Day 1 of my 14 days fast is complete

I've grown bored of doing CICO. But the fat isnt gonna shed itself so I downloaded a book on fasting and apparently it's actually a pretty great tool for all kinds of things. I've fasted for 24/36 hours before but never 14 days. I didn't even know if it was healthy before doing research. So rn Im at 228lbs. I'm hoping to lose at least 8.5lbs of actual fat which will get me down under the 220s, which I haven't' been at in years. This 2 weeks is a test run, if it goes well I'll do 1 month next. Losing the 50lbs I need to lose wouldve taken me 6+ months of prohibitive CICO but not only is fasting gonna take me there much quicker (you lose 1/2lbs of fat a day typically), I also believe it'll be much easier. Wish me luck broskies

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  1. 2 months ago

    Hey op.can you answer a question do you think 10 kcals of artificial sweetener ruins a fast?

    • 2 months ago

      Yes. Not because of the calories but because artificial sweeteners always end up making you hungrier in the long run. It's something about priming your brain for food but not ingesting any. I do coffee, tea and sparkling water only. The book I read actually recommended homemade broth, so like adding a handful of calories doesnt literally ruin a fast, they'll be spent just as quickly then back to fasting your body goes. But that seems like cope to me, if you're gonna fast, fast.

      • 2 months ago

        I haven't eaten anything in 17 hours, one reign was literally all I had

        • 2 months ago

          Know that it takes 3 days of fasting before you exert your small carb storage before the body switch to converting fat. That's when the real fun begins, or so I'm told

  2. 2 months ago

    Yeah man, I'm 6ft 1 (and a half) and was 245 at 25% body fat. Could bench 335, deadlift 507.5 , can't squat cause torn acl and too poorgay to take time off work.

    Hated the fricking gut I was getting at 25 making me look ugly and old (kinda am for gen z). Started fasting. Down to 226, feel flat, obviously due to the glycogen. Usually do 2-5 day fasts and refeed with about 1800k of ground beef and really nice cheese. (Black Bomber Snowdonia is my fricking weakness.)

    Benched 230 for 5x5 easy af. Doing these 3-5 see the scale go down, strenght has gone down mildly. Main motivation is that I am a weekend warrior in the Gaurd while I finish my Biology Degree, and normally my PT scores exempt me from getting taped, my torn acl prevents me from running my 2 mile run and honestly is why I bounced from 220 to 245.

    My first 72 I forgot to drink electrolytes consistently so I fricking died. Keeping with salt and potassium I am good.

  3. 2 months ago

    Fasting is easier and more effective than daily calorie restricting. Eating 1800cal every day makes me want to kill myself and I would constantly feel bloated and retaining water from fricked up hormomes and metabolism (from depriving yourself of nutrition but never actually entering a fat burning state).
    Eating 3500 every other day means I can actually enjoy food and nourish myself on eating days, and then actually lose weight on fasting days. 3 weeks into this cut down from 193lbs to 179lbs and haven’t hit a single plateau not even for a day.
    It’s nice going to bed and knowing that you’re going to be 1-4lbs lighter in the morning and that you get to eat a normal amount of food that day, instead of starving yourself every single day just to lose like .2 pounds and plateau all the time, and then you overeat one (1) day and undo 5 days of “progress”
    Every cut I’m doing from now on I’m just alternate day fasti ng instead of bs daily calorie restriction

    • 2 months ago

      People really fall for this bait?

  4. 2 months ago

    I think it would be funny if as you lose fat from your face your facial hair gets longer than it would by growing normally, like you've always had the longer beard hair in there but it was covered up by fat. Like if there are reeds growing out of a dune and you blow some sand away.

  5. 2 months ago

    i'd do a fast, but i have 15 leftover chicken wings (barbecue) in the fridge, so frick that

    • 2 months ago

      you can always get those wings another time, after you've completed your fast

      People really fall for this bait?

      how's it bait?

      • 2 months ago

        >how's it bait?

      • 2 months ago

        Fasting long-term like that is the worst thing you can do for weight loss. Just anorexicmaxx and eat 200-700 cals of healthy food everyday

  6. 2 months ago

    You gotta be strong on the 3rd day.

  7. 2 months ago

    >prohibitive CICO
    What you mean with "PROHIBITIVE"?

  8. 2 months ago

    Please have a refeeding plan and follow it slowly. Anything else will make your hairline weep and cower for at least a year.

    • 2 months ago

      Im not OP but whats a good refeeding plan?

  9. 2 months ago

    drop too much too fast and you'll get loose skin OP, idk if ur actually stupidly fat or not lbs makes no sense to me, but I know someone who looks markably worse to when he was fat because he dropped from fat to little overweight very fast and his stomach hangs down below his dick

  10. 2 months ago

    Enjoy reduced stomach size in the end and try not to stretch it too soon.

  11. 2 months ago

    fasting is cico too. you just subtract 0 from calories you burn. protein sparing modified fast is only acceptable form of fasting. doctors prescribe it to morbidly obese patients. basically around 800 calories, almost all protein plus vitamin mineral supplements.

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