Dental Redpills

Post any redpills or anything you guys know about teeth and dentistry. I'll start:
> Sugar/grains frick up your teeth, at minimum drink water to rinse out your mouth after eating them.
> Novamin/nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste is better than fluoride and can repair enamel at the chemical level. Prescription only in the USA, but can be imported from Japan or Canada.
> Yellow teeth aren't caused by stains but by the translucent white enamel thinning to show the yellow dentin. Whitening products either make the enamel more opaque, or bleach the dentin.
> Baking soda can be used instead of regular toothpaste.
> Mouthwash is useless at best and harmful at worst. It kills all the bacteria in your mouth, good and bad, and can make bad bacteria grow back faster if you eat something sugary after.

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  1. 1 year ago

    Teeth are 99% genetics. At one point, I stopped caring for my teeth for a long time due to depression and they are totally fine. No cavities or anything.

    • 1 year ago

      This isn't redpill its common knowledge. I like mouthwash though, feels good

      This is a real redpill. Caring for your teeth past the most basic brushing once a day is fool's errand. I used to be schizo about teeth, and cavities popped up all the same. A lot of it is just predestined by your genetic makeup. These days I barely even care, just splurge once a year and fix it all in one go at the doctors.

    • 1 year ago

      I am trying a trick in washing my teeth with only a strong spray of water for a few years cus some brushes harm my gum and it cause blood. I am basically doing a nopoo with my teeth. It's not too bad. It also saves time. I can just carwash my mouth while showering and that's all.

    • 1 year ago

      I care about my teeth but I get really jealous when I see a perfect set of teeth. I just convince myself they spent a lot of money on them.

      Rogan actually makes me feel better about not caring too much beyond basic maintenance.

    • 1 year ago

      Unfortunately true. My family, dad's side in particular, have always dental genes. I've had root canals, cavaties, tons of tartar buildup, bad gums, etc etc. All because of my folks.

    • 1 year ago

      could this post be made by a dentist and be some kind of trick?

    • 1 year ago

      Not true, I had great teeth for 20 years, took up coffee and weed and falling asleep after candy binges and now my teeth are shit

      • 1 year ago

        >purposely consume things that are bad for my health
        >why is my body showing signs of bad health, must be genetics
        Frick man I don’t know this is a real thinker

    • 1 year ago

      It is and it isn't. There's not a "bad teeth" gene, per se, but you can have genetic conditions that lead to dental problems. Acid reflux can be caused by genetic conditions and that's one of the biggest destroyers of your teeth.

    • 1 year ago

      This anon is entirely correct.
      Another red pill is. No amount of brushing, flossing and dentist can save your teeth from a bad diet.

  2. 1 year ago

    sugar isnt good for your teeth? well i definitely didnt know that. thanks for the redpill

  3. 1 year ago

    >Baking soda
    you fricking what

  4. 1 year ago

    i've stopped giving a frick about muh fluoride. i even swallow my toothpaste sometimes because it tastes nice.

  5. 1 year ago

    tfw I always got bullied in school for having very yellow teeth even tho, I brush and floss them twice a day and never had any cavity, life is brutal.

    • 1 year ago

      You didn't get bullied for your teeth. The kids just wanted a reason to pick on you.

  6. 1 year ago

    >nano-hydroxapatite toothpaste
    I tried Apagard once and it made my teeth super sensitive and it took 2 weeks to fix. Never again.

  7. 1 year ago

    >always rins your mouth after drinking coffee and tea if you want to reduce stains
    >thats why in a lot of countries you get a glass of water ehen you order coffee.
    >drink soda with a straw because soda contains a lot of acid that damages enamel.
    >stay away from drinks like kombucha. Its like drinking vinegar. Destroys your enamel.
    >floss. floss.floss. If you don't want caries
    >get your teeth checked at the dentist every 6 months.
    >wait at least 20 minutes after a meal before you brush your teeth.
    >wait 40 minutes if you drank orange juice or something similar.
    >don't brush your teeth with baking soda. Its like brushing your teeth with sandpaper.
    >listen to your dentist instead of random people on the internet

    • 1 year ago

      My new dentist that took over the old one was a sham. He'd try to tell me that I have new cavities but when going over price points on the bill didn't even put them on the paperwork. I 100% believe he just wanted to scam the insurance company out of some cash at my expense of risking premiums going up. He also acted surprised when I told him that a "cavity at risk" gave me zero discomfort what so ever that he notified me of six months prior to that check-up. I'm not visiting him again.

