Current overweight fatty here. 20 years old (6 feet 205).

Current overweight fatty here. 20 years old (6 feet 205). Will eating a low calorie diet combined with weightlifting heavy dumbbells 30 minutes 5 days a week burn/drop weight? I'd like to lose 20 pounds in 3 to 6 months.

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  1. 1 year ago

    walking for 30 mins a day would be better to lose weight faster. but you should also lift and just recomp entirely

    • 1 year ago

      Is 1400 calories a day good?

      • 1 year ago

        It will work but you will feel like shit. Not just physically but mentally. Eat 1600-1800 a day and lift and do light cardio (high intensity is faster but you don't want to frick your joints up lose like 20 lbs before running maybe idk) if you wanna lose weight. Eat lots of protien but don't listen to ketolards.

        Nekoneko cosplay cat is cheering you on your journey. WAGMI

    • 1 year ago


      Go for walks/jogs/runs to improve cardio health, lift weights to add muscle/tone up. Both will improve your physical and mental health.

  2. 1 year ago

    Diet properly and you'll lose weight

  3. 1 year ago

    Your chubby and weightlifting should help tone your body

    But remember abs are made in the kitchen

  4. 1 year ago

    You probably burn about 2300 calories a day, so you should start counting calories and eat 1800 calories a day. You can eat less if you really want to lose weight faster, but I think your goal should really be to do something that isn’t extreme so you won’t quit. You should try your best to get 100g of protein per day, but just focus on not exceeding 1800 calories. Eat whatever you want, but getting 100g of protein will simply let you feel full.

    I would honestly recommend not working out if you don’t want to. It doesn’t burn significant calories. I just don’t want you to get frustrated and quit your diet. If you want to work out though, just try working out 3 days instead of 5. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, for example. 30 minutes is plenty.

    If you’re 1 month away from some goal you’re trying to hit and you’ve been staying under 1800 calories - you can try keto to quickly shed some water weight, but again I think you should try and avoid doing something difficult that will frustrate you and make you give up altogether. If you simply stay under 1800 calories and eat enough protein, you will lose the weight easily.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh, and also drink lots of water. It makes you feel fuller for zero calories.

    • 1 year ago

      I tried 1800 calories a day for 4 months and actually gained 2 pounds without lifting any weights so it wasn't muscle.

      Last year I did 1200 a day and lost 15 pounds, it was brutal but it worked. I didn't exercise though.

      I'm taking medication that makes you gain weight (prozac for depression) and I can't stop it.

      I was thinking of walking 15 to 20 minutes a day 5 days a week and lifting heavy dumbbells 30 minutes a day 5 days a week on a 1400 1500 calorie diet to burn 20 pounds in 5 months. Is this possible?

      • 1 year ago

        You gotta get off the prozac man. Unless there’s truly some chemical imbalance in your brain, but you’re not typing like a schizo so I doubt you should really be on it. Almost no one should. But I don’t know you.

        And yeah, it’s possible. I just think it will very possibly burn you out and make you quit. I don’t see any reason for you to lift weights other than if you enjoy doing it. But 5 days a week is overkill, sometimes even for bulking let alone weight loss.

        Anyway, just get enough protein no matter what you do and you should have a pretty easy time eating at a calorie deficit, even though I’d definitely recommend higher than 1400. If you do try 1400-1500, just keep in mind for your mental that even if you go over 1500 here or there, you should still be at a deficit as long as you don’t go over like more than 2000.

        • 1 year ago

          Prozac makes me much much more social. I feel much more talkative and in a better mood, have a lot of friends mow in contrast to before when i was severely depressed in my room.

          I only take 1 pill 10mg low dose a day.

          • 1 year ago

            Fair enough. Aim for 100g of protein, drink lots of water, and if you want to exercise I recommend 3 nonconsecutive days a week to start. No need to overdo the exercise though.


            >eating a low calorie diet
            This counterintuitively guarantees you will be permanently obese.

            The key to curing obesity is eating large amounts of protein and saturated fat from animal sources while avoiding carbohydrate and PUFAs.

            These people are all middle age and 500 pounds. OP is a 20 year old man who is 200 pounds. His metabolism is almost certainly not a factor, though I don’t know much about prozac in that regard.

            • 1 year ago

              Humans all have the same basic biology. Calorie restriction causes metabolism slowdown. Sets you up for obesity and disease long term.

              No rational educated human would restrict calories. It's pure ignorance.

              • 1 year ago

                By that logic, calorie exuberance would cause metabolism to ramp up and set you up for skelemode

  5. 1 year ago

    >eating a low calorie diet
    This counterintuitively guarantees you will be permanently obese.

    The key to curing obesity is eating large amounts of protein and saturated fat from animal sources while avoiding carbohydrate and PUFAs.

    • 1 year ago

      How much of my diet should be meat? Not OP but in a similar boat. I try to eat balanced meals but 100g of protein is usually a lot of calories as well. If I want to lose weight while eating that much protein then it feels like almost 75% of my diet is just gonna be meat.

      • 1 year ago

        If you eat a protein bar (20g), a scoop of protein powder (20g), a bowl of greek yogurt with maybe some peanut butter in it or maybe some cottage cheese instead (25g), and a glass of milk (10g) you will be 75% of the way there at only like 600 calories; no meat and no real meals. And I didn’t even mention eggs either.

  6. 1 year ago

    I just did a recomp. You will lose weight slower if you lift, but will wind up looking better because you will be gaining muscle instead of just losing fat.

    • 1 year ago

      You've been brainwashed by normie boomers who think that weight is the single metric of someone's health. Weightlifting grows muscle, which may actually make your weight go up, but it does also burn fat which is weight loss. Your overall weight may not change much. A better goal would be achieving a certain body fat percentage (15 is usually best for men and is easy to maintain than 12 or below). Weighing the same with a lower bf % is actually far healthier and looks better
      this is pretty much what this anon says

  7. 1 year ago

    just came to post I get an overwhelming joy when I see a boxed 30lb dumbbell set
    reminds me of my first set when I was 16-17 I bought at Big 5's.

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