CICO is the ultimate IQ test

You are a fricking moron if you fast. Fasting results in a stress response from the body where it decreases testosterone and increases cortisol production and so there is literally NO reason for fasting over 24 hours or even fasting at all. Sustained calorie deficit is much more effective in fat loss if that is your goal because it is more muscle sparing than intermittent fasting or prolonged fasting. The only reason imbeciles like to preach fasting/meme diets is because they either can’t comprehend the concept of calories or are otherwise too lazy to count them to lose weight optimally so they instead cope by doing IF and then saying it works when they lose weight EXCEPT THE ONLY REASON they lose weight is because they lose their appetite by cucking themselves to only eating once a day or eating in an arbitrary window in a given day so they only end up losing weight because THEY CONDITION THEMSELVES TO EAT LESS CALORIES.

In short, if you are a fasthomosexual/ketolard you are a dyel troony and you are NGMI

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  1. 2 years ago

    Kek nice larp. wiener in wiener out is something you’ll never experience manlet incel virgin

    • 2 years ago

      Can’t everyone just do what works best for them? Why is this board so obsessed with a “one true solution” when reality is that people are different and will come to different solutions for a similar problem?

      • 2 years ago

        This. Both work good as long as you're pinning test.

    • 2 years ago

      Underrated post

  2. 2 years ago

    Agreed with fasting I got down to 67 kgs skinny fat,got fat again.
    Now with CICO its WAY slower but Im 69kgs and leaner than before at 67kgs.
    Cico déficit = more muscle

  3. 2 years ago

    >Sustained calorie deficit is much more effective in fat loss if that is your goal because it is more muscle sparing than intermittent fasting or prolonged fasting.
    Do you have a single source to back up this claim? Every pieces of evidence I’ve ever seen states the opposite, or at least that the muscle loss is comparable.

  4. 2 years ago

    >cured meats
    colon cancer
    >fast food
    heart disease
    see weed
    the social crutch for uninteresting people
    >pure sugar "treats"
    fat, diabeetus
    >moronic opinion
    op homosexual, can't go for more than an hour without stuffing his face, probably american

    • 2 years ago

      Cured meat is fine don't be a gay

  5. 2 years ago

    not sure what you said but I'm doing low cal mostly keto until hit goal then cico, high proteins just more satiating.

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    >eating a few less calories of slop is discipline
    >fasting for 3-4 days at a time is not discipline
    Do you people really

    • 2 years ago

      It’s unnecesary though
      You wouldn’t commend someone for making their life harder for no reason and then doing mental gymnastics to justify it

  8. 2 years ago

    I love seethe that fasting is causing. Gone from 104kg to 92kg in 3 months while doing fasting half-assedly, while my bench stayed the same and squat and deadlift went up.

    • 2 years ago

      Thats total bullshit

      • 2 years ago

        Bench stayed same floating between 135 and 140kg, max at 104kg was 145kg
        Squat went from 140kg to 170kg (this is mostly to squatting more often and getting technique right)
        Deadlift went from 200kg to 215kg, possible carryover from more squatting.
        Bicep 40cm to 40cm. (My arms are garbage)
        Forearm fully pressed 39 to 39cm.
        Lost some mass in shoulders but not much.
        100kg bench for reps took a hit tho.
        Both bodyweight measurements were taken in the morning after taking a piss and before drinking any water. Did 24 to 36 hour fast or just one meal before workout nad one meal after. Snake juice. Would sneak in coffees and zero sugar energy drinks. Highly active, with biking on weekends. Go read goggins autobiography to see what kind of fat loss is possible if you're really active.
        Now I'm floating at 93-94kg bw.
        I would never recommend fasting to low activity people or beginners in gym who train 3 times a week for 1 hour and do no other physical activity. It will eat them away.

        • 2 years ago

          post body (you won't)

          • 2 years ago
  9. 2 years ago


  10. 2 years ago

    I’ve seen you shit on keto and fasting posts all day too. Now my question to you will be: What do you gain from this? This is a serious and honest question.

    Are you selling some workout plans or diet and it’s threatening your business model? do you have stocks in some companies that profits of the misery of people and you’re looking to protect your interests? Are you a bootlicker that worship people like Jillian Michaels? Are you trying to cope because your shit CICO diet doesn’t work, the obesity epidemic is still here, and you can’t accept your worldview is obsolete? Or are you unemployed and autistic and that’s your daily routine? Maybe a paid shill?

    I’m genuinely asking, because you seem to spend a lot of time trying to discredit it here, to the point that from an outsider PoV it’s obvious astroturfing and it’s unhealthy for your own mental health. So what motivates you, why are you doing this?

