Chinlet bros are there any alternatives to jaw surgery? Mewing doesn't work.

Chinlet bros are there any alternatives to jaw surgery? Mewing doesn't work. I heard there are some orthopedic devices but I don't know anything about them

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  1. 11 months ago

    >Mewing doesn't work
    "I'm incapable of mewing properly or consistently"

    • 11 months ago

      homie putting your tongue on the roof of mouth is not going to move bone. Literal orthopedic devices take years. There has been no evidence of mewing working

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah well... I'm interested in who had devices (there are several similar methods on the market), how long they used them, and what effect it had.

        • 11 months ago

          I had an under bite and had to have a retainer wired to the top of my mouth for like 3 years where every couple of months they twisted it more to push out the top of my mouth. Once it was done I have to wear a retainer for life and I lost it once for a year and it definitely made a noticeable difference towards my upper teeth moving backwards, so people saying they improved shit with their tongues are lying.

          • 11 months ago

            Did you wear this retainer when you were a kid or an adult?

            • 11 months ago

              I was 14 to 17, have to wear one I can take out at night now.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah well... I'm interested in who had devices (there are several similar methods on the market), how long they used them, and what effect it had.

        >”muh devices”
        >doesnt name any

        Useless thread

        • 11 months ago

          I can't remember their names that's why i'm asking

    • 11 months ago

      mewing doesn't push your chin forward, it just helps make your jaw more visible

  2. 11 months ago

    You can have some of mine

  3. 11 months ago

    I'm not aware of any, and I'm still recovering from double jaw surgery to correct a pretty severe underbite. Picrel is my before and after pics. The founder of mewing admitted that trying to change the jaw bones of adults was extremely difficult. And that's because bones are only malleable when you're a child. Once you're an adult, your bones are more or less set in place. And so be careful with devices that claim to be able to fix the jaw bones of adults. Here's an article about these devices absolutely destroying people's teeth.

    This person's teeth also got super screwed up from sort of splint device.

    • 11 months ago

      I can’t tell which pics are from before and after?

      • 11 months ago

        Sorry. The way I made the collage is kind of confusing because I'm lazy. The top left pic was taken the night before my surgery. You can see my lower lip sticking out pretty far due to my underbite. It's then chronological from left to right for each row, with the top row being from the first week following my surgery, and the bottom row being 3-ish months post-op.

        • 11 months ago

          So basically you were never a chinlet?

          Thanks Chad

          • 11 months ago

            Fortunately, no. I was the exact opposite of a Chinlet since my lower jaw was freakin' massive. It was my upper jaw which was super screwed up. It was extremely narrow and recessed deeply into my face. And so it was kind of like having a small child's upper jaw within a fully grown man's skull. Pretty weird. Not sure how it happened since my parents aren't related and nobody else in my entire extended family has jaw issues. I just got fricked when it came to my jaw DNA for some reason.

            But I guess I would have preferred to have a large chin and underbite rather than an overbite and a recessed chin since recessed chins look even worse and make men look weak. And so I definitely feel for you guys. Get jaw surgery. It's honestly your only viable option. I know it's scary and expensive, but It will change your life and is worth the risk in my opinion.

            Here's some success stories that I have bookmarked which will show you what a massive difference jaw surgery makes.






            • 11 months ago

              Can you do it if you live on your own and have no friends or family to help you with recovery?

              • 11 months ago

                That was pretty much my situation since I'm a loner. Technically, I had my father "help" me, but he actually did way more harm than good. That's a super long and fricked up story, but I'll spare you the gory details.

                You absolutely need someone with you at the surgery like a friend or relative. They won't allow you to get the surgery without some sort of guardian because the recovery is absolute hell. They absolutely will not allow you to drive yourself home or take an Uber/Lyft. And trust me, you don't want to try that anyway because you're going to be super fricked up. I'm talking jaws wired shut, blood gushing out of your mouth and nose whenever you sit up straight or stand, bloody drool constantly streaming down your chin into your neck, chest, and lap, face swollen the frick up, not being able to talk, barely being able to breathe, high as frick on pain meds, still in pain anyway despite the pain meds, et cetera. It's really, really bad.

                I also think that the designated guardian, who they make sign paperwork on the morning right before your surgery, is also supposed to look after you for at least a day or two, or maybe even a full week. I don't remember what the rules are in that regard. But, again, regardless of the rules, you're definitely going to need help. You're going to need someone to make sure that you take your antibiotics and pain meds every 3 hours, you're going to need help with making food and putting that food and liquids in your feeding syringes, you're going to need help with cleaning, including cleaning our your mouth out with salt water and a prescription mouthwash after every feeding, et cetera. You're pretty helpless and severely fricked up for at least a few days. Think of it liking getting run over by a truck. Also, you're going to need someone to keep an eye on you incase you have an emergency and can't breathe or whatever and need to be taken to an emergency room - which happened to me on the 3rd morning of my recovery.

              • 11 months ago

                God frick bro sounds not worth it unless your mega chinlet

              • 11 months ago

                and if you're mega chinlet there is nobody to help you so you die drowning in your own blood anyway


              • 11 months ago

                During the 6 week recovery while my jaws were wired shut, I definitely regretted the surgery and felt like I couldn't make it. And I swore I'd never put myself through this again if I had a relapse or whatever. It was legit awful and the hardest thing that I've ever been through by far. But also keep in mind that there's different types of jaw surgeries, and different skill levels when it comes to jaw surgeons, and different healthcare systems when it comes to jaw surgery.

