Curing autism

You guys think autism can be cured by overexposure to intense social events?
We all know getting IST doesn't fix shit, but is it possible to build "muscle memory" to make autism disappear or at least be less noticeable just by attending regularly clubs and concerts? How many times a week/month you reckon would be necessary? Maybe adding some sort of progressive overload as you get comfortable?

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  1. 9 months ago

    You dumb frick that’s literally what happens to kids in school. some of the baby autists pick up enough “brain muscle” memory to post on IST

  2. 9 months ago

    If you're mildly autistic, doing something like you mentioned will help you get better at masking

    If you're turbo autistic however, you are out of luck. I think you may be underestimating the extent of autism

  3. 9 months ago

    If you have non autistic friends, go with them every time they ask. But you can still be an autist at the club, so drink a lot to try to overshadow it. Over time you should be able to enjoy yourself and not be a loser even without alcohol.

  4. 9 months ago

    >You guys think autism can be cured by overexposure to intense social events?
    I hope so, just opened a tinder account and I'm planning to go on a frick ton of dates till I get it right
    My looks have never been a problem but I'm absolutely moronic on social interactions

    • 9 months ago

      Very strong. Tinder dates are great because you can just frick up and no one knows. Treat it like you're playing a game and going through the same level each time. Remember to establish touch early and throughout. Say sexually charged shit but just laugh it off

  5. 9 months ago

    No. Real, genuine autism is an actual mental illness, like epilepsy or dementia. There is something verifiably and demonstrably wrong with the base circuitry, and no amount of training and exposure can fix it, it can only mildly dampen the symptoms.

    The problem is that the word "autism" is used too lightly, and far too many people self-diagnose awkwardness, introversion and cowardice as autism. Anyone who has had experience with genuinely mentally ill people knows the difference. Even though autism is on a spectrum, the delimitation between "normal" and "autism" is very fricking clear.

    In the case of those fellows who are just awkward, exposure is obviously gonna fix them because that's what they lack in the first place. They're weird simply because some element in their youth has led them to a path of isolation, and as such they didn't get the necessary evolution they should've gotten. Any individual placed in such a situation would end up similarly. See how awkward and socially inept people became after the quarantine was over.

    So, to "autistic" anons itt, no, your love for some nerdy hobby, your hands getting sweaty when you talk to a girl and your occasional spaghetti spillage is not autism, it's lack of experience. You just had zero incentive to socialize yourself, and you were too much of a lazy pussy to screw the elements and do it wilfully. You are about 6-12 months of intensive socializing away from becoming a social person.

    >Inb4 muh FUNCTIONAL autism
    "Functional" means he can wipe his own ass and can handle cutlery and small electronics without fricking killing himself by accident. It doesn't mean "normal", or even "apparently normal". If you want to see what "functional" autism looks like, go read about Chris Chan.

    • 9 months ago

      thanks, anon. needed to read this. socializing is so much harder than the gym holy frick. any advice for those of us that don't drink? gave up alcohol once i started lifting

      • 9 months ago

        You're welcome.
        It is very much like lifting. What's the sign that a muscle is weak? You can't do many reps, you can't lift that much weight, it hurts and you get DOMS. Same with socializing. The part of socializing is hard, uncomfortable and tiring to do? That's what you need to do.

        As for training, start small and go from there. Talk to people in the street. Ask them about the time or directions. Make up a survey and get their opinions. Then get a social hobby, join a club and go talk to people there. Make friends, go to gatherings. Maybe even ask people to hang out.
        If you have problems with speech, go to an improv class. Maybe go find a foreign language group and go learn it, as you'll have a perfect excuse to fumble while talking (and you'll learn a foreign language, which makes you interesting).
        But the one thing you should never do is sit in a corner quietly. Practice speaking whenever possible. Sitting in a corner quietly is like going yo the gym and not touching any weights.

        Remember to also look the part. Be hygienic, dress nicely, smell nicely. You wouldn't go to the gym without the proper attire, now would you? So don't go to socialize without prepping for the part. Otherwise, you're just like someone who deadlifts while wearing flip flops.

        • 9 months ago

          i just joined a book club and im going to my first meet up next week. luckily i already read the book. yes i know it's not the most social of things but it's a start.

          >But the one thing you should never do is sit in a corner quietly
          once i'm in the actual social setting i can talk very well. it's the actual act of getting out of the house that's so damn difficult. i've spent a lifetime doing introvert hobbies and staying home is so damn fricking comfy but just like the gym, i have to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations.

  6. 9 months ago

    Female autists are usually not detected because they learn to fake being neurotypical.

    • 9 months ago

      thats just bullshit. its obvious when a woman is autistic, theres a bunch of these types bagging groceries at the grocery store i go to. everyone just tolerates it more than a guy with autism

  7. 9 months ago

    Just going to social events alone won't fix a single thing, you can go to a club every other day and stay the same autistic loner because literally no one will give a shit that you're there and nothing will happen unless you actively try to make things happen.

    t. near 30 year old kissless virgin who has been to countless clubs/concerts/festivals/raves/parties and still pretty much the same timid shy loner as before

    • 9 months ago

      Well, have you tried actually talking to people?
      >what do you mean I actually have to initiate conversations and actually talk to people?
      1. You're not interesting enough for other people to approach you, stop being so arrogant.
      2. Have you considered that the other people are just as awkward as you, and are waiting for you to initiate?
      3. Have you considered that maybe you look difficult to approach?
      >Inb4 wdym
      Study body language.

      • 9 months ago

        Not him but I'm a total sperg and last week I went clubbing first time in my life with some friends and a chick (actual woman, I checked) came up to me and started grinding her ass on me. I felt very nervous since I immediately got a hard on and wasn't sure if she could notice but try to ignore it and just kept dancing with her for a while. She was actually kind of cute and I wanted to ask for her social at the end of the night but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
        Definitely getting out there even if you change nothing else about yourself will bring you more experience.

  8. 9 months ago

    Autism can be cured by beating.

  9. 9 months ago

    Take some hallucinogenics at a mild dose and go out in public sometimes.

  10. 9 months ago

    no, autists brains are just built different. They can try faking being human beings, but it make come off as creepy or odd.

  11. 9 months ago


  12. 9 months ago

    You can fix your autism by inventing a time machine, traveling back in time and stop the system from vaccinating your younger self.

  13. 9 months ago

    clubs, parties and bars are the best places for easy social gains. You were suppose to learn this shit in highschool (tutorial mode) but if you didnt you can still catch up by going to places where everyone is drunk and open to social interaction. Go with some mates and get shitfaced and just start talking to random people. Just remember it literally doesn't matter what you say unless your calling them a Black person or something but if you do that then you are too far gone.

  14. 9 months ago

    I have a theory involving blasting autists with shrooms and then providing socialization corrective therapy might work. But therss some rules making experimenting on morons difficult.

  15. 9 months ago

    Is there any point in having friends as a low value male/loser? I’m 5’7 and 5/10 face, I’ve never had a woman show interest in me before and have only gotten a few matches on tinder before. I tried shagging some fat 35 year old woman and she rejected me. Realistically how would I even benefit from having friends or a social circle?

  16. 9 months ago

    Real autists cant even tie their shoelaces or wipe their asses. The homosexuals on the internet who claim to be autists are idiots, just like the nutcases who claim to have IQ of 150 and similar shit. An autist cannot be aware of his own autism.

  17. 9 months ago


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