Day 16

30 Day Challenge
>1000 Calories a day
>No snacks. No Junk.
>Gym Everyday

Post progress. Weight loss. Motivate each other. A thread for LEANCHADS by LEANCHADS


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  1. 9 months ago

    Still making great progress. Much leaner than day 1. Progress Pictures are like day and night. Things are looking good

    Would highly recommend for fat bodyfat loss

    • 9 months ago

      >fast bodyfat loss*

    • 9 months ago

      >Would highly recommend for fat bodyfat loss
      How do you know all of that is bodyfat?

    • 9 months ago

      How ya doin? Hangin in there? When I did PSMF a few years ago I remember brain fog peaked about 2 weeks in. Like it felt like my brain was at 50%

      • 9 months ago
        I WILL BE LEAN

        I'm past that keto flu/brain fog point now, I've been doing keto-ish diets prior to this so I had a bit of a head start on adapting

        It was bad during that time, but I feel much better on the other side of it

        post template

        Here you go

        • 9 months ago

          thanks king

  2. 9 months ago

    Oh hey, I thought you had given up already. Good to see you're still at it.

    • 9 months ago

      Of course. This is the last time I'm saying I WILL BE LEAN. I'm putting my all into this, and the progress has been phenomenal

  3. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Strange reward for fricking up diet yesterday but I'll take it. Filled half the allowed calories with popsicles in my moment of weakness

      Still making great progress. Much leaner than day 1. Progress Pictures are like day and night. Things are looking good

      Would highly recommend for fat bodyfat loss

      Still looking great!

    • 9 months ago

      Strange reward for fricking up diet yesterday but I'll take it. Filled half the allowed calories with popsicles in my moment of weakness

      Still looking great!

      LEANGODS are smiling on you, that's all it means

      >Would highly recommend for fat bodyfat loss
      How do you know all of that is bodyfat?

      Because I see it in my progress pictures

      • 9 months ago

        >Because I see it in my progress picture
        You are smaller, yes, but how do you know you are not losing lean mass at the same time?

        • 9 months ago
          I WILL BE LEAN

          1) I know because I'm on a high protein diet specifically made to mitigate muscle loss

          2) lean mass loss doesn't happen as dramatically as IST thinks it does

          3) I don't care about lean mass loss. As much as I'm mitigating it, if it happens it happens. I want to be LEAN over EVERYTHING ELSE.

          Not saying it will happen, but if being lean costs me my hair, my libido, my teeth, my muscles I WILL BE LEAN. Luckily for me, all those side effects are not possible without an extreme starvation diet. 1000 calories is not an extreme starvation diet so therefore I am at no risk.

  4. 9 months ago

    I open fit just to f3 your thread every day. I do think what you're doing is moronic but its interesting , excited to see pics at day 30 since thats all that counts

    • 9 months ago

      Thanks, I appreciate the continual interest. Day 30 is indeed "The Big Day" and I'm excited for it too

      I'm still trying to figure out the best way to show the rules. Start and final Side by side, do I overlay them and make the transparency slide in and out as a gif, maybe make a slide show of all 30 days.

  5. 9 months ago

    >23 days of cutting
    >muscle mass down from 39.25kg to 36.25kg
    >%bf up from 11 to 13

    • 9 months ago

      36.95*. Still, this project is going all the wrong ways.

    • 9 months ago

      36.95*. Still, this project is going all the wrong ways.

      Are you counting calories properly, eating enough protein? A heavy cut requires healthier eating, any junk in your diet is multitudes more detrimental since you're already reducing calories

      Day 16 of calling you a fricking moron. You look like you need some protein, i can givr you some, if yoi know what i mean. See you tomorrow, moron.

      See you tomorrow!

    • 9 months ago

      That sucks, how are you tracking muscle mass/BF%?

  6. 9 months ago

    Day 16 of calling you a fricking moron. You look like you need some protein, i can givr you some, if yoi know what i mean. See you tomorrow, moron.

  7. 9 months ago

    why is so fricking hard to diet? I'm not talking about discipline, but making a diet
    >bread will kill you
    >sugar is worse than cocaine
    >eggs are top tier
    >just eat deens
    >eggs will make you implode
    >don't eat anything but meat
    >count. every.calorie.
    what the frick, I just want to eat better

    • 9 months ago

      It's hard, but you gotta focus on the results. Junk food is delicious, but it's complete dog shit for you. A healthy body cannot be made with unhealthy food.

      Being lean requires the upmost health, and the upmost discipline. Being lean means your body is in pristine shape. That's worth going through a shitty diet.

      • 9 months ago

        nono, I didn't explain myself properly.
        I can't set up a diet.
        it's not about following it, it's about nutrition being a fricking mess of a field.

        • 9 months ago
          I WILL BE LEAN

          Meh don't overthink it
          In that order. Maximize calories from lean protein, chicken/eggwhites/turkey. Minimize carbs bread/pasta and eliminate as much added sugars as possible.

