Can you build big quads from leg extensions alone?

Can you build big quads from leg extensions alone?

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  1. 3 months ago

    You know there are other muscles in your legs apart from quads, yeah?

    • 3 months ago

      that's why I specified quads you buffoon

    • 3 months ago

      He literally said
      >build big quads
      Is this board just bots and morons?

  2. 3 months ago


  3. 3 months ago

    Yes if you have good quad genetics
    But they won't be as big as they could be because leg extensions bias the teardrop portion of the quad and don't hit the rest of the quad crazy hard. You essentially have to do some sort of quad pressing movement as well to maximize your quads

    • 3 months ago

      False. You can't isolate the teardrop portion of the quad.

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          you can't

  4. 3 months ago

    Because the sheer volume needed for it to happen, you will frick up your knees before doing so.

    • 3 months ago

      >source: my ass

      • 3 months ago

        amount of volume is completely irrelevant. you will frick your knees up if you perform the exercise with bad technique and/or ego lift, as with any other movement

        Will doing it controlled and high reps low weight strengthen my knees?

        Personal experience. just try it morons. It doesn't matter if you do it all controlled and nice, it will eventually frick you up.

        • 3 months ago

          yeah, you personal experience with garbage form and egolifting
          we are talking about normal guys who don't do stupid shit here

    • 3 months ago

      amount of volume is completely irrelevant. you will frick your knees up if you perform the exercise with bad technique and/or ego lift, as with any other movement

      • 3 months ago

        Will doing it controlled and high reps low weight strengthen my knees?

        • 3 months ago

          >rectus femoris built shortened makes sure u will never stand straight, that ur pelvis forever stays tucked like an beaten dog hides tail
          nothing personel kid

          sure, just like jamming humerus into acromion in slow and controlled manner will fix ur shoulders

          • 3 months ago

            >sure, just like jamming humerus into acromion in slow and controlled manner will fix ur shoulders
            Is this sarcasm? I’ve been doing more or less that and it’s helped my shoulder

            • 3 months ago

              >Is this sarcasm? I’ve been doing more or less that and it’s helped my shoulder
              yes it is sarcasm bot, and no u didn't fix shit by going sloooow in moronic manner, don't act daft bot

              to fix shoulder one needs to extend thoracic spine and restore mobility to scapulae, obviously

              same for quad development

              >rectus femoris built shortened makes sure u will never stand straight, that ur pelvis forever stays tucked like an beaten dog hides tail
              nothing personel kid

              sure, just like jamming humerus into acromion in slow and controlled manner will fix ur shoulders

              >rectus femoris built shortened makes sure u will never stand straight, that ur pelvis forever stays tucked like an beaten dog hides tail
              so on top of it being basically cloombing drop knee (exactly like BSS) type of movement u're fricking up ur posture, and with fricked posture there is joint problems because it will show up somewhere else like sacral-iliac joint for ex (that doesn't take into account that u will look like shit with tucked pelvis)

      • 3 months ago

        >Personal experience. just try it morons. It doesn't matter if you do it all controlled and nice, it will eventually frick you up.

        wtf are you on about you moron? How long are you talking? I've been doing leg extensions for 2 years and have had zero knee problems

        • 3 months ago

          Done leg extension as a main exercise for 6 months while my hip flexors recovered and developed "knee cap" pain. Took 1 month off from that machine while re training the squat and the pain went away.

    • 3 months ago

      bullshit. i do the quad machine with the full stack and have never had any knee problems.

      if you want knee problems do squats

      • 3 months ago

        knee extensions are a little rough with patellar tendonitis, although they are recommended for later stages of rehab. So they aren't good for acute knee injury, but they are pretty good for maintaining knee health.

        Usually tendonitis problems are load based, so if you slow down the movement, the pain subsides. People tend to not think of load as a unit of velocity as well.

  5. 3 months ago

    I stopped doing these awhile ago. I only do squats and seated leg presses for quads now. I should re add leg extensions

  6. 3 months ago

    i do these with a band and laying back at about 45 degrees to hit my rectus femoris specifically, since it doesn't get much training from normal work. If you can't do an L sit, its likely because your rectus femoris starts cramping

  7. 3 months ago

    Instead of all these memes why don't you just squat? I only squat and have bigger legs than any of you.

