
Guys red pill me on chronns disease.
I started to suffer with intestinal obstruction and my doctor is suspecting is chronns, i asked him what causes it, but he said science don't know! Wtf!
What poison they put in me?

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  1. 7 months ago

    it's genetic.

    • 7 months ago

      No, it's not, while young i didnt suffer from this. Why i am old and starting this shit?

      • 7 months ago

        "Crohn disease may occur at any age. It mostly begins in people between ages 15 and 35."

    • 7 months ago

      Don't be moronic, there are many different causes

      I already smoke tobaco.
      Will try weed if i can get it, is ilegal here.
      I dont eat those things, the worst i ate was a big Mac.
      The rest is rice and minced meat. I was cutting and now i have thise problems...

      Quit smoking and for fricks sake, don't listen to potheads. They'd tell you to smoke pot whether you needed it or not. My moronic sister in law got her paranoid schitzo mom to smoke pot and it made her mental illness 10x worse.
      The modern pot plant is stronger than it's ancestor and modern doctors have no fricking clue what it does to your brain. All we do know is it stunts the brains development in heavy pot smokers so you're literally getting advice from a man child with brain damage.

      • 7 months ago

        interesting, i have crohns and am half Hungarian, never realized eastern Europeans get it more often

  2. 7 months ago

    We've no idea but trust the experts

  3. 7 months ago

    could be hernia hiding?

    • 7 months ago

      I hope not.

  4. 7 months ago

    It looks like you ate a gummy worm anon that can’t be healthy

  5. 7 months ago

    Smoke weed to combat it

    • 7 months ago

      I already smoke tobaco.
      Will try weed if i can get it, is ilegal here.

      It looks like you ate a gummy worm anon that can’t be healthy

      I dont eat those things, the worst i ate was a big Mac.
      The rest is rice and minced meat. I was cutting and now i have thise problems...

      • 7 months ago

        >was cutting and now have these problems
        Yeah, so perhaps what happened there is that due to your restricted diet, you basically unintentionally performed what is called an elimination protocol. Other than the rice that is what you did, and the rice obviously wasn’t enough to stop the effect. Basically, the foods that are making you have an autoimmune flare now, were technically always doing that, but when you eliminated them for long enough you became hyper sensitive to them. You will now likely find that other than meat, eggs, and maybe a tiny handful of vegetables (you need to experiment to see which ones won’t trigger autoimmune shit) and fruits, there is probably nothing you can eat without causing Crohns symptoms. You definitely can’t be eating any kind of sugar other than monosaccharides, the kind that are in fruit and honey, so no grains etc, no milk either unless is lactose free (contains simple sugars due to processing). You will also need corticosteroids like prednisolone to treat bad flares, get cannabis oil too and try to rely on that more than the filthy corticosteroids you’ll find out what I mean when you use them for long enough

        • 7 months ago

          You can use apps to track your diet and to figure out what causes issues.
          Then look up into microbiom. You are making it worse with antibiotics and all the clansing. You need to start slowly introducing fermented foods and build up a healthy microbiom. Lots of info on it.
          Then look up d3 and all the cofactors of it. D3 in high doses on it's own can fix any autoimmune disease like chorn. Lots of info on it, so do your own research.
          D3 at blood levels 80ng/ml + fermented foods will cure any ibs in 99.9% of cases unless it's cancer. Even in case of cancer it will improve chanes of positive outcome.

  6. 7 months ago

    i read some guy had it and went somewhere to china(i think) and eat some food that contain some parasite and it cure it for some time. So he had to go china and keep eating the parasite.Despite the doctors warning him, he still did it. It was his last resort, the steroids didnt work, the removing of his intestines didnt work.

  7. 7 months ago

    Keto unironically helped my stomach problems. 2-3 times a week I would have massive stomach pains/cramps/ which always landed me on the toilet for 30 minutes to an hour to try and push it all out, and it would come in waves of diahrea. I'm off keto now and my stomach is still feeling good now.

