Cutting Hell

Cutting is so much harder thank bulking its a whole different thing.

Maintaining a productive work and social life while your body is screaming for you to stuff your face is the strongest test of my will i've ever experienced.

I'm 157lbs/70kg with a lean physique aiming to get shredded. Doing 1300 Kcal with 2gs of protein per Kg. Been at this cut for almost a week. Carbs from fruits. Gym 5 times per week

Does it get worse or better with time?

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  1. 2 years ago

    It gets better when you see the results

    • 2 years ago

      Hope so

      have you tried adderall?

      How does that help?

      >eating carbs
      Found your problem. You carbcucks can't do hard dry fasts because you're not fat adapted.
      >cutting at 70kg
      lol manlet

      6'0 so hardly seething

      mmm coffee and cigarettes


      • 2 years ago

        >How does that help?
        ADHD medications suppress appetite and basically make it so that you don't even feel hunger. I've been taking strattera for years because it's not an actual stimulant like adderall. Downside is that once you go off them, you will gain the weight back.

        • 2 years ago

          Miss me with that god awful side effect. Don't need drug dependence in my life

          Why would you cut at only 70kg then if you're 183cm?
          At 72kg 188cm I'm a fricking scrawny spaghetti skellington, can't imagine you're much thicker; or anywhere near in the need of a cut for that matter.

          To get shredded, as I said. I do agree I'd benefit more from bulking overall, but is it a crime to do cutting a little earlier?

          • 2 years ago

            >is it a crime to do cutting a little earlier?
            You're robbing yourself of gainz, if that's not a crime I don't know what is.
            But it's not like you'll lose much so do what you must yeah.

            If you want to lose weight then there are two ways for you right now:
            I) Stop activating the Randle cycle by either doing low fat (Stan Efferding's vertical diet) or low carb (keto or even carnivore). Doesn't matter too much which one you pick nutritionally if it's short term.
            The only problem is that if you don't switch your macros slowly over the course of 6 weeks you'll very likely frick your gut microbiome.
            II) Do a fast. Since you're not fat adapted you'll have to drink water; or better yet snake juice. Yes I know, woowoo sounding name but it's just water + some electrolytes you can cheaply and easily acquire, and it'll spare you muscle cramps.
            Fasting also upregulates your HGH and stem cells. You can still work out fasted.
            If you go longer than 2 days then your immune system will be weakened from day 3 until 2 days after you re-feed, and re-feeding becomes a bit more troublesome.
            So you can just do 2 days of fast and 3 days of refeeding, rince and repeat. This is dumbass proof unless you've got some rare genetic bullshit going on.

            One thing though, whether you calorie restrict (dumbshit method that doesn't work because CICO is pseudoscience) or fast, it WILL put a strain on your thyroid, so don't do it for too long. If your arms and legs feel abnormally cold all the time, it's a sign your thyroid function is weakened.

            You could do more esoteric shit in addition like spending time naked when it's cold to force more calories out of your body, but that's schizo tier minmaxing.

            I heavily recommend you go with fasting with snake juice (2L of water, 1tsp KCl, 1tsp NaCl for the simple recipe, make sure the KCl is food grade) and start with alternate day fasting (1 day fasting, 1 day eating, rince repeat), see how you feel. Eat normal sized meal between the fasts.

            • 2 years ago

              You make a detailed case for fasting, but I don't see how you can hope to maintain muscle mass if 2 days per week you eat nothing at all.

              • 2 years ago

                Your body will prioritize burning stored fat and will only use your muscle proteins for gluconeogenesis as a last resort. Your muscle loss will be minimal, especially compared to doing the CICO bullshit.
                Humans went through bouts of fasts frequently over the millenia and our metabolism evolved to accomodate that. Of course if you're fat adapted it's going to be way smoother and faster (don't get me wrong, it still sucks)
                In the end, how the body responds depends from person to person so you should check the fasting general, they get most of it right most of the time anyway. A good place to ask questions if you're having problems or reservations.
                Or you do the stupid CICO pseudoscience shit at 1000Kcal deficit or more, up to you.

                What are the implications of doing 8 weeks of a a deficit of 0 calories? Not fasting, but after factoring my 140k steps a week, and (if I even manage I doubt it) 6, 14 miles bike rides. At a 1100 calorie intake I am essentially eating 0 calories a day. All the calories are from protein btw and I'm taking vitamins... My fatigue will be through the fricking rough I know, also I've felt what it's like to have 0 to no fats, this is just a theory, well sorta, the deficit and 140k aren't, the bike rides are.

                Not OP just a random homosexual

                Your metabolism slows down if you eat under your TDEE, which is why you need to go at a ~1000Kcal deficit to see any change to begin with.
                >All the calories are from protein btw
                Proteins are extremely inefficient when it comes to providing energy to your body (which is one of the big reasons why the CICO model is incomplete and therefore wrong). Whatever calculation's you've made, they're wrong. And steady state exercise (aka "cardio" to smoothbrains) is also bad for your health.
                >and I'm taking vitamins
                lol, lmao even.

