Day 300 nofap. Ask me anything about advice, experience, etc., or feel free to share anything of your own.

Day 300 nofap. Ask me anything about advice, experience, etc., or feel free to share anything of your own. Never thought I'd get here, hope I can help someone else get here too.

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  1. 11 months ago

    How did you get through the beginning?

    I've done a 120 and a 500+ streak but I was in weird states of mind when starting both. I know I can keep it going past the two week mark but getting there feels impossible.

    • 11 months ago

      Pretty embarrassing, but it was because of a girl. She didn't want to start a relationship with a porn addict, broke things off after a little bit of time together. That was the kick in the ass that I really needed to get over the hump.
      Earlier streaks I got on, I always found that days 8-11 would be especially hard. When I got those same feelings on this streak, I basically just channeled all my pent-up self-loathing and anger and powered myself through.
      In the end, you do need something to motivate you. You need an actual reason that you want to change--I wanted to quit for religious reasons for years (still the main reason why I'm quitting), but it was just hard to convert that abstract motivation into actionable willpower.

      For advice not specific to me, I'd say the big thing is just changing your routine for those two weeks. Don't let yourself get into those states where you're gonna fall back into normal routines--I realized I would always play like 10 minutes of Minesweeper or watch 10 minutes of Youtube in my bed before jacking off every time, had to find a way to stop doing those things so I'd stop setting myself up to fail. My advice is generally just that you gotta be 15 minutes ahead of the urges--you're not gonna stop jacking off when the video's on and your dick's in your hands, it's gotta be before you even start typing in some site name.

      Did you escalate to perverted porn? Did your taste normalize after 300 nofap?

      Was into some fairly pervy shit, don't think it was as debased as some people get but it was def bad. Tbh, some of the old pervy shit still turns me on, though I can also see how disgusting it can be.
      I never really got desensitized by porn all that much--like, I'd still get hard around girls I was going out with and such--so idk, maybe my brain's just weird. Might also be because i've really improved diet and exercise planning over the last year, so test is def up.
      In brief: was into some mildly depraved shit, not the worst, could probably still get hard to it today if I went back.

      • 11 months ago

        >but it was because of a girl. She didn't want to start a relationship with a porn addict
        How bad was the addiction and was she a virgin?

        • 11 months ago

          Not the worst, maybe averaging out to a bit less than daily. It was a lot worse when I was younger, like a young teenager, went through ups and downs, was definitely not at my best point at that time but wasn't as bad as other points had been.
          Not sure about her. She was a pretty shy kinda girl, seemed picky about guys, was a bit ambiguous about her past. I don't blame her for any of it regardless, it seems really clear to me now that girls shouldn't put up with guys doing that shit (just as guys shouldn't put up with girls hoeing it up nonstop).

          • 11 months ago

            If women aren't virgins, have toys or read any erotica, and aren't willing to be wives who take care of their husbands needs they have no good reason to get mad about porn. And unless you're actually going to become better than you could have been WITH porn, it's taking too much of your time or you can only get off to twisted shit anymore I don't see the point in stopping besides the women's complaining.

  2. 11 months ago

    Did you escalate to perverted porn? Did your taste normalize after 300 nofap?

  3. 11 months ago

    And but so then

  4. 11 months ago

    honestly I couldn't get through this but I want to
    I've done gravity's rainbow a few times

  5. 11 months ago

    How many orgasms have you had in that period?

    • 11 months ago

      0, not counting wet dreams. Counting wet dreams, maybe a dozen.

      Did you go out and frick a chick or did you sit around and contemplate your shit existence

      Just contemplated.

  6. 11 months ago

    Who the frick needs that many copies of infinite jest? Oh yeah, OP good job, me personally I know my body just makes more so I nut pretty frequently.

  7. 11 months ago

    Did you go out and frick a chick or did you sit around and contemplate your shit existence

  8. 11 months ago

    What benefits have you experienced?

    • 11 months ago

      Def higher test, a lot less wasted time, a lot less insecurity/self-loathing, massively better self-image, better perception of women, I'd say better sleep as well. Idk, I've also gotten a much better workout routine going in the same time and I was already a fairly healthy dude, so I don't want to just blindly attribute every good thing that happened to nofap. But my life's def improved.
      Also have asked out a lot more girls since then, but idk if that's just circumstance or other developments in my life--it's kinda hard to separate nofap from the general improvements I've made, but I'm def a much more confident and open person than I used to be.

      Anon did u experience flatline where u pretty much at 0 libido.I feel like i can go on high streaks but after few months i get that use it or lose it anxiety

      Honestly I've had the opposite experience, I feel a much higher general libido since nofap than I had before. Like, I would get horny before nofap, but post-nofap I feel a pretty constant sex drive--I guess not just wasting it all on porn makes it a lot stronger and more constant. Has been a welcome benefit all in all.

      If women aren't virgins, have toys or read any erotica, and aren't willing to be wives who take care of their husbands needs they have no good reason to get mad about porn. And unless you're actually going to become better than you could have been WITH porn, it's taking too much of your time or you can only get off to twisted shit anymore I don't see the point in stopping besides the women's complaining.

      Not gonna list every single self-improvement benefit of nofap cause they're so numerous, but it's obvious how it improves your life to stop porn. And yeah, women frick up plenty, but if nobody's willing to take the first step and actually improve, then everyone's just gonna stagnate in shit.

      • 11 months ago

        Makes sense,worried about my libido like when im walkin i see a cute chick ill deadass get a boner randomly but with some girls during sex it goes flaccid unless i go hyperfast(like the speed im used to when jerking off) else its not simulating at all and its really awkward to make people feel bad like that,or some think im gay lmao
        Any tips anon did u supplement on the meanwhile/included sth in ur diet or straight nofap

      • 11 months ago

        >And yeah, women frick up plenty, but if nobody's willing to take the first step and actually improve, then everyone's just gonna stagnate in shit.
        I'm not saying any self improvement is bad but I can't support these self righteous hypocrite women expecting this sexual restraint when they're into all kinds of sexual shit and not willing to help their men out. Much less make that my motivation to stop fapping. I like having an orgasm like any other normal man, why should I only limit it to what's approved by these moronic women? So they can "love" you one week and not the next because the money dried up or another guy caught their eye. Shit doesn't make any sense.

        • 11 months ago

          bro just forget everything you said, it's not important and not common. do it for you

          • 11 months ago

            The shit I said was important and why should I do nofap? I already have a deep voice, I already exercise and have decent muscles. My skins already clear. I'm not balding. What will nofap supposedly do for me that I don't already have or can't already get done without it?

            • 11 months ago

              give it a shot and maybe you'll figure it out.

              but it doesn't sound like you ever will, so save yourself time and keep it moving.

  9. 11 months ago

    Anon did u experience flatline where u pretty much at 0 libido.I feel like i can go on high streaks but after few months i get that use it or lose it anxiety

  10. 11 months ago

    I WANK all the time, sometimes twice a day, I love to WANK but WANKING doesn't love me. I wish I had the drive to stop but my NEET lifestyle means it's one of the few pleasures I have.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm one week in, good to hear anon, may our streaks live till the end of time

      u should experience the pleasure of finishing a project you did. I finished a programming project and god does it feel good. every day also feels good when u can look back at the progress u made. u can read a book in ur case or learn a new skill or language. never stop learning.

  11. 11 months ago

    how stupid do you feel for doing something with zero proven health benefits?

    • 11 months ago

      >doing something
      But OP's whole point is that he didn't do something. Can't you read?

  12. 11 months ago

    Did you have sex?

  13. 11 months ago

    what an infinite jester

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