      • 1 year ago

        >get your teeth checked at the dentist every 6 months.
        Enjoy having your teeth drilled out of your mouth and needing dentures by the time you are 35 because "woops haha the xray found another cavity whoopsie!"

        its always easy to spot the people from the US.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, don’t trust dentists at all…they’re the biggest liars in the “medical” field. Personal example: dentist 1 said I had a few cavities, but since I was poor (college student at the time), she said to fill one that was nearing a root canal and to fill the rest when I got a job. Dentist 2 filled the rest and said I had gum disease and needed a bunch of treatment else my teeth will all fall out. Dentist 3 said I had a bunch of cavities but my gums are healthy. Dentist 4 said I had maybe one small cavity but it doesn’t need filling and that my my mouth is healthy. Dentist 5 said I had tons of cavities that need filling. Dentist 1 and 4 said I needed my bottom wisdom teeth removed bc they’re growing sideways into my molars, but the top pair were fine bc they’ve grown in straight. Dentists 2, 3, and 5 say they all must go asap. I can’t imagine trusting dentists when they all make shit up. Not saying taking care of your dental health is bad (I get cleanings every 6 months etc.), but you really have to scrutinize what dentists tell you.

    • 1 year ago

      >get your teeth checked at the dentist every 6 months.
      Enjoy having your teeth drilled out of your mouth and needing dentures by the time you are 35 because "woops haha the xray found another cavity whoopsie!"

    • 1 year ago

      there are 2 tips for drinking acidic drinks like kombucha without fricking your teeth. one is simply don't brush or eat for half an hour after, until the enamel rehardens. 2 is use a straw like a homosexual.

      >Novamin/nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste is better than fluoride and can repair enamel at the chemical level. Prescription only in the USA, but can be imported from Japan or Canada.
      It's also expensive as frick.

      it's $15 a tube, poorhomosexual

      Bruxism got me fricked up any tips? Its psychological... When I drink it's real bad. I wear a dentek night guard but I chew those b***hes up.

      see a therapist

  8. 1 year ago

    the mechanical action of brushing your teeth is the most important part of the whole thing, not the toothpaste. toothpaste is just a mild abrasive with fluoride in it, so if youre that pathetically paranoid about fluoride just make sure you are brushing the entire surface of your tooth

    • 1 year ago

      >not the toothpaste
      You do tell the difference between good gritty toothpaste and toothpaste only containing fluoride.

      Redpill me on getting wisdom teeth removed. Is it the same this as circumcising a new born? I want to keep my wisdom teeth but I feel like the dentist is going to recommend me to get them removed next time I go.

      You can ignore them unless they grind on the other teeth, or they start surfacing enough that the cavities can get infected.

      Dentist do not recommend removal because there is less work if they partially surface naturally, even if the surface is fricked resulting in infected cavities.
      Meanwhile surgical cutting is a lot of work, especially for something that has not surfaced.

  9. 1 year ago

    chew on regular flavor & strength tums to prevent and reverse cavities. dont get the mixed berry whatever flavor

  10. 1 year ago

    Whitening toothpaste literally rubs away the surface of your teeth. You will lose your teeth or rack up huge dental bills if you use it for 10-20 years.

    Use remineralizing toothpaste like Pronamel and Act mouthwash, floss 1/day, and chew sugar free gum.

  11. 1 year ago

    >Novamin/nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste is better than fluoride and can repair enamel at the chemical level. Prescription only in the USA, but can be imported from Japan or Canada.
    It's also expensive as frick.

  12. 1 year ago

    Can whitening strips be bad for you?
    If I were to use them a couple times a year would that destroy my enamel?

    • 1 year ago

      They cause sensitivity. Get your teeth professionally whitened.

  13. 1 year ago

    Redpill me on getting wisdom teeth removed. Is it the same this as circumcising a new born? I want to keep my wisdom teeth but I feel like the dentist is going to recommend me to get them removed next time I go.

