convince me to quit nofap. please tell me it's bullshit

convince me to quit nofap
please tell me it's bullshit

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  1. 5 months ago

    Do whatever you like with your own penis buddy. Just try not to hurt yourself in the process.

    • 5 months ago

      which gander are you because one sex organ is more convenient to play with than the other

      Women still won't like you if you jerk off or not

      I have more motivation and energy a day or two after not wacking it. I quit hard-core porn years ago and only fap to soft-core images of models a few times a week. But then again I go at it 3 to 4 times a day when I do so that probably has something to do with it.

      Just don't watch hard-core porn it literally wires your brain to be a cuck.

      Just avoid porn
      Semen retention is a meme

      There is great confusion betwern noporn coomers and nofap coomers. They will tell you to stop watching porn and conflate their better lives with no masturbation. The truth is, you'll lose testosterone production if you don't ejaculate every day and the prolactin release from masturbation is only 1/4th as powerful as the release from sex. You're cucking yourself if you nofap

      All posts best posts

    • 5 months ago

      Don't work on your career, your education, your diet or your cardio routine in addition to lifting. Don't set good bedtimes, sleep 8 hours every night, don't drink alcohol, don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't eat fast food even when in a rush. No instead of the monolithic effort that is actually doing something to improve your life just don't look at pr0n and never ever allow yourself to coom. That'll fix everything.


      It's been 2 months i've been on nofap but in the last few days i've been edging to porn. How the frick do i make a comeback

      It's been 2 months i've been on nofap but in the last few days i've been edging to porn. How the frick do i make a comeback

      Sounds like you just need to edge a little bit longer.

  2. 5 months ago

    which gander are you because one sex organ is more convenient to play with than the other

  3. 5 months ago

    Women still won't like you if you jerk off or not

  4. 5 months ago

    I have more motivation and energy a day or two after not wacking it. I quit hard-core porn years ago and only fap to soft-core images of models a few times a week. But then again I go at it 3 to 4 times a day when I do so that probably has something to do with it.

    Just don't watch hard-core porn it literally wires your brain to be a cuck.

  5. 5 months ago

    Just avoid porn
    Semen retention is a meme

  6. 5 months ago

    There is great confusion betwern noporn coomers and nofap coomers. They will tell you to stop watching porn and conflate their better lives with no masturbation. The truth is, you'll lose testosterone production if you don't ejaculate every day and the prolactin release from masturbation is only 1/4th as powerful as the release from sex. You're cucking yourself if you nofap

  7. 5 months ago

    >PLEASE I want to go back to watching other people have sex without me

  8. 5 months ago

    I did No Nut November and figured I'd keep going through December. Ended up sucking a buddy of mines dick after we drank a couple white claws and now he hits me up every 4-7 days to do it again. No Fap isn't what it's made out to be.

  9. 5 months ago

    Don't listen to these chuds.
    Not jerking off is a sign of your self control as a man. If a man can't go without jacking himself off he has no self control and simply worships his penis.
    There's no conclusive evidence to show masturbation or nofap has any positive or negative effects on your body other than masturbation very slightly decreasing your risk for prostate cancer.
    Your body will regulate itself and you'll have wet dreams when you need to so there's no harm in not ejaculating.
    Think pretty seriously about how you feel after you jack off. Do you feel like a man or a gross cuck?

  10. 5 months ago

    Unless you’re jerking off like twice a day or really obviously hitting levels of deviance with your porn habits that is interfering with a healthy social life, it’s bullshit.

  11. 5 months ago

    Avoid porn you idiot, that hurts you more.
    With that said, if you fap excessively, ie. multiple times a day or just even daily, you should reduce the number of weekly faps, aim for 1-2.
    Trust me anon, from someone going 4+ times a day, having 1k+ faps a year it is a huge fricking waste of time, especially when sessions become longer and longer.
    There is no superpower to be gained, and just like self-improvement, the practice is good, the choir(or communities) are awful. Do something else with your time, even walking instead of fappin' is more beneficial.

  12. 5 months ago

    It's been 2 months i've been on nofap but in the last few days i've been edging to porn. How the frick do i make a comeback

    • 5 months ago

      I've been going on for over a year. DON'T TOUCH YOU PENIS. The only way you'll ever lose is by touching your dingaling. Literally the only time you should touch it is to clean it and to pee. This helps me resist a lot of temptation.

      Also, you know to avoid porn I don't even need to talk about that. Set up a porn blocker or something idk.