                I'm also going to use the ECA stack when needed, so probably after 2 weeks I'll start half, and up to full whenever necessary. Trying it out with my bike ride (ik ik) to see if it's possible

                >I'm also going to use the ECA stack
                Dude, you're beyond saving, just do whatever stupid shit you want.

              • 2 years ago

                >cardio is bad for health

                I'm not using the protein for energy, it's to minimize muscle loss. Also no shit yeah your body stops using functions that are unnecessary to live, which is why you naturally are more lethargic and sluggish on a cut, or if drastic enough, have no sex drive. I'm taking the EC stack for appetite suppression and a boost of energy because well, I'm not fricking eating enough. Which is what the question stemmed from. If I really wanted I could just eat 2200 cals and be in a 1k deficit, but I don't want that do I? Also 2200 is overestimating how low I need to be, realistically it may even be 2500.

              • 2 years ago

                Read what you've written and try to tell me with a straight face that you're not schizo.

              • 2 years ago

                I am probably schizophrenic yeah. Does that mean what I have said was wrong?

                >You are depleted in energy due to a energy deficit, what does your body do in response?
                >Cardiovascular activity, designed to increase the hearts ability to pump oxygen through blood vessels, is bad for you.
                >Protein as an energy source is simply unoptimal, however, protein as a unit of muscle sparing, is not.
                >Knowing I burn roughly 3200-3500cals a week through walking and such, I know I could simply do a deficit of 1k and be fine. But wanting to lose more for my own reasons, I figured what would happen if my deficit + tdee would allocate 0 calories consumed per day for 8 weeks, and what would be the negatives? Aside from obvious fatigue and lack of fat related mental health.

              • 2 years ago


                Im the alleged schizo anon. I don't even get hungry or full anymore, I just exist in a limbo. Only reason I'm fat is because eating food feels good, it's literally FOMO, I can't tell you how many binges this month have all just been empty tastes. Whatever I need to lose 60 lbs now frick it. I'll look good though when it's done so huge

                Frick now I feel bad for you.
                Look, you want to lose weight: don't eat.
                It's that simple but don't overdo it, make sure your electrolyte levels are OK (you can do that with the so called "snake juice") and don't go longer than 2 days at a time as a novice.

                Doing your moronic protein only exercise+calculated deficit0 will put a big strain on your system. There's the "rabbit starvation" meme, but you'll experience other nutrient deficiencies, and frick your gut microbiome. You'll also inflame your gut lining depending on the type of protein you're ingesting.
                Also it will create an electrolyte imbalance in most scenarios, that will give you muscle cramps at best.
                Your thyroid health will degrade too. And those vitamin pills? listen there's a reason some vitamins are called "fat solluble vitamins", and I don't care if you take supplements, most of them are shit with negligible bioavailability.
                8 weeks is a long enough time for many things to go wrong. You won't die but you will cause unnecessary damage.

                Just do what

                Get really hungry knowing that you can get a tolerance to ghrelin just like any drug. Just fast, OMEOD, etc. until hunger is gone, then calorie restrict.

                said, that I suggested to OP in

                >is it a crime to do cutting a little earlier?
                You're robbing yourself of gainz, if that's not a crime I don't know what is.
                But it's not like you'll lose much so do what you must yeah.

                If you want to lose weight then there are two ways for you right now:
                I) Stop activating the Randle cycle by either doing low fat (Stan Efferding's vertical diet) or low carb (keto or even carnivore). Doesn't matter too much which one you pick nutritionally if it's short term.
                The only problem is that if you don't switch your macros slowly over the course of 6 weeks you'll very likely frick your gut microbiome.
                II) Do a fast. Since you're not fat adapted you'll have to drink water; or better yet snake juice. Yes I know, woowoo sounding name but it's just water + some electrolytes you can cheaply and easily acquire, and it'll spare you muscle cramps.
                Fasting also upregulates your HGH and stem cells. You can still work out fasted.
                If you go longer than 2 days then your immune system will be weakened from day 3 until 2 days after you re-feed, and re-feeding becomes a bit more troublesome.
                So you can just do 2 days of fast and 3 days of refeeding, rince and repeat. This is dumbass proof unless you've got some rare genetic bullshit going on.

                One thing though, whether you calorie restrict (dumbshit method that doesn't work because CICO is pseudoscience) or fast, it WILL put a strain on your thyroid, so don't do it for too long. If your arms and legs feel abnormally cold all the time, it's a sign your thyroid function is weakened.

                You could do more esoteric shit in addition like spending time naked when it's cold to force more calories out of your body, but that's schizo tier minmaxing.

                I heavily recommend you go with fasting with snake juice (2L of water, 1tsp KCl, 1tsp NaCl for the simple recipe, make sure the KCl is food grade) and start with alternate day fasting (1 day fasting, 1 day eating, rince repeat), see how you feel. Eat normal sized meal between the fasts.

                Only eat every other day, and when you do, stick to a regular sized meal, and durinng your fasted days, drink the snake juice for electrolyte balance. You can do it with water but better safe than sorry.
                And of course if your meal are low carb, you'll slowly become more and more fat adapted (it's not an on/off thing, more of a gradient), which will make the fasting easier and more efficient for fat loss (you want to lose fat, not weight).
                This will trigger a decrease in your insulin levels. Insulin causes water retention; this means you will piss more, which means you will lose electrolytes in the process. Thus why better being safe than sorry and drinking the snake juice thing is a good idea.