    • 1 year ago

      if there is truly no space then wisdom teeth will frick up the rest of your teeth and most likely cause a lot of complications. that being said your average dentist will obviously not tell you if there is genuinely enough space or not. i would start mewing like no tomorrow, go to the dentist regularly but dont sign up for the wisdom teeth removal. my (ex) dentist recommended it to me as well, i didnt even have to mew i just perchance saw a different dentist and she said i was fine. that was a couple years ago and im still fine

    • 1 year ago

      Unless they are hurting you no point in taking them out
      My gf recently got her's removed and half of her bottom lip is still numb 2 months later and the doctor said it could be up to 6 months or forever numb
      I have 6 wisdom teeth and I haven't had any problems

    • 1 year ago

      If they're growing in sideways yes, you need them out. Wisdom teeth were meant to replace worn down molars. We don't chew on wood and sand any more so they're mostly not needed. Many are born without them.

    • 1 year ago

      Mine were growing out with the top pointed forward so they had to go. I'm a jawlet.

  14. 1 year ago

    Is it safe to floss every day? Like is there a possibility that I'll frick up my gums or something?

    • 1 year ago

      i had the same question, i asked my dentist and they told me to floss once or even twice a day. just floss correctly, you should floss between the teeth moving vertically/up and down, do not floss horizontally/side to side. also be slow & careful but you want to get the floss down to the gums

  15. 1 year ago

    >electric toothbrush -> floss -> tongue scraper ->mouthwash
    >you don't have bad genetics, you just didn't brush good enough
    >low carb for better teeth
    >fluoride will not make you a moron
    >mewing doesn't work if your jaw is formed

    Here you go.
    >t. actual dentalgay

    • 1 year ago

      >fluoride will not make you a moron
      but what does glycerine do?

    • 1 year ago

      I got my braces a week or so ago, I was told to wash my teeth after every meal, also use interdental brushes.
      I am both lazy as hell AND decided to follow the dentist's instructions full blown schizo mode, so I eat like 2 meals a day now rather than eating every 2 hours like I used to.

      • 1 year ago

        Buy an oral irrigator, totally worth it for braces (Oral B,Philips, Waterpik)

      • 1 year ago

        Buy a waterpick, it will save tons of time on flossing and it will save your gums.

    • 1 year ago

      toothpaste doesn't do anything other than make your mouth smell good
      you can even brush with water and be fine
      brush correctly, look up bass technique
      pay extra attention to the crevices where your teeth meet your gums, that's where bacteria accumulates
      floss correctly, look it up on youtube
      naturalize the acid in your mouth after eating/drinking by swishing water around for a few second. do 2 rounds if needed.
      if you want whiter teeth don't use tobacco, tea or wine products. use 1 part hydrogen peroxide, 1 part water to rinse after brushing. it whitens over time. hydrogen peroxide is the active ingredient in pretty much all teeth whitening products

      i just saved you thousands in dental bills over the course of your life. you're welcome.
      -t military dentist

      I almost exclusively drink water. That said, would it be smart to use a straw for any non-water drinks (e.g., daily protein smoothie)?

      >low carb for better teeth

      • 1 year ago

        not him but carbs are bad for teeth, arguably worse than sugar

        • 1 year ago

          But aren't carbs also important for recovery?

          • 1 year ago

            i hope this isnt a shock to you but sometimes in life, a thing can be good for you in some ways and bad in others

            • 1 year ago

              I reckon that would be the response. I suppose it just a matter of trying to find a balance and figuring out what my prioritize are

          • 1 year ago

            No, that's just fatso cope.

        • 1 year ago

          >carbs are worse than sugar
          What did he mean by this?

      • 1 year ago

        >would it be smart to use a straw for any non-water drinks
        i guess but i'd rather you not look like a gay so just swish with water after your drink

    • 1 year ago

      doesn't work if your jaw is formed
      Why are you dentist morons so obtuse about this when theres mountains of photographic evidence showing otherwise. Does getting a medical degree cause people to turn their brain off?

      • 1 year ago

        post jaw

        • 1 year ago

          not that anon but there is mountains of evidence suggesting that almost all bones can be reshaped/grow within the genetic limits
          e.g people having growth spurts past 25
          hell you can see this easily with hands and feet first which are the most malleable, start using chopsticks and barefoot running

          • 1 year ago

            mewing did frickall for 4 years of me trying it as a 20 something fully grown male with an overbite
            it's just a meme

            • 1 year ago

              mewing is essentially keeping your mouth closed, breathing through the nose, and sticking your tongue to the upper section of your mouth. doing so as a child will make your skull grow like it should grow. if youre 20 it wont do shit for you if you were a mouth breather. the meme that it makes your jaw more defined is utter bs and always was, probably made by “influancers” who made jaw surgery.