                I've seen quite a few jaw surgery stories, and I can't believe how easy it was for quite a few people. They barely had any swelling or bleeding, zero pain, and a recovery that looked smooth and easy. But I don't think any of those people had a splint placed in their jaws. I couldn't believe how horrible the splint was. I wasn't expecting that at all. I thought it was just going to be some plastic device in the roof of my mouth and a slight annoyance to deal with. But it actually made the recovery a 100x worse. And so cross your fingers that you won't need a splint like I did.

                I'm also super envious of Europeans. All of the jaw surgery stories that I've seen from there look good. They let you stay in the hospital for 3 days there. They also put a feeding tube down your nose so that you don't lose weight and can take all of your meds and painkillers without issue. They also cut holes into the back of your cheeks and insert tubes to drain blood and reduce swelling. All of that would have made my recovery so much easier. And it's practically free there too! And on top of that, the work looks top notch with great aesthetic results and very few complications. We need a nationalized healthcare system so bad, bros...

                But, like most people who've gone through double jaw surgery will tell you, they don't regret it, and the hellish recovery was worth it.

                and if you're mega chinlet there is nobody to help you so you die drowning in your own blood anyway


                Pretty grim, and I know that feel.

            • 11 months ago

              OMG. I’m wondering if results similar to these are possible without having your jaw bones broken like using fillers or something.

              I hate being a chinlet beta

              • 11 months ago

                >using fillers or something.
                You can probably look somewhat like donald duck/a battered hooker.

              • 11 months ago

                Genioplasty is a much easier surgery and still has decent results and a below 5 figure price tag.
                However... Won't work miracles like jaw surgery. Can look unnatural too.
                I did genio because I couldn't fail my sleep apnea test for insurance to cover jaw surgery even when i tried to game it lol. And being normal is still better than being hideously ugly

    • 11 months ago

      could we see a post-op profile/side photo like the 1st one (top left) pls ?

      • 11 months ago

        The post-op side profile pics in that collage should be good enough in my opinion.

        • 11 months ago

          It's not, doesn't show the same thing at all

    • 11 months ago

      Great results, unless picture frauding (this is IST after all)

      How long did you stop working out after surgery? Were you completely sedentary?

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks, bro. I don't get compliments basically ever. I didn't do anything besides sit in chairs, lie down on a couch, and walk around a little bit for about 7 weeks. It was boring as frick. I lost 20 pounds in the first 2 weeks because eating was so difficult, but then put on 25 pounds of fat in the next 5 weeks by eating sugary children's breakfast cereal mixed with high protein meal replacement shakes in a blender (I had to consume 200 grams of protein every single day for 6 weeks as part of my recovery - which is a fricking nightmare when your jaws are wired shut). I probably lost about 50% of my muscle mass over that period. Then I went back to my normal lifting routine, but at about 50% weight, then 60% the next week, et cetera, until I was back to 100% of my pre-op muscle mass about 5 weeks after I started lifting again.

    • 11 months ago

      Was it covered by insurance?

      • 11 months ago

        Yes. They covered about 90%. Picrel is just one bill of many.

        The entire process includes getting your wisdom teeth removed (forget how much that was - maybe around $350-ish after insurance), getting braces ($7,000 - which neither my health insurance or dental insurance covered at all), like 15 visits to my oral surgeon over a 4-ish year period (each visit had a $25 copay), had to go to the hospital hosting my surgery 1 month prior to my surgery to meet the rest of my surgery team and take a bunch of scans and measurements (like $650 after insurance), the hospital hosting the surgery required me to pay a fee for hosting my surgery, which came out to be like $2,700 after insurance, and I had to pay my surgeon like $2,500 after insurance for the surgery.

        And then I had additional bills because I had to go to 2 different emergency rooms + use an ambulance to transfer me on the 3rd morning of my recovery because I could barely breathe, which was also like $2,500 after insurance (about $1,000 for the hospital ride alone - even though it was only like a 30 minute drive and they didn't use their sirens or emergency lights, they obeyed all traffic laws and drove the speed limit, and never touched me or said anything to me after they strapped me into the gurney).

        And then I spent about $1,000 on post-op recovery supplies like prescription pain killers, prescription antibiotics, over the counter liquid pain killers (which were awful), nasal sprays, a new blender, tons of meal replacement and protein shakes, 45 degree arch pillow, et cetera.

        And oh yeah, I also had to do speech therapy and see an ear, throat, and nose specialist (otolaryngologist) because the surgery aggravated my TMJ and gave me severe ear pain.

        So probably about $17,000 total.

  4. 11 months ago

    I don't know about any orthopedic devices for chin. devices(expanders) only give you more width and it's painful. guess you can also widen your jaw and maxilla by pulling with fingers and get forearm gains aswell

  5. 11 months ago

    Braces for teeth straightening
    Mewing for jaw alignment
    New surgery for insecurity

  6. 11 months ago
  7. 11 months ago

    Just grow a beard

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