Davdi Goggins' mindset is 100% correct

His mindset is 100% correct

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  1. 4 months ago


  2. 4 months ago

    >"WHOS.... GONNA.... CARRY... THE... BOATS?! THEY DONT ME SON!!!!"

    • 4 months ago

      Could park a jumbo jet up that Black folk nose

  3. 4 months ago

    His mindset isn't relevant
    Black people don't have bodies capable of containing souls
    They are hylics by default

    • 4 months ago

      Chud cope

    • 4 months ago

      frick off loser

  4. 4 months ago

    "In hard times, all around us are crumbling, and all those that quit, that's when the frick you know who you are!" - David Goggins

  5. 4 months ago

    What mindset does he even have? I don't know what the frick his deal is.

  6. 4 months ago

    >dood just abandon your family and young child, make your army squad almost freeze to death, badge collect without accomplishing anything in the military, and ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!

    • 4 months ago

      You could just outright tell us that you jump to conclusions like a woman

  7. 4 months ago

    Hes a literal moron

    • 4 months ago

      This is why he is correct. His message is simple.

    • 4 months ago

      how is he dumb if his head is so big?

      • 4 months ago


  8. 4 months ago

    he's the best
    so be careful, he's a freak, he broke every bone in his body and ran more and is a navy seal ect.

  9. 4 months ago

    ITT: Low IQ people

    Understandable, honestly 99.99% of people who watch Goggins and obsess over him don't even understand his message

    His message is simple: You're going to need to do things that you're shit at, it's going to be really hard, you're not going to like doing it, you're going to always want to quit, and you're going to believe you're a stupid lazy dumb frick, and all of that will be true, you're not talented, you're not skilled, you're not intelligent, you're not gifted, you're a peasant piece of shit, but.....learn to do it anyway despite all of that shit.

    There will be naturally gifted/talented/intelligent people on IST from wealthy families who life just went perfect for so you wont understand it, but Goggins is more so talking to people who are shitters in life. The point is most shitters will just give up and accept some shitty life because they will look at people who are doing well in life who are doing well in life effortlessly, and then the shitters will believe if they aren't doing it effortlessly, than it means its not for them, and that they'll accept failure and going nowhere in life.

    Goggins is trying to get the message into the head of the unfortunate people in life, that they can still get where they want to go, and that suffering every single day for it is normal for them, as low IQ peasants, but its still possible, and he wants you to learn to adapt to the struggle of being in pain everyday trying to get to the place you want to be, and to learn to live with that pain, and to turn that pain into your source of fuel instead of an excuse to quit everything you try just because you aren't naturally good at it.

    He doesn't force this onto people, he doesn't care if you do it or not, his entire point is that you can do it if you can learn to be in pain everyday.

    Him running himself to death is him giving a sacrificial analogy as well as being the way he keeps himself in tune with doing something he hates doing every single day.

    • 4 months ago

      so true

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah I think what people dont get is, they assume hes just some motivational guru guy who wants you to love doing shit

        Goggins says he has hated everything he does, he hated every moment of going from fat to shredded, he hates being shredded, he hated SEALs training, but he went back and did it again and again, because he wants to do things he hates doing, he hates running, he hates swimming, he hates water, but again, he goes for stuff he hates doing, he is constantly training the mental side of his brain to do things he hates, and he does NOT enjoy doing them.

        Hes training to be a paramedic now and he has a learning disability, so he has to read every single page of every book he studies 1000 times over, and then goes through the same book again 1000 times over again, he does this because he doesn't just learn shit reading it briefly or a few times like someone who has high IQ, he has to study a simple line 10000 times over before he understands it.

        The point is 99.999% of people will study for awhile and think its too hard and give up. He overcomes this by just doing it over and over and over 10000 times and he hates every moment of it, but he does it anyway, because he knows when he does something so many times over, that he can do it eventually, no matter how dumb he is.

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