          Find something you can meal prep and eat everyday for weeks on end. If you change up your meals too often. Youre going to be counting calories too often.

          For me. I eat eggwhites and chicken. I know 1 cup eggwhites is 100 calories. 4oz chicken is 200. An extra 100 for butter and oil. And another 100 for any calculation errors. 500 calories.

          I eat it everyday so I never have to calculate my calorie intake again. I know if I eat a cup of eggwhite, and 4oz of chicken. That's 500 calories, everytime

    • 9 months ago

      I was just like you until I found the revolutionary FIJNFTMAD (Frick It Just Normal Food Three Meals A Day) diet.
      Don't overthink it, just eat regular varied food at normal meal times. You'll get enough nutrients on the long run and as long as you hit a ballpark calorie target it'll average out.
      Most people don't gain weight from food, they'll get it from all the extra snacking, candy and soda they inhale during the day. Leave those out and what's left is surprisingly low amount of calories.

  8. 9 months ago

    Mental illness

    • 9 months ago


  9. 9 months ago

    post template

  10. 9 months ago

    >1k cals
    Manlet goblin mode? Enjoy insane muscle loss if youre not 5'3 and bellow

    • 9 months ago

      And why is that?

      • 9 months ago

        Because unless youre a manlet your maintenance caloric intake is not 1500kcal

        • 9 months ago
          I WILL BE LEAN

          And why do you think you automatically lose muscle in a deficit?

          >What works for you may not work for me. What works for me, may not work for you.
          bull fricking shit, moron. the porinciples of weightloss are very well established.
          nobody denies that you will lose weight on a 1000kcal diet, it's just that is utterly moronic because you'll lose much more muscle mass than neccessary.

          These all-or-nothing-approaches are dumb as frick and they all fail - even if you make it through this "challenge", you'll be back to McD on Day 31 and regain all, if not more weight. Why? Because you did not enjoy living like this for a month and it is not sustainable.

          >These all-or-nothing-approaches are dumb as frick and they all fail - even if you make it through this "challenge", you'll be back to McD on Day 31 and regain all, if not more weight. Why? Because you did not enjoy living like this for a month and it is not sustainable.
          I actually am enjoying it. The look of myself in the mirror greatly outweighs the enjoyment of the food i gave up. Sure, every now and then I'd like to eat healthy fast food or a bigger meal, but this diet is setting the foundations for me to enjoy a low calorie, low carb lifestyle.

          And thats why I said "what works for me may not work for you". I'm well aware that this diet to some people is "non sustainable". There was even another lreviously shredded anon who warned me that it's impossible to keep up. For me, I don't find it that challenging. I make egg whites, I make chicken. Two foods I already enjoy so it's not like anything has changed.
          I've already decided that once I hit my goal weight (11.3 more lbs), ill never weigh more than 5lbs above it again. For the rest of my life.

  11. 9 months ago

    what do you eat for 1kcal anon?

  12. 9 months ago

    How the hell do I count the calories on my pre-made meals? I can't cook for shit, so I get 20 meals (frozen) of home made low carb meals. While the label lists the ingredients, it doesn't have the portions.

    • 9 months ago

      Pick up the portion of each ingredient and put it on a balance

  13. 9 months ago

    Why would I take advice on getting lean from someone who isn't lean?

    • 9 months ago

      Right back at most of the posters in this thread

      • 9 months ago

        Why would I take advice on getting lean from You, spamming these threads, who isn't lean?

  14. 9 months ago

    Very proud of you! Great determination

    • 9 months ago

      Thanks, it's been a hell of a ride so far but I'm 100% determined to see it to the end

      Why would I take advice on getting lean from You, spamming these threads, who isn't lean?

      Well. Because I, unlike most other posters in this thread, have at least shown some evidence of credible weight loss. Of course, you dont have to take my advice. I as well, have ignored the advice of people much leaner than me. Why? We are our own people. Shits only going to work if you believe it works. I can't force you to do anything the same way you can't force me.
      What works for you may not work for me. What works for me, may not work for you.
      If what I'm doing resonates with you, then try it. If not then you don't have to. I'm not forcing you

      • 9 months ago

        >What works for you may not work for me. What works for me, may not work for you.
        bull fricking shit, moron. the porinciples of weightloss are very well established.
        nobody denies that you will lose weight on a 1000kcal diet, it's just that is utterly moronic because you'll lose much more muscle mass than neccessary.

        These all-or-nothing-approaches are dumb as frick and they all fail - even if you make it through this "challenge", you'll be back to McD on Day 31 and regain all, if not more weight. Why? Because you did not enjoy living like this for a month and it is not sustainable.

  15. 9 months ago

    I thought it was better to work out every second day?
    I'm more interested in losing weight, gaining stamina, and getting lean, should I be exercising daily instead?

    • 9 months ago

      I wouldn't recommend it unless you've done it before. I personally wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't part of the challenge

  16. 9 months ago

    keep at it anon. I'm down 35 week 9

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