
>work fulltime warehouse job
>workout 5 times a week doing PPL after work
>come home and eat
>hour of free time before bed
>sleep quality is pretty meh (6-7 hours.. I always wake up at 5 or 6 am no matter what)
>always on alert / background fatigue and stress
>always have brainfog can barely even play video games or read a book
>pretty much disassociated 24/7
It's Sunday now and I went to the gym this morning and it's only 2:45 PM and I'm already feeling fricking lifeless. No energy for vidya or anything. I want to go to bed but I feel oddly restless despite being so fatigued. Most days I just lay in bed if I'm not working out, going to work or doing chores.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    The answer, as always, is to anavar only cycle to make the most of your time.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    why are you acting like you have PTSD from a fricking warehouse job? you're not a soldier, you're not a doctor, you're not on call 24/7, you're not working 90 hours a week, you are a fricking pussy

    • 4 weeks ago

      >you're not a soldier, you're not a doctor, you're not on call 24/7, you're not working 90 hours a week, you are a fricking pussy
      Most of the morons you mentioned work bullshit jobs and wouldn't last a week doing the shit I do. I'm disassociated, brainfogged and fatigued most times but I'm still making progress. I've actually seen first hand normies quit my job in like a day. Cope you projecting moron. You probably don't even lift.

      • 4 weeks ago
        Anonymous're so manly b***hing about MUH DISSOCIATION because you're terrified of some boxes. Get real you fricking homosexual.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Well done on sticking with your dead end shitty job anon. Let's laugh at those people that thought it beneath them and not worth the money for the hours or stress

      • 4 weeks ago

        Why are you trying to brag about working a dead end no skill soul sucking wageslave job? Have you considered that other people won’t do it because they are more intelligent than you?

    • 4 weeks ago
      Anonymous're so manly b***hing about MUH DISSOCIATION because you're terrified of some boxes. Get real you fricking homosexual.

      You must have been that one particular attention seeking archetype in highschool who constantly bragged about how little sleep you were getting, as if it were an accomplishment and not a complete utter lack of self discipline, because you had no real positive traits you could use to dickwag against other people. Either that or you're malding because you legitimately have CFS, and you'd have my deepest sympathies, but you're right that nobody cares how hard your job is, so I don't understand why you'd do the exact same thing you're chimping out at OP for.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Nice projection gay, no one cares. Your life is a joke.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I'm honestly just intrigued at this point, what legitimately has you so upset at this moment? Is it work, family, finance, health, what's got you like this right now?

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >hour of free time before bed
    I fricking HATE my job, I hate having to waste so much time on sleep, I'm always tired anyway
    I hate this shit
    I'm too afraid to kill myself but this "life" is becoming unbearable

  4. 4 weeks ago

    I worked a warehouse job for a few months and the lifestyle had me absolutely ready to kms
    I'm not sure how anyone could be expected to do it for a living. I guess they're not, since warehouses have such a high turnover rate. The people that do manage to stick around are experts at avoiding work. Or people that simply had no other choice, they were first generation immigrants or they had kids to take care of. Often both.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I worked a warehouse job for a few months and the lifestyle had me absolutely ready to kms
      It's not really so bad. I enjoy it. I'm a pretty robotic guy. Only issue is it's hard to recover on top of a lifting program. How'd you escape warehousing?

      • 4 weeks ago

        > I'm a pretty robotic guy
        I figured the same, that's why I signed up. What sector are you in? I was so beat up by the shifts, lifting was out of the question. So was frankly anything else.
        > How'd you escape
        I had to go back to my home country to care for my family. I'm looking to get a job in software these days. I hope that works out for me.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'm assuming you're OP?
        I'm not the anon above but I did 1.5 years in warehousing/inventory control. Warehouse was for IT equipment like laptops, phones, etc. Wasn't too too bad but it was too boring and pay got stale.

        Escaped into manufacturing. Got an offer for a machine operator position with steady raises and career advancement/education opportunity.

        I worked a warehouse job for a few months and the lifestyle had me absolutely ready to kms
        I'm not sure how anyone could be expected to do it for a living. I guess they're not, since warehouses have such a high turnover rate. The people that do manage to stick around are experts at avoiding work. Or people that simply had no other choice, they were first generation immigrants or they had kids to take care of. Often both.

        Yeah at my old warehouse job, I became an expert at dodging work like 6 months in. Learned to fake it well and could browse reddit and forums while doing quality control and shit.

        • 4 weeks ago

          > browse reddit and forums while doing quality control and shit
          That was out of the question where I was. We had these shitty electronic scanners so you were accounted for every minute of your shift. You were expected to do 200 cases per hour and both a fricking box of dill weighing a few hundred grams and crate of pork belly weighing 20kg counted as one case. So the jack-offs would scramble to do all the light stuff and the idiots (me) were left to sort out the rest. Every single day for about two hours we had to do what was called "heavy meat", which were 25kg cases, 50 cases per pallet, so literally a ton. They were allocated by morons so you pulled the pallet, dropped off 2-5 cases and had to go park the pallet in a different section. Supervisors knew the kind of work we were doing, which didn't stop them from coming to remind me that "my target is low". All of this at 0 degrees, btw, since it's fresh produce.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Sounds awful. You're better off getting a job in retail.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Sounds like a shit environment bro.
            If I had to put in that much effort (from what you described), I'd just swap jobs. That amount of back breaking labor would do better in a steel mill/sawmill and you'd prob be paid better too.