            • 1 year ago

              It works if your jaw is still growing (if you're younger than say 16). Otherwise doesn't do shit.

    • 1 year ago

      >fluoride will not make you a moron
      I will not eat the bugs and I will use fluoride free toothpaste.

    • 1 year ago

      i hate the antichrist and i will not drink the tap water.

    • 1 year ago

      not sure how this thread relates to fitness but whatever
      ive heard cinnamon gum/mouthwash is better for combating bad breath, this true?

      what age does the jaw stop forming? im 18 and my jawline got fricked up from mouth breathing from ages 15-17 due to a nose injury, is it too late for me?

  16. 1 year ago

    Take the miswakpill, anons

  17. 1 year ago

    toothpaste doesn't do anything other than make your mouth smell good
    you can even brush with water and be fine
    brush correctly, look up bass technique
    pay extra attention to the crevices where your teeth meet your gums, that's where bacteria accumulates
    floss correctly, look it up on youtube
    naturalize the acid in your mouth after eating/drinking by swishing water around for a few second. do 2 rounds if needed.
    if you want whiter teeth don't use tobacco, tea or wine products. use 1 part hydrogen peroxide, 1 part water to rinse after brushing. it whitens over time. hydrogen peroxide is the active ingredient in pretty much all teeth whitening products

    i just saved you thousands in dental bills over the course of your life. you're welcome.
    -t military dentist

  18. 1 year ago

    >Novamin/nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste is better than fluoride and can repair enamel at the chemical level. Prescription only in the USA, but can be imported from Japan or Canada.

    available over the counter in europe since a year back at least, for example I have a sensodyne repair & protect in front of me
    ingredients listed as glycerine, peg-8, hydrated silica, novamin, then the rest (in order from greatest amount to least)

    since I started to use it the cold/heat sensitivity I used to have has gone away

    • 1 year ago

      glycerine STOPS enamel repair lol... whatever that is its useless. honestly you gotta look into making your own toothpaste

      • 1 year ago

        do you have any actually useful suggestions other than "lel just become your own chemist to be able to brush your teeth" ?

        you're the worst kind of gay, anon

        • 1 year ago

          lol ok then. wash and grind down eggshells and mix with coconut oil and baking powder. now you have toothpaste

          • 1 year ago

            okay I'll bite

            here is anons original statement
            >glycerine STOPS enamel repair lol... whatever that is its useless. honestly you gotta look into making your own toothpaste

            and now you want me to rub oil, baking powder and powdered eggshells on my teeth. which part of this is going to magically repair my enamel better than the other toothpaste that also, according to anon, has no effect?
            does the powdered eggshell somehow bond with the surface of my teeth and create new enamel?

            unless you can offer a solution that is actually superior to the one I buy in a tube, you're literally fricking useless. I don't need to save $5

            moron tier advice

  19. 1 year ago

    every product with a black line is carcinogenic and green is organic

    • 1 year ago

      mine has a blue line, give it to me straight anon am I gonna die?

      • 1 year ago

        you may not even survive today man, I'm sorry

    • 1 year ago

      Nah, that's a total bs. Those line are just indicator for the packaging machines. It can be of any color irrespective from the content.

  20. 1 year ago

    dental blocks are the superior treatment for most chronic orthodontic issues but they are not israeli so were never popularized outside of germany

  21. 1 year ago

    Randomly been struggling with gingavitis on and off the past 5 years (unvaxxed before anyone asks), it usually goes away on its own but for the past 6 months it's just been bleeding whenever I brush. Except for the past few nights where I decided to stop using my electric toothbrush, go back to a regular one and after brushing instead of using mouthwash, I mix a small amount of toothpaste, salt and water then swish that around my mouth instead. Gums definitely look a lot less irritated and I've noticed less bleeding already. It's strange since regular mouth wash did shit all but this is obviously doing something the mouthwash isn't

    • 1 year ago

      I have this as well (also pureblood). for me it seems to come and go when I am otherwise unwell, for example I had the flu or covid or something the other week, and immediately my gums swelled up and got very sore. I brushed decently regardless (using an electric toothbrush as well) but gentle on the gums, and started using mouthwash as well. I normally don't use mouthwash and it was quite uncomfortable due to the gingavitis, but it seemed to help make it go away

      at least I think it's gingavitis, I have not bothered to have it diagnosed because doctors are fricking useless and won't do anything to try to fix it anyway. it's just "yep you have it good luck". most of the time I don't notice it at all, then occasionally I have a big flareup. not sure what causes it

      have you noticed any pattern in yours?

