Did Rippetoe ever roid?

Is there any proof of this?
If so, that makes a lot of his advice (especially wrt to low volume, and compounds being unnecessary) especially irrelevant.

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  1. 12 months ago

    >Is there any proof of this?
    you don't roid for that, and even if he gets TRT as he ages it wouldn't invalidate his previous advice and accomplishments

    • 12 months ago

      Writing interracial cuck fanfics don't count as professional accomplishments outside of the US, bro.

    • 12 months ago

      He doesn't have any notable accomplishments. His powerlifting record in unremarkable, as he admits himself, and he's never coached an athlete to any degree of success. He beefs up high school kids for football and gets senior citizens squatting 3pl8

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah his only real "success story" is that guy Chase who ignores half his advice anyways and he's only notable on the OHP which isn't even a contested lift in any spoft

        • 12 months ago

          >who ignores half his advice anyways
          what advice does he ignore? he's quite clearly an advanced lifter and programs his lifts as such, which is in line with rippetoe's recommendations

          • 12 months ago

            He ohps way more often than Rippetoe tells him to

  2. 12 months ago

    There's an old picture of a completely different guy at a powerlifting meet people think is Rip thanks to an old internet article where they fricked up ans posted the wrong picture and now people think it's proof of him roiding somehow.

  3. 12 months ago

    Yes he did, and he has admitted to it on the SS forums.

    • 12 months ago

      > 1. I took steroids.
      Frick this obese boomer for ruining the physiques of countless millennial and zoomer natties.
      Instead of
      people should dismiss him and his opinions as a

  4. 12 months ago

    >not being on roids means you can recover from more volume
    The 2+2=5 of fitness.

    • 12 months ago

      Roidtrannies can handle more volume, but they also grow more from less volume than natties.
      Doing a few 3*5s three days a week and eating in a massive caloric surplus is going to give you a shit physique as a natty.
      The hypertrophy stimulus is poor, and your nutrient partitioning as a natty is suboptimal.
      Roidtrannies can do anything pretty much and build muscle.

      • 12 months ago

        >but they also grow more from less volume than natties.
        That's because the gains from steroids are independent from the gains due to working out.
        i.e. the gains you make on a 12 week steroid cycle equal the gains you would have made sitting on a couch taking steroids for 12 week plus the gains you would have made training naturally for 12 weeks.
        So, if you took 500mg of test for 12 weeks and didn't work out, you would gain lets say 10 lbs. But if you worked out naturally for 12 weeks you would gain 5 lbs. Then if you took steroids and worked out for 12 weeks you will gain 15 lbs total.

        When someone goes above their genetic limit with steroids, all the training is doing is maintaining the current level of muscle mass, and the steroids are building all the excess muscle above the genetic limit.
        What I'm saying is that the steroids build the muscle FIRST independently of training, which allows you to lift heavier weights (progressive overload) to maintain that new muscle mass.
        The steroids do all the work in building the muscle and the training is just a stimulus to keep the new muscle that was built solely by the steroids which stimulate protein synthesis all on their own without needing a stimulus on the muscle.
        That's why you see many huge bodybuilders who train like pussies, going nowhere near failure. The steroids did all the work in generating new protein synthesis and muscle tissue, and the training is simply a stimulus to the muscle to tell it not to atrophy at the new higher baseline created solely by the steroids independent influence on protein synthesis.

        This is the reason that the average untrained man is more muscular than the average untrained women. The man has 20 times more testosterone which causes his muscles to be bigger and stronger at baseline without working out. The testosterone is directly causing the increased muscle without having to workout.

        "Stimulate, don't annihilate" is a saying by top pro bodybuilders who figured it out.

  5. 12 months ago

    you got to be out of your fricking mind if you think he was natty here

    • 12 months ago

      >Is there any proof of this?
      Yes he admitted it more than once

      Not him

    • 12 months ago

      >Is there any proof of this?
      Yes he admitted it more than once

      Not him

      Is there any photo of young Mark Rippetoe?

      • 12 months ago

        Yes but I'm rangebanned from posting pics so I can't post it. Pretty sure if you google young mark Rippetoe it shows up

    • 12 months ago

      Mark was 100% natty there. That's easily accomplished natty after 10 years of training. Are you seriously so pathetic? Mark has always maintained he was natty, everyone around him has too. This is simply what a true strenght athlete with years of wisdom can achieve.

  6. 12 months ago

    Winstrol Replacement Therapy?

  7. 12 months ago

    yes he's been very open about his roid use.

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