            Knew a couple of steel factory workers and they just stand around running machines and kill time all day. They were making mid 30s/hour on a high school diploma

            • 4 weeks ago

              I no longer work there. For the "low-skill" market in my area (UK) it paid 30-40% more than similar jobs. I worked through the holidays too, where we had a few days earning double pay, triple on Dec 31st. By the end of it I had a decent amount of money set aside, not that it mattered much. Life comes at you fast sometimes...

        • 4 weeks ago

          >browse reddit
          Go back.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >browse reddit
          You gays have become way too comfortable with admitting that.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Try training less, maybe every other day.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Sounds like you need a different job. Elsewhere in the thread you seem defensive of it. Why? It’s fricking your life up. You live to work, that’s so fricking stupid. Don’t waste your youth. Get a job that doesn’t frick you up.

    >works in video games marketing and has almost zero stress from work and a lot of free time, knows it’s a bullshit job but finds meaning from non-work shit

    • 4 weeks ago

      >video game marketing

      So you're a nerd. Could have just said that.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Get a different job warehouse work is hellish, almost anything is better.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Get a different job warehouse work is hellish
      Not exactly qualified for anything else. Too old to really make a change (I'm 22).

      You are doing sobering to get out of having to work in a warehouse at least, right?

      There's nothing else I can do.

      Sounds like you need a different job. Elsewhere in the thread you seem defensive of it. Why? It’s fricking your life up. You live to work, that’s so fricking stupid. Don’t waste your youth. Get a job that doesn’t frick you up.

      >works in video games marketing and has almost zero stress from work and a lot of free time, knows it’s a bullshit job but finds meaning from non-work shit

      >Why? It’s fricking your life up. You live to work, that’s so fricking stupid
      Yeah I need the money. Have 50k saved up but with CoL being insane I need to save every penny possible.

      • 4 weeks ago

        22 is not too old you god damned moron. You seem intelligent and hard working enough to at least do some shit like become a nurse

      • 4 weeks ago

        22 is too old to make a change? Yeah you're fricked. Forget about school, trades, remote call work. All of it. Some people are meant to be servitors anon. You're just one of them.

      • 4 weeks ago

        go live in your car and do uni. material sacrifices must be made or you'll be warehousing until you die.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    You are doing sobering to get out of having to work in a warehouse at least, right?

  9. 4 weeks ago

    >I don't have the energy for my usual hobbies
    >but I still have energy
    This is your body telling you to try something new. Don't be a stupid Black person by ignoring or suppressing what your body is saying

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Hey kid

    It’s decades since I had to adapt to a working man’s life but you made me remember:

    Work: it takes 12-36 months to adapt to the 40+ serious work week once you enter the workforce depending on your upbringing

    Physical work: makes you physically tired. That’s the downside. Adapting is possible. Btw the downside to desk work is you have to work out to compensate

    Overtraining: take immediately off for 2 weeks and take magnesium, a multivitamin and electrolytes and see if things change. If they do you were in overtraining. Reduce overall or do regular deloads.

    Godspeed anon

    • 4 weeks ago

      >take immediately off for 2 weeks and take magnesium, a multivitamin and electrolytes and see if things change.
      Hey, thanks for the recommendations. Definitely going to consider taking vitamins because there's only so many opportunities in my day where I can eat. Any specific recommendations on the dosage for Magnesium? (100mg a day? 200?) Is there any other way to intake electrolytes aside from sugary Gatorade slop?

  11. 4 weeks ago

    >does menial, repetitive, soul and spine crushing work for ~8h, 6 days a week, with extra wasted commute time for a pittance
    >says he feels like shit
    Wagecucking is literal slavery, this would also count for some white collar office "job". Acquire neetbux or leech off of your parents for a while. Infinite rest, infinite will, monstrous growth, you will never look back.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    LMAOO imagine having a job

    dont u have to be at work in like 5 hours? get up wagie

  13. 4 weeks ago

    >wageslaving past 2007

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Get a different job.
    I was in the same situation.
    Get angry enough to get out
    Better to live in a fricking car and work one day a week than slave for a cage.
    So many opportunities out there but we mostly only see them in hindsight.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Start doing High intensity training, NOBODY needs to be in the gym 5 days a week.
    Eat low fat medium protein unlimited carbs and sugar
    Invest your newfound free time in learning skills that will allow you to get better jobs.
    You are severely undercarbed my fren.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    Workout at work. They make a dollar you make a dime, that's why you lift on company time.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    Maybe your PPL needs a cut down in volume and could be better optimized (better workout sequence, exercises selection and sequence, super-setting, etc...) and thus let you have more time to recover. Or you could switch to UL/Full body/hybrid splits
    You could also benefit from doing more cardio (If you haven't done any) and perhaps more carbs and fat in your diet

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