Did getting fit help with depression, for those of you who struggled with it?

Did getting fit help with depression, for those of you who struggled with it?

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  1. 7 months ago

    It greatly helped me with my sleep which in turn helped me be less drained and more able to fix my problems. If that counts

  2. 7 months ago

    I'm outwardly a very lonely and awkward man, was suicidal for a long while, but working out a lot, going outside often and eating well made me chemically unable to feel depressed. So ye, it does help out, never lose hope, fren.

  3. 7 months ago

    it helped for a few weeks now my joints always ache

  4. 7 months ago

    Didnt help me

  5. 7 months ago

    I’ve been lifting 3-4x per week for 8 years and the degree to which i hate my life and want to end it has fluctuated so much that I can safely say no, lifting/getting big/getting strong has done nothing for me. I’m currently at my lifetime biggest, strongest, and leanest and I’m not happy

  6. 7 months ago

    It did.. but then I found out my final height was 5'5.5" and wanted to commit suicide ever since. God nerfed me. I would have been THE ultimate body builder at 5'10". Been suicidal since 16 and I'm currently almost 29. Not even LL surgeries will fix the PTSD I have now. It will never be the same

    • 7 months ago

      Bro get the LL quickly as long as you can still get decently young b***hes

  7. 7 months ago

    Yes, gave my some semblance of routine and stability which made me able to bounce back far quicker than I would have otherwise

  8. 7 months ago

    I hope so, I have few options left

    I'm hopelessly in debt (as in I can not possibly recover without someone bailing me out)
    kidney and liver damage
    probably alcoholic
    can't afford dental care
    dropped out of master's degree program
    sleep 12 hours a day or more
    no circadian rhythm
    no family
    no friends
    no job
    I get neet money for food and beer

    • 7 months ago

      >I get neet money for food and beer
      Which country?

  9. 7 months ago

    What's that?

  10. 7 months ago

    <12% bodyfat for me led to IMMENSE irl confidence. And quitting alcohol for good too.

  11. 7 months ago

    It just turned my sadness into something more akin to anger, deep-seated anger, not the seething type. If you're sad cause you're unfit, getting fit will make you happy, but if you're sad due to more general issues that aren't limited to you as one independent person, it won't do a thing for your happiness, but it will make you more proactive and confident, so getting fit was definitely worth it for me.

  12. 7 months ago

    Getting IST didn't cure my depression, but it did make life 10 times more fun.

  13. 7 months ago

    I convinced myself that being stronger will solve my problems. 15 years later I am at 3/5/7/7. Not exactly lean but I can still do 15 pull ups. My life now revolves around force feeding and sleeping. I'm constantly exhausted or in pain from twice a day training. If I change up my steroid routine I run the risk of being an emotional wreck for a week. I ended up settling down with a woman and she doesn't even give a shit about my body type anyway.

    • 7 months ago


  14. 7 months ago

    It helped tremendously but the next step is being a part of your community which brings it back in waves. You can get fit and help hundreds of people a year. Nothing will stop the world from taking something or someone from you. All you can do is keep going to spite it. Don't lose hope, the losses are bigger but the victories are more numerous.

  15. 7 months ago

    Sort of
    I don't know if the actual exercise or better health has helped me directly, it feels like it hasn't?
    But it's removed a couple of "triggers" that used to send me into depression spirals. I know I look good and because I look good I can dress well because clothes look good on me and people treat me nice.
    I used to suddenly get sad and then my mood would plummet because I felt people were avoiding me or I noticed I looked bad or I felt weak. Those negative events that could push me into an emotional pit just don't happen anymore.
    Also as another poster said I sleep way better now so sleep deprivation is another potential mood trigger that doesn't happen anymore.
    Also it's still a ton of effort but I've had sex enough times now to know I can get it if I want, women I'm attracted to find me attractive. The sex doesn't make me happy but the fear that I'm not worthy of it isn't there anymore so the lack of it doesn't make me sad, if that makes sense?

    I think how id sum it up is that being fit hasn't directly helped but it's made everything else in my life more "robust" and removed a lot of emotional fragility that I used to have.
    Im scared about getting old now and becoming frail and all that coming back.

    I think if you have a serious problem like a chemical issue or major trauma then fitness isn't gonna fix you but it'll help take the pressure off elsewhere.
    But if you're just someone who's unhappy about how they are in the world then it helps quite a lot

  16. 7 months ago

    Not the act itself of moving weights,lifting weights Up and down but all the knowledge related to chemical interactions(not a roidtroony) which can be altered via food,sleep,exercise(mental and physical)etc.

  17. 7 months ago

    Nope, if anything it made me more hopeless and bitter.

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Did I stutter? My depression got worse. The outward change alienated me from people. I didn’t preach or talk unbidden about anything with my training. They would ask me my secret and I would tell them the same things. Restricted eating, walking/jogging/stepmcounting, basic calisthenics (in my particular case the very first iteration of tae bo someone ripped to youtube). Then I added weight training. Then suddenly the phone calls stopped coming. I’d invite sometimes weeks in advance and the friend group would find reasons to ignore me or cancel last second. Eventually I stopped reaching out, they never texted or called first anymore. This isolation eventually got to me. No new friends came in. I don’t know what I did other than get healthier and that was enough to look like I was trying to leave my social station and ended up in a grave.

  18. 7 months ago

    If you're still young, ie under 30, get lean as frick and tone up a little. Yeah in that case, fricking will help with depression.

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