
I have no energy and I barely get out of bed to go to work, let alone lift. I eat small and I lost the little gains I had, I am just a flabby toothpick now. I don't want to go on antidepressants but I really see no other way of dealing with this shit. I've done a lot of shrooms but it helps for about only 4 hours a day every other day. Anyone else had to deal with this? All of my friends are commenting on my weight loss and it feels so shitty, I wear baggy clothes to hide my frame now

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  1. 7 months ago

    vape nicote

  2. 7 months ago

    Anti depression sleep hypnosis, depression is something that comes and goes
    See trans human

    • 7 months ago

      I don't want to be trans

      • 7 months ago

        I gave in and am probably going to planned parenthood within the month. God I'm so fricked.

        • 7 months ago

          you're gonna become trans?

        • 7 months ago

          What fitness does a troony do?

    • 7 months ago

      I've done like half of this shit, what is wrong with me

  3. 7 months ago

    Have you tried having sec? Always cheers me up

    • 7 months ago

      I don't even enjoy sex anymore, it feels good but it's just empty. Like my dick feels great but inside I just don't care at all.

    • 7 months ago

      Have you tried having sex when in depression? The post nut clarity is horrible. During it's ok but coming back to the depressed baseline hits so hard it makes you think twice about having sex again. Makes the girl think you didn't like it. Awful awful awful.

      I don't even enjoy sex anymore, it feels good but it's just empty. Like my dick feels great but inside I just don't care at all.

      Seek help/therapy, avoid meds if possible but take them if the alternative is suicide.

  4. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      He's a toothpick apunon, cardio wont help. What he needs to do is watch some Big Lenny Motivation videos
      (Verification not required.)

  5. 7 months ago

    Skill issue, better luck next time

  6. 7 months ago

    Sucks man, Abraham Lincoln had it during the Civil War. Shows how it doesn't give a shit that there's other stuff you'd rather focus on

  7. 7 months ago

    Get tested for low testosterone

    • 7 months ago

      I almost certainly have low T but I want to raise it naturally

      • 7 months ago

        Lift weights, take magnesium, zinc, vitaminD, sleep 8 hours a day, nofap.

        Boom done

  8. 7 months ago

    I am so depressed these days I can barely hold on down a job. At 22 I have 0 friends, never had a gf, khhvirgin, 4 inch penis, ugly and more.

    • 7 months ago

      Same but I'm 41.

  9. 7 months ago

    Have you considered you don’t have enough frogs/toads in your life?

    Look up how to care for these frickers. Buy a 10 gallon tank from petco (they go on sale for $1/gallon sometimes), set it up with whatever you read their set up should be, catch a smaller one, start caring for it, watch him gain and grow, give it a name, learn to care for something other than yourself. Find joy in watching the toad eat crickets and worms knowing you’re responsible for it obtaining it’s new monstrous size.
    Name it jannie eater.

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Have you considered you don’t have enough frogs/toads in your life?

        Look up how to care for these frickers. Buy a 10 gallon tank from petco (they go on sale for $1/gallon sometimes), set it up with whatever you read their set up should be, catch a smaller one, start caring for it, watch him gain and grow, give it a name, learn to care for something other than yourself. Find joy in watching the toad eat crickets and worms knowing you’re responsible for it obtaining it’s new monstrous size.
        Name it jannie eater.

        The digits have spoken. OP get a pet toad. There’s a lesson in it.