    • 7 months ago

      Deworming is a good idea to try but the real problem is Candida albicans. Most health issues is caused by candida and science hasn't quite figured that out yet, but it's starting to. You want immediate results? Cut out all yeast. Cut out all added sugar and most sugar in general. Take some herbs that have natural antifungal properties, like oregano oil or garlic. Watch how quickly you start feeling better. These anons know deep down, they just didn't know the name of the demon.

      Find out what foods keep you feeling best and stick to it. It’s hell anon, but it’s manageable after you’ve had a moment where you cry until you’re laughing like a maniac in the bathroom floor and accept your fate.
      For me it’s
      >chicken and turkey
      >no gluten or dairy
      >easy on the potatoes
      >low sugar
      >no artificial colors or flavors
      >only drink water and herbal tea

      Good luck bro

      • 7 months ago

        birch polypore
        white cheese polypore

        sorry if you live in a place without access to trees, i've got a year's supply of the strongest medicine in nature in my cabinet from a couple hours of foraging

  8. 7 months ago

    parasite cleanse
    gallstone flush
    colon cleanse

    do those and get back to me. read some books too as you won't find answers on any government or pharma website.

    • 7 months ago

      I do those often, but this time i am blocked with intestinal blocked, i think of going back to the doctor.
      But i didnt wanted to do surgery now.
      I drank 100ml of minerale oil to see if i shat it , if unblocked, but without sucess, now i didnt even shat those oil.
      I do parasite cleanse often, i did last month. The problem started after i have eaten a mcdonald. I was doing my minced meat and rice only diet, to cut, but i have became afected with this suddenly.
      If i dont post tomorrow, or i died or did surgery. I already started antibiotics to prevent sepse.

      • 7 months ago

        I have the same problem and I deworm daily with various substances. I suggest sodium thiosulfate. A half shot of the crystals dissolved in water will liquify your shit. It is by far the best go to after oxy-powder for blockage.

        But be warned, it is the most heinous substance I've ever ingested after horse paste.

        • 7 months ago

          >I deworm daily with various substances
          which ones?

          • 7 months ago

            reservatol, nac, ala, grape seed extract, methylene blue, turmeric, brush with fenel or clove. That's off the top of my head as I take around 20 supplements all together. Horsepaste 1x a week

            I had to stop wormwood and black walnut because of kidney pain.

            • 7 months ago

              shit! thats alot of crap. What do you shit? what horsepaste shit?

              • 7 months ago

                >what horsepaste shit?

                >What do you shit?
                I shit out a bunch of worms and fungi at first the first year I started. Now it's just maintenance for the most part. You're in a lifelong battle.

                >shit! thats alot of crap.
                It's been a wild ride I'll tell you that

      • 7 months ago

        Well sounds like you're on the right track so keep going, especially on liver and parasite cleansing. You might have to do many liver flushes and many rounds of parasite treatements with different herbs/substances to get results.

        Zeolite is really great for heavy metal detox.
        If you haven't already then I would remove any mercury fillings you have.
        If you have root canals you may have a hidden bacterial infection that is weakening your immune system.

        There's a company called Zencleanz which do amazing detox products based on enzymes and they have a Telegram support group. They are a bit expensive but might be worth it.

        Some recommended books to read:
        >Accidental Cure - Simon Yu
        >The Cure for all Diseases - Hulda Clark

        I had bad IBS for years but I have cured it now almost 100%, thank God.

  9. 7 months ago

    sten eckberg israelitetube will fix you

  10. 7 months ago

    you know how some people have bad skin? this is basically the same thing but instead of the outside of your body it's the inside of your body.
    it can't be figured out coz it's a deep linkage of various systems malfunctioning simultaneously.
    basically you're a genetic dead end and science is keeping you alive.
    atleast being skinny is sexy nowadays so atleast you'll find a relatively hot girl. imagine the poor bastards with crohns when being chubby and muscular was sexy.