    • 2 years ago


      You are a fricking moron if you fast. Fasting results in a stress response from the body where it decreases testosterone and increases cortisol production and so there is literally NO reason for fasting over 24 hours or even fasting at all. Sustained calorie deficit is much more effective in fat loss if that is your goal because it is more muscle sparing than intermittent fasting or prolonged fasting. The only reason imbeciles like to preach fasting/meme diets is because they either can’t comprehend the concept of calories or are otherwise too lazy to count them to lose weight optimally so they instead cope by doing IF and then saying it works when they lose weight EXCEPT THE ONLY REASON they lose weight is because they lose their appetite by cucking themselves to only eating once a day or eating in an arbitrary window in a given day so they only end up losing weight because THEY CONDITION THEMSELVES TO EAT LESS CALORIES.

      In short, if you are a fasthomosexual/ketolard you are a dyel troony and you are NGMI

      >Sustained calorie deficit is much more effective in fat loss if that is your goal because it is more muscle sparing than intermittent fasting or prolonged fasting.

      Wrong. Fasting for a long period increases growth hormone production, preventing muscle loss.

      >The 5-d fast resulted in a significant increase in discrete GH pulse frequency (5.8±0.7 vs. 9.9±0.7 pulses/24h,P= 0.028), 24h integrated GH concentration (2.82±0.50vs.8.75±0.82 gmin/ml;P=0.0002), and maximal pulse amplitude (5.9±1.1 vs. 12.3±1.6 ng/ml, P < 0.005).

      Fasting also increased luteinising hormone which is a precursor to testosterone production.

      >Six additional normal men were given 50 ug GRH
      intravenously after an overnight fast, and after a fasting period of 56 h. No acute increase in T was seen after the overnight fast, but after the 56-hour fast GnRH raised serum T by 55 +14% (p < 0.02). Moreover, fasting augmented the GnRH-induced LH response by 64+15% (p < 0.02. These results imply that: (1) short-term fasting exerts inhibitory influence on Leydig cell function via a mechanism which might involve a reduced hypothalamic and/or pituitary stimulation; (2) this effect is blocked by oral glucose supplementation.

      >The only reason imbeciles like to preach fasting/meme diets is because they either can’t comprehend the concept of calories or are otherwise too lazy to count them to lose weight optimally

      Most people observing a fast are refeeding on a ketogenic meal. To achieve the correct ratio of macronutrients, one should count their macros to make sure their dietary fat intake is high enough.
      One could make the assumption that counting macros takes more effort and time than just counting calories. Therefore you are also wrong here.

    • 2 years ago


      >Sustained calorie deficit is much more effective in fat loss if that is your goal because it is more muscle sparing than intermittent fasting or prolonged fasting.

      Wrong. Fasting for a long period increases growth hormone production, preventing muscle loss.

      >The 5-d fast resulted in a significant increase in discrete GH pulse frequency (5.8±0.7 vs. 9.9±0.7 pulses/24h,P= 0.028), 24h integrated GH concentration (2.82±0.50vs.8.75±0.82 gmin/ml;P=0.0002), and maximal pulse amplitude (5.9±1.1 vs. 12.3±1.6 ng/ml, P < 0.005).

      Fasting also increased luteinising hormone which is a precursor to testosterone production.

      >Six additional normal men were given 50 ug GRH
      intravenously after an overnight fast, and after a fasting period of 56 h. No acute increase in T was seen after the overnight fast, but after the 56-hour fast GnRH raised serum T by 55 +14% (p < 0.02). Moreover, fasting augmented the GnRH-induced LH response by 64+15% (p < 0.02. These results imply that: (1) short-term fasting exerts inhibitory influence on Leydig cell function via a mechanism which might involve a reduced hypothalamic and/or pituitary stimulation; (2) this effect is blocked by oral glucose supplementation.

      >The only reason imbeciles like to preach fasting/meme diets is because they either can’t comprehend the concept of calories or are otherwise too lazy to count them to lose weight optimally

      Most people observing a fast are refeeding on a ketogenic meal. To achieve the correct ratio of macronutrients, one should count their macros to make sure their dietary fat intake is high enough.
      One could make the assumption that counting macros takes more effort and time than just counting calories. Therefore you are also wrong here.

      OP here

      I only browse IST about once a month and this is not an attempt to shitpost or mindlessly shill at all. If there is other anons discrediting keto/fasting then it is validating because it means that this is not only my opinion. From MY experience the GH release is negligible and the disturbance on hormones/metabolism leaves a much more negative effect on your physique and mood and that’s why I think this approach to losing weight is moronic and counterintuitive. I only made this post because I see a lot of public opinion both IRL and on the internet in bodybuilding spaces or otherwise that dickride this shit like a cult

  11. 2 years ago

    >eat a diet of garbage
    >starve yourself to cope

    fixing your diet so it works when eaten ad lib, now that's the real IQ test

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