis produce enough to keep blood gluclose from dropping too low?
    and how does mechanisms can keto do to prevent blood pressure dropping too low?

    • 1 year ago

      No. You can't survive on protein alone. If all you have to live in the environment is protein rather than fat, you'll die. You can have an infinite supply of protein and still die from starvation. It produces basically frick-all for energy. You need protein and you need fat. You can literally live your entire life without touching a carb ever and you'll be fine though

      • 1 year ago

        whats the process the body turns fat into glucose?

        • 1 year ago

          thats gluconeogenesis i dunno what anon is talking about.

          Does gluconeogenesis produce enough to keep blood gluclose from dropping too low?
          and how does mechanisms can keto do to prevent blood pressure dropping too low?

          >you can live in ketosis forever. Nonsense, playing with fire with the seizure risk explained earlier

        • 1 year ago

          gluconeogenesis is what it's called. I figured you were speaking specifically about gluconeogenesis as it pertains to protein. You can't get enough from protein alone. Fat also goes through gluconeogenesis to make glucose and it's pretty good at it. Good enough to keep you going for as long as you have fat on your body

  32. 1 year ago

    if it’s good enough for Ol’ Angus Barbieri, it’s good enough for me.

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