      • 1 year ago

        No pattern as far as I'm aware, I used to just eat a lot of vitamin C fruits to make it go away traditionally, but it always came back no matter what exactly I did which is odd.

        isn't gingivitis caused by bad hygien/diet/both
        eat your vittles

        In addition to a lot of protein, carbs and veggies, I take;
        5000IU of Vitamin D
        Two Vitamin K2 tablets
        1g Vitamin C
        Two Magnesium tablets
        One Zinc tablet
        One Biotin tablet

        Shower once a day and brush once a day at night, brushing twice a day gives my teeth sensitivities, I don't floss since we weren't taught to in AUS, like 50% of the nation doesn't do it but I brush thoroughly since I hate the feeling of build-up on my tongue and teeth

    • 1 year ago

      I have this as well (also pureblood). for me it seems to come and go when I am otherwise unwell, for example I had the flu or covid or something the other week, and immediately my gums swelled up and got very sore. I brushed decently regardless (using an electric toothbrush as well) but gentle on the gums, and started using mouthwash as well. I normally don't use mouthwash and it was quite uncomfortable due to the gingavitis, but it seemed to help make it go away

      at least I think it's gingavitis, I have not bothered to have it diagnosed because doctors are fricking useless and won't do anything to try to fix it anyway. it's just "yep you have it good luck". most of the time I don't notice it at all, then occasionally I have a big flareup. not sure what causes it

      have you noticed any pattern in yours?

      isn't gingivitis caused by bad hygien/diet/both
      eat your vittles

    • 1 year ago

      Floss and eat collagen powder

  22. 1 year ago

    Bruxism got me fricked up any tips? Its psychological... When I drink it's real bad. I wear a dentek night guard but I chew those b***hes up.

    • 1 year ago

      I had to quit drinking to fix that exact problem.

  23. 1 year ago

    Just read Weston Price and stop wasting your time with modern pseudo science and modern foods

  24. 1 year ago

    1. If a dentist ever wants to drill, find another dentist. Get a second and third opinion. Loads of dentists will claim you need work done that you don't.
    2. If you ever get a "free cleaning" offer or similar discount for being a new patient be triply cautious about 1.
    3. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once
    4. Nuke some water and dissolve as much sea salt as you can in it. This will take multiply nukes and stirring. Once the salt is dissolved, let it cool down to something manageable, then swish in your mouth for a minute and spit out, repeatedly so you don't swallow it. The saline will kill bacteria in your mouth with little issue.

  25. 1 year ago

    >Yellow teeth aren't caused by stains but by the translucent white enamel thinning to show the yellow dentin
    So how do I make my enamel thick again? Or am I fricked with yellow teeth for life?

    I don't smoke, I don't drink coffee/wine/sodas, don't consume sugar in general, teeth still yellow.

    • 1 year ago

      Just get them professionally whitened once every 2 years or so. It's about $150, worth it for confidence.

      Also floss, homie.

  26. 1 year ago

    >Novamin/nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste is better than fluoride
    Novamin toothpaste contains fluoride, I have one right here, the first ingredient is sodium fluoride.