    • 7 months ago

      Vitamin A poisoning.
      Wherever the body decides to dump the vitamin A, an ulcer or inflammatory tissue disease develops, also known as autoimmune disease - the only thing that changes is the location of the disease.
      At least this is the theory of Grant Genereux.

      • 7 months ago

        God, what a weak pathetic human being you are.

  11. 7 months ago

    Find out what foods keep you feeling best and stick to it. It’s hell anon, but it’s manageable after you’ve had a moment where you cry until you’re laughing like a maniac in the bathroom floor and accept your fate.
    For me it’s
    >chicken and turkey
    >no gluten or dairy
    >easy on the potatoes
    >low sugar
    >no artificial colors or flavors
    >only drink water and herbal tea

    Good luck bro

  12. 7 months ago

    it's an autoimmune disorder
    stop eating inflammatory foods take antioxidants and don't get stressed 🙂

  13. 7 months ago

    most stupid thread ive seen in awhile, im ashamed to share a board with genuine schizos

  14. 7 months ago

    stop visiting a doctor
    find a medicine man
    or a sage
    godspeed anon

  15. 7 months ago

    Eat nothing but meat and watch it disappear within a week. Especially don't eat grains

  16. 7 months ago

    I had several gut attacks when all the normies started getting jabbed. I think it could have been from the shedding.

    I did a gut cleans for a week and took probiotics and it has been over 6 months since my last attack. The pain was relentless. I was in the tub with hot water beating down on me just to numb the pain.

  17. 7 months ago

    You have a fricked gut flora. Water fast to kill the bad flora and then eat just meat, animal fat and a bit of carbs with FRICKTINS of fermented shit to build up a good flora.

    • 7 months ago

      That and keto shit won't fix Crohn's. Fasting may alleviate symptoms but I don't think many of you bros understand how fricked the GI tract has to be to be diagnosed with Crohn's. I would look into some kind of schizo or naturopathic techniques as some have recommended and at least try it, along with fasting if fasting helps. Maybe get to a point where you know fasting isnt causing more inflammation as when I started it actually made things a little worse. But it can't get any more fricked than an incurable disease anyway so why not disregard normgroid advice.

      I fixed my IBS by drinking coffee, fasting occasionally, grounding and rife frequencies unironically. It really helped mitochondria and all my chronic conditions, though I had no objective metrics to show for it other than the inflammation is now gone and I can sleep and poop like a human being again. Goes without saying that I feel 10x better now. But IBS is not as bad as Crohn's or ulcerative colitis and the like, you have to try so find the root cause and medicine these days isn't interested in resolving that. They want you to pay for treatments regularly like a subscription fee so you can be a good wagie until you die.

  18. 7 months ago

    you're being poisoned and science is the flak shield for your poisoners
    google ray peat

  19. 7 months ago

    I have IBS and the magical remedy is weed
    HOWEVER I now am dead sick of having to smoke everyday, as I can see it's effecting my speech/memory
    Have no idea how to hold down my physical job with stabbing cramps and violent diarrhoea all day
    Could always be worse I guess

    • 7 months ago

      Try BPC-157

  20. 7 months ago

    Glucosamine HCl, 3000 mg a day, it relieves the pain of your disease by working sort of like an antidote to Gluten. Take it every day and you'll feel like you're feeling better again

  21. 7 months ago

    skete davidson has crones and he gets mad pussy you gonna be aight

    • 7 months ago

      yeah but he only fricks crones

  22. 7 months ago

    Cut out grains and dairy and slowly reintroduce things one at a time to see what you respond to well and badly. My doctor told me I had Crohns, got rid of it by doing Keto for 2 weeks and then eating a more balanced diet again (but without grains)

  23. 7 months ago

    They find it almost entirley shows up in people with heavily processed diets, try going completely ahmish or some form of naturalist in your diet.

  24. 7 months ago

    Tale a look at PepZin (it mostly for gastritis but I heard it helps with all lining) and BPC 157

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