Circulatory health

Right , so I've discovered that I have primary raynauds syndrome.
There is 2 types, primary and secondary. Secondary is the serious one, primary can be mitigated with diet and exercise choices.
But my question for you normal individuals is what is it like to have normal hands?
The reason it took me this long (29) to realise I had raynauds was because I thought everyone's hands reacted like this to the cold.
So let's use an example, say its 50F 10 Celsius outside during the night.
What would happen for me is my hands and feet, particularly my feet will become like ice blocks as the body vasoconstricts the veins in my extremities.
Then lets say I goto bed, the time it takes for my hands and especially feet to rewarm as I try to go to sleep could be 1 hour or more. luckily my hands dont go white or blue with the cold, but they stay cold for a long time before the veins vasodialate and warmth returns.
So in the scenario I gave, how does your body react? How long for you to rewarm from the cold?

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  1. 2 years ago

    wool underwear

    • 2 years ago

      Oh I've certainly got on the wool train my dude.
      Bought a custom made denim jacket using heavy coat wool to make it. That with my wool sweater and wool shirt I got from a miltary reproduction website and in pretty good during the winter.

  2. 2 years ago

    Maybe I have this too. I've always thought it was the cigarettes, but now I recall that it was always like this.

    I have a thermal bag that I fill with hot water and leave near my feet at cold nights, otherwise I can't sleep.
    My hands never take to long to get warm.

    When I have to go out at night at 10ºC or less I always use gloves and leather boots with thick socks. If keep moving, pacing around, it doesn't get that bad.

    As I said, it gets way worse when I smoke too much that day. It also gets worse when I take alcohol.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah cigs and too much booze made me much worse alsko.
      Getting more zinc and nitric oxide in my diet helps

  3. 2 years ago

    it's not either or. women get cold hands, and older people generally too
    personally I don't think mine get warm or cold, they feel cold but then the second i go inside they feel red hot and sweat

    • 2 years ago

      >they feel cold but then the second i go inside they feel red hot and sweat

      Lucky you. With raynauds you would be waiting at least 30 minutes before anything got warmer

      • 2 years ago

        I'd just move to a warmer climate

  4. 2 years ago

    Idk anything about your syndrome or whatever but for me I notice that if I'm too hydrated my hands and feet get cold. We are told all the time that salt is bad etc. but many people actually need more salt. Also, if I've eaten a big meal with lots of fat and protein I feel like an oven afterwards

  5. 2 years ago

    Does the reverse happen too? My feet can get very warm some summer nights to the point that I need to wet them to be able to sleep.

    • 2 years ago

      Damn never heard of that
      Maybe hyper thyroidisim

  6. 2 years ago

    Yeah it sucks

  7. 2 years ago

    A rarly discussed conditioning method exists to help improve to a notable degree the symptoms of raynauds.
    It dosnt get discussed much because no pharma company gets an income from it, and no surgeon gets a cut either.

    • 2 years ago

      This is amazing anon, thank you.
      I'm going to try it this winter

      • 2 years ago

        No prob dude, I'm also gonna try it, ima get gloves for my feet and hands and do it 6 times with a rest day in between each as it suggests

  8. 2 years ago

    I'm comfortable being barely dressed in winter. I'm a cold sleeper and like camping, so I think sleeping naked on top of my sleeping bag trained me to be extra vascular. I don't have any problems in the heat either (mind you England is never particularly cold or hot).
    Even a small cut bleeds like a motherfricker though.

  9. 2 years ago

    I have reynauds
    Realized it when in first year of highschool we would go to a museum and it had a heatcam only me and some cutie from our class had blue palms, the rest of the class all had yellow red hands

    • 2 years ago

      Cool way to find out.

    • 2 years ago

      did you frick

  10. 2 years ago

    Wish evolution would have given whites and east asians the adaptation to handle the cold better.
    Ever wonder why birds and dogs dont get frostbite and lose their feet?
    Turns out the arteries in their limbs is surrounded by their veins, which results in their body temperature being much more balanced, and so their paws never get so cold as to go below the freezing point of water, so that they can stand on snow more or less indefinitely and not get frostbite, whereas humans would develop frostbite after a few hours.

    • 2 years ago

      why does the lower one have less chance to get frostbite than the top?
      isn't the top one paw warmer?

      • 2 years ago

        The top one is what humans have. Its warmer initially, but dumps out too much heat so in short order the hand will become cold , and if the temp outside is below freezing, it will continue to lose heat untill it reaches frostbite.

        The bottom one is what dogs, penguins, many bird species have where they regulate how much heat is sent to the foot, so that they can drip feed heat into the paw. This way it can be below freezing outside but the paw will stay at +1 degree Celsius. cold,yes, but frostbite, no.

  11. 2 years ago

    Heres an image of the arteries and veins of dogs (left) and cats(right)

    Left results in better performance in the cold

    More reading here

    • 2 years ago

      so I need to become less like a cat and more like a dog

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