>casually revolutionizes weight training forever. >only 7k subscribers on youtube.

>casually revolutionizes weight training forever
>only 7k subscribers on youtube.

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      The Human Scrotum

  2. 2 years ago

    Is that all you have to say? I mean, I'm interested but literally who is this man? Revolution how? What's his philosophy?

  3. 2 years ago

    Well if you're gonna shill it, shill it.

  4. 2 years ago

    Okay I looked into it. He uses one excercise for each muscle. Trains them more than once but less than twice per week. His split is chest and back, shoulders, arms and abs, legs. He starts with 30 rep sets, add weight and reduces reps until he ends up in the 6-10 rep range and then he does a few dropsets.
    I'm interested in his set rep scheme and more so on his claimed perfect excercise selection, but at this point I'm shilling it better than the shill..

    • 2 years ago

      i mean there is literally nothing revolutionary about this. it's a tale as old as time but somehow people still don't get it.

      a training split, frequency, routine, exercise selection, reps x sets etc make like a 0,00000000001% difference in the grand scheme of things. even on a mr. olympia level there are champions that used exclusively machines and widely different training philosophies. "timing" your protein, IF, IIFYM, it all works. you can literally do almost anything and it works.

      the only thing in common is that you have to do progressive overload. that is pretty much the single-handedly only thing that matters with lifting.

      • 2 years ago

        Progressive Overload doesn't mean you make it heavier only, you can input more volume through sets or reps, less rest time, more time under tension (isometric holds). That's about all for Progressive Overload.

        • 2 years ago

          For bodybuilding it kinda does. There's only so much muscle your body needs to grow to adapt to a workload. If it can make you do that last set just by allocating more energy then why would it care to grow muscle fiber? If it's problem is that the weight was too heavy and it stopped working because of it though, there's one answer and that answer is mass.

          • 2 years ago

            bodybuilders will also move to the 3,1,3 tempo to allow themselves to use less weight and still overload the muscle

            • 2 years ago

              Yes, there are ways to increase the intensity aside from adding weight. In no way do they remove the absolute necessity of progressing the weight.

      • 2 years ago

        We're agreed that it all comes down to progressing lifts. Which excercises you do and when makes a significant difference though. How you split them matters. Someone who does curls before rows is not going to progress the rows for example. Someone who trains to failure could do flies before bench to preexhaust the chest and then do lte's with the benching having preexhausted the triceps. But that would not be a good order for those lifts for someone using volume.
        Anything can work, but it still has to be done right. And I am interested in how this guy does it.

      • 2 years ago

        The 3 most important things are hitting all your muscles to fatigue, your diet, and consistency in both the gym and diet.

        All that separates a good routine from a bad one is hitting all your muscles. That's why most powershitter routines recommended to noobs are garbage because they always have glaring issues ignoring certain muscles. Compounds are not all you need, especially not for the upper body, and you should mix up your compounds too best example is chest where guys will only flat bench and / or dip and never do incline. Their diet advice is also garbage. "Just eat like a horse bro" isn't a good diet and will either lead to undereating or overeating and cause you to stall or have to cut for fricking ever slowing down your progress. Powershitting grifters like Mark Rippetoe and Jim Wendler and the poor souls that listened to them and now have Stockholm syndrome have done incalculable damage to an entire generation of young men. Starting Strength should be burned along with troony medical literature as they are both equally as dangerous for society.

        Or just roid and do whatever you want, lmao.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm a novice and I'm following SL 5x5. I've heard a lot of criticism about it. What would you recommend?

          • 2 years ago

            If you're already balls deep into it just run it till you stall then do a bodybuilding split. Just count your calories, eat 150-200g of protein a day, and try not to gain more than 1 pound a week. It's really the diet that ruins people's bodies on SS and SL, not the program itself. Mark Rippetoe WANTS you to gain as much fat as possible just so you can use it to keep putting 5lbs on the bar. It's part of his training philosophy and it is moronic. His ideal that he's used as an example is a 140lbs kid with a 135lbs squat reaching 200lbs bodyweight and 315lbs squat in 5 months. The most muscle you can gain in half a year is like 12 pounds if you're a genetic god and doing a bb split, SS and SL don't have the volume to come close to this. But let's say you do gain 12 pounds of muscle in 5 months on this program even though it's impossible. That's 48 POUNDS OF FAT. IN 5 MONTHS. That's the goal of his program from his own writings.

            So just don't let that happen to you and you'll be fine. Don't ruin your body on a crash course to squat 3 plates and don't beat yourself up at whatever number you stall out at, remember the man wants you to become a lard ass just to reach an arbitrary number in a completely unhealthy timeframe.

            All this advice applies to SL because SL is just a blatant ripoff of SS and Rippetoes work except with the power cleans that nobody does anyway swapped out.

            • 2 years ago

              Thanks for the advice, I'll keep going until I stall out. I was honestly already wary of some of the dieting advice I was seeing surrounding SL/SS just from the comments I've seen on this board so I've just been sticking to eating my maintenance.

            • 2 years ago

              NTA but is it possible to gain muscle at +/-300 maintenance per day?
              For strength reference I'm like 15%bf, have 1pl8 OHP for reps, my bench is almost at 2pl8 for reps, and my squat is like 2.5pl8. I'm making progress on my lifts regularly but I dont think I see it in my physique

        • 2 years ago

          >Or just roid and do whatever you want, lmao.
          Because the biggest roiders aren't consistently hitting all their muscles to fatigue and eating right... Because nobody roids and stays small..
          Way to invalidate everything you said.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not here to validate you.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          If your muscles didn't know how much weight was on then you could grow infinitely by lifting a sheet of paper.

    • 2 years ago

      >more than once but less than twice
      What the frick.

  5. 2 years ago

    Dudes read this shit your parroting, roid up and do whatever like you advise them to, and then don't even get bigger than me. You are validating me.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not advising anyone turn themselves into a roidtroony. Just commenting on how it lets you have suboptimal routines and diet and still surpass natties, because it does.

      • 2 years ago

        Just do whatever is not what suboptimal means. Roiders who just do whatever do not even make gains.
        Pic related.

        • 2 years ago

          Exactly the kind of body I'd expect on a guy who buys and wears underwear called "alpha male."

          • 2 years ago

            I bought and wear underwear called "The Crab".

  6. 2 years ago

    You're reading too much into a flippant comment.

    • 2 years ago

      I see bullshit. I call bullshit. I know I'm sensitive.

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