              • 2 years ago

                An alternative to the snake juice is salt water with B vitamin complex and trace minerals. But let's not get too complicated, the snake juice is fine for short periods.
                You can also do 2 fasted days 3 fed days instead of 1:1, find what works best for you.
                If your urine colour turns to a dark yellow you are dehydrated and need to drink more, preferably something with electrolytes in it (like the snake juice).

                Once you are fat adapted (give it a week of fasting/refeeding with low carb only meals) you can do dry fasts. Like fasting but you don't drink anything; if you are fat adapted enough your body will produce enough metabolic water. If your urine turns darker then you are not fat adapted enough, abort and drink snake juice, try again at a later stage.
                By forcing your body to create metabolic water from fat, you are speeding up the process.
                You can even up it a notch by doing a "hard dry fast": not only you do not drink, but you also do not come into contact with water (no shower, no washing your hands); some water can be absorbed through your skin.

                During your fast however, since toxins are stored in the fat you may experience some trouble (especially with dry fasting because there is no water to move the bile in your bowels) such as:
                Gallstones passing (or failing to pass)
                Diarrhea (or sharts)
                Nausea and fever like symptoms
                Oxalate dumping

                Except for the gallstones, which is a normal process, and the oxalate dumping, taking some diatomaceous earth or activated charcoal (especially if it's heavy metal toxicity from whatever was stored in your fat deposits) can help, but if it gets to vomiting then break your fast.

                To break a fast can also be a difficult matter. Just take a cup of broth or coconut water (I'd recommend bone broth) every 2 hours for 6 hours (so 3 times) then give it a 2 hour wait and you can enjoy your meal. Of course surch meticulousness is only really needed for fasts of 3 days (72 hours) or longer. Don't do those yet.

              • 2 years ago

                >steady state exercise (aka "cardio" to smoothbrains) is also bad for your health.

      • 2 years ago

        Why would you cut at only 70kg then if you're 183cm?
        At 72kg 188cm I'm a fricking scrawny spaghetti skellington, can't imagine you're much thicker; or anywhere near in the need of a cut for that matter.

  2. 2 years ago

    have you tried adderall?

  3. 2 years ago

    >eating carbs
    Found your problem. You carbcucks can't do hard dry fasts because you're not fat adapted.
    >cutting at 70kg
    lol manlet

  4. 2 years ago

    mmm coffee and cigarettes

  5. 2 years ago

    1300 seems pretty low. I'm 80kg and I cut with 2200 calories

  6. 2 years ago

    Enduring discomfort is the very essence of self discipline. If you cannot handle mild hunger for a few days while your body adjusts to longer fasting periods then you are too weak to meet any goals in life.

    • 2 years ago

      Agreed. Still painful.

      Bro, use a calculator and find out how many calories you need to cut. 1300 is starvation tier if you're going Jim 5 days a week

      Thing is i never got a reliable source that told me how much 1/2 hours of strength training burns each time. So i don't have an accurate idea of what my actual calorie burn is. So I go for 2100 and work from there.

  7. 2 years ago

    Bro, use a calculator and find out how many calories you need to cut. 1300 is starvation tier if you're going Jim 5 days a week

  8. 2 years ago

    What do you eat in a day?

    • 2 years ago

      Chicken Breast, Whey, and fruits like Papaya. Plus vitamin supplements

  9. 2 years ago

    What are the implications of doing 8 weeks of a a deficit of 0 calories? Not fasting, but after factoring my 140k steps a week, and (if I even manage I doubt it) 6, 14 miles bike rides. At a 1100 calorie intake I am essentially eating 0 calories a day. All the calories are from protein btw and I'm taking vitamins... My fatigue will be through the fricking rough I know, also I've felt what it's like to have 0 to no fats, this is just a theory, well sorta, the deficit and 140k aren't, the bike rides are.

    Not OP just a random homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      I'm also going to use the ECA stack when needed, so probably after 2 weeks I'll start half, and up to full whenever necessary. Trying it out with my bike ride (ik ik) to see if it's possible

  10. 2 years ago

    Better for a while, then worse
    I’m on my 5th month of a cut and even though the deficit is much less now (200 cal at most) I’m super hungry all of the time
    Sometimes I can’t resist but I have enough leeway to eat at maintenance
    On weekends I do OMAD so I can stuff my face and I can easily get 2000+ in a single meal
    I’m 144lb

  11. 2 years ago

    Get really hungry knowing that you can get a tolerance to ghrelin just like any drug. Just fast, OMEOD, etc. until hunger is gone, then calorie restrict.

    • 2 years ago


      Im the alleged schizo anon. I don't even get hungry or full anymore, I just exist in a limbo. Only reason I'm fat is because eating food feels good, it's literally FOMO, I can't tell you how many binges this month have all just been empty tastes. Whatever I need to lose 60 lbs now frick it. I'll look good though when it's done so huge

  12. 2 years ago

    have you tried smoking pot and jacking off?

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