Do I really need more than this to get a gf??

Do I really need more than this to get a gf?
IST told me I would get one after getting a somewhat good physique
How many more years do I have to keep lifting to get a gf?

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  1. 4 months ago

    I got my attractive girlfriend when I was close to the unfittest and ugliest I've ever been, it's almost all confidence and not spilling your spaghetti, ask them quality questions, take interest in them, be confident in yourself, be able to laugh and not take things too seriously. As one ISTizen put it
    >women like you first, then they like your body

    • 4 months ago

      >it's almost all confidence and not spilling your spaghetti, ask them quality questions, take interest in them, be confident in yourself, be able to laugh and not take things too seriously.
      I'm unable to start conversations with them if they don't even show a bit of interest

      • 4 months ago

        Then it’s over dude sorry

      • 4 months ago

        >I'm unable to start conversations with them if they don't even show a bit of interest
        That's natural, here's a rough formula
        >make eye contact
        >if she smiles back, this might mean she thinks you're cute
        >go ask her her name, dont just volunteer yours, if she asks for yours, this is another sign of interest
        >start asking questions about her, use your environment as an ice breaker, this is why you should go out and do hobbies, if you're at the rock climbing gym ask her how long she's been rock climbing for
        >keep your answers to her questions short, then go back to asking her questions, she should be doing most talking
        >after 5 or 10 minutes of this tell her you got to run but you enjoyed talking, ask for her number and text her hi this is anon
        >wait like 5 days then ask her out on a date

        Sometimes they'll even text you first, asking you out because of the suspense.

        • 4 months ago

          Also, during that 5-10 minute conversation, make jokes, try to make her laugh, if she laughs at your moronic (not edgy) jokes, then thats a sign of high interest

        • 4 months ago

          Tips to get past autistic resting death stare? I swear sometimes when I try to smile without planning for it it feels like my lips are super glued together

          • 4 months ago

            just think smirk, like what smug pepe does, also think of something funny that makes you smile, pepe makes me smile. Picrel should do the trick

            • 4 months ago

              So just all the time? Sounds hard. I literally have to practice facial expressions in the mirror because Im so externally nonemotive

          • 4 months ago


            just think smirk, like what smug pepe does, also think of something funny that makes you smile, pepe makes me smile. Picrel should do the trick

            Also, try smiling with your eyes, thats what a natural unforced smile looks like. No need to show teeth.

            • 4 months ago

              Actually I can do this. I started practicing it to break the habit of the ‘pursed lips white person face’ from the meme. I will do this to a bunch of randos today to get warmed up. They wont know what hit them

        • 4 months ago

          should i shake her hand or something when saying my name?

          • 4 months ago

            No need, but if you do, don't grip her hand and crush it like a moron. Just keep your hands by your side, out of the pockets, when talking.

        • 4 months ago

          can I do this at my job? i work at a girl's store and I don't really care about getting fired

          • 4 months ago

            Yes, you can do it anywhere. Be discreet about getting numbers in front of other potential romantic interests though, women want to feel special, and not like another notch on your bed.

            • 4 months ago

              all the girls that work there are really ugly and im not interested in them but its a store where it sells girl shit like lipsticks, etc so its hundreds of babes everyday

              • 4 months ago

                Oh that's easy pickings then, just try to guage their interest using the those signals like
                does she ask your name back when you ask for hers?
                does she smile when you smile at her?
                does she laugh at your stupid jokes?
                does she give you detailed answers to your questions?
                These will give you good indications as to how attracted she is to you

    • 4 months ago

      >I'm unable to start conversations with them if they don't even show a bit of interest
      That's natural, here's a rough formula
      >make eye contact
      >if she smiles back, this might mean she thinks you're cute
      >go ask her her name, dont just volunteer yours, if she asks for yours, this is another sign of interest
      >start asking questions about her, use your environment as an ice breaker, this is why you should go out and do hobbies, if you're at the rock climbing gym ask her how long she's been rock climbing for
      >keep your answers to her questions short, then go back to asking her questions, she should be doing most talking
      >after 5 or 10 minutes of this tell her you got to run but you enjoyed talking, ask for her number and text her hi this is anon
      >wait like 5 days then ask her out on a date

      Sometimes they'll even text you first, asking you out because of the suspense.

      Ty for the advice anon-kun, what would be the key difference between having a interview conversation versus a genuine and enjoyable one ?

    • 4 months ago

      This. Met my fiance before I even started lifting. Women don't care about muscles or height, besides some crazy ones that use tinder and so on I suppose. What they care about is that you're interesting and fun to be around.

  2. 4 months ago

    Yes but you aren’t going to find it in a gym or on here

  3. 4 months ago

    if you can't have a conversation, listen (pretend) to what they have to say, make a couple jokes, touch them in places and ways that are casual yet show you're engaging them sexually, then just give up because you already sound like a gay.

  4. 4 months ago

    Clean your mirror please

  5. 4 months ago

    Did you file a requisition form with the department of girlfriend acquisitions?

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