  27. 1 year ago

    Bros my teeth are so sensitive. I cant even open my mouth when its cold outside

  28. 1 year ago

    I literally had an extra tooth in my mouth. Like one too many. Getting it out was hellish and the recovery took months and I got dry socket which hurt like a b***h. Now theres still a giant indent in my gum where the tooth came out and the nerve is dead on the connecting tooth, and it clicks whenever i drink cold water

  29. 1 year ago

    had an anon recommend me this stuff called R.O.C.S remineralization gel - i drink a literal liter of coffee a day, probably more, and i already had weak teeth genetically. i believe it is helping in some way, im observing the front teeth, which already showed signs of acidic wear (edges are somewhat transparent), i dont believe it has progressed, if it actually starts to reverse i would take that as an extremely good sign.
    my teeth certainly seem to want the stuff, they felt naked when i went to sleep without using it recently

  30. 1 year ago

    I hate the lockdown for what they did
    >be me in 2020
    >finally get approved for dental insurance from my company
    >want to go to the dentist for preventative maintenance
    >whole country gets lock down shorty after I make my appointment
    >lose dental insurance
    >teeth get progressively worse as time moves on

  31. 1 year ago

    refusing to brush your teeth or go to the dentist is goth AF. twmdwu youtoobs

  32. 1 year ago

    the final redpill is frick everything, it literally doesnt matter, a dentist can reconstruct your teeth like all the rappers do, you dont have to pick the whotest shade of show possible, and the material is stronger than your regular teeth. the cheap option (approx 9k$) is permenant crowns covering each individual tooth + all work that needs to be done to your teeth to accomodate said crowns, or the expensive option is flat out replacing your entire teeth, it lasts for life and suger and shit has no effect on it. thats it, done. money buys happiness. focus on aquiring wealth and all these BS things become an easy fix.

    • 1 year ago

      meant to say you dont have to pick the whitest shade of snow*

  33. 1 year ago

    >Sugar/grains frick up your teeth
    >Novamin/nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste is better than fluoride
    >Mouthwash kills all the bacteria in your mouth, good and bad
    This is the first time Ive seen a dental health thread where the OP isnt totally insane and gives decent but not esoteric insight

  34. 1 year ago

    Take the calcium therapy pill. Resist the floss israelite - your teeth like to feel connected. Rise your mouth out with water after eating or drinking anything sugarybor acidic.

  35. 1 year ago

    >floss, else you'll get periodontitis
    >if you've gotten this far without flossing, it's thanks to your dentist's cleanings
    >brushing once a day is enough
    >drink water after every meal to flush out food
    >"whitening" products weaken your enamel, making you more susceptible to stains
    >salt water works better than mouthwash and just as good as peroxide for killing oral bacteria
    >electric toothbrushes are worth it

    • 1 year ago

      once a day is enough
      water after every meal to flush out food
      jesus christ you should be drinking water after every meal because you need it to live you fat morons, this isn't a redpill
      toothbrushes are worth it
      lmao no

  36. 1 year ago

    Chew Xylitol gum after meals

  37. 1 year ago

    Is coconut oil pulling a meme?

    • 1 year ago

      I don't know but i do it every night after washing my teeth proper. I only wash my teeth once a day (after dinner) then I do coconut oil pulling because it leaves that good coconut aftertaste in my mouth. No idea if it does anything, I just do it for the feeling after

  38. 1 year ago

    The biggest damage to your teeth wont happen because of sugar, it happens because of acid reflux.
    Often people have "silent reflux" so they don't feel the acid coming up into their throat, but their mouth pH is dangerously low and their teeth get destroyed.
    If you find you have to clear your throat all the time, it's likely you have silent reflux and it is probably causing a lot of damage to your teeth.

  39. 1 year ago

    >Baking soda can be used instead of regular toothpaste.
    It can also be used as a good deodorant and a decent bodily fungicide.

  40. 1 year ago

    Hydrogen peroxide 3% whitens your teeth and kills bacteria. Brush your teeth with sensdyne toothpaste or with as little abrasives as possible. Make sure you are drinking water after every meal. Chewing gum can help after meals aswell. Go to dentist once a year for a cleaning but do not get any permanent procedures. You can easily fix most minor cavities with your diet. Eat your carbs first then the fats/protiens. (Desert before main course) eat less acidic foods when you do eat acidic foods drink milk or basic foods to stop teeth from breaking down.

  41. 1 year ago

    Get a tongue scraper and a waterpik

  42. 1 year ago

    >dentist diagnosed small cavity last year
    >didn't get it filled
    >started taking vitamin k, rinsing with clove oil, and using hydroxyapatite
    >put some HA paste on fingertip and apply to problem area before i sleep, no rinsing--works better for targeting than brushing
    >haven't had pain, can't visibly see any cavity

    did i win against the dental israelite or is there some invisible, horrific abcess forming as i speak?

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