    • 5 months ago

      >How do i make a comeback
      Cum straight upward then quickly bend over forward. You could probably make it ricochet of something too, but I wouldn't trust that method

    • 5 months ago

      >It's been 2 months i've been on nofap but in the last few days i've been edging to porn. How the frick do i make a comeback
      Fap that out and start over with everyone touching yourself. Edging is worse than chronic masturbation.

      • 5 months ago

        >With everyone touching yourself
        *Without ever touching yourself. Kek.

    • 5 months ago

      If you really have to touch yourself don't watch porn is my advice. I bet if you jacked them you wouldn't have urges to wank for a while after, but you would have urged to watch porn and wank, if you can see the difference that my stupid advice porn bad masturbation bad but more natural .

      I'm jealous of middle ages prostitutehouses y'all, clamydia etc but whatever MFS were going to die young anyway

  13. 5 months ago

    I've had so much time off over Xmas while my wife has been working that I've jacked off too much. Now I'm unsure if my do t would even work when it comes to having actual sex with my wife. Now I'm going to have to cold cold turkey for a couple of weeks.

    I find my normal sweet spot is once a week if I'm not having sex, less needed if I'm having sex. Oh and don't deathgrip

  14. 5 months ago

    As usual, its mostly bullshit. However, if you succeed at it, you've demonstrated excellent self control, and are probably able to excel elsewhere. Its a really good idea to try and succeed at it. Conquer yourself then conquer the world

  15. 5 months ago

    I started a few days ago. Just didn’t wanna. I’m horny and I want to bust a nut but idk I’ve become disgusted with porn and masturbation. I used to nofap years ago and it changed my life for the better. Since stopping my life’s gone to shit again and I’ve developed a full blown addiction. I feel better already only a few days in. More energy better mood. I’m hoping I return to my old self who would just constantly stumble into hookups without trying, making massive leaps of progress in fitness and career, where I would just go about my day with no real expectations outside of personal effort with over 3 weeks of unbusted load in my huts and then have some hot b***h all but demand we fricked and either paint breasts and faces or slam my wiener against cervix and dump the biggest load into a pussy. Just to have those women beg for more and become so attached they constantly try to suck me off and follow me around or hmu non stop. That’s what I’m returning to this year, the breed monster. Idk why it works like this I’ve learned to stop questioning it, I’m not even Chad.

  16. 5 months ago

    My recommendation to achieve nofap is recognize that intrusive, sexual thoughts don't represent you, and you don't have to do what they say. Also Instead of saying "no I will not look at porn or jerk off", say "I am someone who doesnt look at porn or jerk off". Develop it into your personality. And remember to frequently reiterate it. Don't let the challenge get stale. Go online and talk with people, read what others have to say

  17. 5 months ago

    Monthly reminder that masturbation has nothing to do with anything testosterone or mental well-being related, it's 100% the porn.

    >100% porn is the problem
    >Masturbation is normal in any species that enjoys sex

    If you never look at porn, you will never experience any of the litany of problems associated with "chronic masturbation" and the data bears this out.

    It is the dopaminergic response to hyper-stimulation of the brain sustained during the watching of porn that downregulates your dopamine baseline. Masturbation alone doesn't down-regulate your baseline because your brain is only "on fire" when you orgasm.

    Furthermore, porn can have it's negative effects even if you don't jerk off. This is why I give all the hyper-conservative nutjobs their room and space to soap-box, because they're right about sex culture. If you flood a young man with images of pussy and breasts and ass all day long, his brain will be so de-sensitized to the natural nature of sex that pussy occupies the same mental space as a drug.

    Masturbation is not even a part of the equation, it's porn, and sex culture.

    • 5 months ago

      >they're right about sex culture
      “You can get a large audience together for a strip-tease – that is, to watch a girl undress on the stage. Now suppose you come to a country where you could fill a theatre by simply bringing a covered plate on the stage and then slowly lifting the cover so as to let every one see, just before the lights went out, that is contained a mutton chop or a bit of bacon, would you not think that in that country something had gone wrong with the appetite for food? And would not anyone who had grown up in a different world think there was something equally queer about the state of the sex instinct among us?” -- C.S. Lewis

  18. 5 months ago

    Kind of bs. Depends on your diet. If you don't get enough zinc or magnesium in your diet it will raise your test to do no fap. Also increases your risk of prostate cancer. Tyson Fury also said he faps 8 times a day to keep him sharp so fapping might have some benefits to your fitness at a high enough level. Also fapping decreases stress chemicals which can really hurt your gains. Fapping also burns a decent amount of calories. 50-150 calories per fap. On the high end 10 faps is equal to running a marathon.

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