        • 7 months ago

          I have a pet frog

  10. 7 months ago

    Look OP I got divine digits, this helped me at a point in time. I’ll give you the full depth of what I’ve done. I was where you are most of my 20s until this year, struggling to leave bed, all my responsibilities piling up on me until I finally get one taken care of after weeks of neglect (usually laundry because no clean clothes).
    >Vivarium for simple to care for herp (gecko, frog, toad, salamander your choice), learn to care for it so that you’re responsible for another living thing thriving, also get a little slice of nature in your room to look at
    >go outside, get sunlight, go on walks.
    30 mins sunlight a day even if you just sit there and scroll. It would be better that you don’t bury face into screen and scroll, and rather you walk and observe.
    Use an online calculator to find your water intake reqs or just buy those $0.90 gallons and finish one a day.
    Quit weed, you’ll feel like shit at first but after like 2-4 weeks you’ll start feeling better. No alcohol. No other drugs.
    Make daily to do lists. Look around your room/house and with pencil and paper make a list with a box next to each item and as you accomplish them check it off. It’s fine if it starts at 1-2 a day and not the whole list, that’s better than 1-2 every month. Add something you’ll do anyways to the list like taking your morning shit, purely because it’s a freebie to check off and get the ball rolling. Just try it don’t think about it too much, it works. Makes it easier to accomplish the harder shit.
    I’m gonna assume you underplayed the OP and haven’t been lifting much at all. Start with something you can do at home for the next few months. Curls, lu raises, pushups. The key here is it’s better to be consistent with something piss easy for you than to be inconsistent with a harder workout. And the main goal of that is mental/fighting the depression.

    Part 1/2

    • 7 months ago

      Part 2/2
      Get your sleep in order, it matters and makes an impact. Spent my 20s sleeping either not at all or for over 10 hours feeling like I slept for 0 hours. After attacking the frick out of this I’ve finally gotten it where I sleep 7-8 hours and wake up anywhere from 4am-5:30am and I finally feel like I’m sleeping and rested. New mattress if yours is old, new pillows, sheets everything. Cold room. Consider melatonin at first (lower dose is better I take 1.25mg; higher dosages can have the opposite effects and frick with your sleep).
      I know what it’s like to struggle to eat I had that issue too. Small steps man. Start with small shit you can force yourself to eat like 1-2 eggs with yolk. Add some fruit the next week, add more food for lunch after that. Try to make home fries with potatoes, the next week add eggs or chicken. Even if you dont finish it it’s better that you eat at least half Vs not eating at all. And just keep progressive overloading the diet until you’re eating breakfast lunch and dinner, then force yourself to eat more and more until you’re eating enough. It becomes easier as you do the other things I mentioned like walking getting sun sleeping properly hydrating and lifting consistently.

      Try this for a few months, if you’ve been consistent and reached the point you can check off 3-5 things on the to do list then get the toad to help an automatic 30% of the depression go away. Other anon is right, there IS a lesson in it. Leaning that you CAN care for something, and that maybe if you applied that to yourself you could become happy.

  11. 7 months ago

    Look into taking testosterone. I stopped taking antidepressants and have more energy and motivation than ever at 35.

  12. 7 months ago

    Relatable. I just got rejected by a 1/10 femcel from /r/ForeverAloneWomen who rated me as an 8/10 and said that I was "very very attractive" and claimed to get all blushy and butterflied after I showered her with attention. I saw her post where she was claiming to get literally 0 attention from men, besides "creeps" who only wanted to use her for sex, and was suicidally depressed because of it because she was insanely desperate for a boyfriend - which I see all the time on femcel subreddits. And so I decided to put her claims to the test by sending her a DM and telling her that I was interested in being in a long-term relationship with her and that I was willing to look past all of her supposed flaws because what I really care about is whether or not a woman is a good person and is willing to eventually settle down and start a family - all of which is 100% true. I also told her that I'm not just trying to get into her pants and use her for sex, and that I'm willing to go at her pace in that regard so that she always felt comfortable - which is also true. But she INSTANTLY rejected me and friend-zoned me. And so even self-proclaimed bottom of the barrel women who are insanely desperate for male attention and a loving and kind boyfriend aren't willing to give an 8/10 like me a chance. And I see men complaining about this all the time all over the internet - before they get banned for being cringe misogynistic incels, because God forbid men dare to complain about receiving zero human affection. The incel memes are actually true. Women, all women, are really only interested in the top 0.01% of men. They'd rather die alone and get eaten by their cats than settle for 8/10s like me. And confirming that in my own life has made suicidally depressed over the last couple of days because I know I'll never find a partner and will always be completely alone and miserable. I can't even get out of bed I'm in so much pain.

    • 7 months ago

      This shit is too real YOURE AN 8/10 AND SHES A 1/10 YOURE THE BEST SHE CAN DO but still she holds onto the same fricking standards that have created a generation of sexless mfers. b***hes need to lower their standards they value themselves too highly.

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