>deadlift 405+. >squat 315+. >can't bench 225

>deadlift 405+
>squat 315+
>can't bench 225
how do I escape having a baby bird chest? (if you are fat please don't answer)

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  1. 7 months ago

    Learn from the GOAT


    • 7 months ago

      Is that mf really saying that he is natty

      • 7 months ago

        He has held the natty WR since 1997 and is a hardcore Christian. You can choose to believe neither him or the IPF.

        • 7 months ago

          and you're telling me, not one extremely motivated extremely roided mf has exceeded him despite massive incentive to do so, regardless of his genetic advantage as there are many, many potential competitors who have all the more incentive to pursue the record?

          • 7 months ago

            Five extremely roided mfs did outbench him, just in shittier federations that don't test, or in some cases even require lifters to pause at the bottom.

            • 7 months ago

              J. Maddox is cool though

            • 7 months ago

              Those mfs

  2. 7 months ago

    >I am fat and answering
    do upper body accessories, and bench more

  3. 7 months ago

    weighted pushups and reverse grip bench are my favorites

    • 7 months ago

      do you mean double reverse hands, like you were rowing it into your chest kinda? I should do weighted pushups too

      >I am fat and answering
      do upper body accessories, and bench more

      I already do accessories for upper but I know you are right

      • 7 months ago

        > reverse grip bench
        Like the barbarian brothers

      • 7 months ago

        >do you mean double reverse hands
        yes what else would I mean
        look up videos about it, it takes some getting used to with your wrists and how you unrack it

        weighted pushups are also great because unlike bodyweight they really sneak up on you, like close grip bench. they're just annoying as frick to load

        • 7 months ago

          I have done it before because I saw that stronk ass mofo dreamsworld from IG doing it. I can only really do that up to about a plate but I get a nice little stretch from it. any cues you use in particular?

  4. 7 months ago

    Instead of fighting it embrace it - allow a real man to clamp his legs around it and drizzle his cream all over your chest, mouth and swallow what you can.

  5. 7 months ago

    >if you are fat please don't answer
    you already know the answer.

  6. 7 months ago

    same boat as you. i'm 140 lbs, and bench is at 205 lbs. embrace your relative strength and big gloots. you don't have a barrel chest to reduce your range of motion like the fat boys. most of the advice you'll get is from people who excessively arch with a large gut who have half the range of motion that you do, and much less relative strength than you do. don't stress over it bro, you're a beast

    • 7 months ago

      appreciate the kind words, fren, wagmi someday. I started around 125 and got up to 165 and my max bench is 205 just like you, I am drilling it currently. I don't want to arch too much, but I recently started the lift off from the middle bar instead of the top bar on (effectively reducing some range of motion) but shrugging into the lift less I hope

      • 7 months ago

        i meant 125lb to 165lb to clarify that we are close in body type relatively

      • 7 months ago

        this board is filled with insecure dyels, roiders and fat people who specced into powerlifting. you have to come to terms with the fact most of the advice out there simply isn't for lean manlets like us. you do you, and realize you're still one of the absolute strongest people in your gym, and that people are mirin your lifts. i'll probably hit 225 by next march, but i'm not rushing it. you shouldn't either. keep training and numbers will go up

        • 7 months ago

          ayy thanks for that encouragement. you could probably hit 225 before me but you are right it is never a race. I want to be one of the older guys who is still doing it someday

          hi, i am "guy who pulls 2.4x his bench", how are you doing on this fine day?
          if you train legs as much as upper its normal to seem "unbalanced", in reality its everyone else who doesnt train legs enough.

          I don't know man I have crazy calves (thanks God) and thighs because I was playing soccer for like 15+ years before I ever got my dumbass in the gym. I want that wide wide chest and back though

          • 7 months ago

            bench more and more lat pulldowns

            • 7 months ago

              def need to incorp more lat pulldowns. I do a lot of rows and row variations, but for some reason have been ignoring lat pull downs for like uhhh...3 years yeah I am moronic

  7. 7 months ago

    lift more

  8. 7 months ago

    hi, i am "guy who pulls 2.4x his bench", how are you doing on this fine day?
    if you train legs as much as upper its normal to seem "unbalanced", in reality its everyone else who doesnt train legs enough.

  9. 7 months ago

    What's your OHP?

    • 7 months ago

      tbh I haven't done OHP for awhile now. I am sure the most I have ever done is bodyweight but that was when I was closer to 135lb so like one plate

      • 7 months ago

        For reps or 1rm?

        • 7 months ago

          probably 3 reps max if that. then I cried after and punched the air

  10. 7 months ago

    Do ohp, incline bench press and shoulder exercises. Your shoulders are probably holding you back

  11. 7 months ago
  12. 7 months ago

    Dips and hitting bench twice a week.
    >T Chestlet who’s bench didn’t pick up till above

    Went from struggling with 185lb to hitting 225lb comfortably

    • 7 months ago

      okay since I like these stats I am going to incorp more dips pronto. pray for me anons

  13. 7 months ago

    Your problem is that you're following a powershitter mindset. Building up PRs is much more skill development than muscle development so you're not going to get a big chest from building up a PR, especially not 2pl8s. If I were you I would stop worrying about them. I would also remove the notion of "accessories" from your vocabulary. If you want to get big, chose one exercise per major muscle group, i.e.
    >Shoulders: BTN press
    >Lats: Pull downs
    >Triceps: Rope pulls
    >Biceps: Drag Curls
    >Pecs: Bench Press
    >Quads: Squats
    >Hams: Leg Curls
    >Calves: Seated toes press
    >Forearms: Wrist curls (both pronated and supinated to cover opposing muscle groups)
    >Traps: Snatch Grip Shrugs
    and then split them up into a three/four day per week program using a rep range of around 6-12 reps (except for calves; they are a high rep muscle). Don't bother with abs until you're low body fat since you won't be able to see what parts of the abs need development until then. As you get bigger you will get stronger.

    • 7 months ago

      I can see the serration in my obliques and abs, if you read the thread I stated multiple times I am carrying 165 so being lean is not the issue here. I am not doing bench for the *sole purpose of getting a bigger back and chest, but it is not an accident that the people who push monster weight PRs on bench have a big chest and back, tends to go hand in hand.
      my training methods are split between powershitter and bodybuilder and yes I am aware that those mindsets could be completely at odds sometimes, but my response to you is I am different.

  14. 7 months ago

    *pins you down from the back of the neck and sniffs*
    >”Oh, Anon…your post workout stench is…captivating”
    *you feel a hot Rod pressing against your leg day pump, my God, it’s getting even bigger. You try to move but Chad is too strong*
    >”please-“ you beg in a cute voice. “I-I’m a Virgin”
    >I chuckle
    >”Oh God, please be gentle” you say, defeated.
    *I massage your glutes and finally remove the other hand from your neck and onto your chest*
    >”Someone’s been skipping chest day” I say with a sly grin
    >”Damnit, I-“ you stutter before feeling my long barbell inch into your crack
    *It slides in almost with no problem, making me doubt your virgin claims*
    *It’s so tight, I climax 10 minutes in(HIIT cardio)*
    *you groan before I pull it out and give you a nice protein shot in the mouth
    >”N-no homo, right?”
    >”No Homo, bro”

    • 7 months ago

      Anon….have a nice day

    • 7 months ago


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