    • 3 months ago

      >encouraging the machinegays to leave their machines
      let them be weak in peace

  8. 3 months ago

    No, because quadriceps muscles perform two major function - knee extension and flexion at the hip joint. If you do knee extensions alone, rectus femoris(the middle part) will end up doing less work and will not grow as much as it could be

    • 3 months ago

      >If you do knee extensions alone, rectus femoris(the middle part) will end up doing less work

      wrong. If you shorten the fibers of the rectus femoris, you will turn it off, but if you lean back and lengthen it, the rectus femoris will actually become a dominant muscle in the leg extension. I use leg extensions as my primary rectus femoris exercise, reverse nordics will also work it.

      Learning anatomy and biomechanics will serve you very well in lifting

      • 3 months ago

        Sure if you have a machine where you can lean back but that’s not common

      • 3 months ago

        >but if you lean back and lengthen it, the rectus femoris will actually become a dominant muscle in the leg extension.
        no it will work against itself bottot - good analogy is flexing bicep by bending elbow all the way up, releasing some and flexing again - u can easily frick it up this way, joe esthetics (rest in piss) torn bicep this way

        also me:

        >rectus femoris built shortened makes sure u will never stand straight, that ur pelvis forever stays tucked like an beaten dog hides tail
        nothing personel kid

        sure, just like jamming humerus into acromion in slow and controlled manner will fix ur shoulders

        >Is this sarcasm? I’ve been doing more or less that and it’s helped my shoulder
        yes it is sarcasm bot, and no u didn't fix shit by going sloooow in moronic manner, don't act daft bot

        to fix shoulder one needs to extend thoracic spine and restore mobility to scapulae, obviously

        same for quad development
        >rectus femoris built shortened makes sure u will never stand straight, that ur pelvis forever stays tucked like an beaten dog hides tail
        so on top of it being basically cloombing drop knee (exactly like BSS) type of movement u're fricking up ur posture, and with fricked posture there is joint problems because it will show up somewhere else like sacral-iliac joint for ex (that doesn't take into account that u will look like shit with tucked pelvis)

  9. 3 months ago

    I could imagine doing leg extensions alone is bad because your stabilizing muscles become underdeveloped. Squats are good for you, Anon. Do both.

  10. 3 months ago

    Do squats you weak homosexual

    • 3 months ago

      also shite movement unless u do exactly the opposite of what u r taught - want more of my musings on squat?

      should I start doing these? I almost never do. I've mostly just been squatting and front squatting lately.

      if u wanna frick up u r knee and more - go ahead
      there's a reason this exercise hurts - it is shit, and that principle extends to all of movement - if it hurts u r fricking sth up be it through not the movement intended really (that u don't realize), or the movement is not good at all for some reason, the latter is the case here with quad extensions


      >but if you lean back and lengthen it, the rectus femoris will actually become a dominant muscle in the leg extension.
      no it will work against itself bottot - good analogy is flexing bicep by bending elbow all the way up, releasing some and flexing again - u can easily frick it up this way, joe esthetics (rest in piss) torn bicep this way

      also me:

      >Is this sarcasm? I’ve been doing more or less that and it’s helped my shoulder
      yes it is sarcasm bot, and no u didn't fix shit by going sloooow in moronic manner, don't act daft bot

      to fix shoulder one needs to extend thoracic spine and restore mobility to scapulae, obviously

      same for quad development
      >rectus femoris built shortened makes sure u will never stand straight, that ur pelvis forever stays tucked like an beaten dog hides tail
      so on top of it being basically cloombing drop knee (exactly like BSS) type of movement u're fricking up ur posture, and with fricked posture there is joint problems because it will show up somewhere else like sacral-iliac joint for ex (that doesn't take into account that u will look like shit with tucked pelvis)

      >rectus femoris built shortened makes sure u will never stand straight, that ur pelvis forever stays tucked like an beaten dog hides tail
      nothing personel kid

      sure, just like jamming humerus into acromion in slow and controlled manner will fix ur shoulders

    • 3 months ago

      >encouraging the machinegays to leave their machines
      let them be weak in peace

      t. fat power lifter

      • 3 months ago

        post body

      • 3 months ago

        post body

        nobody would take time and effort to post what u posted here bot, wait, solve captcha

        also shite movement unless u do exactly the opposite of what u r taught - want more of my musings on squat?
        if u wanna frick up u r knee and more - go ahead
        there's a reason this exercise hurts - it is shit, and that principle extends to all of movement - if it hurts u r fricking sth up be it through not the movement intended really (that u don't realize), or the movement is not good at all for some reason, the latter is the case here with quad extensions



  11. 3 months ago

    should I start doing these? I almost never do. I've mostly just been squatting and front squatting lately.

  12. 3 months ago


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